Ithilien, Pelargir, The Southern Fiefdoms (Free RP)

Seven Stars and Seven Stones and One White Tree.
Steward of Gondor
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Calithildis (Cali), Iuldir and Saffyre

Rissy thought for a moment. "Outside." She answered, a bit puzzled by the question. She looked around and spotted the device that she'd seen her mother use to squeeze the mop out with, and pointed to it. "With that." She tagged along as he went about the things he was doing. "Where's Mist mountains?" She asked. "Is it close? We live by sea." She informed him, as if he did not know that the house he was in was actually in sight of the ocean. She paused, then asked with wide eyes, "Are you mommy's boss?" Knowing that her mommy's bosses lived in big houses.

Fyre was more than happy to let someone else take the mop, as it was quite unfamiliar to her. That was not something she dealt with. She was the maker of messes, not the cleaner of them. Though it did make sense, once he mentioned it, that it would need to be wrung out. She stood back, glad not to have to do the cleaning stuff anymore. "I'm Fyre, by the way." She added, though no one had asked. Seeing the elf fix up the fire, she remembered that was one of the thing she had been supposed to do, but had forgotten in her efforts to keep Rissy entertained and empty the buckets. Oops.

Cali considered that idea, about the Imladris healing houses. "But wouldn't it be a lot of trouble, transporting them?" She wondered. "I would think there would be plenty of elven smiths to help you make them, or even to make them instead of you." She mentioned, figuring that would be far more practical. "It's quite a long way, after all, even if we loaded a ship and sailed around the continent." Actually she wasn't 100% sure where Imladris was located, but knew the general placement and that was far. "Then you'd still have to travel across land with them.." She shook her head. "I think you'd be better off to make those in your own forge, unless you haven't got the help to do it."
Last edited by Rillewen on Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Afarfin nodded and grabbed the mop and quickly squeezed it out just outside the door. "The Misty mountains are not very close I'm afraid, and I live past them many days," He said with a smile, yes he knew they were very near the sea now, though not nearly as close as Bar-en-Raveara but that was find she was a small child and curious. "I am not your mommy's boss, the elf lady that has been with you she is my wife." He said calmly, "I've not met your mommy yet."

He came back in and handed the mop back to Fyre. "I know you're suppose to be helping take care of this now you know how to wring it out if it gets too wet, I need to go speak with my wife." He said calmly, looking her up and down more disapproving of the fact she didn't know how to do terribly much. He was quite certain that she was not one of the children of this house hold. They would have known how to deal with the mop she was certain especially since the youngest one knew what it was he'd needed when he asked for it. He looked at the nurse who gave an absent nod realizing he was heading back to the barn her eyes fixed on the worst of the leaks, he looked up at it as well and then slipped out into the rain once more with his cloak over him and headed back to the barn.

"Not really, I have access to horses and wagons, and there are not many elven smiths left anymore, many sailed after the last war for the West." She said calmly. "I have a few left but frankly I would have to teach them how to make them, the two of you already know." She gave a shrug she didn't want to tell these poor people that she owned three ships so getting them up the coast wasn't exactly going to be a strain on her either. She could put one in each ship if she so desired (not that she would that would be a waste and her mortal spouses would have several words for her on that excess. The only time they did stuff like that was when Hatholdir was involved.

Afarfin knocked and let himself in just as Fuin seemed to be finishing answering a question on the wheel chair and frowned hearing something about horses and wagons. "I've got the nurse in the house, and I helped... Fyre she said her name was figure out how to use a mop she was struggling a bit." He said with a chuckle pulling his cloak off and wringing water out of it as well as a good amoung out of his hair before heading over to the forge to stand by it and dry off a little even if it was an exercise in futility since they would eventually have to go back to the house and it didn't look like it would stop raining before then.

High Lord of Imladris
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Young Mylien (8 years old)
Third Age Dol Amroth

She stayed in the hold for hours listening to the men talking. None of them knew where they were going. Just that the Commander was saying that they were going to be out at see for a long time. What that meant Mylien didn't know. She needed to get off the ship but the path to get out of the hold was getting filled with more and more crates of food, water and weapons. Why so much? She'd never seen a Navy ship loaded this heavily. Where were they going?

She wiggled her way forwards trying to make it so that she could get out easier knowing full well there were only hours left before the ship would be heading out to sea normally by now the hold would no long be getting more supplies but they were constantly coming and she bit her lip worried knowing full well that if she couldn't get off this ship then she would be stuck on it and she didn't know where it was going or how long it would be that she'd be stuck in the hold but if they were taking this much food it would be a long time and the rations would be closely watched. She heard more footsteps and ducked down as low as she could so that they wouldn't see her hidden behind the barrel she'd made it to.

"Can you believe the Commander? Where does he think we're going? To Valinor?" The sailor laughed knowing that full well was no longer an option at all, Aman was removed from the world but it made Myliens eyes go wide, was he really trying to get to Valinor? She was too young to know any different or what sailing that far even meant.

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Calithildis (Cali) and Iuldir

"Oh, I see," Cali thought about that for a bit as she continued weaving, then finally sat back as the last of the leather strips were woven. Now, to secure this end in place. She paused and glanced over their work, checking to make sure that there were no weaves missed or anything. "I think we're ready for the other rivets, and sewing, for this part." She took a look thoughtfully. "Unless you see something I've missed?" She added, figuring it couldn't hurt to have Fuin check as well.

Hearing a knock, she glanced up, half expecting yet another person to come and find them working.. but it was only Fuin's husband returning. She smiled a little in amusement at the mention of Fyre and the mop. "I'd guess that's probably the first housework that girl's ever had to do." She mentioned, turning back to assisting with the rivet installation. "Thank you for helping her. I'm sure it isn't her fault that she has never been expected to do anything like that before." She added thoughtfully, trying not to blame the girl for her ignorance on housework. When the last of the rivets was set, she got to work at sewing the last strips of leather in place, until finally they were finished.

"There!" She smiled, standing up and glancing it over. "Iuldir, come and test it out." She suggested, waiting while he came forward and sat down. He gave a light, experimental bounce, and nodded. "Feels nice," He grinned. "It's pretty comfortable, I think. Caeleb will love it." He added happily. "Can we test out the rolling part? To see if it's easy enough to push it?"
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Fuin let out a sigh happy that they had finished the work on the chair. She smiled seeing Iuldir bounce on it. "Perhaps I should sit on it and see if Iuldir can push it? That way we know children can deal with the chair itself?" Fuin said with a smile, giving the chair a light push letting it roll a few feet while Iuldir sat in it.

