Character Submissions - Lothlorien / Mirkwood / Lindon

The fair valley of Rivendell, upon whose house the stars of heaven most brightly shone.
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Elven Enchanter
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Welcome to Character Submissions!
Here you may read or add to the Lothlorien,Mirkwood, and Lindon areas catalog of RP characters. Whether you make your home in the forests areas or the far west or are visiting on your travels, we welcome you.

You are free to post as many character profiles as you would like, using the offered template below or
you may build your very own. You may be as creative and as detailed as you wish; and return to edit or update your submissions at any time.


You may include images with your submissions.

Please Note: This thread should include character submissions only, no comment or roleplaying.
Last edited by Dimcairien Luiniel on Sun May 17, 2020 4:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

Warrior of Imladris
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Image Sérëlindë Liriasîdh

Born in SA 3261, the seventh child of Silvan elves

Home: Woodland Realm
Roles: historian, librarian, scribe
Interests: History, art, calligraphy, music, the natural world
Weapons: Knife, carried on belt in sheath; a Galadhrim bow when travelling
Pets: Alagos, a hot-blooded mountain-region horse, chocolate-caramel dapple with caramel mane and tail

Born in the spring of the year Ar-Pharazôn captured Sauron, Liriasîdh was the first daughter of Saedarein Sadoriell and Calanglass Tîrthandion. A happy child, with loving parents and six doting older brothers, Liria grew up in Oropher's Woodland Realm, sheltered from all that might steal the joy from her life - the schooling that the other elf maidens underwent was excused for her. She enjoyed the freedom of the woodland, with her mother teaching her forestcraft until she could move through the woods silent as a shadow, and her brothers allowing her to learn use their weapons and supporting her on those fledgling hunts. She learned to fish with spear and hands, quick as a cat, and her hoydenish behaviour was graciously overlooked as such items were traded amongst their acquaintances.

The momentous events of the Half-Elven and their mortal kin never reached her ears, and so when the Undying Lands were removed and Arda was changed forever in her fifty-eighth summer, there came a change over the young elleth. Where once her love of the outdoors meant stealing away with her brothers to while away her days, she now spent hours with her Ada, learning the scripts of the Elven languages he had once despaired of her ever being interested in. A formal request to the Master Librarian garnered a terse acceptance, and Liria began her internship learning how to handle the aged texts for the Master Scribes. In a century of careful observance, she began to learn the rudiments of calligraphy under the tutelage of Heniawen, the Elvenking's patient amanuensis, mastering the strokes with brush and quill until she was finally judged an expert in her own right, and allowed to reproduce the older manuscripts herself.

Liria's love of the forest did not dissipate, however, and after hours in silent study of the history of their People, it was almost necessary to, as her brothers would say, cut loose her ribbons. It was an odd saying, since she invariably tied her hair up to go out, but in her brothers' clothes, breathing the evening air and freed from her self-imposed academia, she did indeed feel that she had cut her ribbons. It was a ritual that only differed in which of her brothers was available, and if none were on watch or out with the patrol, then a family meal was the only hindrance to her escape - and that was not begrudged, for it was Naneth's greatest joy to cook, and their home was full of love.

Her eldest brother, Gîlmeren, found love in these solemn days with a gentle maid of Lórien named Cálëindonya, though he just called her Indo-nin. Their union was simple and beautiful, and though Naneth pretended to weep, Liria could see she was glad with her whole heart as the two said the words that bound them together. It was an occasion of joy - and indeed, none could be sad even as the two decided to spend some years in Lothlórien for the beginning of their life together.

Naneth certainly enjoyed chiding her younger sons for their lack of inclination to settle down, and it was with wicked amusement that Liria watched them edge their way out of the door, away from her lighthearted scolds. Of course, she also departed, lest Naneth's eye should light upon her and a worthy suitor should be found.

And so life went on. Cálëindonya would write and tell of Gîlmeren's exploits in rowing, or archery contests, proudly remarking that the love of her life was skilled beyond all else that wielded the bow. Since their littlest brother, Mistalas, was the acknowledged master in their family, it delighted them all that Gîl had made such a happy match with someone who obviously loved him.

It was the call to war that disrupted their lives. The call for warriors came, and came again. Their Elven Lord moved his army to Lórien. Left behind to guard the realm, the watch was desperate for able elves. Naneth once again took up scouting as a patrol leader, and Liria joined her, with many Elf-maids joining the Watch; it was a long and confusing time, with little intelligence coming through, and what did arrive was all ruination. The worrying spectre of history repeating itself made the abstract tales of heroism in the library more like doom-laden portents. And so it was.

Six sons had they until the Last Alliance, and that great war wrote a tale of woe on the heart of their dear Naneth. The song of her loss would draw no hearers in the great halls of the noble lords, as one-by-one her sons were lost, and she could not be comforted. Even Calanglass, returned from his post physically unscathed after Dagorlad, could not draw her from her weeping, and almost daily she faded, lost in her grief. Liria, unable to comfort her mother and suffering her own loss silently, retreated into the solace of the great Library with the reassuringly muffled sounds of aging parchment and the scratching of quills on those days she did not have to be on patrol. Once Sauron was finally defeated, and the war was over, the Woodland Realm would never be the same. Thranduil was now Elvenking, but wary and mistrustful, sickened by war and loss of life, and though many ellyn had returned, ellith now made up the shortfall in protecting the realm.

It was fully five months later that a herald came from Lórien, with good news from Imladris of wounded Silvan elves restored to health, and on that list, Calanglassion. Shortly after, scarcely daring to hope, the small family made the long journey across the mountains to the Last Homely House with a company of apprehensive Elves, all living their own private nightmares.

In the home of Lord Elrond, her mother and father began to find peace of a kind, for though Liria's eldest brother, Gîlmeren and the three youngest: Neledhuir, Barahaer, and Mistalas, had died on the field of battle, Lachlain and Galasael had merely been wounded gravely, and the healing arts of the Noldor had saved their lives.

Liria found herself wandering that evening, through the halls of Elrond's home to where a great frieze was sketched out in magnificent style ready to be painted, detailing the defeat of Sauron, the great enemy. It was some moments before she realised that she was observed; carefully, she uncurled her fingers from the tight fists she had made, consciously relaxing her shoulders. As if she was unaware of her observer, she had continued on, back to the Hall of Fire, where the darkness hid her tears as the laments for the fallen played unceasingly, beautifully, throughout the night.

Grief was unbounded, in those early days of the Third Age, and those who had no other place to go had a home created for them in Imladris. Many stayed but briefly, choosing to depart West, but others settled, finding a home and family in Elrond's wide protectorate. When the rest of her family returned to the Greenwood, Liria begged leave to go to Lórien and see Cálëindonya.

As Elves from the Golden Wood were returning there in a great company, her parents acquiesed, and though she knew no Elves in the caravan, there was camaraderie in the delicate songs chosen to lighten the journey, so she did not feel lonely. It was good to have some time to herself, and if she wrote pages of flowing script in a neat hand, no one was bold enough to ask about them. The journey passed by in a heartbeat, and soon enough the mellyrn of Lothlórien arrested her attention so much that she could not have retraced her steps through the wood. It was a member of Cálëindonya's family that eventually found her communing with golden leaves, and delivered her to the welcome talan.

Cálëindonya, beautiful in grief, arrived shortly with two children in tow. A brown-haired girl who stared up silently at Liria, and a younger child, maybe five at the most. The ellith embraced as sisters, and then introductions began. Galugîliel had been conceived before the war began, but with Oropher's army in Lórien, Gîl had been able to stay with his family for a great deal of time, and, as it turned out, conceive another child. Merenhîl, known generally as Meren, had been born after the great Alliance had departed, and had never been seen by his father. Once she had received the awful news of her husband's death, she had been afraid to contact her husband's family, fearing rejection.

Liria, greatly incensed, hugged her more fiercely and extracted a promise to come live in the Woodland Realm, just as they had planned to, when she and her brother had first been married. Barely a year later, Cálëindonya had prepared her family for her travel north. Liria had prepared also.

Saedarein Sadoriell, mother of four dead sons, had nigh faded in her grief. In receiving two of her sons, alive and well at the hands of Lord Elrond, this had been partly eased, but she had been, she knew, over-protective. It had been a wrench for her to let Liria go, but she had done so, for the sake of her daughter-in-law, yet when she received the lengthy missive about her firstborn's children, it drove all thoughts of leaving these shores from her mind. Once she knew they were coming to stay, her broken heart started beating anew. Before long the whole realm was echoing the good news of Gîl's family coming to Mirkwood, and before they arrived, a home was built for them, decorated simply in the Silvan style.

The Elvenking, whispered to be unimpressed with strangers in his realm, was nothing less than polite and welcoming to the grieving widow, so doubts melted away. Cálëindonya and her children moved in, bringing much-needed laughter to a people ravaged by grief. In the next few years, many children were born to the Sindarin and Silvan Elves of Mirkwood, and as time went on the weight of their loss grew a little lighter, though they withdrew from the outside world and all outside ties; it seemed almost as if the outside world forgot them too.

It was in this era of isolation and distrust that Liria announced that she wanted to go to Imladris to study.
Last edited by Lirimaer on Mon Aug 03, 2020 3:47 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Elven Enchanter
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Name: Dimcairien Luiniel
Race: Galadhrim Elf
Gender: Female
Age: 3379
Location: Lothlorien, Caras Galadan
Appearance: Dimciairien is about 5'5'' and has long light brown hair, that has a slight wave to it. She usually wears loose dresses of deep colors, such as dark blue or dark green.
Personality: Somewhat reserved, but always happy to find an old friend
Interests: Exploration, reading, good food and wine
Weapons: Is an expert archer and has some familiarity with dagger throwing, but has no interest in using a sword.
Pets: None at the moment
History: Dimcairien was born in Lothlorien in the year 3400 of the Second Age. She is an only child and had a very happy childhood in Caras Galadan, despite the fact that it was overshadowed by the War of the Last Alliance. In 3430, her father, Ehtyarien, joined the Last Alliance of Elves and Men and was killed during the Battle of Dagorlad in 3434. The years between that battle and the end of the war were a difficult time for Dimcairien, her mother Caladhiel, and the woodland elves in general.

Soon after the end of the war Caladhiel, unable to bear living forever without her husband, decided to sail into the West. Calathiel asked Dimcairien if she would like to go, but still being quite young and carefree, (only 43) she declined. After her mother left, Dimcairien went to live with her her father's sister, Dimcairial, who too eventually sailed into the West in the year 2153. Since then Dimciairn has continued to live in her aunts talan, located high in the trees of Caras Galadan.

Dimcairien always had an itch for exploration and as she grew, would frequently leave the borders of Lothlorien and seek adventure. At first her travels mainly consisted of exploring Mirkwood, but before long she became more adventures and sailed a short distance down the Rivers Anduin and Limlight. However, she soon became bored with simply elven lands and set of to explore Arnor and learn about the world of men. She has yet to travel to the Shire, but recently has made her way all the way to Bree.

This knack for adventuring caught the eye of Lady Galadrial and Dimcairien was soon employed as a scout for the Lord and Lady of Lothlorien and keep them updated on the comings and goings of parts of the world. Despite her love for adventure, she always enjoys coming home to Lothlorien. Aside from her home, her favourite haunts in Lothlorien are the library and the Hollow.
Last edited by Dimcairien Luiniel on Wed May 20, 2020 4:14 am, edited 3 times in total.

New Soul
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(This may or may not have been copy-pasted from Wayback Machine.)

Name: Mazana (epessë: Serkemírië)
Gender: Female
Close Relatives: Eámanë, her sister, is the only one still in Middle-Earth. Her father passed away in the Second Age, and her mother sailed back to Valinor thousands of years ago.
Kindred: half-Noldorin, half-Telerin
Age: ~7080 during the War of the Ring

General Appearance
Height: 6'1"
Physical Features: Long flaming red hair is what people usually note at first. Her eyes are blue. A scar runs down her back (from her right shoulder to the opposite hip) as a souvenir from a fight with a wolf. Sometimes it aches.
Brief Description of General Appearance: Mazana's height and coloring comes mostly from her Noldorin blood. Most of the time, her hair is kept loose. Alternatively, she ties it up in a high ponytail to keep it out of the way. She prefers to wear shades ranging from black, greys, and white.

Personal History
Mazana was born in the Helcaraxë at the beginning of the First Age, and spent her early childhood in Nan-tathren and Dorthonion. After Gondolin was established, she moved there and served under the House of the Golden Flower. For a time, there was a Lord she loved, but it ended tragically. In the Second Age, she lived in Lindon, then moved to Lórien, which became her permanent home, though she still traveled extensively both with her sister and alone. During the Third Age, she spent most of her time in Lórien, but also traveled to Imladris to learn sword-fighting. After some events, she left the last Lonely House and traveled alone, making some sort of drama with her sister in the process.

Weapons: Her preferred weapons are stiletto daggers and a glaive, though she had been taught sword-fighting and can use a bow.
Skills: She had trained as a healer under Beliowen.
Pets: There was a wolf named Nuruhuinë in her care in the past, though I have no idea what happened to that.

Scout of Lothlorien
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Modified from Bain's original profile found in the Wayback Machine.

Name: Baingíl Randír
Gender: Female
Age: 1961 years (Born in TA 1046)
Race: Sindarin Elf
Location: Mirkwood

Appearance: 5'11"; straight, hip-length black hair; grey eyes; pale face with sharp features; slender, graceful figure (as elves usually are), muscular but more wiry than bulky. Not particularly stunning for an elf, though not plain either. Favors wearing a long green dress with a belt and cloak with sturdy leather boots, and otherwise may be found in the uniform of Thranduil's personal guard.

Personality: Is usually quiet/reserved, but can be rather talkative when the fancy takes her. By turns moody and lighthearted; can be rather shy and nervous when meeting new people or in a new situation. Has a dry sense of humor, and hides a mischievous side. Usually modest about herself and her accomplishments; downplays some of her talents and abilities, but tries to be honest when people ask her about them. Tries to maintain tight control of her feelings; doesn't let them interfere with her actions, if possible. Rarely offers her complete loyalty, but when she does, she'd willingly face down Sauron himself for them. It can be difficult to stir her temper, but has a few triggers that will send her into a rage that's incredibly difficult to calm. Isn't afraid to fight a bit dirty, with taunts and surprise attacks. Has gained a lot of maturity since she came to Mirkwood, because of her responsibilities in the Guard.

Interests: Hunting, archery, collecting and using wild herbs and edibles, tracking. Also enjoys weaving tapestries, singing, and poetry, though she hasn't had much opportunity to hone her skills at these.

Weapons: Usually carries her bow, a quiver of arrows, and her dagger on her belt when not working in an official capacity. In the Mirkwood Guard, however, it's standard to wear swords, at which point the dagger may be hidden, often in her boot.

Pets: None, though she's on friendly terms with the local squirrel population.

History: As a child, Baingíl lived in the area around Dol Guldur with her parents (Arvor and Nenglir) and one older brother (Gilfaron). As the mysterious shadowy evil grew in the forest, her brother - who had a rather wild temper - correctly blamed the Necromancer for their troubles. He tried to drive the Necromancer out with help from other young elves in the area, but Sauron, even at this stage, was quite able to deal with the small band of elves. Most died, including Baingíl's brother. After this, the forest held too many bad memories and too much evil for Baingíl's parents, so they took their young daughter and fled the forest. They refused to settle in any one place, and gave themselves the surname of Randír, or Wanderer, which they had used before but left behind when they settled in Mirkwood. When she grew up, Baingíl continued to travel with them. She saw a great deal of Middle Earth during her travels with her parents - everywhere from Lothlorien, to Imladris, to Minas Tirith (from a distance). Baingíl's parents' spirits improved, but never fully recovered. In TA 2900, Baingíl and her parents met a group of elves bound for the Undying Lands, with whom they had a long conversation. Baingíl's parents knew that the pain of losing their son - unhealed still, after all the centuries - would be healed in the Undying Lands, and they had no wish to experience the coming dark times. Baingíl, on the other hand, hated the thought of leaving Middle Earth to its fate. She had been a very small child at the time of her brother's death, and had borne less pain than her parents; and what pain there was turned into a deep and bitter hatred for the darkness that had killed her brother and darkened her childhood home. She decided that she would rather remain in Middle Earth and fight the darkness. The family went in opposite directions - the parents to Lindon, and Baingíl to Mirkwood. She promptly offered her services to the Elvenking Thranduil, and was offered a position on his guard. She accepted, hoping this would give her an opportunity to fight the evil that haunted Mirkwood. She went on to train for the guard, becoming more proficient in weapons beyond her usual bow and dagger. After the Chief Guard (mentioned in The Hobbit) lost the 13 dwarves and was demoted, Baingíl was promoted in his place; possibly due to the fact that, unlike the usual Mirkwood elf, she had never picked up a major drinking habit. Since then she has served as the Chief Guard of Thranduil.

Knight of The Mark
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Name: Aerwyn
Nickname(s): Aer
Year of Birth: TA 1314
Age: 1700
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Lindon
Current Home: Lindon

Appearance: Aerwyn is about 5’10”, has dark grey eyes like her grandfather and the long blond hair of the Vanyar. She usually has her hair braided, especially during guard duty. She is slim with slightly tanned skin and muscular complection from her years serving with the Halcyon guard and frequent training sessions with Rûion (and then Celwyn and Elaron after his passing). When she's not in her lindon guard attire, she usually wears blue or purple dresses.

Personality: SShe's optimistic, easy-going, calm and a good listener. She can be shy at times and has trouble remembering people's names. She’s an early bird and loves the fresh air of the mornings, especially in the autumn.

Interests: She loves reading, poetry, sailing, walking by the sea and spending time with family and friends.

Family: Her husband Cavan and his mother Faylindé.
Close Friends: Annúnfalas who is like a sister to her. Her friends Celwyn and Elaron that are like family to her.

Animals: Her horse ǽfenleoht, a mare that she uses mainly for Guard duty. Milou, a stray that adopted her after seeing her travel through the Shire on her journey from Imladris to Lindon.

Skills: Extensive experience in battle as a former member of the Halcyon Guard. She's agile and stealthy and a trained tracker. She has a good singing voice.

Weapons: Preferred wreapons are her side-sword and sai, alternatively no sword and two sai.

History: She was born in Lindon but was orphaned at a young age after her mother died in childbirth and her father perished at sea shortly after her birth. As a ward of Cirdan she spent a lot of her early adulthood in the shipyard among the sailors and the builders. The elleth was happy every time one of the ship owners would allow her to sail with the crew for a while. It didn't take long before she started to feel the call of the sea but she was still young and didn't want to commit to the sea for the rest of her life without exploring what else was out there in the world.

When she wasn’t spending time with the fishermen Aerwyn spent time at the vineyard and she had loved every minute of it. Ever since her first time among the rows of vines, Aerwyn had dreamt of working at the vineyard one day. But it would take some time before that day would come.

Spending time in the Shipyard, Aerwyn met a former soldier who had served with the Halcyon Guard before coming to Lindon to be a fisherman. He told her stories of heroism and bravery and even though they made great stories she realized that the reality of a soldier’s life was far from the glamorous tales that he had told her. His stories was what inspired Aerwyn to become a soldier but it wasn't until her 735th year that she travelled to Imladris to join the Halcyon Guard.

During her early years with the Halcyon guard she befriended Authon Rûion who became her mentor and, in time, they became close friends. After his death in TA 2817, Aerwyn resigned from the guard as she blamed herself for a long time but she knows now that it wasn’t her fault and that there was nothing she could have done to prevent it.

Living among the elves of the valley for almost 200 years, she met Cavan and the two of them eventually married. When Aerwyn returned to Lindon to find a home and join the Lindon Guard he remained behind for a few years before joining her.

In the future she will answer the call of the sea and join a crew on a ship. Not that she doesn’t like being a warrior, she enjoys it very much, especially when she gets the chance to help people and make a difference.
Last edited by Rior Laegiel on Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:49 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Name: Rachanar
Gender: Male
Age: unknown, Rachanar only has a recollection of the last three years of his life
Location: Rachanar is nomadic, making a yearly circle between the southern eaves of Mirkwood to the southern edges of the Blue Mountains
Appearance: Rachanar is about 5’9”, short for an elf of possible Teleri background, with dark blonde hair, dusky and wind chaffed skin, and brown eyes with flecks of green. He wears a rugged brown cloak over a faded leather jerkin and brown tunic, around his shoulder is a massively oversized sack with dozens of pockets he uses to store herbs, samples, and whatever catches his eye
Personality: While generally friendly with the people he meets, Rachanar is naturally suspicious of people because of the loss of his memories. He is kinder to animals, learning a few of the squirrel, beaver, lark, and river otter dialects on his yearly cycle. He is curious about nature and can be obsessive in finding ways to protect it
Interests: As a hedge wizard and hermit, Rachanar is fascinated by plants, herbs, and fungi, learning all of their properties and potential uses. He cannot read or write, therefore making up stories to tell himself as a way to remember everything he has learned
Weapons: a hollowed out oak staff filled with iron ball bearings
Pets: none that follow him on a permanent basis
History: Rachanar doesn’t know anything about himself. He woke up one day, his head half in a stream bed with no memory of who, what, or where he was. He chanced on a man floating down the stream in a fishing boat who called him Rachanar, giving him something to go by. He is a wanderer by nature, more interested in the wild places where animals dwell than any city of elves, dwarves, or men. He is uncomfortable around people because sometimes his memories return to him when he is around a group of people and those memories have yet to be pleasant. He is not seeking is past, afraid of what he might find.
Strange Fruit got holes in the flesh but it ain't gonn' spoil cause it never was fresh

Loremaster of Gondor
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Name: Inthil
Gender: Male
- Close Relatives: Tryal (tree-all), his sister, is the only one still in Middle-Earth. Their mother perished in Dagor Bragollach. Their father, his status is unknown. It was claimed he’d passed over the sea, but the veracity of this is questionable.
Kindred: Telerin
Age: 7088

General Appearance
Height: 6'1"
Physical Features: Long Silver-grey. Fair skin and an oval face. He has an athletic and slender build.
Brief Description of General Appearance: Inthil tends to wear light colors, white most often, but he does on occasion change to sky blues or robin’s egg blue. He keeps most of his hair loose, though he sometimes will pull it back into a pony tail.

Personal History
Inthil was born in Brithombar fifty years before the first rising of the sun, and spent much of his early childhood admiring Cirdan. This admiration gradually led him to become a minor assistant of the shipwright during the wars of the first age. After his mother was killed, he remained with Cirdan, while his sister left Falas to live with Thingol, gaining entrance with Cirdan’s word. Inthil remained with Cirdan, relocating to Balar after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, and stayed with him as Cirdan and Gilgalad founded Mithlond.
With the death of Gilgalad leadership of the elves in London had passed to Cirdan. As a long time assistant to Cirdan, he was eventually appointed as an ambassador to send news from Lindon to Imladris.

Weapons: Inthil’s preferred weapons are a recurve bow and a rapier.
Skills: Since the end of the wars of the first age, his skill with the rapier and bow has diminished greatest. He didn’t partake in the last alliance, which only helped in the diminishing of his skills.
Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy- Stonewall Jackson
Hubris guarantees disaster.- T C

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Name: Brôgiaur
Gender: Male
Age: 250
Location: Usually under the Eaves of Northern Mirkwood, within a day's hike from the Gates of the Woodland Realm
Appearance: Brôgiaur is a large grizzly bear with a shoulder height of four and a half feet and standing roughly thirteen feet on his hind legs, his has brown fur with a streak of white under his chin that looks something like a beard, he has large paws and very sharp claws, about five inches in length
Personality: grumpy, but friendly under the correct circumstances
Interests: finding honey, berries, and nuts, fishing, climbing trees, and hibernating
Weapons: his five inch razor sharp claws and his seven hundred and fifty pound bulk
Pets: there are colonies of bees that he considers friendly as well a stream of fish
History: Brôgiaur is a bear. According to the nature of such things, he lives largely a solitary, uneventful life but on occasion has been known to lend aid to the Elves that live in Mirkwood when there is an incursion of goblins or spiders (whom Brôgiaur considers his greatest enemy).
Last edited by Dungeon Delver on Fri Jun 12, 2020 4:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
Strange Fruit got holes in the flesh but it ain't gonn' spoil cause it never was fresh

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Name: "I am Faeleithel of Lindon, and of the Fountain in Gondolin of old"
Gender: "I am female"
Age: "I was a child before the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, and I still remember seeing my father leave Gondolin as if it were yesterday."
Location: "My house is in Lindon, though I am known to wander on adventures seeking out certain people."
Appearance: "I have black hair, and during my maiden years I was known as Faeleithel the Fair. For reasons, I am no longer known as "the Fair" among elvenkind.
Personality: "I am friendly to elves, family, and friends. If you are my enemy, however, no pit deep enough will hide you from me. Just because I speak softly, does not mean I am weak."
Interests: "hand-to-hand combat, fencing, hunting, cooking, and other things that suit my fancy when I set my mind to it."
Weapons: "I have a Lindon sword, a short sword, and a knife. Any other information is confidential."
Pets: "No thank you"
History: "I prefer not to discuss my history in the First Age, as it grieves me to the point where I ponder about my life for a day or two. In the Second Age I served as a bodyguard to a general during the War of the Last Alliance. Anything after that is not something I would like to discuss right now."