She nodded to Cali, and Afarfin watched smiling at the three of them, it made him sad that Fuin needed to do something like this to deal with... he wasn't even sure what to call it when she became too overwhelmed. He still didn't know what had caused her to stop here, she couldn't have known that the house was needing repairs. And from what he'd seen she'd started teaching these two how to use the forge, perhaps to help turn the family's fortunes around. "So are any of you going to tell me what is actually happening with that chair and why my wife keeps looking at me like I am about to dislike her very very much."

Fuin laughed she indeed had been looking at her husband trying to figure out how she was going to convince him to take part in her entire plan. "Well please tell me you brought more noble clothing than what you're wearing first." Fuin glanced at him up and down, not that he didn't look fantastic to her, he just wasn't cutting the noble Elven Lord figure that he normally did.

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Calithildis (Cali) and Iuldir

"Yes, that's a good idea." Cali motioned for Iuldir to get up, and he hopped out happily so that Fuin could get into it. "Let's see how hard it is for you to push it, Iuldir." She stood back, watching to see how much difficulty Iuldir had with pushing it, figuring he probably had about as much strength as a girl a little bit older than him ought to have, though she wasn't really sure what Dina's strength was like.

She turned to Afarfin as he asked what the deal was with the wheelchair. "Well, it's sort of Iuldir's project, but I'll explain, since he's a little busy. He has a friend who cannot walk. Crippled from infancy, sadly. His father is a Lord here in Dol Amroth, and my sister in law works for him as a maid." She began.

"Caeleb has to stay cooped up in his room all the time and it's incredibly boring!" Iuldir put in. "So I thought up this idea about making a chair that's got wheels on it so he can come outside and everything, like everyone else." He grinned. "I didn't know they had some in the houses of healing, but Aunt Cali designed this one so it's adjustable." He said proudly, before pausing to glance at Cali, unsure if he'd said too much that might give away her secret.

She hesitated, then decided that designing something didn't really imply that she could smith. She continued. "We weren't quite decided on how we were going to get the chair to Caeleb, however. Because, unfortunately... his father is rather proud, and.. Iuldir upset him not too long ago and earned his disapproval, thus forbade Iuldir from visiting Caeleb anymore." She sighed. "But, Fuin has had an idea on how we might get the man to accept the chair.. but it involves you, if you would be willing to help in this matter." She explained, then left the rest for Fuin to explain to him.

"Please, sir?" Iuldir added quickly. "Poor Caeleb has to just lie there all day without anyone to play with and hardly anything to do, and he only gets his window opened for a little while and it's just so miserable for him, his sister is just awful and she's always picking on him, and he can't even leave his room or anything."
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Fuin sat down on the chair and let Iuldir push her about the forge, it seemed to work fairly decently, never mind that Fuin was also undoubtedly far heavier than Caeleb would ever be.

Afarfin tipped his head back listening to the story of where the chair came from and who was in need of it. He licked his lips and nodded as he heard Aunt Cali designed this chair and that Fuin had volunteered him for even as Iuldir called him a sir begging him to do what his wife was asking. "Alright love what was your grand scheme."

Fuin turned and looked at him a smile on her face. "Well I"m hoping you brought a richer set of clothing, I was hoping that Iuldirs mother might introduce you to his father and get him to give you a tour, where you could suggest a wheel chair for the boy. Stating your wife has recently been in Minas Tiriths house of healing and needed to use a wheel chair, that they are quite cutting edge." Fuin said and Afarfin narrowed his eyes.

"I take it you did actually have to use one of these chairs given how swiftly the three of you managed to create one."

"Aye, I did, my leg wound wouldn't let me walk with the head wound I had."

"So not entirely a lie, I take it given that the boy is barred from seeing him I'm not to mention him at all."

"Exactly love." Fuin said with a smile. "I figure you could tell him where he could get a model recently created that can grow with Caeleb as he needs it to but it's expensive, but you might manage to get a discount."

"Those sort of nobles?" Afarfin said with a sign and a shake of his head. "I dislike the sort, but I also don't want the boy to suffer - You dear." Afarfin said heading for his wife. "Know me too well, of course I brought a nicer change of clothing."

"Perfect, we should get it inside and get it nice and dried and prepped for you to be a fancy First Age elven Lord."

"Should I go full Feanorian brothers or Sirion Lord is good enough?" Fuin tapped her finger to her chin thinking.

"Feanorian I think with this one."

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Calithildis (Cali) and Iuldir

Iuldir pushed the chair around a few times, at first it was a little strange but then he got the hang of it and grinned as he found that it worked easily enough. "This is great." He was certain that Caeleb was going to love it. "I wish I could be there when Caeleb gets it." He added, sighing, wishing he could see his friend's face when he first saw it. But at least he could sneak in later and ask how he liked it, and tell how he had made it. It would be great once Caeleb could go outside more and have more ability to make friends.

"Thank you tremendously for agreeing to this plan," Cali said with a smile. "Is there anyway we can possibly repay you?" She began gathering up the excess strips of leather and took it back to where she'd gotten it from as she spoke, then put away the tools as well, glancing from one to the other as they spoke about getting him ready to look like a noble elf lord. "We needn't do it this evening, it's a bit late today, and raining. Hopefully, it will have stopped by tomorrow, and that would be a better time to go visiting. Besides, tomorrow is when Ivornith goes to the Eglathor home anyway."

She paused, thinking on another point. "How are we going to explain Ivornith introducing him?" She wondered, thinking that might seem a bit odd. "Perhaps it would be better if we left her out of it. You could, perhaps, come in search of Lord Eglathor because you need a map or something like that? He is a well known cartographer, after all." She suggested. "That might present a better reason for you coming there."
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Afarfin for his part gave a small smirk. "I don't need repayment from you though you are kind to offer." He said helping his wife out of the chair and gave her a look. "No but my clothing that I brought will be absolutely soaked from the last few days in the rain, I'm an elf not a water maia so it'll need to dry out overnight so I really hope that it isn't tonight." He said with a chuckle. He did pause to consider her comment about the man being a well know cartographer.

"That could absolutely work." Afarfin said calmly "I do need maps, though normally I have my own men for that, I'm sure I've got a map or two from him just because of --" Afarfin paused unsure of how much these people knew about him and his wife, Fuin for her part seemed to look at him as well. "the trades that I've done here in Dol Amroth. I could be asking to see his work on Harad, as I do travel that way often enough that I may want to confirm some things I've found against his map." Afarfin said and Fuin gave a nod. Indeed she didn't know nearly as much about the southern coasts of Harad though Afarfin, Mylien and Ruindil often went that way, she'd never been. Getting her on a ship was something that they had never managed to do, not that Afarfin understood why she wouldn't get on a ship, Mylien and Ruindil had not yet told him. Thinking that was for Fuin to do and if the nurses or healers knew anything at the House of Healing they had not told him yet. Fiercely guarding his wife and her secrets after he and Mylien and Ruindil had saved the young man that had been in the room with the nurse the day they had arrived.

Afarfin looked at Fuin, he had never seen her like that and he hoped to never see that again, that was why he was here to collect her, she seemed to have some game up her sleeve though here and was not going to give that up so easily he thought. "Right. So I would suggest we get my items out of the cart and get them drying we can figure out the full details of what I'll be doing tomorrow, and when I'll be getting Fuin back to Minas Tirith." There was that smirk. Afarfin thought looking at his wife, indeed some game. What it was he would likely need to get it out of her tonight while everyone else sleep. That would undoubtedly be the best time.

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Calithildis (Cali) and Iuldir

"Oh, yes, of course. I'm sure we can get your things dried by morning," Cali hadn't quite realized his things would have gotten drenched as well, as she'd never actually done much traveling in the rain. There was sure to be somewhere they could hang up some clothing by the fire and not be under a leak. Looking around, she checked to make sure that there was nothing else to be done in here for now. "Let's return to the house then, and see about getting your things drying. And, I think it's also almost suppertime, I'll need to start on that as well," She added, noting how late it had gotten. Hopefully, Ivornith would be home soon. She would also need to get some blankets and things out here for those who would be sleeping in here, and anything else they'd need. She'd send Iuldir out to take care of all of that while she was getting supper ready, she decided.

"Oh, if you travel a lot, maybe you could even help him." Iuldir suggested. "Caeleb says his father sometimes checks with people to make sure his maps are right, or something like that. You know, like if they've been to places he hasn't, they can confirm if his map is right, so it keeps all the details accurate and everything. He has to do a lot of the same stuff, because his father figures he'll probably end up being a.. map maker too." He explained, forgetting the word for it.

Soon they had made their way to the house, and Cali took a quick glance around to be sure the fire was going and the buckets weren't overflowing and puddles weren't building up on the floors. She nodded a bit. "Good job Fyre, thank you for your help." She told her. "Iuldir, before you get too cozy, will you take some blankets and pillows out to the barn, and get it ready for whoever will be sleeping out there?" She asked. She took a moment to greet the nurse and then turned back to Afarfin as Iuldir went to do as she'd asked. "We can probably hang up your things in front of the fire here."
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Afarfin nodded and watched as the three of them put away their gloves and aprons and got ready to head back to the house. "Yes indeed, he might be quite happy to see me, though I've not worked with him directly before, normally I leave my ships Captains to deal with getting maps and updating their charts on their own, but I do look at their charts and travel with them often enough to know if something is wrong on the charts and maps that he has."

On the way back to the house he ducked back to the cart and grabbed his bundle that was under the seat, it wasn't soaked enough to be dripping but was wet all the way through. He carried it in and looked about as Fuin was helping Fyre with the buckets once more. The nurse looked like she was getting close to dry thanks to where she was seated. Afarfin for his part unbundled his clothing and Fuin couldn't help but laugh as Cali suggested they could hang his clothing up in front of the fire.

"You would bring some of your best robes." She laughed loudly as Afarfin hung them hum and gave her a glare as he hung up the silk and velvet robes embroidered in silver and black, a hangover from him following King Finwe as far as Fuin could figure, she did know that his own house from everything he'd told her bore those colours as well but he was Noldo so it would makes sense that he would keep a fair amount of the colours of his lord. Her father would likely have had colours close to Elwe if he'd stayed with him instead of lingering in the far east for as long as he had. Fuin shook her head and went to help him hang the robes up. "Next thing I know you'll tell me you packed yourself a circlet for yourself." Fuin chuckled as she hung up the light grey under robe he had brought to go with the outer robe. Afarfin looked down at her and snorted.

"No. That would be excessive and useless, and you were glad I brought nice clothing, not that you would know what nice clothing is." Afarfin ribbed Fuin who stuck her tongue out at him and rolled her eyes.

"You know very well I have worn a few dressed over the years."

"Not nearly enough for a Lady."

"If you wanted a proper lady you should have married a Noldo not a Nando." Fuin laughed and patted him on the back. "Just be grateful I do know how to do those pretty braids you high elves like to wear. I'm going to help Cali with supper after I get you a towel so you can get dried off. You look more like a typical Noldo, half drowned since you don't know a thing about water or nature." Fuin said giving him a kiss and heading off to help with food since there was only so much that she could do about Afarfins clothing anymore now that it was hung up

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Calithildis (Cali) and Saffyre Stone

Saffyre watched curiously as they hung up the fancy things to dry, wondering why someone would travel with a bunch of fancy clothes like that, unless he was traveling for a certain event where he'd need them. But it didn't sound that way. She shrugged slightly to herself and found a dry spot on the floor to sit in, continuing a game with Rissy. She had thought about offering to help Iuldir, but he was gone before she could offer, so she figured she might as well keep the small child occupied for the time being, as it had looked like she was about to go and bother the grown ups some more. Fyre figured, based on how her grandmother would have reacted in their shoes, that they would rather the little kid didn't keep pestering them with all sorts of questions and things.

In the kitchen, Cali's cooking had been interrupted by a sudden new leak that was pouring a steady trickle of rain right onto one of the chairs. Frustrated, she had quickly moved the table and chairs down a little bit, then scrambled around for something to catch the drip. While she was busy dealing with the leak, the fish that was cooking in the pan was getting quite dry, and would need some attention before it was burned. As Fuin entered, Cali was busy trying to find something to put under the leak. She finally settled on an empty pot that wasn't being used. "How are things in the other room?" She asked, going to get the mop to try and clean up the puddle once she got something under the new leak. Then, smelling something on the verge of burning, she glanced over and noticed the pan on the stove, and gasped. "Oh no!" She rushed to try and salvage it, but it seemed to be stuck to the pan.