Councillor of Imladris
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Name: Lúthien Mordagnir

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 25

Location: Rivendell

Appearance: Dark brown hair, blue-grey eyes

Personality: Lúthien is known for her courage, loyalty, ferocity, and passion. She is the most faithful of friends and fiercest of enemies, shaped by the losses of her past.

She primarily fights long-range with a bow and quiver, but keeps a dagger for close-range combat.

History: Born outside Bree to Dúnedain parents, Lúthien was named for the legendary Elf lady of the First Age, of whom it was told her people were descended from. She was raised in the Breelands amongst her kin, and was taught stealth, combat, dueling, and archery.

When Lúthien was only fifteen, her parents were both killed in an Orc raid. She was raised by surviving rangers from the Breelands, until when she was eighteen, her journeys brought her to Imladris. She was adopted into the Mordagnir family, and while she kept her ties to her people, she settled in Imladris. She honed her skills as a defender of justice with both the Dúnedain who frequented through, and with the Elves of Imladris whom she came to see as family.

When Lúthien was not scouting or hunting, much of her spare time was spent in the libraries of Imladris, or venturing into Lothlorien as time and fate allowed. She loved immersing herself with lorists and historians, from whom she could not only learn more of the Elven languages, but also their songs, and their history.
What is a legacy?
It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.


Elven Enchanter
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Name: Artanis Laegiel
Location: East of Thranduil`s halls, near the edge of the forest by Dale
Race: Silvan Elf
Age: born 2500s of the second age
Appearance: About 5'11'', has slightly wavy waist length blond hair that is usually loosely pulled back and pale blue eyes. She typically wears a loose knee-length tunic, usually light brown or some other forest colour and dark coloured breeches.
Personality: She holds firm to her beliefs, but knows when to not argue over them. Can be reserved, but also eager to learn about the world outside of Mirkwood.
Interests: Battle tactics, exploring
Weapons: Bow and arrow, sword, dagger
Pets: None at the moment
History: Artanis is a warrior maiden. She fought in the Last Alliance under the command of Oropher and has remained in the elven reserves since, though has not engaged in active battle in a long time. She has travelled much of Middle Earth, both during the War and after. She currently resides in Mirkwood and tends to spend her days travelling the forest and trying to enjoy quiet life, though she knows the quiet will not last much longer.
Artanis / Éomund / Brandor / Zarâm

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Name: Lindariel Elenessë
Current Residence: Lindon
Race: Elven - 3/4 Noldor, 1/4 Vanyar.
Physical Description: Dark blonde hair, grey eyes.
Weapons: Primary weapons are a light recurve bow, and throwing knives. She also owns a longsword, although she rarely uses it.

Background and History: Born in Valinor before the Darkening of the Two Trees, Lindariel grew up as a bit of a romantic. For one thing, her parents could never get her to stop singing, so there was very little quiet in their house. In most other ways, however, she was a model child. Well-behaved, a proper little lady the better part of the time, rarely inclined to be rash or to misbehave egregiously, but still possessed of an imaginative spark. Initially rather shy, she made friends with some neighbouring children - and promptly fell into the midst of a trio of troublemakers. She, Almarëa, and Raina were practically inseparable, and the three were often joined (or plagued) by Almarëa's twin brother Calanon and another boy, Ehtyarion.

Their friendship - and their families - were torn apart when Fëanor led the Noldor out of Valinor: Ehtyarion's parents followed Maedhros, Almarëa and Calanon's parents were loyal only to Fingon and Fingolfin, Raina's parents opted to join Fingolfin in Dorthonion after landing in Middle-earth, and Lindariel's family was a rather undecided mess. Her grandparents had remained behind in Valinor and had done everything possible to convince her mother to stay with them. Her father wanted to follow Maedhros, but was stayed by the fact that his wife refused to have anything at all to do with the sons of Fëanor and declared that she and Lindariel were staying with Finrod's people - and if her husband wanted to go elsewhere, he would be leaving them behind. They eventually ended up in Nargothrond, where Lindariel spent her adolescence learning to be a healer, while trying to simultaneously spend all of her free time and then some either singing or sketching.

She fought against Morgoth's horde when Nargothrond was sacked, and - although separated from her parents for several months, during which time she did not know whether they were alive or dead - eventually reunited with them in Doriath, where they insisted that she put some more time into combat training, an activity which she cordially detested. Although she had long prided herself on her ability to *not* set fire to kitchens like her friend Almarëa, after an incident involving a new white dress, a malfunctioning stove, an erroneous recipe, and several exploding pies, she decided she really ought to study cooking, and became quite the chef, putting some of her knowledge of herbs to use to experiment with new foods, flavours, and styles of presentation.

After Doriath fell, her mother sunk into a deep depression, from which she rarely emerged, leaving Lindariel more or less without parents. Their family came as refugees to the Mouths of Sirion, where Lindariel was able to reunite with some of her old friends - whom she had seen but rarely on visits, and heard from almost exclusively by letters. At that time, she also met a travelling singer/poet named Maeglad, whom she would later marry. After Sirion was attacked, she and her family moved to the Isle of Balar. During the Kinslaying at the Mouths of Sirion, LIndariel refused to fight, even when doing so almost meant her own death - and the fact that it did not mean her demise was only thanks to a timely rescue by Raina.

When the Valar repealed the sentence against the exiled Noldor after the War of Wrath, Lindariel's mother immediately resolved to return to the Undying Lands, followed by her penitent husband. Lindariel, however, opted to remain with Maeglad, and aside from brief visits to Eregion, Lórien, Mirkwood, and Rivendell, the two have lived in Lindon quite happily ever since. She is a healer, a peace-maker, a passable tracker, and an excellent cook. She has experienced combat, but has never yet raised a hand in violence against another elf or against a human - only against the twisted creatures of Morgoth or Sauron. Although she has basic training in hand-to-hand and close quarters combat, she much prefers her ranged weapons, and she has excellent aim, particularly when dealing with a moving target.

Family: Lindariel was an only child, and her parents have since sailed back to the Undying Lands. She is happily married to the Sylvan elf and poet Maeglad. They have two children, Lancaeron and Lothwen.

Past-times: Composing music with Maeglad, singing, playing the harp, cooking, painting, sketching, running.
She/her. Almarëa - Rivendell / Jaena - Lone Lands (T.A.) and Gondor (F.A.) / Layna - Mordor

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Name: Raina Sáiyamorë
Current Residence: Lindon
Race: Elven - Noldor
Physical Description: Auburn hair, hazel eyes.
Weapons: Primary weapon: sabre. Also dirk, glaive, longbow, and throwing knives.

Background and History: Wild, rebellious, and an outrageous flirt - Raina grew up in Tirion upon Túna, before the Darkening of Valinor, where she became best friends with a certain green-eyed archery enthusiast named Almarëa Mordollwen. Their circle of friends included the (very slightly older) Lindariel, as well as Almarëa's twin brother Calanon and many of his friends, most notably Ehtyarion. Talkative, outgoing, and rambunctious, Raina was the secret envy of her quieter friends, and the dismay and torment of her staid and conservative parents, who would meet up with Nestaron and Earyendë to commiserate about their daughters' varied interests in pranks, wrestling, archery, various forms of unarmed combat, tree-climbing, and swordplay.

Raina's parents followed Fingolfin out of loyalty, and chose to settle in Hithlum after their arrival in Middle-earth. Against her parents' knowledge or inclination, Raina fought in both the Kinslaying at Aqualondë and the Battle Under Stars. Although Raina's contact with her friends was subsequently greatly limited, she and Almarëa were still living close enough to exchange frequent letters and the occasional visit. On one memorable occasion, not too long after the Noldor arrived in Beleriand, the two managed to plan and temporarily execute - entirely by exchanging secret letters between Nevrast and Hithlum in a code that the two had designed - an elaborate escape strategy, that involved both of them simultaneously running away, meeting up, and then travelling to Ossiriand - where they presumed their parents would have great difficulty finding them.

The fiery-haired Raina dedicated most of the next two hundred years to training in swordplay, exotic forms of weaponry, and unarmed combat. And to summarily breaking the hearts (and/or noses, arms, etc.) of the young elven soldiers who were so foolish as to think that the exceptionally charming elleth was actually interested. She developed a singular affinity for unarmed combat, and was not shy about demonstrating it - there was a period of about ten years when she got herself into so many scrapes, her parents celebrated each day that she did not come home with a black eye. She made friends easily, and made enemies just as easily - excessive arrogance in others was something she had absolutely no tolerance for, and she would happily go out of her way to take someone down a few pegs if she thought they needed it. As part of Fingolfin's army, she fought in the Glorious Battle and the Battle of Sudden Flame. It was during the Glorious Battle that she earned her epessë - Sáiyamorë. She was severely injured an a skirmish not long before the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, and was therefore flat on her back in a hospital bed recovering when she would have otherwise been part of Fingon's doomed guard. In the aftermath, she was captured by orcs and spent almost a month travelling in captivity before she escaped. She subsequently left her family and moved to Doriath, where she reunited with Lindariel. After the fall of Doriath, she reunited with her parents and Almarëa at the Mouths of Sirion.

In contrast to Lindariel, Raina had no qualms by that point about killing. In the Kinslaying of Aqualondë, she had fought but had done so primarily in self defense in the confusion, and had refrained from killing any of the Teleri. When Sirion was sacked, she slew the attackers without mercy, and at one point rescued Lindariel by impaling three warriors through the heart with her throwing knives. It was at Sirion that Ehtyarion - as part of Maedhros' forces - almost slew Almarëa without knowing her identity, and then narrowly averted being slain himself by an irate Raina, backed by Rilien.

After the Valar interceded on behalf of Elves and Men, Raina's father returned to Valinor - her mother having died in the attack on Sirion, and her younger sister having perished from an inexplicable illness long before that. Raina, however, swore allegiance to Gil-galad's forces, and served in his army during the Second and Third Ages, fighting alongside Almarëa during the War of the Elves and Sauron and during the Last Alliance. She also - during the peace before Numenor fell - visited the lands East of what would become Gondor, and adopted a curved blade as her primary weapon.

When Almarëa departed Lindon for three thousand years of travelling alone, Raina was the only person she confided in - and Raina kept her promise not to tell Rilien or Aigronding of her friend's whereabouts, as she cordially disliked both of them and blamed Rilien in particular for Almarëa's departure in the first place.

Since then, she has been an officer, a warrior, a hunter, a lover of good food and drink, and occasionally a wanderer. She and Almarëa did run into each other in Umbar early in the Third Age - and subsequently travelled to southern Mirkwood together, before parting.

She has also been kicked out of more inns, boarding houses, pubs, and assorted eating establishments than she cares to name - and she certainly hasn't lost the ability to flirt. Raina is currently serving with the Lindon Guard.

Family: Had a (much) younger sister named Lassiel and an older brother named Nárello. Nárello is dead; Lassiel returned to the undying lands with her father.
She/her. Almarëa - Rivendell / Jaena - Lone Lands (T.A.) and Gondor (F.A.) / Layna - Mordor

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Earenolwë Noldorseron




Earenolwë is 11,356 years old:


Imrad Mallennell, Valley of the Goldenbells in the Harlindon Mountains


Earenolwë has a tall, imposing height. Having dwelt in the Undying Lands for a great number of centuries, Earenolwë is one of the strongest Elves of Middle-earth. The High Elf's eyes are shining bronze. The Light Elf's long hair is silvery and he often lets his beard grow short now.


He is serene and solemn.


Ráka, a white golden-eyed wolfhound of Valinor. A gift from King Celegorm of Himlad.
This immortal beast has long been faithful to her master and there is much love between Elf and Hound.



Earenolwë is an advisor to Lord Círdan and a member of the Wise. He has an estate, Imrad Mallennel valley, sitauted in the long ridge of the Ered Luin Mountains above the Baranduin. He usually gives weekly counsel to the Shipwright however his primary duty is to protect the southern marches of the realm with the Lindon Guard and Firebeard Dwarven neighbors.


Earenolwë is one of the few Elven ambassadors the Dwarves are fond of speaking with since they appreciate his kindness and tactful nature. They exchange iron, works of art, dwarvish toys, and precious gemstones with Earenolwë in return for food they can't grow, medicinal herbs, beautiful pearls, and elvish wine.

History (Recounted in several parts):

Earenolwë: Beneath the Stars - Part I


"The Nelyar were most reluctant to leave their lakeside homes; but they were very cohesive,
and very conscious of the separate unity of their Clan (as they continued to be), so that when
it became clear that their chieftains Elwe and Olwë were resolved to depart and would have
a large following, many of those among them who had at first joined the Avari went over to
the Eldar rather than be separated from their kin. / So close was the feeling of kinship
between the remnants of the Sindar, the Nandor, and the Lindar, that later in Eriador
and the Vale of Anduin they often became merged together."

- Tolkien, from The War of the Jewels

"The Teleri are the Foam-riders,
the Singers of the Shore, the Free, and the Swift."

- Tolkien, from Morgoth's Ring

Earenolwë was fashioned by the hands of Ilúvatar, the god of Eä, on the shores of Cuiviénen eons ago during the Years of the Trees. He named himself Nenmeldo meaning Lover of Water, awakening among his fellow Nelyar in sight of the lake. He awoke near Tyelpelfindis, an elleth of his tribe whom he saw before the bright stars or the gentle waves of the lake. He loved her over time and there was true affection between them both but it was Nenmeldo who cared the most.
He made friends with others of the Nelyar like Aphedriel, who would become the housekeeper of Tharmáras and Nariel; Lhinnadhiel who would be the mother of Silosse, mother of Sarnirion; Elves of the Minyar and Tatyar like Itanovea - the first paternal ancestor of the Mordagnirs - and Ezelondo, the father of Aigronding's nemesis.

Together with Tyelpelfindis and his closeknit group of companions, Nenmeldo walked the Earth in wonder and gave names to all things he encountered in their travels surrounding the lands of their creation. Nenmeldo was reputed to be a great archer among the Begotten who enjoyed hunting in the woods with his slender bow. His acts of kindness were well received by his peers, and they thrilled to hear his mellifluous singing voice at their beach campfires.

"And it is thought that lurking near his
servants had led astray some of the Quendi
that ventured afield, and they took them
as captives to Utumno, and there enslaved them.
Of these slaves it is held came the Orkor that
were afterward chief foes of the Eldar. And
Melkor's lies were soon abroad, so that
whispers were heard among the Quendi,
warning them that if any of their kindred
passed away into the shadows and were
seen no more, they must be aware of a fell huntsman on a great horse,
for he it was that carried them off to devour them.
Hence it was that at the approach of
Oromë many of the Quendi fled and hid themselves."

- Tolkien, from Morgoth's Ring

"The wise declare that Melkor, ever watchful, was first aware of the
awakening of the Quendi, and sent shadows and evil spirits to spy upon
them and waylay them. So it came to pass, some years ere the coming of Oromë,
that if any of the Elves strayed far abroad, alone or few together, they would often
vanish, and never return; and the Quendi said that the Hunter had caught them,
andthey were afraid. And indeed the most ancient songs of the Elves, of which
echoes are remembered still in the West, tell of the shadow-shapes that
walked in the hills above Cuiviénen, or would pass suddenly over the stars..."

- Tolkien, from The Silmarillion:
Of the Coming of the Elves and the Captivity of Melkor
By the year YT 1085, Ezelondo, had raised three children - Vanessë and Morgath and Gorthlim - for a decade with his wife, Lairadess. Nenmeldo maintained an intimate friendship with the daughter who proved to be an intrepid wanderer; she relished exploring the neighboring lands with him. Nenmeldo was close to the eldest boy also. Morgath went underground with him, enraptured by the caverns of the Orocarni Mountains which the Nelya led him through and revered the bats he found there. Gorthlim was quieter than his siblings and spent most of his time alone fishing.
Nenmeldo and Ezelondo heard increasing rumors whispered in fear among their peers that if they continued their travels there was a Hunter in the Wild Wood or shadowy beings haunting the hills waiting to capture them. Nenmeldo preached watchfulness and Ezelondo scoffed at the gossip; Morgath's father didn't truly believe until droves of Elves started vanishing in the community with alarming regularity. Nenmeldo encouraged Ezelondo to restrict his family from venturing elsewhere until the disappearances ceased and decided he would no longer accompany Itanoeva, Linnadhiel, Aphedriel, and Lindesul abroad. Nenmeldo had his reservations about exploring but Tyelpelfindis eagerly yearned to see new places.

Lairadess heeded her husband's warning and obeyed his command however she grew worried over Morgath turning rebellious and quarrels he was having with his father. Her sweet boy had become angry and sullen because of the restrictions his father enforced although it was for his own good. Morgath resented Ezelondo from banning his travels to the Red Mountains beyond the Wild Wood and, slowly, he started treating nearly everyone at Cuiviénen rudely. Morgath unleashed his anger and bitterness on innocent neighbors, especially those who were afraid to move on; having declared them fools and cowards, he earned a substancial number of enemies and his foul behavior would not be forgotten by Elves who lived well into the Third Age of Arda. Among the youth of Cuiviénen were many children who agreed with Morgath, that their future was beyond the Lake and some of these Elves cut their long hair short to emulate Morgath's style which he still is fond of today. Many of these Elven youngsters would remain friends with him in Gondolin among the Hammers and Moles, friendships which would even last beyond the fall of the city and endure on Tol Noldorë to this present era.

Ezelondo's joyful life disintegrated. Disputes with Lairadess intensified to such depressing intensity that he eventually retreated to his beadwork and stone carving rather than trying to heal the damage to their relationship. Morgath argued with his sister for listening to their father and she resented him for resisting Ezelondo's authority. Morgath loathed Nenmeldo most of all for inciting chaos in his family. Morgath's enmity towards Ezelondo deepened when his father punished him for being cruel to his sister and embarrassing the family in public. Ezelondo's practical discipline graduated severely to the point of physical abuse since he ultimately believed the boy intiated the deterioration of his marriage. Ezelondo ignored his wife's incessant pleading to loosen his rules but he was stubborn, wanting to keep his wife and their children safe as Nenmeldo advised; this developed a widening rift between the spouses who had loved each other since Awakening.

There came a point when, in her uttermost grief, Lairadess begged Nenmeldo to protect her and the twins on a secret visit to the distant hills; she wanted to make her dear son happy and hoped some time away from home would be good for Vanessë. Nenmeldo was afraid that he would rouse the fury of Ezelondo but gave in to the woman's charm, feeling guilty that he had made her sad and desperate. He accompanied them to the local cliffs where gems were plentiful but the Elves were viciously attacked by dreadful spirits of smoke. Nenmeldo killed several with his arrows but there were too many of the demons. They took Lairadess. She shrieked at Nenmeldo to take her endangered children back to the Lake and he reluctantly fled with them to the waters, leaving their mother to the shadowy flying creatures...

Ezelondo's bead crafting was interrupted by their arrival just as Linnadhiel and Lindesul appeared suddenly to offer him a brief respite from his work. Although he had friends over for company, Ezelondo was enraged when Nemeldo returned without Lairadess and his ire drew a whispering crowd to the lakeside cottage. Ezelondo was shattered by the loss of his soulmate and loathed the unsettling prospect of having only his feuding twins and the loner runt of the litter left as his sole remaining family in the world. Ezelondo abandoned his Morgath and Vanessë, declaring he would leave the Lake to live elsewhere in solitude with Gorthlim but his youngest son worried he'd disappoint him and opted not to follow him. Before Ezelondo left he cursed Nenmeldo, warning the Nelya that he would also lose the woman he loved and anything he cherished in his life. Ezelondo fled Cuiviénen and was not seeen again for many years. Nenmeldo took it upon himself to raise Vanessë and Morgath and Gorthlim himself. Morgath finally begrudged a liking for the Nelya since he saved his life and his sister's; the children's affection for Nenmeldo warmly grew, finding joy in his love and attention, but Tyelpelfindis strengthened her bond with the Tatyar and their kin, the Noldor, as her friend busied himself with his new wards. They grew apart.

When the Great Journey began, Nenmeldo remained connected with his friends of the Minyar and Tatyar but he lost Tyelpelfindis. As Ezelondo foretold, she was separated from him; Nenmeldo searched desperately for his Aenillindë, his Singing Angel, but he did not see her again until the new Age. Vanessë and Morgath, both of them young adults now, followed Nenmeldo as he helped lead the Teleri, a major tribe of Elves akin to the Nelyar, as they advanced toward the West more gradually than the two other groups called the Vanyar and the Noldor. Vanessë had become a proud, impulsive lady but she was more polite and respectful than her brother; she was welcomed among Nenmeldo's friends but Morgath's presence was not suffered for long. Morgath decided to forsake both his sister and Nenmeldo although he had come to love them greatly, thinking he was better off on his own. With some of his tunnel-loving cohorts like Hrango, a huge affable older boy, brash Morgath joined the march of the Noldor but often reuinted with his sibling and the Nelya, acting as a messenger of Finwë, as the Elves journeyed westward. Gorthlim thanked Nenmeldo for all he had done for him but disappeared, wanting to journey westward by himself...Nenmeldo never saw him again.

Numerous Elves abandoned the quest when they reached the Misty Mountains; so great was their sheer, clouded heights that many turned away, including Calencallon of the Teleri who Nenmeldo befriended in Greenwood the Great; he chose Lenwë for his leader, went away with him to the Vales of Anduin, and would not see Nenmeldo again until they met in the Dagor-nuin-Giliath with his daughter Yulmanilda. Nenmeldo yearned to enter the Blissful Realm, a dream which burned in the hearts of his companions still. He encouraged new friends like Solchon, Ercassie's grandfather, to never cease looking for their lost chieftain Elwë.

When she was fifty-seven years of age, hardly emerged from adolescence in the reckoning of the Eldar, Vanessë had become frustrated with the slowness of the Teleri in their pursuit of the Falas. She grew impatient with the Sindar's stubborn mission to look for their king and even some Teleri - the Falathrim, she heard - believed they would just live by the sea, making music and learning sea-lore from the Maiar, instead of crossing the great ocean to Aman. It was ridiculous, she fumed to Nenmeldo often in private, that the Teleri would just stop or dither after having come such a far way to reach Paradise.

She was resolved to leave when she discovered the Noldor and the Vanyar were hastening to the coastline in YT 1132. Her own party remained encamped by the swift sparkling waters of the river Brithor in the fair woods of Ossiriand and they were in no particular hurry to rejoin the other tribes. Vanessë was gratetful that Nenmeldo was kinder than her own father but she had never considered him a parent as she remained his ward and certainly not as she ripened into womanhood, hoping he would return her ardent feelings. She professed her love seldom during their wayward travels but she was firmly rebuffed; he still pined for Tyelpelfindis despite his growing amorous feelings for Vanessë which he was shamed of. She decided to entrust her future to the foremost companies of the Noldor. Vanessë bid an emotional goodbye to Nenmeldo, Aphedriel, Lhinndhiel, and Lindesul before her search of the intrepid Noldor with whom she shared a kinship with.