It seemed the rain would keep going on and on forever, and every time it would start to slack off a little, Ivornith would begin to feel a little bit hopeful, but then it seemed to come down even harder than ever after just a few moments. She was quite drenched by the time she saw the lights of her house, and couldn't wait to get inside. She paused as she neared, noticing the cart parked by the house. Was that the guest they had been expecting, she wondered? She hurried onward, anxious to get out of the rain. Stepping inside, she paused at the sight of all the people gathered in her house, as well as the smell of something close to burning. "Hello," She felt quite self-conscious about her drenched state

"Mommy!" Rissy ran and happily hugged her leg, despite her being soaked. "Mommy, this is Af-run. He come from a Miss mountain in the sea, and lives in a big house, far away!"

Ivornith couldn't help a little laugh at her daughter, but curtsied to the elf standing by the fire. "You must be.. Lord Afarfin?" She guessed, offering a smile regardless of her embarrassment over the house's condition. "I'm terribly sorry I could not be here to welcome you when you arrived, but I had things to attend to which could not wait. I wish i could offer better accommodations for you, but I'm afraid it's.. no mansion. Still, you are welcome, I'm Ivornith Dringolben, and I suppose you have met my daughter..." She smiled down at Rissy as she tugged her hand to pull her toward the fire, informing her she was wet and needed to dry off.
Last edited by Rillewen on Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Fuin shook her head and looked at Fyre who was doing an excellent job of keeping Rissy entertained not that the little girl wasn't sweet enough, Fuin honestly didn't mind the break she wasn't generally a very child friendly sort of person most days though she'd never purposely snub a child especially if they needed her. Right now though Rissy did not overly need her though as she headed for the kitchen she wondered if Fyre could use a break as well. Iuldir would be back soon so it wouldn't be too bad Fuin figured as she slipped into the kitchen to see Cali putting a pot under what looked like a new leak. Poor Afarfin she thought for a moment before she took a sniff and realized something was burning at about the same time Cali did.

Fuin looked at the fish stuck in the pan and grabbed a palmful of water and splashed it into the pan causing it to hiss angrily and steam around the fish "Try now, it should be unstuck." Fuin said calmly. She was actually alright at making hearty meals, fancy elaborate dishes were not so much her thing she did know how to deal with food sticking to pans though. When she was young they didn't have a lot of rich ingredients so she had learned to cook with what she had and to problem solve with what she had. Here what they had an overabundance of was water.

"Well if we put some herbs in with it might mask some of the extra crispy flavour," Fuin offered and looked at the hole in the ceiling. "The other room leak wise is doing alright between Afarfin and Fyre and I think the Nurse is helping. Poor Ivornith is going to die finding my husband helping with the leaking roof." Fuin said with a chuckle.

Afarfin spotted one of the buckets that was almost full and quickly emptied it, the rain was insane and he hoped that it would end soon he heard a 'hello' behind him as he replaced the bucket near the fire and he turned as Rissy sprinted past him far faster than he had expected the little girl to be able to. He smiled and gave a nod. "I am, it is good to meet you Ivornith Dringolben, though you are welcome to call me Afarfin and there is no need to curtsey." He said waving his hand a little to let her know that it wasn't necessary. "And myself and the good nurse from the House of Healing are quite happy to have a roof over our heads it is truly world class compared to where we spent last night and a good portion of today." To this the nurse added her agreement and thanks Ivornith for letting them stay "Cali was gracious enough to welcome us in and Rissy kept myself and the nurse entertained with a game of all the questions." Afarfin said with a smile.

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Calithildis (Cali)

Cali was relieved that Fuin knew what to do, as cooking was not at all her best skill. "Thank you," She found the fish now loosened from the pan and nodded a bit at Fuin's suggestion. She searched in the cabinet to find an herb that ought to work, unsure about this. "What herbs do you suggest?" She wondered, feeling a bit silly for not already knowing how to season fish. She'd been here this long, with fish being one of their primary foods available, and yet she was awful at making it. "Perhaps you'd be better off dealing with the fish, and I can work on a few sides?" She suggested, semi hoping to avoid the fish altogether in terms of cooking. She searched the pantry in search of something that would go nicely with it.

Ivornith and Saffyre (Fyre)

Ivornith laughed softly at that, glancing down at Rissy. "Yes, she is quite good at that game." She smiled. "Thank you, I do hope she was not any bother." She added, and also greeted the nurse. "You're quite welcome, I can't imagine having to sleep outside in the rain, it's absolutely dreadful."
"It's nice to play in though." Fyre mentioned, still sitting off in the corner.
Ivornith noticed her for the first time, a bit startled. "You're still here?" She asked, surprised. "I thought you had some errands to do?"
"Oh. Well, not exactly..." Fyre had forgotten about saying that, actually. "But I didn't want to go home yet." She shrugged.
"Well, you had best get home soon, before your grandmother becomes worried." Ivornith frowned in concern.
Fyre scoffed. "She won't, trust me."

Ivornith was a bit unsure how to respond to that, and glanced around, noticing someone was missing. "Where is my son?" She wondered, frowning.
"Cali sent him out to fix up some places for people to sleep in the barn." Fyre answered.
"I see." She paused, then extracted herself from Rissy, turning to the other guests. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to change into some dry clothes. If any of you need anything, please, don't hesitate to ask." She said, before slipping off to her room.
Last edited by Rillewen on Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

"Sure I'll take care of the fish." Fuin said with a smile and took the wooden flipper that Cali had and quickly looked through the cupboard finding a few aromatic herbs that would go well with fish and crushed them up - terragon, and basil. masking the smell of the fish. which she flipped so that the other side would cook quickly. "The fish will be done soon so whatever sides we are going to have should be made quickly." She said with a smile "Slivered potatoes perhaps? they'll cook fast." She offered not sure if there were potatoes in the pantry, or if they'd canned some potatoes so they were already cooked they just needed to be reheated.

Afarfin for his spart smiled, "Not at all, I was shocked a bit but she was sweet and curious." He sat and relaxed for a little bit shutting his eyes and letting out a deep breath relaxing in front of the warm fire as Ivornith went to change into dry clothing. Something Afarfin would enjoy doing but would not, this was a house full of women that were not all his wives so him wandering about in nothing but his undergarments which were also soaked was not going to happen especially with children about.

He took another breath smelling the herbs and knew that Fuin was cooking, so they'd eat well enough once the cooking was done after a while the front of him was starting to feel only mildly damp, so he stood and put his back to the wood stove so that his backside would dry better while he waited on Fuin and Cali to call them for food though he did keep an eye on the bucket near him which was dealing with a sizeable leak.