"The Noldor were beloved by Aulë, and he and his people came often among them.
Great became their knowledge and their skill. Masons of the House of Finwe, quarrying
in the hills after stone (for they delighted in the building of high towers), first discovered
the earth-gems, and brought them forth in countless myriads; and they devised tools
for the cutting and shaping of gems, and carved them in many forms."

- Tolkien, from The Silmarillion: Of Eldamar and the Princes of the Eldalië

Vanessë was awed by the beauty of her new home ruled by the seraphim of Eru. She strove for greater knowledge of construction when Aulë and his spirits began teaching the Noldor their ways of crafting and smithing. Her delight of building lofty towers was shared by many; she created her guild of engineers and became one of the wealthiest Elves of Aman. Her pursuit of marble and various other kinds of rock led her to investigate many hills for her quarrying affairs. This ultimately culminated in the first excavations of wondrous earth-gems in the Undying Lands. Vanessë followed the suit of many in her field, leading her people in the extraction of jewels and ore, specifically silver, from the mines. She and her workers laboured industriously, creating tools which could shape the glittering stones into astonishing forms.
High King Finwë honored her with a noble title for Vanesse's pioneering efforts and gave a lordship to Morgath, whom she warmly reunited with, as well for his exceptional prowess in metallurgy. Brother and sister awkwardly encountered their father in delving ventures, discovering he had become an Elf-lord for spearheading malachite production and other kinds of stone valuable to sculptors; he reluctantly re-established connection with his daughter but failed to rebuild his relationship with Morgath who continued to detest him. They maintained a cool alliance for the sake of dynasty and public affairs which they controlled also in Gondolin until Morgath's irreverent behavior was condemned by Rog, Chieftain of the Hammer, and Morgath was disowned.
Nenmeldo eventually settled with the Falmari Teleri of Alqualondë. He became an advisor of King Olwë who appreciated his wisdom during the Great Journey and filled the role as an ambassador between the Sea Elves, Deep Elves, and the Vanyar. He sailed the daughters of Linnadhriel in one of his swanships Alarcaráma - Swift Wing - and lulled them to sleep in the evenings, playing melodious lullabies on his flute. Nenmeldo gained the friendship of Aigronding's family because of Erindan's trade meetings between the Noldor and the Teleri; Aimira was a scholar who often met with Nenmeldo to learn knowledge and recieve counsel from him as did many others. Ezelondo ignored Nenmeldo but found greater friendship with a mason named Sarnir, the father of Sarnirion, with whom he frequently associated with since they both enjoyed carving. Nenmeldo considered Ezelondo lost to him but found greater friendship with Sarniniron, a lonely child who was Aigronding's playmate. He appreciated Nenmeldo's charm and gentler treatment and learned mastery of boating from Earenolwë aboard Alarcaráma.

Nenmeldo rejoined friends he knew aforetime in Aman and rekindled his relationship with Vanessë. They reunited in a valley of wild blue roses within sound of the shore. The moment he saw Vanessë awaiting him on a crystal bridge arching over a small pool where diamonds flashed in shallow depths in the effulgence of the Two Trees, he finally was purged of his grief. The intensity of their bond deepened the longer they spoke and he was awed by her full stature. Nenmeldo was bewitched by the piercing light of her sapphire eyes and the fair twinkle of pale crystals strung along the gossamer net binding her lush mane of ebony curls. She declared her love for him but he was reluctant to admit his feelings for her, remembering the doom of Ezelondo. He didn't want to lose Vanesse as he did Tyelpelfindis.

"For all living things that are or have been in the Kingdom of Arda, save only the fell
and evil creatures of Melkor, lived then in the land of Aman; and there also were many
other creatures that have not been seen upon Middle-earth."

- Tolkine, The Silmarillion: Of Eldamar and the Princes of the Eldalië.


She felt slighted by his rejection of her again and stymied by the shadow of her father's hatred but decided to let her desire sleep for now. They relished every opportunity to spend time together. They rode unicorns through the flowered plains and verdant forests of Valinor. In their far journeys they sought new secrets of land, water, and majestic beasts such as qilins & winged lions. The wanderers ever ventured to the borders of the Dark and the frigid shores of the Outer Sea with the sons of Fëanor, thrilled to encounter the unknown. Nenmeldo and Vanessë crlimbed the crystals stairways of Tirion and raced boats over the rolling waves of Eldamar Bay which glimmered in the silver & gold radiance of the Trees. They walked barefoot with hands interlaced on the beaches of Elendë and between the bejewelled walls of Calacirya. They danced in the fragrant violet grass of hidden meadows and partied on the golden streets of Valmar. Opals fell from their hands, scattered upon the strand of Swanhaven or tossed merrily in meres abroad, casting silent wishes.


Nenmeldo and Vanessë chased each other like playful children through Irmo's marvellous labyrinths of yews, cedars, pines, and cypresses that exuded drowsy odours in the dusk until, laughing, they collided and fell into deep pools or soft beds of blooming nightflowers. Once upon a twilight they visited misty Murmuran, the mansion of Lórien, where glow-worms brilliantly crept and nightingales sang with many spirits. Vanessë and Nenmeldo lay entwined in a glowing field of red fumellar poppies beneath the throbbing silver blaze of Telperion. Speaking in a soft, reverent voice he likened her ethereal beauty to the glory of the stars and named her Elenillor; he left the realm of the Dreammaster reborn, having been christened Earenolwë by her in token of his sageness.


Their blissful life would not last forever. The unchaining of Melkor spelled destruction to their peaceful existence in the Undying Lands and threatrened the love they shared....


To Be Continued in 'Earenolwe: Beneath the Stars Part II'
Last edited by Eriol on Wed Dec 02, 2020 7:46 am, edited 6 times in total.
"Eriol... 'One who dreams alone.' ” - Tolkien, The Book of Lost Tales I

Warrior of Imladris
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Image Daehaeron

An Elf of great age, Daehaeron is the private and moody Ar-Golwen of the Woodland Realm.

Of his history, little is known, for he doesn't speak of it and keeps to himself much of the time. What is known is told by the Elvenking's minstrels in song, much to his distaste, for he came to the Greenwood in the beginning of the Second Age, though he fought in the Last Alliance under no banner; in the battles that followed after Oropher's death he was ever Thranduil's shadow, to the dismay of the enemy.

He returned to the Woodland Realm with Thranduil and his people, and thence stayed, a quiet and solemn presence in the court, learned in all the deep arts. It was Thranduil who bestowed upon him his current title, though he refused the role of Master Librarian, for it delighted the king to honour him.

He might be found in the Great Library, if one cared to seek him out. Such is his manner that few have done so in all his years in the Greenwood, although once upon a time a child broke through his silent heaviness of heart and lingered.
The Wood-elves lingered in the twilight of our Sun and Moon, but loved best the stars.

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Name: Celebrin
Gender: M
Age: ... give me a few minutes... somewhere around 7000
Location: Lorien
Appearance: long straight auburn hair, silver eyes, sun touched skin
Personality: mysterious and contemplative
Interests: silvery things and a hand to hold and contemplating
Weapons: scimitar and curved dagger
History: born among the Falathrim before the Sun and Moon I'm not gonna go into much detail at all, I'll let it be topics for conversation. I'll just say, he's been through it. But maybe I'll change my mind if I get bored.
Last edited by Celebrin on Sat Jun 06, 2020 2:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Name: Aniron
Gender: M
Age: somewhere around 7000
Location: Lorien
Appearance: unkept medium length dark hair, hazel eyes, and tanned skin
Personality: loyal and reticent
Interests: working with his hands and looking at things
Weapons: shortbow longbow and shortsword
History: ancient friend of Celebrin from their youth

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Name:Túrelia Thindren
Gender: female
Age: uhhh born mid of the second age? maybe.
Location: Lorien
Appearance: Dark hair that is in contrast with both her peers, and with her pale skin that in the right light seems to almost have the silvery under glow instead. She is average height for an elven woman, and moves with the grace of the eldar. Her voice sounds like the feeling you get listening to a harp play a lullaby. And her eyes are the soft blue-gray of cool stream. She is usually wearing silvery white robes, and while within the forest of Lorien she is always barefoot.
Personality: gentle, quiet, sweet.
Interests: She likes to sing softly while she goes about her work. It is said that it is her tune, rather than her herbs, that heals. Maybe it is the tune that also lends to the strength and magic of the famed lembas bread.
Weapons: none
Pets: a small silver feathered bird usually on any perch it can find near her. It has no song, but finds hers to be more that suitable.
History: Túre is one of Galadriel's handmaidens. She is a high level healer as well. She has her own secrets of course, as anyone else does. but she is content with her position in life.
Last edited by Veowyn on Tue Jun 23, 2020 6:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Veowyn, Vandani, Jakiewyn, Caddrick, Ailura, Túrelia, Vigri, Vinca
Maldir - you are missed

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Name: Rilien
Gender: Male
Age: Many thousands of years old. He was born in Beleriand, in Dorthonion, before the rising of the Sun and Moon.
Location: Lórien
Appearance: Rilien is a tall, active elf with short golden hair and grey eyes.
Personality: Observant, diligent, thoughtful, and good at solving puzzles and inventing unconventional ways of tackling problems. He is a brilliant debater at need, and a skilled tracker. He is not easily drawn into conflict, but is steadfast and uncompromising on issues of personal conviction.
Weapons: Sword & dagger (in combination). Throwing daggers. Spear.
Pets: None

History: (WIP - to be updated)
Rilien was born and raised in Hithlum during the Years of the Trees (he was already about 107 by F.A. 0). He initially joined Fingon's army, and met the Noldorin elf Calanon, who would become one of his closest friends, during the Glorious Battle. He periodically visited Nevrast over the next several years, and when Turgon's people prepared to move to the Hidden City, Rilien chose to forsake his position in Hithlum to follow Turgon to Gondolin. The Battle of Unnumbered Tears (which he barely survived) and the Fall of Gondolin followed. He then lived at the Mouths of Sirion for a time, until the Valar intervened and made war upon Morgoth. Later, he initially settled in Lindon. He spent several years searching for Almarëa after her disappearance, but after that effort proved futile, he returned to Eriador. Sometime during the Third Age, he moved to Lórien, where he has served in the Guard ever since.
She/her. Almarëa - Rivendell / Jaena - Lone Lands (T.A.) and Gondor (F.A.) / Layna - Mordor

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Earenolwë: Beneath the Stars - Part II

"Have you heard the Symphony of Noldorseron?"
- Lindir, at the Hall of Fire in the Last Homely House, passim, TA 3014.
"Melkor would often walk among them, and amid his fair words others were woven,
so subtly that many who heard them believed in recollection that they arose from
their own though. Visions he would conjure in their hearts of the mighty realms that they
could have ruled at their own will, in power and freedom in the East; and then whispers
went abroad that the Valar had brought the Eldar to Aman because of their jealousy.
Melkor spoke to them in secret of Mortal Men, seeing how the silence of the Valar might be
twisted to evil. Now the whisper went among the Elves that Manwë held them captive, so
that Men might come and supplant them in the kingdoms of Middle-earth, defrauding the
Elves of their inheritance of Ilúvatar....many of the Noldor believed, or half-believed, the evil words.
Ever Melkor found some ears that would heed him, and some tongues that would
enlarge what they had heard; and his lies passed from friend to friend, as secrets of
which the knowledge proves the teller wise. And when Melkor saw that these lies were
smouldering, and that pride and anger were awake among the Noldor, he spoke to
them concerning weapons; and in that time the
Noldor began the smithying of swords and axes and spears."

- Tolkien, from The Silmarillion: Of the Silmarils and the Unrest of the Noldor[/i]

Among the Elves whom Melkor sought friendship with was Elenillor, teaching her how to improve her skills of quarrying and smithing. He convinced her Aman was a cage and conjured in her delusions of grandeur of finding greater freedom in the wider places she once traveled through. Perhaps even she might even restrain the Secondborn, the mortals, from supplanting the Elves as lords of the earth.


Earenolwë counselled Elenillor against listening to Morgoth. He refused to believe the devil had truly repented. Earenolwë considered Melkor was pretending to be friendly with the Eldar to fulfill some kind of sinister agenda. He pleaded with her to stay in Paradise with him and assured her that flight from heaven would lead to open rebellion against Eru's seraphim which Melkor wanted to foment in retribution.


Elenillor began resenting Earenolwë for interfering with her apprenticeship and dissuading her from making her own choices. Their disputes over Melkor's dubious redemption and the right to choose her own destiny worsened as Earenolwë stubbornly provided examples of how Melkor was poisoning their relationships. The demon provoked a rivalry between Elenillor and her friend Valgond, a talented goldsmith who grew up with her and Hatholdir at Cuiviénen. The damage further deteriorated as Elenillor pressured Lhinnadhiel and Lindesul to forsake Alqualondë to come away with her if Fëanor was given the swanships. Earenolwë did not want his closest friends to forsake him over a lost cause.


Earenolwë's distress deepened when he learned that Melkor was corrupting Elennilor's brother during the Unrest of the Noldor. Morgath wanted a woman younger than himself, Roina daughter of Panion who was a magnate of construction. She was in love with Itanoeva's grandson, Aigronding the wealthy son of merchant financier Erindan. She had become Morgath's friend while he taught her smithing. She grew afraid of him as he began his romantic overtures and following her steps. The Houses of Itanoeva and Panion began vying with the House of Ezelondo and believed the lies of Melkor that one would attack the other. Elenillor and Morgath made their own weapons - axe and sword - and established their own emblems which they displayed openly.


"Shields also they made displaying the tokens of many
houses and kindreds that vied one with another."

- Tolkien, from
The Silmarillion:
Of The Silmarils and the Unrest of the Noldor

"There were in Aman a vast multitude of creatures,
without fëar, of many kinds: animals or moving creatures,
and plants that are steadfast. There, it is believed, were the
counterparts of all the living creatures that are or have been
on Earth, and others also that were made for Aman only. And
each kind had, as on Earth, its own nature."

- Tolkien, from
Morgoth's Ring

"Thus with lies and evil whisperings and false counsel Melkor kindled the hearts of the Noldor
to strife; and of their quarrels came at length the end of the high days of Valinor and the evening
of its ancient glory. For Fëanor now began openly to speak words of rebellion against the Valar,
crying aloud that he would depart from Valinor back to the world without,
and would deliver the Noldor from thraldom, if they would follow him."
- Tolkien, from The Silmarillion: Of the Silmarils and the Unrest of the Noldor

"Nielluin - Bee of Azure."
- Tolkien, from
Etymologies of The Book of Lost Tales II


Morgath emblazoned his black shield with the image of a golden bat. Elenillor, refusing the patronage of Erindan due to the hostility he displayed against her sibling, reorganized her guild's focus; she turned its concern from construction and jewelry to build products of war. Elenillor decorated her shield with the sign of the Nielluin, a blue bee of Aman (also the name of Sirius, a constellation), volant (wings outspread) on an argent field of silver stars. Despite her Earenolwë's displeasure with her insurgent views, she still loved him and was desperate to keep him safe if there was a civil war between the sons of Finwë. Since he only used a light bow, Elenillor built him a longsword made of silver and aurichalcum - a rare metal of Aman gleaming brilliantly with a reddish-gold hue, Morgath's delight - and bedighted with opals. Earenolwë reluctantly accepted her gift and named it Eregvana, the Fair Thorn.


Earenolwë was among the Teleri with whom Fëanor urged to help him following the destruction of the Trees and the theft of the Silmarils, asking for their swanboats to cross the sea separating Aman from Middle-earth. Earenolwë counselled Olwë to politely decline but Fëanor inevitably decided to take the ships for his faction without permission of the king. This resulted in bloodshed between the Noldor and the Teleri, the first kinslaying of the Eldar. Earenolwë defended his people. When he saw Elenillor cutting Teleri down, he was enraged and attacked her.


She gave her ground in horror, retreating from his righteous anger, and was disarmed. Kneeling as she sobbed before his risen blade, she begged him to kill her, filled with self-loathing, but he hesitated with the sword she made him was poised against the smooth fair skin of her throat. In that fateful moment his love for Elenillor burned hotter than the love for his own kin and he...hoisted her up...and kissed her passionately, for a moment forgetting the viciousness of the embattled harbour....until they heard Morgath yelling for them to beware. They fought as one, fighting the Noldor off together. Suddenly, Ezelondo appeared. He was eager to support Turgon's reign in Middle-earth, joining the rebellion with the greater van of the Deep Elves. Ezelondo had come with Fingon who rushed in with reinforcements.


"The folk of Maeglin...warriors of dark countenance and lowering gaze....
and a ruddy glow shone upon their faces and gleamed about the polished surfaces of their accoutrement."

- Tolkien, from The Book of Lost Tales II: The Fall of Gondolin

Ezelondo was spurred by the death of Sarnir and his enmity against the Teleri flamed when he saw his nemesis, Earenolwë, slicing Noldor apart. He hated his daughter now, having seen her kissing his enemy'. He surged forward with a great menacing cry like the roaring lion depicted sejant in white on his green cloak. He tried to murder them both. His violence with a spear was frightening to behold by enemy and ally alike; neither Earenolwë nor Elenillor could hardly parry his swift lunges as Ezelondo cursed his daughter for loving her mother's killer. He felled Elenillor with a terrible bash to her temple with the butt aft end of his spear and shouted in triumph - "Justice for Lairadess! Justice for Sarnir!" - as as he stabbed Earenolwë with frenzied jabs until Morgath intervened, striking his father's head from behind with a brutal blow of his shield. Earenolwe took advantage of Ezelondo's momentary disorientation and slashed his hand off, ridding the vengeful Elf of his spear. Morgath, grinning devilishly, raised his axe to deliver the killing blow. The blades and his face shone with a strange crimson light, burning with the intensity of his bloodlust as he uttered a low wicked laugh, but the mighty Hrango wrested the weapon from his grasp and knocked the wailing Ezelondo out with his own shield. Elenillor, arising, joined Earenolwë to push her brother away from where Ezelondo laid. Morgath refused to assault either his sister or his best friends but warned them that there would come a day when someone would have the decency to permit him the satisfaction of ending his father's life.


"Of the Kinslaying at Alqualondë more is told in that lament which is named Noldolantë,
the Fall of the Noldor, that Maglor made ere he was lost."
- Tolkien, from The Silmarillion: Of the Flight of the Noldor

Together, the three of them rallied behind Earenolwë who led them toward his own swanship - Alarcaráma - and the Nelya waved his sword, summoning many Noldor to his beloved boat. Morgath refused at the last moment seeing the displeasure of Elenillor in her cold gaze; she didn't want him anywhere near her. He departed from his sister then silently with Hrango. Earenolwë was well met by Prince Maglor aboard Alarcaráma and promised the Falmari Elf a position in his court in the new country; there was great friendship between them in afterdays. Earenolwë's forgiveness and his heroism were recorded by the King of the Gap in the epic Nodolantë ballad which he composed before his disappearance; the bittersweet melody of Earenolwë's symphony embodied his reluctant battle with the Noldor, his love and pardon of Elenillor, his dreadful confrontation with Ezelondo, and leading a harrowing escape to Alarcaráma.


Earenolwë was relieved to have Sarnirion - whom Elenillor once sold engagement rings to - aboard his ship he taught the lad to sail in. Earenolwë gently consoled Sarnirion; the boy had lost his father. Herumacil - a Noldo once tutored by Melkor and a friend of Sarnir was the the only one who did not trust Earenolwë. He plotted with brothers Nenloico and Rencion to destroy the Nelya.


They took advantage of Uinen's wrath when the ire of the ocean spirit roughened the sea. Elenillor slid across the deck toward the aft of Alarcaráma. Earenolwë yelled for Sarnirion to save her from a mounting wave rushing toward the rear of the ship. With Earenolwë's toughest friend distracted and Maglor rushed belowdeck, Nenloico and Rincion and Herumacil attacked Earenolwë. They threw him over the gunwale; little did they know in their excitement that Sarnirion and Elenillor had witnessed what they had done. Earenolwë would have drowned as did many of the Noldor in the wrecked ships but Uinen took pity on Earenolwë and saved him from a watery grave....[/color]


To Be Continued in Earenolwë: Beneath the Stars - Part III
Last edited by Eriol on Fri Jan 29, 2021 11:44 pm, edited 4 times in total.
"Eriol... 'One who dreams alone.' ” - Tolkien, The Book of Lost Tales I

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Name: Malufael
Gender: M
Age: born soon after the War of Wrath that ended the First Age
Location: Lorien
Appearance: fair skinned, golden hair, bright brown eyes
Personality: diligent, chivalrous, perceptive and empathetic
Interests: observing and over thinking
Weapons: longsword with a ruby infused into the cross, and (though not always)a shield shaped as a broader rough form of a mallorn leaf painted red and gold
History: i haven't decided much about his history yet, though likely partook in battles and followed Celeborn and Galadriel through the second and third ages

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Thanks to @Dimcairien Luiniel beginning the Lorien/Wilderland archive, I was able to find my old character bio for Nethalion. I have copied it here as it was, but edited a couple of details to make things more consistent.


The Elvenking's halls
Silvan Elf
155 years old
Slender and thin build. He has grey eyes and fair coloured hair that he keeps short. His attire is mostly always of the colour of the forest whether he is wearing his guards uniform or not.
His personality resembles that of most youth. Happy and good natured, although suspicious of outsiders as most Silvan elves are.
Archery has been his main interest for most of his life. Ever since he was allowed to shoot from his father's bow, he got it into his head that he would become one of the Elvenking's guards. The idea of locking strangers and evil folk in Thranduil's dungeon prison cells was rather appealing to him. He also has a strong love for nature and animals.
His parents were alive far before Thranduil had begun his reign as the Elvenking of Mirkwood. They were wise, open minded and accepting. Far more than the regular Wood-elf that dwelled in Mirkwood. This rubbed off on Nethalion as he was raised, for although he is suspicious of outsiders as most Woodland elves are, he now looks further to try and find the good in every heart that he comes across, evil or not. His sister was born more than 1000 years before he came to life, and she has taught him much of what he now knows. It was up to his father, however, to teach him the basics of archery and other skills that would serve him well as a member of Thranduil's guard.
In 3014 TA, very early in his career, he found himself thrown into the middle of the invasion and forest fire from Dol Guldur. He displayed skill both with the bow and with his clear thinking under pressure. Although the events of those days still darken his mind, they only strengthen his resolve to protect the forest and his king.

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Name: Rilyanis Nenalassë
Gender: Female
Location: Lindon
Race: Noldor
Appearance: Dark brown hair and brown eyes
Personality: Thoughtful and fair; kind but does not shy away from conflict when she deems it just. Fundamentally serious but finds joy in many things.
Interests: Prefers reading to fighting; is comfortable as a hunter and can hold her own in polite company. Will always choose to do something active over passively accepting her fate.
Weapons: A longsword and a bow


Name: Calindo Hórëon
Gender: Male
Location: Lindon
Race: Noldor
Appearance: Dark brown eyes; fair brown hair
Personality: A quick temper that has been tamed a bit over his long years. Driven by loyalty and is not shy about holding grudges.
Interests: Passionate about both music and martial skill.
Weapons: A longsword and a spear

Rilyanis and Calindo are siblings. Their parents, Tindo and Rilye, married in Valinor and followed Finrod Felagund to Beleriand in the revolt of the Noldor with their two young children. Rilyanis, the elder of the two, was born Y.T. 1453, and was thus 42 years old (even then in the form of a child of men) when the family joined the Revolt of the Noldor. Calindo was 24 years of age at this time, being born in Y.T. 1471. The siblings grew strong through this time of hardship but enjoyed a prosperous adolescence in Minas Tirith under their lord Finrod.

When the latter settled in Nargothrond, Tindo and Rilye took their two young children with them; Tindo was a stonemason and wanted to help in the establishment of a stronghold for their people. When Nargothrond fell, the family fled to Brithombar, where many of Finrod's people already lived, having been sent there to help rebuild the havens. There, they fell in with the people of Círdan.

When Brithombar and Eglarest were destroyed, Tindo was killed in the fighting. After fleeing to the Mouths of Sirion with Círdan's people, Rilye took a ship west in grief. Rilyanis and Calindo, however, remained with the people of Círdan, later relocating with them to Lindon. Both had fought at their father's side and swore to maintain the legacy of the elves of the Falas. Calindo thus served Gil-Galad in the Last Alliance. Rilyanis, meanwhile, stayed in Lindon to aid and protect the people who remained there. After the defeat of Sauron in SA 3441, they continued to serve in the Lindon Guard.

Bios likely to be expanded as their stories play out in Ages of Arda and the Lindon Guard.

Original icon images from here and here.
she/her | Esta tierra no es mía, soy de la nocheósfera.

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Father-name: Faeaear (sea-spirit)
Amilessë (mother-name): Adarestel (father's hope)
Epessë: Tâlmion (one-footed)

Race: Sindar elf, one of the Falathrim

Age: Born First Age 100, on Third Age 3014 his age was 6,945.

Location: Cairluin Mansion, near Mithlond, Lindon

Appearance: his hair is the color of wet sand, dark brown, and his eyes are colored in fascinatingly ever-changing shades of blue, adopting to fit his mood. He's tall, graceful, and one-footed, the other foot replaced with iron-wrought wood. He's usually clad in blue, gray, or white, his sword hidden beneath the folds of his cloaks. His hands are gentle but strong, scarred from years of fighting and ship-building while remaining quick and skillful after years of painting and writing.

Personality: Adarestel is quiet, brooding, and softly spoken. His anger is slow to rise, and even slower to cool down once it's kindled. He has a long memory, and can keep a grudge or a debt for ages. By the end of the Third Age his laughter is very rare; he is troubled by years of wars and pains, though he does not often emerge from Lindon to participate in them himself. He'd had his share of battles, and he'd come to utterly dislike fighting.


Father: Adarestel never met his father, Acharnion, though he was said to resemble him in appearance and character. Acharnion was killed in battle three months after his only son was born. News of his death reached his wife about a month later, along with a last letter containing the name he chose for his son, Faeaear (sea-spirit). Acharnion was born in the dark forest of Nan Elmoth, where he grew up with his father, Gwingal, a dark, lonesome warrior. He came to the havens at Eglarest on FA 95, when he was 55 years old, to work as a shipwright, after the fashion of his father before him. He married Bainhent, daughter of one of the shipwrights of Círdan's people, but soon afterwards learned of troublesome orc raids to the northeast and rode to battle, never to return.

Mother: Bainhent of Eglarest was the only daughter of the shipwright Fauredhel. She married Acharnion of Nan Elmoth. When their son was born, her husband was away at war, and she named the child "Adarestel", meaning "father's hope". Four months later she learned from fleeing elves of his fate, and his last letter, in which he asked their son to be named Faeaear, was delivered to her. Though she felt broken, she tried to raise their child as normally as possible. Adarestel remembered, however, that she used to cry often, when she thought he couldn't see her, and hardly ever smiled. He loved her, but his fond childhood memories are from his grandfather, Fauredhel, who played with him and taught him much about shipbuilding, singing, and laughing. Bainhent and Fauredhel were slain on FA 473, when Morgoth's forces invaded the Falas.

Interests: cartography, poetry, history, writing, and formerly (before the Third Age) shipbuilding and fighting.

Weapons: Laegsarnaeg, a long sharp sword, its hilt set with a green beryl. The blade was crafted in Valinor, perhaps originally belonging to one of the Noldor; its origins were never discussed by Gwingal, who brought it to Beleriand and passed it to his son, Acharnion. After his death, the blade was returned to his wife by elven refugees fleeing to the Falas. She treasured it greatly, but allowed her father, Fauredhel, to forge a new sheath for the blade, beautifully engraved, and present it to Adarestel when he first left Eglarest, traveling to meet the Secondborn who entered Beleriand as Círdan's emissary, at the beginning of the fourth century of the First Age. Adarestel carried the blade for three ages, renaming it "Adarhathel" (father's blade) in his honor of his father.


First Age:

Gwingal of the Teleri was born in Beleriand in the Years of the Trees, and together with his family completed the Great Journey, coming to Valinor and living in the fair city of Alqualondë. He worked as a shipwright, but was away when the First Kinslaying broke out, discovering it a few hours late and returning hurriedly to see the last of the Noldor depart. To his horror, he found out that his entire family was slain in the battle. Maddened with grief, he took a ship and followed the Noldor to Middle-earth in furious pursuit. Braving the dangers of the way, he reached Beleriand and settled first in Doriath, within the Girdle of Melian, but later, wishing to live independently and alone, moved to the forest of Nan Elmoth, where he dwelt in a small house in the darkness of the trees. He married an elleth of Doriath, but soon after their son Acharnion reached his twentieth birthday, she decided she couldn't stand the darkness of Nan Elmoth anymore, and returned to Doriath. Somewhat surprisingly, Acharnion was encouraged by his father to find his way into the wide world as well. Remembering his father's longing stories of the sea and the ships, he decided to become a shipwright and traveled to Eglarest, where he married Bainhent, dying in battle three months after their son was born.

Named by his mother "Adarestel" and by his father (in a letter) "Faeaear", the child grew up in Eglarest, mostly taught by his grandfather Fauredhel. He became a shipwright, like both his grandfathers and his father before him. He was one of the first elves to travel to meet the new Secondborn after they entered Beleriand, sent by Lord Círdan with tales of the sea and gifts of pearls.

His mother and grandfather suggested that following his visit of the first Men, he could travel, if he wished, to his father's father in Nan Elmoth. He agreed, uncertainly entering the dark woods and finding his grandfather's small house in the year TA 370. Gwingal received him a little suspiciously, but seeing how clearly he resembled his son, he invited him to live with him, for a while. Adarestel learned to love and respect the gloomy former member of the Falmari, staying with him for 102 years. Gwingal trained him to become a warrior, and passed him his undying hatred of the Noldor. Even during his youth, having heard his mother's tales of his family's fate in Alqualondë, Adarestel had refused to speak Quenya, though he understood it well. To the end of the Third Age he bore this refusal, strengthened by Gwingal's stories.

Adarestel and Gwingal rode out often to battle bands of orcs. They participated in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, for though they had no love for the Noldor, they learned that some of the Falathrim intended to join the attack on Morgoth's stronghold, and with them they went. In that battle Gwingal was slain, in his last actions defending his grandson and bidding him run, understanding the war was lost.

Adarestel was wounded and grieved, but at his grandfather's last command he abandoned his side and tried to fight his way out of the battlefield. He was assaulted by Easterlings, whose betrayal he never forgot, bearing a strong hatred for mankind for many long years later. They cut off his left foot, and would have killed him had he not been saved by one of the Dwarves of Belegost, who risked his life to rescue him. Dragging the wounded elf out of the fight, the dwarf bound his bloody foot and found him a riderless horse to carry him away from the battlefield. Adarestel managed to return to his grandfather's house in Nan Elmoth, staying there until his foot was healed. After he reemerged into the wide world, he discovered to his horror that his mother and grandfather were slain when the Falas was assaulted, and that the the havens at Eglarest and Brithombar were destroyed. He followed Círdan and Gil-galad to the Isle of Balar and rejoined the Falathrim on FA 475.

Long did he remember his debt to the dwarf who saved him during the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, eventually setting out to seek him. On FA 510 he found him in Khazad-dûm, and the two forged a powerful bond of friendship, later continually kept between Adarestel and the dwarf's descendants for generations. The same dwarf wrought him a new foot out of wood and iron, one on which he could put his weight, greatly relieving his pain. Through later years, Adarestel would often come to Khazad-dûm to visit his dwarf friends, see if they needed anything, and have a new foot made for him.

Second Age:

Adarestel, also known now as "Tâlmion", the one-footed, made his home near the Grey Havens at Lindon, in a beautiful blue shell-covered mansion, Cairluin, on the shores of the sea. He began to travel around Middle-earth, mapping lands and recording histories, tales, and legends about peoples and places. He loved the sea, and wrote books and poetry, often painting and drawing. When the Last Alliance formed, he joined it readily, though he did not enjoy war.

Third Age: Adarestel dwells in Cairluin Mansion by the sea, writing and at times traveling out to explore Middle-earth.

Some of his books:

Tales of Middle-earth volumes I-III: Of the Tree Shepherds, Of the Naugrim, and Of the Followers
The Blue Book (originally written in Sindarin as Parfluin) - history of the Elves, especially the Falathrim
Song of the Sea

From a letter to Bree Queen & Clementine Book Emporium Bookstore (Aig's NPCs): "I specialize in historical and geographical books, having witnessed much of the history myself, and am known in Lindon as a cartographer. Throughout the years, I've had other professions beside a mapmaker, a writer, a poet, and an artist, such as a soldier and fore and foremost a shipbuilder; but I find myself enjoying writing in various styles and studying lands and peoples more than ever, and hardly use the skills I've acquired in my other occupations. Recently I have put effort into a new subject I have never tried before, namely writing fiction for children. The audience of my new storybook is kids around the age of ten; kids of the Edain, to be specific. I am currently working on the fourth volume of Tales of Middle-earth, Of the Halflings, and during my research I've met several charming folktales which I decided to adopt into an adventure-filled, enjoyable book, which I intend to publish in the mortal world (as I doubt my fellow elves will find any interest in it)...

The book is entitled Into the Blue, the name inspired by the hobbit stories of a certain wizard who caused many young people to go "into the blue" and participate in "mad adventures". It is also referring to the end of the story, in which the main character, Willow Goodenough, finds herself reaching the blue sea with the help of the mysterious wizard, who was in the original tale the famous Gandalf, but I prefer to call him simply "the Wizard". During the book, Willow Goodenough and her cat Gerontius join the Wizard to a long journey from the house of her aunt "Crazy Rose", with whom she lives, in Woodhall, a village in the Eastfarthing of the Shire, to the Grey Havens. On their way they meet many friendly people who assist them, and many unfriendly dangers too, which they must brave. They become acquainted with the local cultures, passing in the Shire, Bree (by an unfortunate mistake of direction), and Lindon."

[More information concerning Adarestel in the Second and Third Ages, and of his family, may be added in the future.]

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Lirien Lamaenthel

Born YT 1497 in Ossiriand/Lindon, Lirien’s parents were of the Nandor (Green Elves/Laugrim) but were killed during the First Battle of Beleriand, only days after Lirien was born. She was taken to Doriath by her people and placed within the court at Menegroth to foster there. Who among the Laugrim her parents were remains unknown.

From an early age, Lirien showed a gift for the art of story, song and poetry, and learned much from listening to and studying the craft of Daeron the Minstrel. Lirien remained at the periphery of the court at Menegroth throughout her time there, feeling set apart by her Laugrim heritage. She stayed as a quiet observer throughout the turmoil that embroiled Thingol’s later reign, trusting herself and her safety to the Girdle of Melian.

However, after the Battle of the Thousand Caves and Melian’s departure to Valinor, Lirien realized that the only person she could truly rely upon for safety and protection was herself. She left Doriath behind, returning to Ossiriand where her unknown parents had dwelt and where she was born.

During her time in Ossiriand, Lirien learned to use the bow and sword from the few Nandorin people who still dwelt there. Following the War of Wrath, she joined with those of the Sindar who took up residence in Ossiriand, and eventually departed to Greenwood the Great in their company. There, she became a member of the court of Oropher, serving as a poet and minstrel or as a ranger in his guard, as it pleased her. She remained in the Greenwood to watch over and safeguard the Woodland Realm rather than taking part in the War of the Last Alliance, and stayed long enough to see Thranduil crowned king.

Following his crowning, Lirien removed to Imladris for a time, to continue perfecting her wordcraft there. Throughout the Third Age, she traveled often between Mirkwood and Imladris, never staying in one place for long or allowing herself to become truly tied to anyone. Fiercely proud and independent, she values her freedom and the ability to care for herself and make her own way in the world above all things.

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Name: Eilinwen
Gender: Female Elf, Silvan
Age: ~ 1200
Location: Houses of Healing, Lothlorien
Appearance: slight, pale, a bit frail
Personality: Demure, melancholy
Interests: learning the art of healing, gardening, cooking
Weapons: none
Pets: none
Originally born in Lothlorien, Eilinwen travelled west when she was about 30 years old with her family to the Grey Havens, where by chance she met her future husband, Camthalion, a Falathrim. They lived on the shore together for over a century in peaceful bliss. She kept the home, gardened, and cooked as her hobbies while her husband built boats in the shipyard and tinkered with custom wood furniture. One day, the two of them went fishing off the coast of Lindon and were involved in a horrific boating accident. Eilinwen was found a week later on a pile of rocks, nearly at Mandos's door. Being told her husband was dead and drowned, she nearly gave up on life, and grief was as unbearable as the physical injuries she sustained. A healer at the Grey Havens recommended Eilinwen to be returned to Lothlorien for recovery and restoration, and Eilinwen agreed. She remembered little more of the journey to Lothlorien, and it was several months before she had the physical strength to leave her healing chambers. Eilinwen has since remained at the Lothlorien houses of healing under their charge. Her physical ailments have since been cured, though grief and anxiety still overcome her on occasion. She helps when she can, keeping the other patients entertained, cooking when allowed in the kitchen, maintaining their garden. Deep down, she feels Camthalion's presence somewhere, though after 10 years, no word of him surviving the boating accident has ever reached her ears. She knows she must let him go in order to thrive.

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Name: Giliathriel

Gender: Female

Age: Born 2748 SA, 3711 at the time of the war of the ring

Location: She's lived most of her life in Lothlorien itself, though I plan to update this section once I figure out where she actually is right now. I haven't roleplayed this character since 2004 so I'm still putting pieces back together as I remember them lol.

Appearance: Wavy Auburn hair and pale, blueish green eyes. She's tall and slender, standing at around 5'7". She's been described as willowy. Her skin is fair and doesn't take a tan well. She has a silver chain that she wears across her forehead, looping to the back of her head and kept in place with pins. The chain was a gift from her grandmother, who in turn received it from her Noldor kin. It was forged during the YT era, and Giliathriel considers it to be her greatest treasure.

Personality: Gili has always had a hard time staying in the moment. Her mind constantly wanders, making it difficult for her to focus her attention on anything for very long (at least by elf standards). She's typically good natured, and while she loves being around others, she prefers being in her study reading tomes. Typically reserved and quiet, she likes to listen to others speak, so she can learn more from them. She has a deep anger inside her though, and goes to great lengths to make sure it doesn't rise up.

Interests: She considers herself to be a scholar of the world. The stars are her primary interest, and she spent a chunk of time in her youth mapping them out with precision. She loves any kind of natural, or scientific inquiry, and her curiosity is endless. She often feels that she'll be learning until the end of time and still never learn anything new. She enjoys watching swordplay and archery, but struggles with it herself. While not as talented with the creative arts as some of her fellow elves, she does enjoy singing with them as well.

Weapons: While she has a dagger and a bow, she rarely uses them and only carries them with her when leaving Lothlorien itself, when she feels like she has to.

Pets: She is friends with a little owl that responds to her call and will often accompany her, though I'd hesitate to call it a pet. There's no true ownership involved, and the owl is free to leave at any time

History: Definitely a work in progress. She spent most of her years living in Lothlorien, with occassionaly visits to Mirkwood and Imladris. It's only been in the last 300 years that she, thinking that the other elves were languishing away the last age that they would have in Middle Earth, decided to venture out of the woods and see more of the world. She never married or had children, though there were a few elves that she met that she'd attempted a relationship with. It never worked out, and she'd decided it simply wasn't meant to be. Besides, she still had the freedom to travel. I'm still trying to find her old history to if there's anything important in there I'll add it before I finish fleshing out this section.

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Menellótë Silosse

Name : Menellótë (‘Flower of the skies’) Silosse (‘Snow of silver-white’)

Race : Falmari Calaquendi

Born : Unknown year, during the years of Trees

Birthplace : Alqualondë, Aman

Heritage : Younger daughter of Lindesúl ('Windsong') and Lhinnadhriel
Sister of Melindalë
Husband of Sarnir. Mother of Erfaron

Appearance : Pale and composed, with a flawless countenance and ice blue eyes that rest upon a soul just long enough to make them quite uncomfortable. Silosse is tall and fair but aloof. She wears most often white and silver garments, to further enhance her snowy presentation.

Personality : Silosse does not waste her time upon anything which does not intrigue her, but she is passive aggressive rather than confrontational. If you bore her, she shall merely depart from your company without explanation. She is loyal, committed and not easily dissuaded from her any opinion. She has a patience and cool demeanour which can quiet and/or infuriate any who seek to try and oppose her. Not intimidated easily, nor overly expressive, few has she allowed to know her true feelings and heart.

Experience :Silosse was born the second of two daughters to a bellmaker and his wife in Alqualondë. Her parents had awakened in Cuivenen, unmarked by great deed save for their song, amidst the Nelyar. Together they endured the Great journey unto the promised haven, where they commenced their family in safety and contentment. Their love was that of music, and the couple met each waning and waxing of the two trees, by raising up song and music in praise of Ulmo and Osse. Their eldest daughter, Melindalë, followed their parents into this devotion, standing as a foundling member of a group of local madrigals – a small harmonising choir of young ladies who sang like a flock of songbirds. But Silosse, aside from obliging with her family's plan of handbells, was of a different kind.

She preferred to indulge in her love of art and explored the world about her with an unchecked curiosity. When she found her way to the small local school, her parents worried that she would not make friends so easily as had her sister. She was after all, not concerned overmuch with company or her peers. But at school, Menellótë (as her father had named her) learnt of another small girl, called Menelote. The teacher often confused her with this other girl, for their names so similar. But they were unlike in almost every other way and so their lives were destined to become ever after entwined.

Menelote was dark haired and an only child, adept and enamoured of sport; lively, animated. Menellótë was silver haired, a sibling, but for all that favoured books and silent reflection. Still the two girls became swift allies, as neither fit in with the popular and social throng of their peers. They explored the world through the altered opinions of each other, finding a new lease of life through the eyes of another soul. From Menelote she learnt to fish, and in return bestowed her craft of artistry upon her best of friends.

As an adult, Silosse watched her sister and her best friend each find themself a husband. Disinclined to seek the same for the sake of it, she turned her own eyes and her heart toward the heavens, and lost herself in the study of the stars. In time her doting parents called upon the same Noldorin clan who had once built their beloved bell tower. The Cenilwe siblings of Tirion were commissioned to design and construct a new elevation for Menellótë to admire the great sky.

Seven times she was presented with a finished construction and on each of these seven times she informed her parents that it was not ‘done’. In time, Sarnir Erondo, demanded of the young woman why she was causing such trouble for his family of artisans, who had followed her precise instructions to the letter each time, only to be told, each time, to start over from scratch. Menellótë confessed that she had expected he would come to speak with her long before he had. This was what had driven her to demand further work of his family, for she had grown ever more intrigued by the reclusive sculptor and could think of no other means to keep him where she might continue to watch him.

Stunned, but soon enchanted by the strange Falmari female, Sarnir commenced courting Menellótë, awarding her with the epesse she favoured ever after, Silosse. They were eventually wed, and she moved to Tirion to live with him, and raise their son.

Her husband she found to be a match she could respect and admire. As a noble though, Sarnir insisted that their son was homeschooled, as he had been himself, while Silosse campaigned for the only child to be allowed to socialise with others of his age group. Her friendship with Menelote had made a great impact and she wished for her son to know the same enjoyment of friendship. Although her old friend was now mother to two children of her own, Menelote had married Earcolante, a Noldo of the original Tatyar from Cuivenen. The Royal court had become conflicted as the Noldo King’s sons bickered amongst one another, and Sarnir sat on an opposing allegiance to that of Earcolante. He refused to allow their son to associate with the children of Earcolante, and instead encouraged Silosse to build up a friendship with Aimira; one of the pretty popular girls from their shared youth in Alqualondë. Aimira had children who Sarnir believed would befriend his son, while her husband, Elturco, was a prospective business associate. Most notably, they supported the same Feanorien cause as he did. Sarnir’s only other associates were Licumorner, a childless candlemaker, and Ezelondo, a quarrier, whose son was already of ill-repute. Alas that Silosse did visit with Menelote, but their sons did not develop the close bond whish she had yearned to see.

In time their families were further more divided. For the hostilities of their people further grew after Melkor murdered King Finwe, extinguished the light of the two trees, and stole the legendary Silmarilli. The bickering sons of the murdered monarch led the Noldor toward Alqualondë, to borrow the ships of the Falmari and pursue their enemy, but the Falmari refused to join the war against the approval of the Valar. Silosse watched her husband and son march toward Alqualondë, assured by a vision that her beloved would never depart across the sea. She had no preconception however of the terrible kinslaying which took place over the dispute.

When news reached Tirion of the devastation done, Silosse hastened to her parents’ home in Alqualondë. Though they had employed their belltower to warn of the assault, they had all survived the fighting. Menelote had not been so lucky. Silosse found the remains of her childhood friend, shortly before reuniting with her parents and her sister. They presented the body of Sarnir to his widow and Silosse felt a new wave of grief at the news that he had fallen to Falmari archers. The only hope she might cling to was no sign of her son. Left to assume that he had made the crossing with the other Noldor on the stolen ships, she feared he was heading to war and hardship in a strange land. Yet she was forbidden from following..

In the long years after, Silosse joined the growing company of unrest, established by Aimira’s father in Tirion. She honed her skill with a trident, drawing on the lessons of her spear-fishing youth, and named her weapon ‘Etuli. When the War of Wrath called for support from Aman to thwart Melkor’s desolation, Silosse went for the first time to the land far across the sea. She fought in the long conflict which reshaped all the continent, and she survived it’s conclusion. Still seeking her son, she heard that he had fought in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, and so she braved the depths of some awful dungeons throughout Angband to unearth where her child may have fallen, but found only the remnant of Licumorner Herumacil, Sarnir’s best friend. Following great years of torment the former candlemaker now resembled little of what he had been before, and his state only further spurred Silosse on, to fear what may have come of her son.

Refusing to return without him, she still abides to this day in Lindon. The lonely mother has made various efforts throughout the years to locate her lost child grown though he now was grown into a warrior she might scarce recognise. Finally she was reunited, with Earculinta, the son of Menelote and Earcolante, who played a strong role in aiding her locate her quarry. But her son had made such stalwart connections in all the ages since he departed from home, and still recalls the motto of his father – to make all the hardships they had suffered ‘worth it’. Choosing thus to linger in Endor until he is convinced the enemy is no more threat to those that matter, Silosse has agreed to loiter also, at least for now.
Last edited by Ercassie on Sun Jan 02, 2022 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost
The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not touched by the frost.

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Name Afarfin Mordagnir, he has been reborn and was given the name Miresurie (The Jewel Seeker)

Gender Male

Age Current Incarnation 124 years old, He was over 700 when he died in the First Age so his Fea is almost 8000 years old.

Location Lothlorien

Appearance Tall and strong, with dark grey eyes and blonde hair he has a strong calm face and is quick to smile.

Personality He is curious and often quick to laugh and try to ease the situation. He is wise beyond his years having spend thousands of years in the halls of Mandos, refusing to leave unless he was certain that he would be able to see the love of his life again soon. He is loving and kind and would and has in the past given up his life for his friends.

Interests Exploring, and learning about the changes in the world since he last inhabited it.

Weapon A Long sword, it is not his old one, he is not sure what happened to it when he passed perhaps he will find it eventually and he'll be able to reclaim the blade.

Pets A Chestnut Mare name Celegelwen, A grey wolf hound named Telemnelce

History Born in Aman in the light of the trees Afarfin was the younger brother of with Arasoron Mordagnir, and the older brother of Rassëdil Mordagnir. The brothers would often hunt and roam the woods when Arasoron decided to follow Feanor in leaving Aman Afarfin was at his brothers side. The kinslaying haunted him. There he fought bravely and was introduced to the love of his life Melviriel by Arasoron, who had found her fascinating and had been curious about her but had given her up when he realized his friend Afarfin was her soul mate. He however died before he could wed her- protecting Rassëdil , their younger brother in the Third Kinslaying as he would not take part on the wrong side of such folly again.