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Calithildis (Cali) and Ivornith

Ivornith emerged after a bit, feeling much better in dry clothing, and paused to take a bucket outside and dump it before hastily returning it to its place, then sighed softly, wishing the house wasn't like this, and more than that, wishing Dawion was still there, so he could have fixed it. She glanced around, suddenly wondering if they had enough chairs for everyone. With herself, the two kids, Cali, the nurse, and the two elves, and she didn't know if Fyre planned on staying to eat.. then there were the backs of some chairs being used to hang wet clothing, she wondered what to do about seating. "I'll go and see if they need any help in the kitchen," She excused herself and hurried to the kitchen.

Something had been burning, after all. "Is everything alright? What have we got going so far?" She asked, taking a quick look around. She was relieved to see that they had things under control as far as the burning food went. She then went to help Cali with some potatoes she had got out, and between them they quickly had a few potatoes slices and then Ivornith got to work on cooking them while Cali started setting the table. "How many are we feeding?" She asked softly to Cali, uncertain. "I assume the nurse and our elven guests, of course, but is the young lady staying as well?"

Cali paused. "I'm actually not sure." She frowned. "I assumed she would go home, but.." She shrugged.
"She doesn't seem interested in going home," Ivornith was a bit puzzled by this. Who would choose to stay here with all these leaks when she had a nice big home with no leaks, not far away? She added a bit of seasoning to the potatoes as Cali got out glasses for drinks. "She can stay if she wants to, but I don't think we have enough chairs.." Cali frowned, counting, and shook her head. "We've never had this much company at once," She added in explanation, to Fuin.

Saffyre (Fyre) and Iuldir

Looking around after a little bit of silence, Fyre got up and grabbed the bucket nearest her, then went to the door to dump it. She returned it to its spot, then went outside to find out what was taking Iuldir so long. It was still raining but she didn't mind like everyone else seemed to. Going into the barn, she paused and watched him struggling with a pitchfork, cringing as he moved. "What's wrong?" She frowned.

He jumped, a bit startled. "Oh..hi. Nothing, why?"
"You looked like you were in pain."
"Oh, just my arms. I..worked too hard at the forge yesterday." He admitted, trying to move the fork over to fill the horse's trough. She saw that he'd put the horse in one of the empty stalls at the back of the barn.
"Do you need some help?" She wandered forward, reaching out to see if the horse would let her pet it.
"Um, sure I guess." He set the pitchfork down, rubbing one of his arms. "I already dried her off and gave her a rubdown. I just need to fill her trough and it's killing my arms. Do you know how to do it?"
"No, but how hard can it be?" She shrugged and picked it up. She had some trouble getting a forkful of hay but after a bit, she got enough to put in the trough. "Do you have to do this stuff a lot?" She wondered, trying to accumulate another forkful.
"I used to." He watched, a little amused as she struggled with using the fork. "We used to have a horse, but..we had to sell it."
"Oh." She glanced at him, noticing his frown, and understood it must have been sad to have to sell the horse. She focused on getting the trough full of hay for this horse, going quiet for a bit.
Last edited by Rillewen on Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Fuin nodded, "Especially in the rain I'm sure." Fuin said glancing at the chair that was holding a pot beneath a drip. "Don't worry I know that my husband and I are more than capable of eating while standing or shockingly enough, we could sit on the floor. I know we are tall but I promise are backsides can make it to the floor without us dying." She said with a laugh pulling the fish off of the heat so that it wouldn't over cook.

"I heard that, I may die you never know." Afarfin called and Fuin rolled her eyes.

"If that's what does you in you deserve it but you're not allowed to die until the chair is dealt with." Fuin called back. "Bloody elven lords." She muttered with a smile. With that she set the cooked fish onto the table and helped Cali finish setting it and arranging it so that nobody would be sitting under the newest leak while Ivornith finished up with the potatoes.


Lisse for her part had been chilling by the wagon eating a fantastically lush bit of green grass free from tack or lead as Afarfin and let her lose and given her a quick rub, not wanting to impose on the family any further when he'd seen inside the house. When the young boy had come and taken her to the barn she'd followed happily, knowing the smell of him and he was being kind and she was never one to turn down kindness. Hoping very much that it came with a carrot.

This was... different she though her ears swiveling about listening before realizing there were no other horses here and sniffing about looking for food since there clearly wasn't any lush green grass here. She stood enjoying the drying off and the rubdown. The drying off she didn't get often but the rubdown??? Yes she liked brushings and twisted her head back to lip at the boys hair. Then it was into a stall with no feed... well she could see the feed and the boy and the girl that showed up later were doing their best to get it to her and she was eating it as it came.

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@I Said What I Said

Calithildis (Cali), Ivornith and Iuldir

Cali laughed softly, listening to Fuin and her husband. "It's alright, I'm sure we'll manage to have enough seats for everyone, somehow." She could always have Rissy sit in either her or her mother's lap, if necessary, and then there were other things like crates and barrels that could serve as seats. She looked around and shifted the table just a bit more to make sure that whoever was sitting at that end wouldn't get dripped on, then nodded a bit in satisfaction. She stepped into the other room. "I think everything is just about done, if you all would like to come and find a seat." She announced, then glanced around. "Where are the kids?" She frowned.

Rissy peeked from behind a curtain and quickly hid again, giggling quietly. Cali caught the motion and smiled, pretending not to have seen her. "Has anyone seen Rissy?" She looked around more for any sign of the older kids, though, and glanced questioningly toward Afarfin and the nurse, unsure about those. After hearing that Iuldir was still outside and Fyre had gone out as well, she frowned slightly. "I wonder if I should call them in?" She wondered what could be taking Iuldir so long, when he came in, alone, wiping his feet at the door. "Oh good, you're just in time for supper. Where is Fyre?"

"She went home," He answered. "She helped me with the hay though." He mentioned, then turned to Afarfin. "I put your horse in a stall, sir, and we gave her lots of hay, and water and everything. I wish I had a carrot or apple for her, but.. I hope she'll be happy enough. I dried her off and put a blanket on her so she wouldn't get a chill, though."
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Afarfin stood and offered a hand to the nurse to help her to her feet and they were headed for the the kitchen where the table was. "Perh-" The door opened and Iuldir came in and Afarfin frowned hearing about the hay and then that he'd put Lisse into a stall. "That is very kind of you Iuldir, I'm sure she's happy to be out of the rain though she was content enough with the grass." He said with a smile "You'll have a friend for the rest of that mares life I think, I am glad I brought her and not one of the chestnuts."