He waited thousands of years to be able to return to Middle earth, as he knew that his love would not leave Middle earth easily and she was not in the Halls of Mandos, eventually he was reborn to his current parents in Lorien where he grew up happy and in wonder of the beauty of the world under Galadriel, a Noldo he had known of, and who reflected (to him upon remembering his past life) still the light of the Two Trees that he was born under. When he came fully of age he began to remember his past life, and Melviriel, it took a long time to find her as few knew her by her proper name, but eventually he found Rassëdil, the elf he had saved and Melviriel though she now went by the name 'Fuin'. What caused such a name change he did not know but he would find out as soon as he could.
Last edited by Fuin Elda on Mon Mar 07, 2022 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sereg a Dîn

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"Your Elven soap operas." - Katrina F.

And for another episode in "As Arda Turns..."
Author's Note: This character was originally created by @Sur Vanar Utírieste but graciously given to me on the Plaza years ago with a clean slate before taking a leave of absence. He also features prominently in my book, Fairralon: The Twelve Thorns - Ann Fairblade.


Tharmáras is his Sindarin mother-name roughly meaning Beyond the Mountain's Horn, referring to his High Elf mother's vision of her son's love of the sea opposed to her love of the mountains.

Falasion, meaning Son of the Coasts, is his father-name.

Isilherven is his Sindarin surname meaning Husband of the Moon. Girion Coruben gave Tharmáras this nickname. He would often see the prince gazing at the silvered waves in the evening and would often notice how his eyes would drift from the ocean to the moon during their voyages at night. Ironically, he would later marry an elleth named Isildië.

His former self-name - Ellonnîn, the Man of Tears - he privately embraced in the wake of Crabanel's murder. His new self-name - Ellongell, the Man of Joy - is only shared with his wife, @Ercassie, and was chosen shortly after their wedding.


6,987 years old presently.



Cordof Calina, Brightapple, the manor of Tharmáras and Ercassie, on the Forlindon shore between Forlond and Mithlond.



The Elf-lord grows cultivars of oranges. The fruits are sold throughout the realm and the Wethrin Isles. He is Vice Admiral of the Lindon Guard and Keeper of the North, protecting the Gulf of Lhûn from Umbarian piracy. He leads the military with Telkelion, Admiral and Keeper of the South.



Tharmáras is handsome even by Elf recokoning and has a tall, imposing stature. He is strong and blue-eyed, short of golden hair and has a soft-spoken voice.



Shields also they made displaying the tokens of many
houses and kindreds that vied one with another.

- Tolkien, from
The Silmarillion:
Of The Silmarils and the Unrest of the Noldor

There were in Aman a vast multitude of creatures,
fëar, of many kinds: animals or moving creatures,
and plants that are steadfast. There, it is believed, were the
counterparts of all the living creatures that are or have been
on Earth, and others also that were made for Aman
only. And
each kind had, as on Earth, its
own nature.
- Tolkien, from
The History of Middle-earth X: Morgoth's Ring

Tharmáras uses his High Elf mother's heraldic sigil, a unicorn of Aman. The beast ridden solely by virginal women of the Eldar is regarded in both Elven and Mortal heraldry as a symbolic sign of virtue and purity, grace and strength. The unicorn is featured rampant and white on the purple sails of Tharmáras' warships. The unicorn is displayed running courant on both the golden sails of his merchant fleet and painted on the wagons of his orchard company.




Alatariel is a highborn elleth of Aman who lived in Alqualondë; she is friends with Silosse of Lindon and Aimíra Mordagnir who returned to Aman in the Second Age. Alatariel fled the Blissful Realm, excited to see Middle-earth where her parents once lived, ignoring her Vanya mother's plea to remain in the Undying Lands. Alatariel did not join the first Kinslaying having been raised on the shores of Swanhaven; her sorrow deepened as many Elves she cared about died in the perilous arctic crossing of the Helcaraxë.

But the neri are more skilled as smiths and wrights,
as carvers of wood and stone... But of all these things,
and other matters of labour...may be at different times
be pursued by any among the Noldor, be they
neri or nissi.
- Tolkien, from
The History of Middle-earth X: Morgoth's Ring

She took control of her father's masrony guild following his death in the Battle-Under-Stars. She was anguished when her father was killed but was dedicated to honoring his memory. She settled in West Beleriand, specifically the lands of King Finrod bounded by the rivers of Narog and Nenning. Alatariel rebuilt her father's guild, renaming it Gwaith-i-Gond - the People of Stone - in the speech of the Telerin Elves. It was customary for men of the Eldar to be builders so she faced much adversity in her male-dominated field but triumphed over her competition and her critics. Alatariel became a respected magnate in the field of stonework; many fair houses given by Annúnfalas' housing committee and mighty fortresses of the Noldor were made by Alatariel's building enterprise.

Here with the aid of the Noldor (whose skill
far surpassed that of the Sindar) Brithombar and Eglarest
were walled about with great walls, and fair towns were raised
within, and harbours with quays and piers of stone. And the
Tower of Ingildon [Barad Nimras] was set upon the cape west of
Eglarest to watch over the Sea; though needlessly, as it proved.

- Tolkien, from
The History of Middle-earth XI: The War of the Jewels

When King Finrod Felagund decided to help his neighbor, Lord Círdan of the Falas, rebuild the havens he commissioned Alatariel's guild, one of many. She was part of Reconstruction efforts and involved in the raising of Barad Nimras. Alatariel was kindly met by a Grey-elf noble, Thavron, of Emyn Brithombar. She worked closely with him since he was a shipbuilder concerned with the remaking of quays for sailing and fishing. She adjusted well to the society of the Sea Elves with his help. He welcomed her to live with him in his hilltop manor above the Brithon River during her stay. He called her Nórusuibess in Sindarin, She Who is Like the Sun, so enamoured he was of her golden hair and stunning beauty; she took this name for her epessë. She had been so focused on her career, a distraction from the pain she felt over her father's killing and the separation from Valinor, but he reawakened happiness within Alatariel again. She remained with Thavron in the Falas and married him.

In the hour of birth, or on some other
occasion of moment, the mother might give a name to her child,
indicating some dominant feature of its nature as perceived by her,
or some foresight of its special fate.
- Tolkien, from
The History of Middle-earth X: Morgoth's Ring - Of Naming

She gave birth to Tharmáras in the sixty-seventh year of the First Age. She foresaw him older, kissing a beautiful red-haired bride in the light of a beach sunset; for the rest of her life she was determined to find this woman for her son. Alatariel raised him to be a charming gentleman of the Falas gentry. Alatariel permitted Tharmáras to study shipbuilding with his father however she restricted him from sailing too far from shore, knowing how ungovernable the ocean could be.

In the year FA 114 Tharmáras began visiting the harbours and piers of Brithombar & Eglarest alone. He saved an innkeeper named Girion Coruben from being killed by a Fëanorian traveller - Nenloico, a warrior of King Celegorm - who picked a fight with the Dark Elf in his own pub.

The argument began with the soldier belittling Lord Círdan. The feud escalated when Girion and his sister, Prestiniel, denounced the High Elf's faction for the Kinslaying at Alqualondë and the burning of the swanships at Losgar. When racist Nenloico tried to kill the Falathrim, Tharmáras broke a wooden chair over the warrior's head. The High Elf was undamaged but enraged; he cruelly beat Tharmáras into submission. The Elf-boy was not trained to defend himself or others - his mother's doing, sheltering parent that she was - and would have died were it not for Girion and Prestiniel who both intervened and subdued the Noldorin soldier together. She healed Tharmáras' injuries and Girion promised to owe him anything he desired for saving their lives. It was a pact of friendship which would last a lifetime.

When Prestiniel, a messenger of the Falas, contacted Alatariel about the altercation she sailed into town to be with her son as he recovered and to thank the Falathrim. Nenloico escaped his manacles which the city guards had placed upon him and escaped confinement. He avoided pursuers in the wilderness all save Alatariel herself who hunted the soldier down. She dueled Nenloico by Nenning's riverbank. She dragged him to the water then drowned him in the wells of Brithon to avenge both her son and her Telerin brethren.


As Tharmáras healed, Alatariel learned about Girion's checkered past. The innkeeper had a respectable military career before he retired from the Falathrim army following the Glorious Battle and was a celebrated mariner. He also happened to be a notorious rogue and an infamous gambler, earning the Sindarin monicker Coruben...the Wily Man. When she was told that he was friends with Davos, a scoundrel she had known in the Undying Lands, Alatariel decided to forbid her son from Girion's fellowship.

Being overprotective, she restricted him from speaking to Prestiniel - a veteran of the Glorious Battle, too - who filled his mind with many harrowing tales of warfare. Tharmáras defied his mother. He studied how to navigate ships from Girion and Davos. He practiced with Prestiniel, learning a variety of weapons and how to protect himself by mastering codfied martial arts since his parents would not allow their guardsmen to teach Tharmáras. Later this same year, Tharmáras encountered two women on an Eglarest wharf, drawn curiously by voceriferous shouting. He sees an irate silver-haired woman known locally as Eärmana, infamously known for her coldness and bruality, angrily poised on the dock with her back turned to him. She was flailing her arms and yelling raucously at her shipwright apprentice Annúnfalas. The younger woman seemed distressed looks by the terrible harassment she is receiving from her mentor. Chivalrous Tharmáras bodly confronted the enraged builder and demanded that she treat her student better. Tharmáras stood firm as an oak as Eärmana unleashed her tempestuous fury upon him before storming off. Annunfalas thanked him for his heroic intervention but explained what was truly upsetting her mistress, that Eärmana was unlucky in love. Thus Tharmáras and Annúnfalas established a close friendship which would last forever. They studied ship construction and spent time together outside of the ports, enjoying each other's company away from the shore. The Elves made a vessel as a team and named it I-Rîs-Half, Sindarin for the Queen Seashell.


In the year FA 115 Tharmáras began his errantries in the Siege of Angband against the protests of his mother who tried painstakingly to keep her precious son safe at home. Tharmáras brought his household guard to an isolated fortress in Ard-galen named Mindon Manheren, meaning the Lucky Tower, so called for its impressive low casualty record. Rincion Gurthion was the Noldorin captain of the Lucky Tower. The battle-hardened Exile was the older brother of Tharmáras' attacker whom Alatariel executed. Even before Tharmáras met the grim captain of Mindon Manheren, he knew by sight of the black pennants emblazoned with Rincion's boarhead emblem, that he was going to have difficulty here but Tharmáras was no coward. Rincion permitted the Unicorn Guards to be reconnaissance and cavalry warriors but, loathing Tharmáras, he refused his personal command of the company; he selected him to be a troop instructor .

Tharmáras could have sought glory elsewhere instead of suffering Rincion's vengeance but he endured the boredom of his post, knowing he could still make a difference as a trainer. It was the love of Rincion's red-haired daughter - Narellin, a beautiful archer - which kept him anchored although his relationship with her deepened Rincion's hatred. There a came an autumn night when Mindon Manheren was besieged. Tharmáras performed deeds of outstanding valor, including the rescue of Rincion whose body was crushed by a troll. Tharmáras defeated the monster single-handedly to the amazement of his comrades, slung Rincion over his armored shoulder, and cut his way from the bailey to the back to the keep where healers treated the wounded. The tower repelled the minions and Tharmáras was hailed as a hero. Rincion begrudgingly thanked Tharmáras for saving his life and gave him his blessing to court Narellin; he permitted the prince to finally lead his soldiers on the field as well. Tharmáras contracted a Firebeard smith of Nogrod to construct an arm and leg of iron to replace the limbs Rincion lost which led to his growing warmth toward Tharmáras.


Alatariel was disappointed when her son brought Narellin home the following summer. She was not the flame-haired woman she had seen in her vision and warned Tharmáras that his romance was doomed, giving a deaf ear to Thavron's declarations to be civil and accepting. Tragedy struck when Tharmáras took Narellin on an oversea voyage.


"Lingwilóke, fish-dragon, sea-serpent."

They were attacked by a fish-dragon in a sudden storm. The eel-like creature was infamous; the mariners of the Falas and Nevrast had named it Gorlyg. Narellin fled belowdeck, leaving Tharmáras to battle the beast himself. It crushed the ship with the inexorable force of its constricting coils and Tharmáras could not save Narellin from its gargantuan maw. The monster vanished below the roiling sea, leaving the weeping sailor clinging to the flotsam of his ruined ship in the heavy rain. The heaving waves of Ossë caried him far away. Marooned on the nameless barren key southwest of Lammoth, Tharmáras mourned the death of his lover in seclusion for two days. On the third day he was discovered, fishing in the shallows, not by the guards of his household but a schooner of Nevrast. The yacht was piloted by an Elf-lord named Hatholdir Nârroval and with him were his companions Hrango and Herentortha. They were smiths, miners, and warriors of Chief Rog and had joined the search for Alatariel's missing son. Hatholdir and Herentortha let Tharmáras know how happy they were to meet him by insulting the prince good-naturedly but their rejoicing was spoilt when Gorlyg, emerging from the deep, assaulted the gathering on land. The righteous anger of Tharmáras and the ferocity of the Hammers Gorlyg could not withstand. It retreated from the clash but devoured Hatholdir, swallowing him whole.

The Elves reeled from the tragic loss. Tharmáras who hardly knew Hatholdir wept bitterly. Herentortha and Tharmáras sang of his daring whilst somber Hrango drummed tortoiseshells with carved driftwood mallets. They praised Hatholdir until the firstling stars of twilight twinkled in the rosy lambent glow of the sinking sun. They were astonished, crying the holy name of Eru in thanksgiving, when they saw Hatholdir burst from his watery grave as if summoned back to life by their music. He waded through the foaming tide and stumbled over the sand dunes, smelling to Tarmenel. He grinned like a conquering hero who just received his glittering crown as his sworn brothers and Tharmáras raised a joyful noise, running to embrace him. They were awed by his unlikely survival from the belly of Gorlyg. Hatholdir gave them a lopsided grin and claimed non chalantly that the slug had found him somewhat indigestible.

Although his new friend genuinely liked Tharmáras, Hatholdir was a clever opportunist with ulterior motives. The gifted metallurgist left the Fëanorians to serve Turgon but his brutality, arrogance, and stalking of Roina Mordagnir tarnished his reputation. Hatholdir hoped saving Tharmáras would improve his own standing in Vinyamar so he introduced the prince to Fëapoldië and her husband, Laegon, respected Elves of the kingdom. Tharmáras interacted with the couple when he descended from his seclusion in the high misty fields of Mount Taras for a month, letting his heart heal, before he came back home. He appreciated his father's sympathy over Narellin's death but Alatariel lectured her son, accusing him of murdering her because he did not listen to his mother's wisdom.

He returned to the Siege of Angband to find expiation in battle but when he arrived at the Lucky Tower, Tharmáras found that news of his lover's death reached Narellin's father already. Killing the dragon did nothing to mitigate Rincion's misery. He ordered Tharmáras to leave and swore to kill him if they ever saw each other again. He returned to Brithombar in guilt and lived with Girion to escape Alatariel's extravagant parties to lure the mysterious redhead of prophecy.


Prestiniel liberated messages from certain noble women which would otherwise have been sent to Alatariel's candleflame instead. Many young highborn ladies invited him to their coastal estates, prairie homes, or lavish underground caverns in West Beleriand. He was too pained by Narellin's memory for a new attachment. He was intrigued only by the letters of one princess from Hithlum though. A Sindarin lady knight of Mithrim named Crabanel praised his bravery; she asked him if he would consider joining forces with her in the Siege of Angband. Since she didn't seem smitten with him like the rest, Tharmáras agreed to provide support.


He didn't know much about her family save for knowledge of its castle, Morrhafn, south of the Lake and the emblem of their house. The symbol was a raven, the token of Langorchel - its Noldorin patriarch - who returned from Valinor with Fingolfin. The Elf-lord married a Sindarin noblewoman in Beleriand who led many Sindar in search of Thingol in the Years of the Trees. A Telerin dame named Mauya surprised Tharmáras at Girion's home, introducing herself as Crabanel's older sister. Her sibling and their parents were visiting her mother's side of the family in Ossiriand for several months. Crabanel had charged Mauya with observing Tharmáras' company in Ard-galen so she could decide whether or not to partner with him in the Siege of Angband. They had many adventures together and fell in love as they depended on each other for survival. He had tried keeping himself from becoming too attached to her, afraid that history would repeat itself but he could not repress his attraction to the valiant princess of Morrhafn.

Mauya accompanied him to Nevrast in FA 116 to surprise his friends with a sponteanous visit so they could meet his lover; more importantly, they needed to investigate why Nevrast's forces no longer were seen in the North. The entire population of King Turgon's realm had vanished, bewildering them. They encountered Erfaron whom Mauya knew very well from the Siege; together they lamented the absence of those they loved. To make matters worse, Erfaron mentioned by accident that Mauya was not Langorchel's daughter. Erfaron, noticing the prince's dark look, told Tharmaras that Mauya was Langorchel's ward who was orphaned in the First Battle of Beleriand and was the captain of Crabanel's guards when she rode against the Orcs. Tharmaras was outraged that Mauya had lied to him about her identity. He insisted hearing the truth from Crabanel's own lips and went with Mauya to Morrhafn to await the family's return despite her ardent pleas for him to stay away.


They found Crabanel and her parents sooner than expected, having left the Valley of Goldenbells in Ossiriand where Lord Hastor ruled, the Elf-lord who one day would give King Dior the Nauglamír. Tharmáras shared Erfaron's revelation and asked Crabanel to affirm it. She was incensed but assured him that Erfaron told the truth. Mauya lied to gain his favor which she admitted to, believing the prince wouldn't fancy her otherwise. She hoped that Crabanel would be forgiving, knowing Mauya had long been enamoured of the valorous Elf they heard of in tales from the Siege, but Crabanel denied her mercy. Tharmáras ended their courtship; he valued honesty in a partner and was certain he could not trust her to tell him the truth about anything now. Crabanel exiled Mauya from the castle and warned her to never return.

Filled with bitterness and shame, she came to the Gap of Maglor in the winter. The honorable king accepted Mauya's request to become the adjutant officer of the first regiment; Earenolwë Noldorseron introduced the stranger who saved him in ambush in Lothlann where her predecessor was slain. When she confessed to him what happened at Mithrim, she wept in his arms and he called her Nairëdess, the Woman of Lamentation, which she took for her epesse. Mauya's friendship with the Nelya margrave would last for eternity and recognized the Begotten as a surrogate father. She followed him to the ends of the earth during the Second Age and the first milennium of the Third, having many adventures in the great unknown with Earenolwë and Herugon and Moriel in Bar-en-Raen.

"I don't need a virtuous man."

- Crabanel, from Ages of Arda IV: Mantle of Darkness

Crabanel had Tharmáras all to herself now that Mauya was out of the picture for good. She used Tharmáras to gain greater respect for herself in the field. Her selfesh interests clashed with her growing feelings for him despite many disputes concerning her pride and her brutality and her use of venomed weapons. Love blossomed passionately between them as they worked together despite Alatariel's fervent attempts to separate them; it was not her hellbent schemes but the invasion of Orcs which drove Tharmáras and Crabanel apart. Rivers of flames and noxious smoke made Tharmáras abandon the field, fleeing to Minas Tirith, while Crabanel accused him of cowardice. In her arrogance, she jeopardized her entire command by staying in Ard-galen during the onset of the Bragollach War. She ultimately retreated to Barad Eithel with a reduced company and was captured in Gothmog's siege. She was taken to Angband and tortured for information regarding the citadels of Ered Wethrin.

Morgoth held now the western pass, and his terror filled
the fields and woods of Beleriand. Beyond Hithlum he
pursued his foes relentlessly, and he searched out their
hiding-places and took their strongholds one by one. Orcs
growing ever bolder wandered at will... Many of the Noldor
and Sindar they took captive and led to Angband, and made
them thralls, forcing them to use their skill and their knowledge
in the service of Morgoth. But ever the Noldor feared most
the treachery of those of their own kin, who had been thralls in
Angand; for Morgoth used some of these for his evil purposes,
and feigning to give them liberty sent them abroad, but their wills
were chained to his, and they strayed only to come back to him again.
Therefore if any of his captives escaped in truth, and returned to
their own people, they had little welcome, and
wandered alone outlawed and desperate.

- Tolkien, from
The Silmarillion: Of the Ruin of Beleriand
and the Fall of Fingolfin


Weak and maddened from her torment in hell, dominated by Morgoth's demonic will, Crabanel was finally released by his sinister design. She failed to save her father, Langorchel, from the destruction of his hidden stronghold in Ered was besieged with the knowledge she had given Morgoth. When her mother discovered this, she disowned Crabanel in despair and had her daughter marched off the grounds of Morrhafn at the point of spears and was declared her child a traitor to High King Fingon. She wandered over the mountains and monster-ridden wilderness in the winter of FA 457, a destitute criminal desperately seeking what she assumed would be the refuge of Tharmáras having no one else to turn to. She entered Brithombar, a hapless vagabond begging for a ship to sail her up-river to Alatariel's mansion but a mob had gathered.

They spat in her face, beat her down, and threw rocks at Crabanel. She would have been pummelled, kicked, and stoned to death but Tharmáras was on patrol and he delivered her from their merciless asssault, hearing her strident cries of Tharmáras, please! He took his own ship home and carried his woman inside to be healed and given sanctuary but Alatariel was vehemently opposed to this, knowing Crabanel was an outlaw and jeopardized the safety of the Falas. Tharmáras stubbornly vowed they would be gone by spring. In the meanwhile he contacted the housing council of Annúnfalas and had a new residence named Cardhon Bundereb, a castle, built on the cape southwest of Emyn Brithombar. He married Crabanel in a private ceremony, at Crabanel's insistence in rebellion against his mother, during the spring of FA 458 in a picturesque valley of Emyn Nenning. It was situated above the moon-dappled waters of the river below. They dwelt amongst the rugged sea-cliffs of their oceanside home away from Alatariel thereafter; husband and son were sundered from each other until the Fall of the Falas.


At last the compelling threat of Morgoth's will over Crabanel drove Thamaras to take his wife to the Pools of Ivrin so she would not return to her Master. Believing these were hallowed springs he hoped Crabanel would be healed and so she was. The holy water she drank broke the dark enchantment of Morgoth and purified Crabanel's spirit. She was restored, renewed. During the course of the next several years Crabanel and Tharmáras guarded the borders of the Falas, ridding minions from the border - sometimes even with Erfaron, the tireless hunter of evil whom Crabanel had adventures with before in the North alongside Mauya. Crabanel and Tharmáras offered shelter to both Elves and Mortals alike fleeing from the servants of Morgoth. They welcomed the birth of her first child, Limmallen, in the spring of FA 459.

But King Fingon was hard put to it to hold back the
army of Angband that came down from the north; and battle
was joined upon the very plains of Hithlum. There Fingon was
outnumbered; but the ships of Círdan sailed in great strength up
the Firth of Drengist, and in the hour of need the Elves of the Falas
came upon the host of Morgoth from the west...

- Tolkien, from
The Silmarillion: Of the Ruin of Beleriand
and the Fall of Fingolfin

In FA 462 Lord Círdan sent his fleet to Fingon when the Orcs battled his warriors on the northern plains. Crabanel and Tharmáras sailed their frigate up the Firth of Drengist alongside other ships. Crabanel won back her respect from the guards sworn to her family. Crabanel eschewed the use of poison...but she viscerally knew that somehow she had still cursed herself.


Many now fled to the Havens and took refuge behind Cirdan's walls,
and the mariners passed up and down the coast and harried the enemy
with swift landings / The havens were laid in ruin, and the tower of
Barad Nimras cast down; and the most part of
Círdan's people were slain or enslaved. But some went
aboard ship and escaped by sea... This remnant sailed with
Círdan south to the Isle of Balar, and they made a refuge for
all that could come thither; for they kept a foothold also at
the Mouths of Sirion, and there many light and swift ships
lay hid in the creeks and waters...

- Tolkien, from
The Silmarillion:
Of the Fifth Battle - Nirnaeth Arnoediad

In FA 472, following the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, droves of refugees flowed desperately into the Falas; many of them Tharmáras and Crabanel welcomed to their castle. Husband and wife increasingly scouted the shorelines of the realm and chased off encroaching minions with swift amphibious deployments. Before the coming of winter, Morgoth's hosts invaded the Falas from the north and ravaged its lands. The walls were broken and the coastal cities of Eglarest and Brithombar were razed. Most of Círdan's people were slain or enslaved but there were those Falathrim who escaped on the water. Tharmáras and Crabanel collected fleeing people like Annúnfalas and Eärmana aboard their ships; together with their daughter, Girion, Prestiniel, and Tharmáras' parents they went with Círdan and Gil-galad to the Isle of Balar.


This remnant sailed with Círdan south to the Isle of Balar, and they
made a refuge for all that could come thither; for they
kept a foothold also at the Mouths of Sirion...

- Tolkien, from The Silmarillion: Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad

They participated in the building of a sanctuary there and overtime hid many fast slender ships in the creeks and pools where reeds densely grew in the Mouths of Sirion. Tharmáras and Crabanel warmly greeted the voyagers from the Havens, survivors of Doriath and Gondolin like Melviriel and Aldahesto, finding shelter from the Fëanorians on the Isle of Balar. Alatariel reunited with the Mordagnirs she knew well in Aman and happily saw Aigronding's grandson, Hadron son of Valion, marrying her granddaughter Limmallen. Crabanel found her mother on the isle and Angrennis forgave her grief over Langorchel's death but she left for the Undying Lands in the Second Age. Tharmáras and Crabanel played no part in the War of Wrath but at times joined Aigronding and Roina, hand in hand, watching the titanic destruction of Beleriand - which lasted more than four decades - until it was entirely laid waste and sank beneath the waves.



They remained on the Isle of Balar until the beginning of the Second Age. They sailed Tharmáras' caravel Tyelpëoaris - the Silver Mermaid built of Nimbrethil wood - to Lindon, the remnant of old Ossiriand, with Lord Círdan and Gil-galad who was now High King. Girion opened an in inn near the capital and settled down with an Avari huntress named Cora. Thavron and Alatariel rebuilt their guilds for shipbuilding and construction in the Grey Havens, Tharmáras and Crabanel established their manor home within an expansive grove of oranges between Forlond and Mithlond. Crabanel became an ambassador of Círdan and an emissary to the northern Dwarves of Forlindon. She and her husband were in constant visitation with Hatholdir, Hrango, and Herentortha living in the Wethrin Isles. They often visited Westernesse together with the trafficking Moles and made trips to Eregion where lived the Mordagnirs and Fuin Elda who was once called Melviriel.

Whenever Lindon went to war, Crabanel and Tharmáras answered the High King's call with Girion and Prestiniel, leaving their estate in the hands of their Nelya steward Aphedriel who had once served Tharmáras' parents as head housekeeper. They interacted with Hatholdir's Mole company which served as paid reinforcements of Círdan in the War of the Last Alliance. Crabanel and Tharmáras were sent by Círdan to the Orc stronghold in Lithlad; they needed to stop its forces from succouring the minions at the last combat on the slopes of Orodruin but suffered the grievous loss of both Rincion who laid down his enmity and the great warrior Asgar - Astaro's father - in Mordor in SA 3441. They were both killed on the grey mournful plain of ash, defending Hatholdir and Tharmáras and Erfaron.



And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling—my darling—my life and my bride,
In her sepulchre there by the sea—
In her tomb by the sounding sea.

- Edgar Allan Poe, Annabel Lee

"Here is the Mirror of Galadriel. I have brought you here so that you may look in it, if you will."
"What shall we look for, and what shall we see?"
"Many things I can command the Mirror to reveal and to some I can show what they desire to see.
But the Mirror will also show things unbidden, and those are often stranger and more profitable
than things which we wish to behold. What you will see, if you leave the Mirror free to work,
I cannot tell. For it shows things that were, and things that are, and things that yet may be.
But which it is that he sees, even the wisest cannot always tell. Do you wish to look?"

"I'd not mind a glimpse of what's going on at home."
- Galadriel, Frodo, and Sam from The Lord of the Rings:
The Fellowship of the Ring - The Mirror of Galadriel

In the year TA 1409, Mauya accompanied the Bar-en-Raen to Lothlórien when Earenolwë had their wandering company tarrying in Wilderland. Since he had been a friend of Galadriel's since the Years of the Trees in Aman, the Lady welcomed the Nelya's closest friends to look into her scrying Mirror. Galadriel gave Bar-en-Raen two options, either they asked her to show what they desired or let them look into the magical water freely. Mauya chose the latter choice and, in so doing, determined the fate of many.

The Mirror twinkled silver and showed her a memory of the past, her last kiss with Tharmáras whom she still loved in a high windy court of emptied Vinyamar. The scene ebbed away, replaced by the sight of Tharmáras along side Mortal knights, waging a desperate hill battle against Orcs, in what she fearfully assumed was sometime recent. The harrowing image shifted, supplanted by a vision of the Future... Tharmáras weeping in the shadows of a mausoleum near the opened lebethron tomb of Crabanel who laid dead within, illuminated in the shaft of pale moonlight beaming down through an oculus in the vaulted ceiling. The marble doors were flung open behind Tharmáras, revealing...Mauya, the red hood of her embroidered cloak falling off her luxuriant black curls in her swift rush to hold him...

Believing that Crabanel departed already or would pass away soon, Mauya bade an emotional farewell to Earenolwë as they came over Hithaeglir with Lord Elrond and Nenmallen's forces so she could travel west to sooth and claim her prince.


The kings of Arthedain again claimed the lordship of all Arnor.
The claim was resisted by Rhudaur. There the Dúnedain were few,
and power had been seized by an evil lord of the Hillmen, who was
in secret league with Angmar. Argeleb therefore fortified the
Weather Hills; but he was slain in battle with Rhudaur and Angmar.
Arveleg son of Argeleb, with the help of Cardolan and Lindon,
drove back his enemies from the Hills; and for many years
Arthedain and Cardolan held in force a frontier along the
Weather Hills, the Great Road, and the lower Hoarwell.
It is said that at this time Rivendell was besieged. It is said that
Angmar was for a time subdued by the Elvenfolk coming from Lindon;
and from Rivendell, for Elrond brought help over the Mountains out of Lórien.

- Tolkien, from
The Lord of the Rings: Appendix A

Crabanel and Tharmáras gave Lindonese military aid to the Dúnedain of Cardolan and Arthedain in their war with Rhudaur and Angmar in TA 1356. Crabanel went to Rivendell to help Lord Elrond against the Angmarians attacking the valley in TA 1409, cooperating with Aigronding and Fuin leading the Imladris Host.

With Rivendell secured, Crabanel journeyed to Lindon where Garavan and Tharmáras were waiting. Her company took shelter from inclement weather inside a deserted castle of Rhudaur sorcerers. Enemy remnants of Rivendell's siege appeared in the storm to take Crabanel's castle for themselves. To her shock, Mauya appeared in the tangled forest, done waiting in the mountains above Imladris for the battle to conclude. She helped Crabanel destroy her foes but only the women survived the carnage.


It's the slow knife, the knife that takes its time, the knife that waits years
without forgetting, then slips quietly between the bones...
- Talia Adira al Ghul

We're not meant for happiness, you and I.
- Daphne du Maurier

We can never go back again, that much is certain. The past is still close to us.
The things we have tried to forget and put behind us would stir again...

- Daphne du Maurier

Crabanel was astonished by Mauya's prowess with a sword, how deadlier she had become since last they parted. She was overcome with pangs of regret seeing the disturbing glow of Mauya's eyes. The woman she considered a sister long ago looked coldly at her, saying nothing as the rain subsided. Crabanel broke the silence, thanking Mauya, and welcomed her to Lindon to live with her but the gracious offer was ignored as were Crabanel's questions about what Mauya had been doing with her life all these centuries. A chilling silence lengthened between them until Crabanel, shaking, apologized to Mauya for shutting her friend out of her life. She asked for her forgiveness, assuring Mauya that she was redeemeed now, and wanted to rebuild their friendship. Crabanel collapsed into her embrace, sobbing. Mauya was saturated with a burning ire radiating from the depths of her soul.

She seized the advantage of Crabanel's brokenness and released the smoldering hatred of aeons. Mauya drew a misericorde from her cloak and drove its slender blade through Crabanel's stomach. She loomed over Crabanel's writhing body until at last she laid still then Mauya gave herself a name Gwarthil, the Betrayer, and ventured on to Lindon. She found a room at a Mithlond boarding house with help from Annúnfalas' and purchased with some silver from her mercenary work in the East with the Nelya. She waited for news that Crabanel's body had returned to Lindon and for report of her burial. Mauya came to the mausoleum and lied to Tharmáras when she embraced him, saying Crabanel was killed in battle along side their guards as Edan Amrun believed. Tharmáras was devastated by his wife's murder. Mauya remained with him and Garavan to comfort them both but Tharmáras was listless and melancholy. His morose spirit worsened when Garavan, a frequent visitor to the Wethrin Isles, moved to Mel Lóna later in the Third Age where he married Bridgit sister of Beren and lived with Limmallen & their brother Rivalchon.

He eventually accepted his spouse's death and the absence of his children but he remained lonely. Although Mauya dwelled with him still as captain of his guards, they were never intimate and maintained a good friendship with each other despite her ardent feelings which she clearly made known to him. Tharmáras had become Lindon's most elegible bachelor but he never courted again, most likely due to the mysterious deaths some interested women suffered at his galas, until he met an elleth with fiery hair enlisting in the Lindon Guard. A woman of Gondolin who was as fair as the sun and as lovely as the moon and brighter than the stars...


It was a sad misfortune that she knew that even as she passed Tharmáras (of all Elves !) on the walkway,
her hair was already dripping quite noticeably about her.
"Good afternoon Heru a Falassë,"
she greeted the officer, with nothing less than perfect manners, and as though they
roved in casual idleness beneath a blazing sun. Ducking a slight but pronounced nod,
she passed him quite sedately, before glancing back with longing and remorse.
Might be he would wonder at her altered demeanour and pursue her ?
As the possibility took hold about her longing heart, she recalled her less than perfect visage
and fled further down the walkway, growing in more speed the more of a distance she put between them

- Ercassie, from her post in The Lindon Guard HQ, 2015

If I give my heart to you
I must be sure
From the very start
That you would love me more than her
'Cause I couldn't stand the pain
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
- The Beatles, If I Fell
A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds. - Proverbs: 31:10

Her name was Nariel Eregwen, Fëapoldië's daughter. Unlike his prior romances, his relationship with the vivacious woman was amorous right from the start and their attraction deepened over time. She wasn't a coward who deserted him in battle like Narrelin. She wasn't a liar like Mauya nor was she sadistic as Crabanel used to be. Nariel - who loved singing and dancing and lovely gowns - was appealing in her tenderness, her femininity, her hope for the future, a reliance on simplicity, and caring about what he felt. He believed her to be the woman of his mother's vision. His assumption was affirmed when Alatariel told him that she foresaw this Nariel in a bridal dress kissing Tharmáras in her vision at her son's birth.

But it would seem that in these after-days more and more of the Elves, be they of the Eldalië
in origin or be they of other kinds, who linger in Middle-earth now refuse the summons of Mandos,
and wander houseless in the world, unwilling to leave it and unable to inhabit it, haunting trees or
springs or hidden places that once they knew. Not all of these are kindly or unstained by the Shadow.
Indeed the refusal of the summons is in itself a sign of taint. Is is therefore foolish and perilous
thing if the Living seek to commune with the Unbodied, though the Houseless may desire it,
especially the most unworthy among them. For the Unbodied, wandering in the world, are
those at the least have refused the door of life and remain in regret and self-pity.
Some are filled with bitterness, grievance, and envy. Some say that the Houseless desire bodies,
though they are not willing to seek them lawfully by sumission to the judgement of Mandos.
The wicked among them will take bodies, if they can, unlawfully. The peril of communing with
them is, therefore, not only the peril of being deluded by fantasies or lies; there is also
peril of destruction. For one of the hungry Houseless, if it is admitted to the friendship
of the Living, may seek to eject the fëa from its body; and in the contest for mastery
of the body may be gravely injured, even if it be not wrested from its rightful habitant.
Or the Houseless may plead for shelter, and if it is admitted, then it will seek to enslave
its host and use both his will and his body for its own purposes.

- Tolkien, from
The History of Middle-earth X: Morgoth's Ring

Mauya was envious of Nariel but she realized that the woman was a perfect match for Tharmáras and her affection for him was sincere. She ended her sulking, believing she needed to make peace with Nariel, but there was a danger which Tharmáras tried keeping his lover from...his own house. When Tharmáras left to protect his parents during an Umbarian attack on the Wethrin Isles, Nariel decided she would investigate the mystery of Cordof Calina herself and discovered the secrets of Tharmáras' prior marriage. Mauya warned her of rumors concerning Crabanel's spirit haunting the orange groves once she gave Nariel her blessing. She was alarmed when Nariel told her that a womanly voice welcomed her inside. Crabanel had been speaking to Nariel. Aphedriel warned her against this; the old elleth said that a Houseless soul could try taking possession of a living body once it fooled prey into thinking it was a benign and seeking friendship.

If Nariel's contact with her continued developing then she would be endangered of losing her own fëa or her body destroyed. The shade of Crabanel, refusing the summons of Mandos to keep watch over her husband and hoping to take possession of a new body, never had taken revenge against Mauya. Crabanel knew she would protect her husband, but the elven ghost was consumed with anger when she conspired with Nariel and Aphedriel. Crabanel threw Mauya down the stairway of the manor. Tending Mauya's broken limbs and waiting out a raging storm, Nariel had no choice but to stay overnight....

As she slept, Crabanel's invisible spectre woke Nariel with a cold touch of her spectral hand. She begged permission to use her body but Nariel furiously objected. Crabanel turned volatile and attacked her but Nariel resisted, surprising the ghost with her strength and fiery determination. Crabanel was defeated. She finally accepted the call to Mandos, knowing she could not contest Nariel nor could she abide there to see Tharmáras raising children with her. Believing that Mauya would linger at Cardof Calina, watching another woman living the life she wanted, Crabanel was satisfied and relinquished her union with Tharmáras...and answered the summons of Námo which the Vala King had given her aforetime. There Crabanel remains in Mandos until all the Elven Dead arise before the Second Music and the creation of Arda Unmarred, the new earth.


Since Mauya was still injured, Girion Coruben - a reservist commander in the Lindon Guard - mobilized Tharmáras' fleet when Sarabeth Gameela shifted her Corsair attacks northward in a brazen move to the Gulf of Lhûn. Girion went to Harlond to help Earenolwë end the Umbarian's siege of the major port, joined by Tharmáras who arrived late having returned from helping his saving his parents' from Sarabeth's lieutenant. Meanwhile Aigronding, summoned by Telkelion, helped fight off a band of Daenaugrim Shadow Dwarves from Parfheron's castle in Harlindon. Tharmáras finally reunited with his Nariel, discovering that she and Mallosel captured Matsu Halsad, Sarabeth's lover. Deciding that they could use Matsu as a bargaining chip, as Girion the gambler referred to him, Tharmáras told Mallosel to bring the Umbarian to Earenolwë so they could discuss an armistice.


Considering the danger Nariel faced recently, Tharmáras whisked her away to a luxurious mountainside lodge for a majestic woodland escape in the Blue Mountains of Forlindon. He had never taken Crabanel or Mauya to the peak he was bringing Nariel to. It was rumored to have been hallowed by Aule and Yavanna as had been Tarn Aeluin, Ivrin, and Aelin-Uial. Tharmáras discovered it in one of his lonesome wanderings following the departure of his son. The Lindonese Trekking Guild declared the hike as "challenging, requiring good stamina and proper boots." Nariel stubbornly wore a pair of beautiful heels Tharmáras had spent a fortune on though...for the sole purpose of the charming Elf-lord to carry her eventually down from Mátano, a romantic overlook he was keen on bringing her to.

The steep route to it was ultimately reached by passing a wonderland of fair streams and deep tarns, icy woods and massive boulders. As they journeyed along this scenic pathway, Nariel told him about Crabanel's spectre and what she had done to rid the jealous ghost from their lives. Tharmáras spoke openly of the women he once loved and observed, in retrospect, how none of them had the heart Nariel did...nor would they have hiked a thousand miles up a mountain on a cold day to reach a snowy secluded cliff. Weather conditions changed quickly, from mist & shadow to a gloriously radiant sunrise by the time the lovers reached Mátano - the Hand of Aulë - which had become in recent years a popular tourist attraction for elven couples. The broad ledge jutted horizontally out from the mountain above the glassy waters of Ailinlenwa Valaina, the Lake of Angels, and bravely attained by the careful descent of a sheer slope which was not for the weak-willed. It was here that Tharmáras knelt and proposed to Fëapoldië's daughter. And she said yes.


Their betrothal was announced, by Eldarin tradition, at a meeting of both their families in the tower of Uilosorn mostly because for the sake of Alatariel and Tirindo. It was determined by Nariel's uncle and Tharmáras' mother that they would wait a full year to marry as was Noldorin ritual but Nariel and Tharmáras objected but not so vehemently as Airien Mereniel, the cousin of Aigronding's wife and Nariel's confidant. Tharmáras maried her in a fornight that year of TA 3000. The wedding feast was hosted near mallorn posts standing wreathed in fluttering silk by the ocean underneath a purple sunset.


Musicians of Dol Amroth and elven survivors of Gondolin's Harp House performed on the beach. Milmitra, the small child of Hrango, was the flower girl. Ohtarien (who had too much wine) gave Nariel away and bound the couples hands together with Thavron before blessing their union in the names of Eru and Varda and Manwë. The couple received back their silver rings they had worn fourteen days and exchanged slender bands of gold, both sets forged by Idrasaith, before their kiss. Tharmáras received a jewel from Silosse, Nariel's surrogate mother. Thavron gave Nariel a firebird necklace - a token of her Eldarin emblem - from which a red-gold pendant hanged built of red-gold, ebellished with rubies and diamonds and Harlindon pearls.

"A houseless fëa that chose or was permitted to return to life re-entered the incarnate world
through child-birth. Only thus could it return. As for this re-birth, it was not an opinion, but
known and certain. For the fea re-born became a child indeed, enjoying once more all the wonder
and newness of childhhood...the Re-born are twice nourished, and twice parented, and have
two memories of the joy of awaking and discovering the world of living and
the splendour of Arda. Their life is, therefore, as if a yar had two springs and
though an untimely frost followed after the first, the second spring
and all the summer after were fairer and more blessed."

- Tolkien, from Morgoth's Ring: Of Re-birth and
Other Dooms of Those That Go to Mandos


Nariel gave birth to their twins, Anarondo and Caramírië, in TA 3007. Anarondo is fond of emulating his gallant father but has a playful side and likes to play tricks, especially on Nariel and his babysitter and Councillor Erestor.


Cara loves to sing and hop and chatter like a tiny bird, is fond of jewelry and beautiful dresses also but wouldn't think twice about playing in the mud; she is a dreamer but when her delusions of grandeur seem ready to materialize, she often gets nervous of making her daydreams a reality. The lighthearted and rambunctious seven-year-olds have been oddly behaving lately, causing their parents to consider the cosmical notion that their children bear within them the reincarnated spirits of Laegon and Fëapoldië...


"Uin is a common noun, whale...
uimoth sheep of the waves."
- Tolkien, from Book of Lost Tales: Glossary.

In the year TA 3003, Tharmáras and Nariel welcomed a live-in nursemaid at Cordof Calina under the saddest of circumstances. Oversea thirty leagues from Lindon an elusiv mighty whale named Hâlbelen was being brutally harassed by Eärmana piloting the Onimpotent. The aggressive elleth harried the docile beast with such malevolence that it encountered a white ship of Mithlond sailing west with terrible violence. Believing it, too, was pursuing him Hâlbelen rammed the vessel. All the Elves survived, rescued by Valion Mordagnir's ships, and eventually were able to find the Straight Road to Aman. Only two Elves, a married couple, were drowned but their daughter survived. She was cast ashore on the smooth white dunes near the orange groves of Tharmáras and Nariel. by some miraculous blessing of Uinen. The young Elf-girl was discovered by Cara who toddled away from Nariel and Rondo building a sandcastle so she could collect seashells in her rhinestone beribboned pail. Cara returned holding the dripping wet Elf-girl, delightfully telling Nariel that Ulmo had found her a big sister. When Nariel consoled the stranger who looked heartbroken and terrified, asking softly for her name, the Elf-girl screamed and collapsed into Nariel's embrace.

Tharmáras and his wife tried painstakingly to discover the girl's identity at the Grey Havens, since the Elf-girl remained silent in tramautized sate and was called Girithniel by Rondo, the Shuddering Woman since all she could do was tremble. The couple were told by the Departures officer that the girl - Rincion's niece - was named Lalaithiel and her parents had been killed in a shipwreck. With no relatives alive, Lalaithiel was an orphan. The deaths of Narellin and Rincion still were a heavy burden to Tharmáras; he gravely asked Nariel if Lalaithiel could stay with them and, needless to say, his wife - being a compassionate lady - didn't need much convincing. Lalaithiel became the nanny of the children and their governness, having studied to be a loremaster in the palace of Cirdan. She loved the twins and reckoned their parents as surrogates in their tenderness toward her but she would not allow them to call her Lalaithiel but accept Rondo's name for her...Girithniel. "I will not laugh again," Rincion's somber niece told Nariel and Tharmáras, "but I will tremble to the end of my days."


So Tharmáras & Nariel live their life of bliss at present. They are surrounded by family & dear friends by the sea, and it is safe to say that every day together is better than the one before.
Last edited by Eriol on Fri Jan 15, 2021 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Eriol... 'One who dreams alone.' ” - Tolkien, The Book of Lost Tales I

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Race: Moriquendi
Parents: Both were Moriquendi. Their names were Ahatar and Arien.
Challenges in life: Not having seen the Light and after hearing of it in tales, yearning forever for it.

Father name: Melheta "Mighty"
Mother name: Naule "Wolf-howl" (named so for his love for forests and his gift in taming wild animals since childhood)
Draugan- "Wolf+Long"
Nuruhuine - "Death+shadow" (His assumed name after his adventures in the wilderness, hatred for orcs)

New Soul
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OOC @ All: The prior Earenolwe segment has been edited to show that Mauya is Hatholdir's niece and that Rincion was the third High Elf who threw the Nelya into the sea with Herumacil and Nenloico. Prior bios will be edited to feature plotted interactions with the characters of Fuin and Annúnfalas.

Earenolwë: Beneath the Stars - Part III



"If someone says he will kill you,
believe him and stab the idiot first."
- Arasoron Mordagnir

The plot of Herumacil, Nenloico, and Rincion failed. Erindan, his eldest son, and Arasoron's friend Afarfin rescued the Nelya from the thrashing waves then welcomed him aboard Aimira's own ship, Rámarluina. Earenolwë assured Arasoron that Sarnirion was alive then told only him, Afarfin, and his family what really happened since he was surrounded by Noldor. Arasoron was disgusted they had tried to murder an enemy who proved his alliegiance, throwing him off on his own ship to boot.

"Wrathful Old Testament Elves." - Moriel, out of character

Arasoron, a taciturn High Elf who harbored a ruthless philosophy of accepting various sacrifices in the name of the greater good, encouraged Earenolwë to kill them when they reached Middle-earth. He believed they were a danger to Teleri and would jeopardize any lives in their arrogance; he wanted them eliminated. Arasoron happily volunteered to enter the duel as the Nelya's second to ensure that the match between Earenolwe and his offenders was carried out under fair conditions, on a proper field of honor. Erindan sternly forbade Arasoron from provoking Herumacil and Nenloico. He gave Arasoron's leash to Tavari who was more capable of restraining her pugnacious brother. What he didn't expect but should have was Tavari kicking her twin in his shins. Arasoron was fey, rubbing gingerly at the flaring pain, but he grumbled surrenduring. He agreed to leave the matter alone but warned Earenolwë to watch his back in Beleriand.