"Or Lune, please tell me nobody was stupid enough to bring Lune in the ship." Fuin called hearing Afarfins comment about the horse he'd brought.

"If I wanted you to make me a metal hand I'd bring Lune, that horse is meaner than you are." Afarfin called and shook his head. "Thank you again, I did not want to impose upon you with the horse, she is elf trained though I think Fuin told me once she is Rohirric stock and was fine to wander without bridle or bond, perhaps I shall bring you a treat to give her after I deal with the chair tomorrow in Dol Amroth."

"I am not mean. I just don't put up with your lordly nonsense, don't think you'll get me curtsying or sir-ing you." Fuin said giving him an elbow to the ribs as he sat down beside her at the table.

"No that would be too much to possibly ask of you - you vercaquendi." He muttered and smiled at their hosts "How these fine and well mannered people put up with you is beyond me. Did you sedate her or something?" Afarfin asked Cali and Ivornith. "If so could I get some of whatever you used?" He said with a chuckle as Fuin glared at him and then gave him the most burned piece of fish.

"You deserve that." She said and took a small piece of fish for herself before passing the pan to Ivornith. The nurse for her part was having a hard time not laughing at Fuins comments to her husband.

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@I Said What I Said

Calithildis (Cali), Ivornith and Iuldir

Cali glanced over, noticing Ivornith had Rissy in her lap, and was glad they didn't have to come up with yet another seat for the girl who had left. Soon all the plates were filled, and she was relieved that there was even enough left for seconds if anyone wanted any.
Iuldir grinned. "She's a very nice horse." He answered Afarfin. "It wasn't any trouble, I used to take care of our horse, when we had one. What's her name?" He was impressed to hear that she was a Rohan horse.

Cali smiled slightly at the question. "We put her to work, that's all." She answered, a little teasingly. "Gave her a hammer and forge, and let her go." She smiled a bit. "As well as a student, I ought to add." She nodded to Iuldir with a small smile, keeping all mention of herself out of it for now. "Worked quite well, I think. Much better than sedation."

Ivornith laughed softly. "I'm afraid I haven't been here very much, so I can't really say. I've had no trouble at all with your wife though, I must say. But I think Cali is right, she seemed to enjoy teaching Iuldir how to make things with the forge." She smiled with a touch of sadness, wishing Iuldir's father could have taught him, and also wishing he were here, as she knew he would have enjoyed their company very much.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

"Her name is Lisse, Fuins had her for quite a few years now." Afarfin said with a smile "She is better behaved than my wife, how that happened I don't know when Fuin is the one that trained her but I shall keep the forge idea in mind, though she has stated she's not building a forge in our manor, something about not mixing work with home life." Afarfin said with a smile.

"Maybe if you quit trying to be a prissy Lord I wouldn't bother you so much." Fuin made a face at him causing Rissy to giggle at her face.

"I am quite happy being the rough and rugged elf I am when I deal with the mines or in battles with orcs and goblins, I have no need to be some crazy wild elf like you in polite company." Afarfin quipped right back raising his nose causing Fuin to laugh some more eve as she ate covering her mouth with her hand smiling but stopped herself from mentioning that he spent a good amount of his time in the company of pirates and scalliwags what could he possibly expect.

"Hmm I see so when you're alone with me you think I'm an orc or goblin. I see how it is." Fuin said, sniffing mockingly and Afarfins eyes went wide and he looked at his wife.

"I said no such--"

"No I see how it is. I swear if Lune takes off your hand you're on your own." Fuin said sticking her tongue out at him. and Afarfin sat looking flustered looking to the nurse for help but she was dying trying to contain her laughter and was absolutely no help.

"You're terrible. Good thing I love you." Afarfin muttered eating his potatoes.

"Iuldir is an excellent student, and he's been a joy to teach, it's been my absolute pleasure to work in the forge here and with him and Cali to make that wheelchair." Fuin said in response to Ivorniths comment.

"Yes it appears it's just me that she loves to torment." Afarfin said with a shake of his head. "I am glad that you have all had a wonderful time with her visit, and she seems to have enjoyed herself as well perhaps, some day, we shall be able to come back and visit when it's planned and Fuin isn't playing at being an escaped convict."

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@I Said What I Said

Calithildis (Cali), Ivornith and Iuldir

Cali smiled a bit, listening to them go back and forth. Iuldir and Rissy were laughing and enjoying the entertainment during the meal. It was easy to forget about the rain pouring down outside, as well as inside, though, looking at Ivornith, Cali could see she was tired. She was a bit tired as well, but she had a feeling Ivornith's tiredness came from dealing with the demanding woman she worked for every other day. She'd be exhausted if she had to do that.

"You're welcome to return for a visit anytime you like, of course." Ivornith replied with a smile. "It has been a pleasure having Fuin stay with us these last few days." She added.
"She's going to teach me a whole lot more about smithing." Iuldir grinned. "So I can be as good as my father was, when I grow up." He was careful not to mention in the nurse's presence, or Afarfin's, that he'd already learned a great deal from Cali, unsure how much Cali wanted told.

Before long, supper was finished, and Cali got Rissy to help her with clearing the table while Ivornith began trying to figure out the sleeping arrangements. "Let's see.. Rissy will sleep with me again, and someone can use her room. And..." She realized there were really no other rooms, and few options. "Someone will have to sleep in the barn I suppose.. though I hate to ask anyone to do that." She frowned, unsure who that should be. "I guess Cali already thought of that though, didn't she?" She added, remembering that Cali had sent Iuldir to fix up a place for someone to sleep there.
"Can I sleep in the barn?" Iuldir suggested, thinking it might be a nice adventure.
"Hm, perhaps.. you or Cali, I'd say would be best, though I'm not sure I like you sleeping out there.." She hesitated, recalling how much mischief the boy was capable of if he set his mind to it.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Fuin smiled and helped with doing the dishes and Afarfin for his part helped put the chairs in and ran about emptying buckets further while Iuldur helped with the mop in between. "Actually Ivornith, I know you probably are mortified a bit at this thought as we are your guests, but Afarfin and I probably would be best in the barn." She said with a smile heading over to Afarfin who was standing mouth gaping open and shut like a fish, knowing full well he was going to say something stupid and undoubtedly prissy. "The House of Healing well I'm sure you can guess it's not terribly-"

"Wait. What the ba-" There as a thunk and a yelp from Afarfin as Fuin firmly lifted her foot striking his shin with her heal with a good amount of force. It took everything Afarfin had not to cry out to maintain his lordly air though his lips pressed firmly together and he debated very thoroughly the merits of strangling his wife.