Earenolwë avoided Herumacil, Nenloico, and Rincion when they came to Losgar. He reunited with Elenillor and reluctantly submitted to her demand to burn Alarcaráma, his cherished ship they had sailed together in blissful bygone days, to embrace Fëanor's vision of the future. She tried to influence him that destroying these relics of Aman would embolden them to embrace their new home in Beleriand; he argued with her, saying that the ship represented his identity as a Sea Elf and the joy they shared in Paradise but he lit Alarcaráma aflame, afraid that his refusal would enable Herumacil to convince Maglor that the Nelya could not be trusted.

Earenolwë and Elenillor helped Maglor establish camp on the northern shores of Lake Mithim. The Prince summoned them, Erfaron and Herumacil, Nenloico and Rincion to his tent. The prince was gentle person but now he looked stern as his father; he heard gossiping Noldor say Earenolwë was tossed out of Alarcaráma Herumacil when the brothers and Herumacil saw Maglor escorted belowdeck; others insisted it was merely an accident, that Uinen clearly wanted Earenolwë dead for his disloyalty. Maglor demanded the truth from them all.


Earenolwë and Elenillor confirmed someone indeed had pushed the Nelya into the ocean but they were reluctant to say who. They didn't want to cause dissention among the Noldor of Maglor and decrease the strength of his military by accusing three leaders of treachery. Sarnirion, relishing the opportunity of revenge for the sake of his Nelya friend, revealed the identities of the criminals. Earenolwë pleaded with Maglor, asking him not to execute the Elves which he pondered doing, owing the Nelya his life. Instead, he pardoned Herumacil and allowed him to stay in his host by Earenolwë's request, hoping Herumacil would redeem himself but this never happened. Rincion was ordered away and entered the service of Princes Angrod and Aegnor; Maglor did not want him anywhere near his brother so he might somehow try to kill the Nelya again with his siblings help. Nenloico was sent from the presence of Maglor to serve in Prince Celegorm's cavalry but the Harper doomed him, saying someday he would perish in water. Nenloico would later be drowned by a vengeful mother, Alatariel Norusuibess mother of Tharmáras Isilherven, for the attempted murder of her son.

"There on the grey fields of Mithrim was fought the Second Battle in
the Wars of Beleriand. Dagor-nuin-Giliath it is anmed, the Battle-under-Stars,
for the Moon had not yet risen; and it is renowned in song."

- Tolkien, from The Silmarillion: Of the Return of the Noldor

Earenolwë and Elenillor fought alongside Morgath and Hrango, Idrasaith and Herontortha, Alaco and Mëarharn in the Dagor-Nuin-Giliath, forcing the sudden Orc horde out of Mithrim. Making peace with Morgath, Elenillor kissed Earenolwë farewell; Morgath was determined to follow Fëanor to Dor Daedeloth, so she decided to go with him and left her lover to aid Celegorm in the south. Led by Thavron, a shipbuilder-turned-warrior of the Falas who would later become the father of Tharmaras, Earenolwë rode in Celegorm's cavalry toward the Pass of West Beleriand. Charging out of the hills near Eithel Sirion, they harried the Orc army and pursued the survivors into the Fen of Serech where they slaughtered them all. Earenolwë saved Thavron's life that day and the sailor swore to him an oath of lasting friendship in the battle's aftermath. He welcomed the fellow Telerin Elf to visit him in the Falas when this war was over. Earenolwë and Celegorm rejoined the war in the north but retreated when Feanor was mortally wounded. Following the capture of Maedhros, faced with a cold war with Fingolfin's arriving faction, and discovering that Ezelondo had been rescued by Aldahesto of Turgon's people....Elenillor decided she had enough. She abandoned Maglor and Earenolwë, fleeing to exile in the south.

Earenolwë: The First Age - Part I

Earenolwë was agonized stricken by Elenillor's disappearance. It would seem that the Doom of Ezelondo would haunt him forever. Neither the fair silver moon nor the bright sun could purge the bitterness from his soul. He started wearing black in perpetual mourning for his lost women - Tyelpelfindis and Elenillor - in Endor and the Teleri he murdered in Aman. He named himself Haldanér, the Shadowed Man, because of Ezelondo's curse which sullied any joy Earenolwë found because the Nelya had taken his. While he slowly recovered, Earenolwë befriended a young sullen Elf-boy named Herugon whose father had been slain by Orcs; he recently lost his mother to the vast poisonous vapors of Morgoth which enshrouded the waters and fields of Lake Mithrim. Valgond had taken custody of his beloved nephew and disliked Earenolwë's visitations because of his rivalry with the Nelya's missing lover but Herugon dimly recalled the guest to his father's house in Aman. Being a willful child, he insisted Earenolwë sit and walk with him at his leisure. Herugon appreciated Earenolwë's kindness and was entertained by the Nelya's wondrous stories of his journey from Cuivienen. He asked Earenolwë if he would take him on adventures when he was older. Earenolwë promised that Herugon would see the beauty of the world with him one day and would have his revenge for the honor of his slain father, despite the disapproval of his uncle who wanted his nephew to stay out of war and work with him in his goldsmithing guild.
When the elven highlords planned to divide territories of Beleriand amongst themselves by the permission of the Telerin king, Thingol, Maglor became King of the great river valley between the arms of Gelion. In Maglor's Gap, a wide plain where the hills of King Maedhros and King Caranthir terminated, cavalry soldiers from Maglor's citadel constantly patrolled. He ennobled Earenolwë a margrave and charged him with the protection of the valley's vulnerable border. He was Eldakan, a coveted high rank in Maglor's host and the leader of the King's Own regiment which Herumacil, given a lesser title and smaller group of soldier in punishment for his crime during the crossing, greatly envied. Herumacil continued to be jealous and hateful of Earenolwë, contantly trying to undermine Earenolwë's fame in the valley or painstakingly trying to get him killed in Lothlann when he was away from captaining the fortress watch. It was surprisingly Dalvar, Herumacil's brother, whom Earenolwë only trusted in the Candlemaker's faction. Panion's masonry guild built as castle for Earenolwë on the riverbank of the Little Gelion, Mar Celusindi; although Elenillor was gone, at times he would entertain Sarnirion there and Morgath - though, as fortune would ,ysteriously necessitate, never at the same time - whose name was Sindarnized to Hatholdir once the Grey-elven tongue was more popularly used. He used money earned from the quartz mines located in the hills near his home to establish a shelter for elven children - later mortal ones as well - orphaned by war.
In the winter of FA 116, Earenolwë's encampment was attacked in Lothlann. The Orcs of Kratos, the Harpies of Eris, and Vampires of Lilitu were fought off but the Eldakan suffered many casualties. He would have died that morning but but he was rescued by a stranger named Mauya, a Telerin-Noldorin warrior of Hithlum. She was urgent to enlist in his regiment and bitterly told him her history concerning her fallout with Lady Crabanel. He was stunned to hear the name of her father, Gorthlim, knowing he had been the estranged brother of Hatholdir and Elenillor - her aunt and uncle - who had ventured to Beleriand on his own during the Great Journey. Gorthlim, Mauya told the Nelya, remained in Middle-earth for love of a Sindarin woman - her mother, Alphamorna - who lived in the territory of Angrennis, Crabanel's mother. Gorthlim died in the Battle-under-Stars, protecting his friend Langorchel whom he knew on the Great Journey and had returned to Middle-earth. When Langorchel discovered he had daughter, he sought her out where Angrennis rulled her Sindar to tell the girl himself. Mauya had been allowed to be raised in the household of Angrennis whom later married Langorchel. When Mauya was told that Hatholdir and Elenillor they were nobles, including her grandfather Ezelondo, she wept in Earenolwë's arms. It was too late for her to tell Tharmáras who had chosen Crabanel as his partner and had sent Mauya away for lying to him about her lineage. Earenolwë called her Nairëdess, the Woman of Lamentation, which she took for her epessë. Maglor accepted Earenolwë's recommendation for her to be his adjustant officer of Ganaran, the First Regiment which the King often rode with in war. Mauya's friendship with the Nelya margrave would last for eternity and she considered the Begotten as a surrogate father as did many others, including her Uncle Hatholdir. She followed Earenolwë to the ends of the earth during the Second Age and the first milennium of the Third, having many adventures in the great unknown with the Nelya and Herugon and Moriel in Bar-en-Raen.

In the year FA 120 Earenolwë decided to do something about Elenillor's disappearance, so fervent had become his longing for her. On leave, entrusting Ganaran to Mauya, he began the search for his lover's hidden sanctuary. Believing she would be found wherever Teleri dwelled since she would otherwise be too easily found among Noldorin lands, he looked for her first in the Falas since she loved the beach.
He visited Eärmana first. She had been a close friend of his since he knew her parents, the Nelyar couple Okrínü and mother Eäl. Earenolwë often had spent time with their little girl whom he sang to and played the flute for as he had for the daughters of Linnadhriel. Eärmana still had an infamous temper and was a brutal warrior but she respected and loved Earenolwë whom she still cared for now in adulthood. He went fishing with Eärmana, hunting a Deinosuchus - a giant crocodile, twelve meters long - terrorizing Eglarest Bay. Celebrating their victory over wine at a beach bonfire afterwards, they sadly ruminated about raising children who weren't their own and he told her of Elenillor. He gave Eärmana her description, wondering if she had seen the woman who left him. Eärmana scoffed, saying she hadn't encountered the fool. Eärmana swore she would have killed Elenillor and gloated about it to Earenolwë if she had the pleasure of ending her pathethic life. Earenolwë was disheartened but Earenolwë kissed her goodbye and continued looking for his sweetheart.

During his fruitless journey in the Falas, he befriended Girion Coruben. He was a friend of Eärmana's. Actually, she claimed he was an annoyance but less irritating than other idiots she knew. He was a Sindarin veteran of Lord Círdan's Falathrim army and a seasoned mariner. Girion had become a celebrated publican and notorious cardsharp in his retirement. He listened to Earenolwë's dispiriting story about Elenillor once he had taken a talent of silver from the margrave in a game of Beleriand Whirlwind (which he thereafter used to buy a fleet of marlin fishing boats to supply his inn's kitchen and to pay off one of his astronomical gambling debts to Davos, another Nelya friend).

Despite the money he made off him, Girion was truly moved by the High Elf's loss. He regretfully told the Nelya that he never met nor heard of Elenillor visiting his country; he suspected that if Elenillor didn't want Earenolwë to find her then she must be avoiding the coasts. He persuaded him not to look for her in Nevrast either since Hatholdir and others who lived there had all disappeared four years prior. Earenolwe agreed, feeling more dejected than before, but stubbornly declared he was going to continuing persuing her. He wasn't familar with many of Beleriand's lands since he spent too much time in the North since his return to Middle-earth; he needed a guide and Girion happily volunteered. Girion believed it was important to have nice friends in high places....


Girion and Earenolwë were welcomed beyond the Girdle of Melian. They were of Telerin race and the the Nelya was warmly known by many of the Doriath marchwardens who knew him on the Great Journey.. Iolv, one of Thingol's border guards, was delighted to see Earenolwë but sorrowfully told him that he had sent Elenillor away over a century ago shortly after Angrod entered Menegroth. Earenolwë surprised even himself when he pulled Iolv close, demanding a reason for his rudeness.

The friendship between the Elves soured immediately. The anger of Earenolwë boiled when Iolv didn't rebuke his partner who was named Mallosel - a fiesty marchwarden with a chip on her shoulder the size of Mount Rerir - from drawing her weapon, threatening Earenolwë to release her friend. Iolv sharply reminded Earenolwë that Thingol strictly forbade any Noldorin Elf to enter the Girdle; he explained that Elenillor had become livid then when she was told the same, haughtily insisting she had the freedom to go wherever she wished.

The argument nearly resorted to violence before Beleg Strongbow, captain of Doriath's rangers, fired a warning shot at Elenillor which drove her off. Iolv claimed he didn't know where she had gone but hoped the tart Elf-lady had lost her way in the dreadful valley of Nan Dungortheb. It was a shadowy place where the spawn of Ungoliant weaved their webs north of Doriath. Girion strongly advised Earenolwë to look for Elenillor elsewhere but the Nelya was tenacious and afraid for his lover. He feared she may have strayed in the gloom and found herself adrift in the terrifying abode of the spiders.

Iolv begrudged his old friend some assistance. He supplied them with equipment to last a month. His wife, one of the Ivonwin of Queen Melian, gave Girion and Earenolwë waybread for their perilous journey. Before leaving the waystation under the misty eaves of Neldoreth, Iolv - with the foresight of Elvenkind - advised Earenolwë to marry a woman of their own Telerin following, that his love of the Noldor would only lead to his heart's devastation. The Nelya ignored Iolv and rode to the Mountains of Horror....

To Be Continued in Earenolwë: The First Age - Part II
Last edited by Eriol on Fri Jan 29, 2021 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Eriol... 'One who dreams alone.' ” - Tolkien, The Book of Lost Tales I

Chief Counsellor of Gondor
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Name (s) : Licumorner (‘the Black Candle’. )
Later taken epesse is Herumacil (‘master of swords’. ) – he gave himself this name.

Race : Noldor (Caliquendi)

Birthplace : Tirion-upon-Tuna

Date of birth : 1200 YT

Heritage : Eldest son of Begotten Tatyar. They remained in Aman, though his impressionable younger siblings followed him to Endor.
Halyanis is his younger sister, and Dalvar is their younger brother.

Appearance : Herumacil is tall and proud save for an unfortunate penchant for trying to dress up his appearance in order to match his peers. Those who are accustomed to Elves raised in true nobility will note he is lacking. He has dark hair like most Noldor, though he has seemed always to keep the length shorter than is normal for an Elf. This may be down to his vocation as a candle-maker, for the peril of keeping an abode lit up by many flames. The true fire though is in his eyes, for they are so deep brown they appear black. Gleaming though, especially when his temper is lit with a subject he is passionate about. It is for this reason he was first known as Licumorner.

Personality : Herumacil has always been an intelligent and passionate soul. He does not argue simply to have his voice heard, but because he believes in whatever he is campaigning for. He is the most dangerous kind of enemy, one who believes he is in the right. He is certain that he is making the world a better place, though many have disagreed. It has to be said that he is prone to thinking he has fared unfairly in life, and has sought to resolve this by whatever means necessary. Though it is worth mentioning that when Melkor was finding fun, playing with the minds and fears of the Noldor in Aman, he did not have to try very hard to convince Licumorner that he should not live a peaceful satisfied existence.

An opportunist, regretfully ruled by his envy and ambition, his reputation has made much of his racism; towards those kindreds of Eldar who are not as he. Whatever Melkor may have whispered to lead him upon this path may not have been terribly productive until he experienced a number of negative experiences with the Teleri, in particular. Afterwards, he housed no doubts that he had cause to distrust and despise those who thought other than he did.

Experience : Licumorner was the only child of two Begotten Tatyar who journeyed to Aman and there settled in the later Noldorin city. He suffered no early loss or tragedy to inspire his heart and knew a rather more mundane existence, which was his only hardship. His parents were both keen upon making things that they could use, so they founded a pottery to produce good plates, jugs, cups and bowls. They spent most of their free time chasing their son out of their customised fireroom (Kiln) which was a marvel of a thing to his mind, changing raw work into finished works of art. Most of the family’s craft gave rise to necessary, functional utensils, and even the fairest painted jugs and vases were passed on to other Noldor who would add their skill to transform the plain piece into a masterpiece.

Licumorner had always yearned to create something that no other could, and that no Elf (however talented) would be able to improve upon.

His fate though was not to conceive of such things as mighty as the Silmarilli. Still, he toyed with a pastime that set him apart from his kin; candlemaking. His earliest forays made good use of beeswax, and as time passed the Noldo experimented with the adding of seeds and of diluting the wax with vivid coloured dyes, harvested from flowers. His creations evolved in their shape, smell, hue and texture but it occurred to him that he ought devise a candle which would not be spent. A candle that might last forever ! It was to this ambitious and hard-minded young craftsman that Melkor came, with his promises of Godly blessings and celestial knowledge, the like of which had helped to bring the entire world into being.

Licumorner could not say no, and did not. Neither did he tell anyone about his new ‘mentor’ for it seemed pleasing to him that others believed he had worked such things out by himself. In truth it was the wayward Vala who directed Licumorner in the art of designing wax sculptures. Before long his work was a thing that many amazed to behold. Not only did he develop from plain ‘sticks’ of wax to elaborate designs, but he conjured vast sculptures wherein the wick would burn away, leading the shape to melt into another, and another, in due course. By this means, the light would last far longer than had any other candle he had ever heard of.

It came that even Sarnir Erondo, a noble if an unsociable one, heard of Licumorner’s abilities. And he put his mind toward gifting the candlemaker his patronage. Merely the rumour of such an alliance saw the potter’s son rise within social circles, and his name was on the lips of those he had never dared imagine. This was not a kindness on the part of Sarnir, but a selfish need of his own, for that Noldo despite all his affluence and wealth found himself enduring a dilemma. The aristocrat was a sculptor himself, a lord of stone in fact, who prided himself in being a worker of the hardest most adamant surfaces and a skilled artist at all that. His greatest legacy though was the son who should maintain the familial reputation.

Still young, Sarnirion was yet learning of his father’s craft and by way of not wasting expensive rock on practice, Sarnir had set his son to learn sculpting ice to start. This, he admitted to Licumorner had been a mistake. For the tutor of icesculpting had been privy to Sarnirion’s wish to be wed, and had aided him in forging rings of lasting engagement and marriage, to a young maid who Sarnir really did not approve of. For this grievous error of judgement, the sculptor of stone had declared that the ice sculptor should never again dare to influence his son.

This ice-sculpting craftress was an elleth who was not only the daughter of a famous quarrier, but also much favoured by a friend of the Teleri wife’s relations. For all that, she, Vanisse Ellinilor had let Sarnir down, and he was not one to forgive, nor forget. Instead he proposed that Licumorner should teach the precocious youth how to sculpt with wax, before he should master stone. Wax after all was (like ice) able to melt down to nothing, and harden up again in a new shape, whereas rock was not so flexible.

And so Sarnir took Licumorner into employment, giving the other craftsman a glimpse of Noble living, and all he’d been missing out on. It was all that he had expected, and so much more. It was also the beginning of a new chapter of envy and ambition for the candlemaker. Sarnir, who had found little enjoyment in socialisation, grew to tolerate and become quite accustomed to the candlemaker. Licumorner was surprised to find that he did not despise the noble either, for all that he wished to be Sarnir’s match in advantages of birth, still the sculptor would have no ‘servants’ in his house, for he favoured privacy and would rather be left alone than followed around, waited on hand and foot. They could hold conversation irrespective of their differing class, and the fact that Sarnir’s wife had not been born to an ennobled life, but married into one, gave Licumorner a new line of thought to think upon. Sarnir had three sisters, after all, and who knew that he might find one of those three agreeable ?

The sculptor’s son was certainly not agreeable. Rather, aggrieved at his father’s unrelenting decision, Sarnirion deemed this new ‘tutor’ to be a punishment and demotion from his previous studies. He defiantly did his best to belittle Licumorner and embarrass him in front of his parent. The wax artist found the teaching difficult in light of this, and he might have despaired as the youth humiliated him in front of Sarnir’s much coveted sisters. But Melkor was ever ready to manipulate a mind ripe for ambition and so Licumorner soon found other means to prove he had a use for his new friends in high places. Melkor taught him how to do the most damage as he could master with a blade and, amused at recognising how Sarnir and his own brethren fell toward opposing sides in the royal debacle of Feanor vs Fingolfin, Melkor reasoned instead to widen the gap, and see brother fall to brother once again.

The once humble candlemaker found that he once more was possessed of a thing that his noble friend desired, and passed on what Melkor had instructed him, to Sarnir, so that the Noldor began to turn from want of making fine things, to the art of slaying any who he might imagine would endanger those fine things. In days of distrust, the two unlikely allies were soon bound by a mutual secret which tethered them together. Herumacil took in this time to using the epesse Herumacil, the master of swords; for that allowed word of what he could provide to Sarnir’s fine aristocratic friends, without ever his true identity being made public knowledge. At least until after Melkor murdered the Noldorin King Fingwe, and stole the famed Silmarilli ! Sarnir was swift to enlist with the host of Feanor; serving with all those who flocked unto his noble banner. In this he was simply one of countless, and served under the esteemed command of Prince Maedhros, son of Feanor himself. Herumacil, silent as to his own previous alignment with Melkor, stood as Sarnir’s second in battle. And when the noble sculptor of stone fell, at Alqualonde, it was Licumorner Herumacil who was faced with maintaining the remnant of his devastated unit.

Seizing up the slain noble’s protesting son, Herumacil ‘saved’ him, and saw them both to a nearby ship, which the rest of Sarnir’s folk heralded as a brave and righteous deed. They claimed him their champion, for Sarnirion was in no state nor of the mind to even look to lead them. Acting ‘in the boy’s self interest’ Herumacil encouraged the rightful successor to lose himself to grief, adding the opinion that the remainder of Sarnir’s collective would never follow his son, whose mother had been born of Alqualonde. ‘They look at you and they will never see your father. They will ever see only the likeness of those folk who killed your father’, he counselled the mourning son to realise.

When Sarnirion opposed this reasoning by the fact that Falmari could be just as useful as could Noldor to the cause, he could not help pointing out the presence of even King Olwe’s Nelya counsellor aboard the ship. It was in fact his – Nenmeldo’s – ship they had ‘stolen’. The Nelya had rather more welcomed them aboard in an effort to lure them away from further wrath upon his hometown, not to mention to make sure that his loved one (the rebellious ice-sculpting craftress !) was spared from vengeance on the bloodied shores. Not to be undone, or made to look a fool, Herumacil took up arms against their Nelya saviour by making his fellow Noldor, Nenloico and Rincion, aware of Nenmeldo’s presence on the ship.

‘A stowaway and a saboteur !’ was his fierce accusation, after which he was complicent in the Nelya being thrown into the sea. Sarnirion did not oppose the deed at this point, especially after Herumacil applauded him for identifying the ‘traitor’. There was little he could do about a thing already done, but warily he stayed close to Vanisse Ellinilor for the rest of the journey. Herumacil on the other hand, fell in thick with Nenloico in particular, finding him to be of a much similar mind and great support, in his works to be taken seriously as Sarnir’s replacement.

When they landed upon Endor, Herumacil was aghast to learn that Nenmeldo had been spared the drowning that ought to have been his fate. Maglor called an inquiry, at which Sarnirion had by now recovered enough of his angst after watching Herumacil usurp all of Sarnir’s forces, to condemn the Candlemaker and his friends for trying to murder the Nelya. His claim was taken rather less seriously when both Nenmeldo and Ellinilor refused to name the culprits, and Herumacil pointed out that the ‘witness child’ was griefstricken, far from his right mind, and had in fact been the first to express his ‘concern’ at one of Olwe’s people aboard the ship at the start. For his part, Nenloico did not refute the allegation against himself, boldly declared he would do it again if it meant safeguarding the rest of those aboard from a known traitor in their midst, and proudly accredited himself all of the blame. This spared Herumacil who, being some lesser born than all those other, would have found himself with less cause to be heard or offered leniency. Soon after, the call came to put the ships all to flame. And as Ellinilor sought to placate the horrified Nenmeldo, Herumacil threw the first torch with great purpose and no hesitation at the Nelya’s ship. He and Nenloico celebrated heartily for getting away with ‘attempted’ murder, for the only penance had been for the three conspirators to be cast to serve separate leaders, far apart, that they should come not together again to cause further harm to the Teler.

The blazing ships at lossoth had attracted the enemy, and the battle under stars commenced, a two-edged but decisive victory for the Feanorien invaders. For all that they pressed advantage, urged on beyond wisdom, and saw their king fall for all his ardour. Elves the like of Erindan Mordagnir, a mere merchant in Tirion, was hereby ennobled for his partaking in that almighty conflict. But for all that Herumacil had fought just as fiercely, keeping his small gathering together and alive, he was never officially recognised for this achievement. Nenmeldo meanwhile, although he was injured in the battle, was afterwards celebrated as a hero for his very survival, and named now Earenolwe – the wisdom of the Sea. Gifted the post of counsellor to King Maglor, much praise and generosity was heaped in his general direction. Sarnir’s followers had by this point accepted Herumacil as their new leader, seeing as he’d earned the right in battle, which had proven far more effective a move than simply heaping mass derogatory insults upon all competitors. Which had been his previous campaign.