"Honestly I think it would do him well to be out of the damp clothing he's got on now but he, well I don't think I could even get him to take his shirt of in front of you ladies, he'd find it terribly improper." Fuin said grabbing a hold of Afarfins hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. The nurse for her part narrowed her eyes wondering if Fuin was going to run but decided if her husband was with her that likely wasn't the case, and there were other things she was probably planning on doing. "And it'll be warm and dry, there's no leaks in there I've seen that much myself." Fuin of course had completely ulterior motives to the ones she was letting on for being alone with her husband. Goodness knows there was a very good chance the two of them would be having a bit of a fight tonight over her plans, but that couldn't be helped and she didn't want to do that where everyone could hear them.

After a few moments Ivornith gave a nod, not wanting any other details from Fuin who was quite willing it seemed to overshare when she had the chance.

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@I Said What I Said

Calithildis (Cali), Ivornith and Iuldir

Ivornith nodded slightly. "Yes.. of course, if that's what you'd prefer.." She could appreciate a husband and wife wanting to be alone together after being apart however long they had been. After bidding them goodnight, she then turned to helping the nurse get situated in Rissy's room, hoping she would be comfortable enough there, and then at last she went to say goodnight to Iuldir, and went to bed herself. Cali had put Rissy to bed while she was helping the guests, and the little girl cuddled up with Ivornith once she had joined her.

After everyone had gone to bed, Cali lay awake for some time, thinking. Listening to the storm outside, unable to sleep. She couldn't help wondering whether it was raining like this in Minas Tirith, and if her friends were affected by all this storming. Nal was most likely to be troubled by it, as a ranger, who knows where he might be, and she hoped he was alright. Then of course, there was Iole, with her mother in such a fragile state, Cali hoped she was doing alright with this damp weather. And then she thought about Trev, off on some pirate ship... and worried even more about him, realizing he was probably in the most danger. She hoped he would be alright, but didn't know if she'd ever have any way of knowing if anything did happen to him. It might be best, actually. She didn't know if she could handle yet another death of someone close to her.

Cali got up a few times in the night to empty the buckets while everyone else slept, then laid down and tried to sleep again. A few times she'd doze for a while, but then thunder would awaken her again with a jolt, and she'd be right back where she started. Eventually the storm seemed to calm and she finally dozed off, sometime in the early hours of morning.

Rissy woke very early, and slipped out of her mother's room. Going to the living room, she peeked out the window and was very excited to see sunshine finally peeking up over the horizon! She ran to her brother's room and bounced on his bed to wake him. "Wake up! It stopped raining!" She told him excitedly. "We can play outside now!"
"Huh?" Iuldir groaned, half asleep as he tried to stop her from bouncing. "Stop it, Rissy."
"Come on, let's play!" She tried to drag him out of bed, very bored from being cooped up in the house for all these long ages that it had been raining.
"We can't go out in our sleeping clothes, mother would kill us." He reminded her. "And your clothes are all in your room, and the nurse lady is still asleep in there. You'll have to wait til everyone else is up, so just play with your doll for a little while, alright?"
Rissy pouted. "I wanna go outside."
"You can just as soon as mother says so." He sighed and got some things to draw with. "Here, practice drawing your letters, and you can show mother how well you did when she gets up." With that he sat down to help her, resigned to remain awake, though he wasn't quite wanting to be yet.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Fuin and Afarfin slipped out to the barn tucked under the damp cloak that Afarfin had been wearing running quickly so that they wouldn't be soaked by the time they got to the loft with a lantern to give them some small amount of light. Fuin lead Afarfin up the loft. Lightning forked through the sky and Afarfin looked at his wife and kissed her softly on the forehead.

"I was worried about you. I know Mylien and Ruindil are use to you running off but I-"

"You're not, I'm sorry." She said dipping her head and even as he kissed her again. "You probably would never have caught me if it weren't for this family." Fuin said softly, "I know you are hoping to come back to the House of Healing with me... I was wondering if you would stay a while." Afarfin pulled back and frowned.

"Why? What purpose will that serve. I want to make sure you are back at the House of Healing, I don't know what was done to you, but for some reason the healers here have your trust far more than healers of your own kind." Afarfin said.

"I'm the Minestor, what would it say if the Minestor, and I... What troubles me is from before Elrond was even born, I can't possibly burden him with it." She said softly and Afarfin looked down stopping Fuin as she moved to help him strip from his damp wet clothing his hands gripping her wrists.

"He has others that he can share with to lessen his load." Fuin shook her head. "I - I think he would strip me of every title I hold in the Valley Afarfin, I am not Melviriel any longer I have earned my new name many times." She was quiet and pulled away from him. "And you are better at roofs than I am. You helped refinish Bar-en Raveara with clay tiling, you could easily fix their roof, give them some of their dignity and safety back. You and I both know how quickly buildings with leaks like that can fall apart utterly."

"You changed the subject as if what you said before was some scribes random doodles in the margins of a manuscript they were copying. What do you mean you've earned your new name? What did you do?" He asked reaching to try to grab her wrists and pull her back to him. She stepped back. His face hardened for a moment, he wanted to yell at her, but what would happen? Would she disappear in the night if he slept? Probably. He shook his head turning away stripping his wet shirt of and hanging it on one of the lofts beams.

"Will you fix the roof for them?"

"Why do you care about this family?" Afarfin asked stripping out of his pants and adding them to his shirt so they could dry off of him, the air was cool and if he were not an elf even with the residual heat of the forge he would have been shivering as he headed to the bedding that Iuldir had laid out, a few thin sheets and several heavy warm woolen blankets.

"I don't think you could have seen it with this rain, nor would you have looked for it but... just west of the house there is a small mound, covered in flowers." Fuin said softly. "Almost 300 years ago I came here with two orphans, to find coal for a forge that I helped create with a young woman that wanted to learn how to forge. She was the first Dringolben. Their name was gifted to them by me. They were... They were the first family that I chose after everything that happened. They are why I learned to heal instead of just to kill and forge weapons of death. I could not stop at their graves they were too close being in Minas Tirith, but that mound... it is their mothers."

"These people are your family." Afarfin said his head tipping back slightly realizing why she'd stopped why she was still here, and why she was wanting him to stay. "Nólëante, is what your name should be. I have seen you give more of yourself than I could imagine giving others." Afarfin said and Fuin turned and look at him her eyes dark in the dim light and he wondered if she would round on him and rend his heart with some terrible knowledge with the look on her face and then it softened.