Which was not to say that he refrained from seeking to undo his antagonists now at every turn. One small favour had come Herumacil’s way since the battle under stars. An opportunist spear maiden named Balcheth, had pledged herself unto his service. Seeing as the new captain was always aware that the rest of his unit had settled for him, rather than had chose him, he was proud to accept his first true conscript. Though he never allowed her to recognise the depth of his relief ! Some small satisfaction was gained in commanding power over the new recruit, and testing how true she really was to his own personal cause. It might be argued that this was doubting faith, or rather perhaps forcing her to run the same rite of passage he had done himself. She was the only other soldier under his command who was not of noble birth, so in that he found a comfort, and enjoyed the mastery of a hard won hierachy. Maybe she duely recognised it in him and would be motivated to climb her own social ladder accordingly. But meantime, Herumacil amused himself by setting the girl and Sarnirion against one another.

The latter had taken the loss of their king, and his successor very hard. He was even more prone to sulking for the loss of his lover and his friends who had been abandoned when the ships left Alqualonde. The sight of Herumacil ‘lording it up’ was the final insult, and an enmity was nurtured between them which put even their hostile relationship in Tirion to shame. In open retaliation to Herumacil and his flaunting favour of Balcheth, Sarnirion struck back in the only way he knew. By turning to Earenolwe and flaunting this friendship in his new supervisor's face. Since that first and fateful battle, the Noldor were rendered to a stalemate by their foe and, with Maedhros presumed lost for good, Maglor took up in his acting stead to keep the peace between his other, bickering brethren, until the matter could be (somehow, though they knew not how) resolved. Herumacil never ceased in seeking to persuade folk that the reason Maglor delayed in some action to rescue Maedhros was because his treacherous counsellor saw to it. The more that Sarnirion found comfort in and sided with Earenolwe, the more Licumorner sought to convince all and any that the Nelya was still seeking to ruin their cause and every which motive in Endor, as vengeance.

It was thankfully not too long before Fingolfin and Finrod arrived in the wake of their ship-stealing kin, providing much required reinforcements. Fingon son of Fingolfin was the one who rescued Meedhros his cousin, and put right the bad feeling between the two estranged parties of Noldor. It was not very long after that when Sarnirion learnt that his lover was in fact not slaughtered on the beach of Alqualonde as he had feared, but instead alive, and in the camp of Fingolfin’s host ! It was little time at all before the youth begged Maedhros for a transfer unto the army of Fingon. He did not tell Herumacil of his intent and did not look back, although he might have done so, to express regret in leaving his friendship … with Earenolwe.

Herumacil was not sorry to see the back of the ward he had never wanted, and was glad to know that his own troops were just as keen to fight for him as they had been since he had led them under stars. He no longer required the charade of acting regent for Sarnir’s son. He was In command of his own force and proud of it, with Balcheth as his most devout and diligent soldier, he made her his personal bodyguard, and endowed upon her all the luxuries which Sarnirion had walked away from.

It ought to have made sense for Herumacil to also depart from the halls of Maglor, and be free of that king’s long memory, much less the vicinity of Earenolwe. It was pride though as much as passion which kept the dark candle in the host of two great elves he knew despised him. He could not deign to return to service of Maedhros, not after that King had relinquished the high crown to Fingolfin ! He could not either bear to be thought of as slinking or fleeing to an easier life. He had made much of how dangerous a traitor Earenolwe was, and how susceptible Maglor was to the influence of the detested Nelyar. Now he resolved to never rest until he had turned Maglor against Earenolwe. That, he deemed, would be not only just, but also a great deed for all those who cared for the true cause of the Noldor in Endor.

Centuries though fell away as the siege of Angband tarried on, and Herumacil was no closer to his most ambitious ambition. At every turn it seemed that he was bested by those he despised. And then unexpectedly, Earenolwe departed the royal court, travelling in search of that now errant Noldorin maiden he’d journeyed all this way to love. Finally devoid of petty disputes and rivalries, Herumacil afforded much time and effort in the courting of King Maglor’s favour. But the royal Noldo did not forget the part Herumacil had played in attempted murder, and he trusted him not.

When Finrod Felagund uncovered the existence of Menkind in Beleriand, Herumacil could not help but remind his king of the perils Melkor had lectured so many about, back in Aman. This harkening of his opinion to match the abhorred foe was not the best decision he ever made, and in seeking to mend damage done, the dark candle declared his intent to go and meet with the Mortals, on Maglor’s behalf; lest the likes of Fingolfin and Finrod recruit the secondborn to their hosts, and improve upon the size which might well one day turn upon the true Feanorien element.

Not only was Herumacil taken off guard by the arrival of Sarnirion, representing Fingon’s interest in Mortals, but Earenolwe against all odds managed to return in due time to convince Maglor himself to attend the mortal meet at Estolad, for fear that Herumacil and Balcheth would else not conduct themselves well as sole representatives of their King.

Herumacil’s efforts to be taken seriously continued to be thwarted at every turn. Nenloico was murdered after a brawl in a Falathrim tavern. Rincion’s undefeated fortress was bitterly accosted by the enemy. The entire north was devastated by the emergence of Melkor’s dragons, which laid waste to Ard-Galen. Things were not going the way of Licumorner Herumacil. And neither did the battle of Nirnaeth Arnoediad. Betrayed by the Easterlings, the union of Maedhros came to nothing but tears, and for all the ferocity demonstrated by the once mere candlemaker, Herumacil was betrayed by his own self-preserving renegade Balcheth. Melkor found mocking entertainment in keeping the forlorn Noldo alive, to bemoan his foolishness in ever trusting of ambition. He was left to rot in the thrall holdings of Angband, to endure the misery of abject failure with the weight of acknowledging just what a fool he had been … to have come so far and ‘accomplished’ so much, that could be accredited to the great foe of all Elfkind.

Herumacil was not of a character to suffer this willingly, so he informed Solchon and other fellow thralls that some of the Elves who had previously been 'killed in efforts to escape' had in fact managed to get out, and return to their people in Beleriand. This was surprising and uplifting news to all those who believed the charismatic Noldo. Efforts to wage their own escape however were short lived and but another example of the Enemy’s cruel malice, for Melkor allowed the flight to come almost to it’s conclusion, before slamming the iron doors down upon that dare to hope. All of those fifty Elves who had been so foolish to heed Herumacil and his plan to fly .. were slaughtered. The likes of Solchon having endured patiently and with faith for redemption for hundreds of years, before giving in to reckless abandon at Herumacil's word.

Their executions were not a slow or subtle affair, the miscreants of Melkor took their time and delight in savouring the carnage. After that no Elf broke words with the dark candle again, on pain of death for fifty others. Such was the means of recalling the heart-breaking defeat. Broken, alone, and blazing in his own dark light under the earth for countless years, Licumorner Herumacil was not granted a reprieve from his suffering until the War of Wrath was come to conclusion. In the wake of the second defeat of Melkor, by the Valar and a host of Elves from Aman, it was Sarnir’s Falathrim widow who ventured into the depths of what had once been Angband. Seeking for the fate of her son, she found instead the wreckage of Herumacil, and for the sake of her husband who had favoured the once candlemaker, and for the sake of her son, who might share the thrall’s condition, or worse, Menellote Silosse brought the battered husk of Licumorner back into the sunlight.

Sad it is that he now can not bear for long the bright glare of fine sun, nor the pity of those he once would have belittled himself. His mind cast to tatters from the years of degradation and misery, Herumacil is of unclear understanding. He dwells in the serenity of Silosse’s lowest chambers, where he can make candles for his rehabilitation of the soul he would reclaim. Much of the time he believes himself to be the prisoner of guilt, and of the Teleri of Alqualonde; a misguided confusion which Silosse does her best to redress. And (when they visit on rare occasions) Sarnirion and Earenolwe do their best to encourage …

For the memories of Elves are long and those wronged by the once arrogance of Herumacil do not overlook the fact that he in fact recalls all, with startling clarity, his grievous senility an act by which he allows all those he once wished to recognise him for what he could be, to now underestimate what he remains.
Last edited by Ercassie on Wed Oct 27, 2021 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost
The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not touched by the frost.

Points: 89 
Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Sep 13, 2021 8:09 pm
Name: Karue Sadyen
Race: Galadhrim Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 3328
Location: Lothlorien, Caras Galadan
Appearance: Karue stands at an even 6'. He has long sandy blonde hair he keeps back in a ponytail most times. He wears hard leather armor, often customized with vines or other flora.
He has a slight scar above his left eye.
Personality: Vigilant but often deep in his own thoughts
Interests: Leatherworking, hunting, music, herbs (both medicinal and recreational)
Weapons: Skilled with a dagger and hand-to-hand combat, with a preference for the bow.
Pets: Not at this time
History: Karue was born during war. His father was somewhere dying for the Last Alliance as Karue's mother and those who remained in the telains brought him into the world
and raised him. Though it wasn't long before Karue was swept into combat himself. At a very young age, he began serving and training as an archer. From there he spent time as a scout, huntsmen, and eventually as a trainer himself. Though still on reserve, he spends most of his time now working his leather... or at least that's what he is always saying...
Karue Sadyen - Elven Leatherwork | Marilyn Took - Hobbit Adorableness

Chief Counsellor of Gondor
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Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 8:37 am

Name : Ennora Rameryn

Race : Primarily Silvan. 100% Moriquendi

Age : 3035 approx

Appearance : Ennora hides behind the long mahogany brown hair that tumbles down the length of her back. Her eyes are grey and her skin is pale. She invariably bears a sturdy quarterstaff, with which she is familiar as both a tool of trade and weapon upon need.

Personality : Ennora is inquisitive and observant. She talks to animals, when she is alone or has forgotten her company. She is quick to form opinions but is equally interchangeable and does not bear a grudge if given reason to relent her misgivings.

Interests : As a (now former) Raft-Elf for the realm of King Thranduil, Ennora grew adept about and occupied by water. She still loves to swim, or simply bathe. There is no sweeter touch to her than the cool rejuvenating kiss of cool fresh water. It is all that she drinks, which is why she was so trusted to ferry the precious barrels of wine, amongst other stock, up and down the river.

She is interested in all living things, and will spend much of her leisure time similarly watching them about their business. In the past she has found opportunity to visit at Esgaroth, the source of much trade with Human neighbours, another source of intrigue.

History : Ennora was born in SA 3420, some twenty years before the Last Alliance rallied both her parents and her grandparents to the military ambitions of King Oropher. Ennora remained in the safety of the (then) Greenwood, in the company of her younger sister, Lianwen. Her grandmother, Mallosel was the only one of her family to return from the dangerous cause against Sauron, and has raised the two girls ever since.

Ennora means “Of Endor” and her epesse is Rameryn which (I think) means “Woodwing”. She earned this latter during her happy labours on the River, where she is said to have driven her little wares along so easily, as though in flight.

Her greatest claim to fame is that she was one of the Raft-Elves who were present at Esgaroth when the company of Thorin Oakenshield arrived, after their infamous Dwarven “Barrel Escape” of 2941, TA. However she did not participate in the later Battle of Five Armies. Her sister is the soldier, brave and valiant as their parents were in turn.

Ennora has recently moved to Harlindon Woods, as Mirkwood has grown increasingly dangerous. She is company for and tries to take care of her crotchety grandmother.
Last edited by Ercassie on Wed Oct 27, 2021 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost
The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not touched by the frost.

Chief Counsellor of Gondor
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Posts: 1317
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 8:37 am

Name(s) : Mallosel Ehtyanar

Race : Sinda-Nandorin / Moriquendi

Age : Uncertain

Heritage : Daughter of Solchon (dead) and Nidhes (dead). Elder sister of Lhosdir (known as Laegon. Dead)
Widow of Dagron (dead), mother of Egondir (dead), and grandmother to Lianwen and Ennora.
Aunt of Nariel Eregwen

Appearance : She shared the same ash-brown hair as her mother and brother, and warm hazel eyes. In the First Age (Ages of Arda RPG) she is vibrancy itself and by the Third Age (Mirkwood/Lindon RP) the immortal youth of all her kindred has not abandoned Mallosel, but her eyes speak of a great many tears shed.

Personality : Competitive and confident, Mallosel was ever a vibrant and excitable spirit who throws herself exuberantly unto all that she undertakes. Easily goaded into daring the least appealing options, rather than be assumed a coward, she is rarely convinced to regret anything which has shaped her character into the indomitable strength it is now. She holds her grudges against the Noldor and all Dwarves as heartily as Herumacil abhors the Teleri.

Interests : Winning, justice, and any and all things that might ensure the former two combined. Mallosel is a very enthusiastic supporter of whatever she puts her mind to. For a long time, she has been primarily engaged in the protection of her people. These days she is protective of her granddaughters, and would do anything to preserve a good world for them to enjoy.

History : Mallosel was born in Ossiriand, during the Years of Trees, to her Sinda father, Solchon and Nandorin mother, Nidhes. They went to the Falas a time to dwell when her younger brother was born, as Solchon was set to fight within the First Battle of Beleriand, and he would have his loved ones safe.

Solchon never returned and Laegon thus never met his father, raised instead by his now widowed mother and his sister. When the Falas was besieged, Mallosel longed to fight the enemy, but was reluctant to abandon her gentle mother and baby brother. They moved to Nevrast for a new start when the enemy's line was finally broken, thanks to the return of the Noldor. Mallosel was content for many years but then Turgon and his people migrated south from their estranged kin, and Mallosel rebelliously refused to be subject to Turgon, a Noldorin sovereign whom she believed had no right to rule people who were not his own.

After Laegon became sworn to wed a Noldorin refugee, Feapoldie, Mallosel was horrified and when the truth about the kinslaying in Doriath was revealed, she angrily removed herself to Doriath, where she swore allegiance to the true Sindarin Monarch, Elu Thingol.

Though she was invited back to Vinyamar to the wedding of her brother, she refused upon principle, choosing to sever all ties with her loved ones rather than watch them “fall to thraldom” of the “invaders”. Mallosel was so roused by her brother’s “betrayal” that their last words spoke were ugly and she parted from him in an anger that would never be put right.

After a devastated Laegon went to Gondolin with his new wife and their newborn daughter, Nariel, Mallosel was joined in Doriath by her mother, who determined that the stubborn young She-Elf should not be alone, even within an abandonment of her own making. Mallosel took her duty very seriously, safeguarding the borders of Thingol and Melian’s domain against trespassers. Though the enchanted Girdle technically safeguarded the region, Mallosel did not relinquish her vigilant watch, nor her acidic tongue against any who looked to even bother her with their approach. She, with her friends Iolv and Sillandhas, brandished mighty spear and stood as sentry against all she took affront to. Mallosel met Erfaron Silugnir in this capacity back in those days of yore, establishing an animosity which has survived to this day after he inadvertently led a run of Orcs onto her patrol.

Within the ensuing war with Morgoth, Mallosel survived both the sack of Doriath and also both Second and Third Kinslayings, serving as a fierce warrior, while Nídhes focused as a healer. But Mallosel alone endured the War of Wrath and emerged still with breath about her body at it’s close. Her mother was slain, even as she tended to the wounded in their woe. Mallosel was only further devastated by the news that her brother Lhosdir/Laegon perished in the fall of his beloved city. Mallosel had never met her niece, Nariel, who was raised up in Gondolin, and survived it’s downfall. It is likely that the two She-Elves walked by one another on countless an occasion at the delta sanctuary in Sirion, without ever realising.

In the Second Age, and the wake of such immense destruction done by war to her heart and her most beloved homeland, Mallosel departed for the East. She followed the Sindarin Lord Oropher in search of an unspoiled sanctuary where she might find comfort as of old. In Greenwood the Great she settled, a forest that remained as some lost semblance of her old home, her old life.

It was in the realm of Mirkwood that Mallosel met her match : a mighty Silvan warrior named Dagron. It was no time at all before their two hearts were bound as one. They wed in joy discovered at long last, and she bore him a son, that they named Égondîr. In time their son grew from a child to a warrior in his due turn. And before the world had seemed to age at all war was upon them once again.

Mallosel and Dagron were few among great many that their brave King Oropher led forth, rallying to the cause of all Middle Earth against the fell Enemy, Sauron. With them into battle went their son and his wife also. So dedicated to their king and the defense of their land, Egondir left his two small daughters behind in Greenwood, and fought valiantly in the greatest conflict of the age. His courage did not save him, nor his wife, nor even his intrepid father.

Mallosel alone came home, of her entire family, with the other remnants of their folk that the slain King’s son, Thranduil, led back unto their woodland realm. And since that day Mallosel has raised her granddaughters, Ennora and Lianwen, warning them of the world at large.

Having realised that Mirkwood is increasingly perilous and Dwarves having returned to the vicinity of Erebor and Esgaroth, Mallosel was investigating the notion of moving her naive Ennora to Imladris. But after resolving her relations with Nariel, her niece, she altered her course toward the woods by the coast.

Her Nandorin kin are thereabouts, and Mallosel is of a want to retire there. After all, Mirkwood is not a safe place to live out the rest of her days, and she has come full circle now to where she first began.
All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost
The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not touched by the frost.

High Lord of Imladris
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Found an egg - also I need to work on a proper rewrite of Afarfins character bio for this thread.
Sereg a Dîn

Archer of Lothlorien
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Name: Eruedraith

Race: Lindar Teleri Nandor Laiquendi Elven

Age: Unknown

Birthplace: Forests of Ancient Eriador, in the Years of the Trees.

Appearance: Dark silvery hair, tall, fair and aged, eyes like peircing cold, a smile like a hearth. He carried a short sword from Doriath, but also a long bow of the Galadhrim, and a simple dagger.

Personality: The traits that most would associate to him would be Adaptable, Adventurous, Athletic, Charming, Companionly, Confident, Contemplative, Courageous, Curious, Deep, Disciplined, Farsighted, Forgiving, Honest, Independent, Kind, Masculine, Observant, Patient, Playful, Stoic.

History: Born in the Years of the Trees, between the time of the wandering of Lenwë and the coming into Beleriand of his son Denethor and their people, the Lindi; much had come to pass since those days. Eruedraith was born to a loving mother and father, who had raised him close to the land, teaching him the ways of the wood. Cloaked in green and nature, they danced and sang among of the branches of the young world, so filled with wonder and awe. How he longed for those ancient and glorius green days. How the peoples of today wonder at the golden and silver trees of Lorien, oh how they would have wept at the beauty of old Laurelindórenan. They had taught the name to the Entchildren, and how they laughed and delighted in a language now lost. Long gone are those mystical days.

Mighty and young was he, when Denethor took them over the mountain, stories he had heard of the far off Elven kind, and of Thingol in his mountain hall. A mountain hall, for an Elve, was almost unbearable to those of the long green wood. The green wood that stretched across all of Eriador and Calenardhon. Brave were they, to cross over the Blue Mountains and settle in Beleriand, in Ossiriand, the Land of Seven Rivers, in Lindon, the Land of Song. And his first love was there, Aerin, with eyes of light blue, gentle smile and tender kiss, oh how the green made her eyes gleam like crystal, she smelled of fresh pine. In those days, evil began to lurk and seek out the Lindi, for they made not weapons of iron or steel, but bows and spears; people of the trees they were. How they laughed, and sang, until Morgoth had tried to take their song, their joy from them. He failed to take their song, their spirit or their land, but he had taken many of their people, on Amon Ereb, Denethor and Aerin with them. Denethor was their first and last king, and with the coming of the first Moonrise, he settled with Thingols people in Doriath.

In the first Years of the Sun, after the coming of the Noldor and the race of Men, he served the people in protection of the Girdle of Melian, forbidden from the wars of the Noldor, learning of their kinslaying. There he fought, and learned, and grew, and wisened, in the Thousand Caves of Menegroth. "There Thingol sat. His crown he wore of green and silver, and round his chair a host in gleaming armour fair...", how fair was his armor in those days. There he learned of the world, and of its beings, and began to hear, and speak, and learn of the Dwarves of Belegost. The evil he faced in Beleriend never ceased, instead it grew, and a savage horde of creatures began to show themselves from the north, Orcs they were then called. They had fought them for over 500 years, in the Battles of Beleriand, and they grew more twisted, more vile, and deadly with each passing spring. Thingol, their great king, to protect them, sought out the abilities of the Dwarves, their weapons, and armor, and the Silmaril, for its power. Eruedraith did not trust the Noldor, nor their Silmarils, and grew worrisome of Thingol, for the mixture of fear and power would grow something foul and terrible. Poor Beren and poor Luthien, and her bride price, and that wicket Nauglamír. He will not speak of the sacking of Doriath, for his revenge at Sarn Athrad was enough to stay the wound. Close he stayed to the Laiquendi, but restless he grew, and while Dior returned to Doriath, Eruedraith would not fall prey to the evil of the power of the Silmaril again, and he left his people in search of a new home, a rumor of a place of refuge to the North, a place amongst the mountains, to Gondolin. Rested his head for 7 years he had, in the solace of Gondolin, until it was found by Morgoth, where he and a remnant escaped to the Havens of Sirion until the great war of the Valar wiped away Beleriand and all the lands to the west of it.

He was not the same, after coming into Lindon with Gil-galad, and his people, he kept quiet for some time, sailing and helping build the ships for the Eldar, paying a penance for a crime he never committed. It took many, many winters to heal, and many silent trips through Eriador for him to remember the love and life this world had to offer him; he ignored his calling to the West. By the time the ships of Numenor began to arive in Middle Earth, he had taken up residency amongst his cousins, in his ancient home of Lorien, under King Amdir, having traveled there, along with Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel, and many of his Teleri kin. Together, they would sometimes speak of the ancient days, of the glory and fall of Doriath, but of the Nandor and of Aerin, he would not whisper. He fought alongside the men of Gondor and Arnor, in their Last Alliance, and he continued to serve under Amdirs son, Amroth, throughout the rest of the Third Age.

"Of old he was an Elven-king,
A lord of tree and glen,
When golden were the boughs in spring
In fair Lothlórien."

- Legolas, Singing of Amroth and Nimrodel

Now, he serves Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel, and protects what is left of his people, in the vales and trees of Lothlórien.
Characters: Eruedraith [Lorien Elf], Ar-Turic of Khand [Khandese Man], "Amber" Dan [Gondorian Pirate], Hrard Depthcleanser [Khazad Dwarve]

Forester of Lothlorien
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Name: Ista Sharrasi, Warden of the Northern Lothlorien Guard

Gender: Female

Age: Uhm... At this point, who the heck knows!? Not as old as Galadriel, but not so young as Legolas.

Location: Ista and her family live at the Southern end of the forest of Lothlorien, in a home of many rooms. The "mansion" has both ground-floor facilities such as stables, guest rooms, kitchens, etc. as well as talans and flets high above hidden among the smaller Mallorn trees (smaller, as a redwood is to a sequoia many feel) individual to each particular branch of the family. Ista herself maintains a suite of rooms on her flet, connected to the remainder of the house by a wide winding stair and many vine and rope bridges.

Appearance: Ista is tall, and for an elf rather curvy. She has hazel/chestnut colored hair and eyes that shift between green and blue depending upon her moods. A light dusting of freckles across her nose is almost invisible behind her tan. Her hands are deft, the bow her weapon of choice, and always slung across her back in a harness with a pouch of waxed strings at her hip for quick use.

Personality: Ista is a bold, fun-loving individual who cares for her home and her family, but will not shirk her duties when called upon.

Interests: Pranks, small tricks, falconry, riding, exploration, protection, reading, poetry, music, song! Ista's interests are many and varied, and she is always finding new ones to try.

Weapons: Ista's preferred weapon is the longbow, with a heavy draw. She knows to bring her prey down swiftly and with a single arrow to ensure they do not suffer. She always retrieves her arrows when she can, both to reuse them and to avoid the tedious work of fletching new ones.

Pets: Horses, falcons, pretty sure there were cats and maybe some kind of sea or river creature in there at some point haha

History: Oh jeeze. This... This part may take a while. I don't remember a heavy amount of it o_o;
Oh goddess, I don't remember how all of this works, give me some time to remember XD

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