"Will you do it? Will you help them?"

"Will you come to bed?" He asked patting the spot beside him. She paused for a moment than joined him.


When the sun broke the horizon, Afarfin looked at his wife still asleep in his arms, she looked so peaceful, and it broke his heart that something had darkened her spirit so much that she couldn't see the light she brought to the world. He slipped free of her and slipped back into his pants and headed out in the brilliant morning light, and saw the mound that Fuin spoke of and headed to it. He stood at it for a moment, looking at the overgrown rock mound. He bent low seeing something on one of the stones and brushed away some of the moss reading the carving on it. He didn't even hear Fuin slip up behind him. "Cala couldn't remember her mothers name so I gave her what recognition I could." Afarfin turned and looked at her nodding.

"We should probably check on Lisse and then head inside." He said standing up and hugging his wife. "After breakfast since I am not going with you, I will tack up LIsse and you and the nurse can start heading back to Minas Tirith."

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@I Said What I Said

Ivornith, Iuldir, and Iorissel (Rissy)

Iuldir did his best to keep Rissy occupied until he began to smell breakfast cooking. Rissy ran out to find that her mother was cooking breakfast, at last! (though it was still far earlier than anyone else seemed to be up)
Once Rissy left, Iuldir quickly got dressed, since he couldn't do that with his little sister in the room, and went around the house emptying buckets. Luckily, it had stopped raining. Some of the leaks were still dripping a little though, so he left the buckets under them, and went about mopping up any water that had got on the floor.

When the nurse finally emerged from Rissy's room, the girl was happy to run and get changed so she could go outside and play. Ivornith greeted her when she came into the kitchen, letting her know the breakfast would be finished in a little while, as well as asking if she slept well and other polite things.

Iuldir was busy with the mop and didn't see Rissy slip out, barefoot but at least dressed for outside. She made a face at the water squishing up around her toes, then giggled a little and ran around a little bit, happy to be free of the indoors at last. Seeing the nice elves over by the flower hill, she ran over to them. "It stopped raining!" She called happily, hoping that maybe now people could play with her and everything would be wonderful and fun.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Afarfin and Fuin heard Rissy coming long before she made it to them and they turned smiling at the little girl. "Yes it did doesn't it smell wonderful?" Fuin asked taking a deep breath smelling the dirt and grass that was wet and the gentle scent of the sea that reached the small homestead. "Have you had breakfast Rissy?" Fuin asked and offered her hand leaning low. Afarfin for his part felt a twinge of pain seeing her act motherly to this child, she had never had a child, and she had stated very clearly that she had no plans of having any children as she walked Rissy back to the house her hand. Rissy turned and looked at Afarfin.

"Swing?" The biggest puppy eyes looked up at Afarfin and the Noldo took a few steps and offered her his hand and between the two towering elves they lifted her up and swung her along between them bringking a gleeful shriek from her as they headed back towards the house.

"Again!" She shrieked with a giggle The two of them swung her between them with every few steps, fortunately they had fairly long strides and they were soon back at the door to the house and let themselves in, Rissy announcing them all loudly.

"Good morning Ivornith" Fuin said softly glancing at her husbands clothing and went to check it, it was nice and dry and hanging had left them wrinkle free. "We'll have to properly do your hair after breakfast," Fuin said as headed into the kitchen to eat. "I'm glad that the rain has stopped, I was not looking forwards to traveling back to the House of Healing in the rain." Fuin helped set out the plates for everyone since Ivornith looked like she was almost finished with cooking breakfast.

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@I Said What I Said

Calithilidis (Cali), Ivornith, Iuldir, and Iorissel (Rissy)

As the elves came in with Rissy, Iuldir was a bit surprised to see her there. "Rissy! You weren't supposed to go outside, I told you to wait until mother said it was alright." He frowned.
"Oops.." She paused, then ran to the kitchen to Ivornith, giggling slightly.
Unaware of that conversation, Ivornith smiled and hugged her. "Good morning," She greeted both Rissy and Fuin, as the latter had come in about the same time. "Rissy, would you go and see if your aunt Cali is on her way? And let her know breakfast is done." She smiled as the little girl ran off to get Cali. "I hope you slept well," She added to Fuin, putting the food out on the table once it was finished.

Rissy ran to Cali's room and hopped onto the bed. "Aunt Cali! Wake up!" She bounced.
Cali groaned sleepily and took a few seconds to fully wake, tired from being awake so late. "Is it morning already?" She mumbled, rubbing her eyes.
"Mommy said breakfast is ready." Rissy wrapped her arms around Cali, grinning when Cali hugged her back.
"Thanks Rissy. I'll be out in just a moment, alright? Go and tell your mommy."
"Alright!" Rissy ran back to Ivornith while Cali reluctantly got up, and hurried to get dressed.

A few minutes later she came out and joined the others at the table, trying her best not to look like she'd rather still be asleep. She had plenty of experience running on little to no sleep, and greeted everyone with a quiet good morning, hoping it wasn't too noticeable.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Fuin stood behind Afarfin once the places were set as he sat at the table getting ready for breakfast, she ran her fingers through his pale golden hair smoothing and pulling the odd tangles from it leaving her husband with his eyes half shut in joy at the kind attention of his wife as Cali came in after Rissy had run back and forth between the kitchen and Cali's room.

Breakfast was served and they ate it quietly all of them a bit tired, though Fuin was fairly certain Cali had slept very poorly, though it was hard to tell. Fuin couldnt' without sharing some of her thoughts from the other night when her and Cali had been out in the forge talking, she wasn't sure how much Cali's family knew and she knew Afarfin and the Nurse knew nothing. Cali hadn't been able to go to the forge to think, not with her and Afarfin sleeping in there.

"So Ivornith when do you go to work at this Lords house?" Afarfin asked hoping that between Fuin getting him dressed and primped doing his hair for him, that he'd have enough time to tack up the horse first and see her and the nurse off, if not she'd take care of that herself even if it did confuse Cali that she was traveling and leaving her husband behind. as he ate a bit of fried bread and an egg that Ivornith had made for them a nice light breakfast as he certainly didn't need a big meal yet, he noted that Fuin also ate lightly, perhaps so she would have more time to work on his hair and make sure he looked the part.

For all her griping on his looking and dressing like a Lord she knew how to make him look good as well as herself when she wanted to.

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@I Said What I Said

Calithilidis (Cali), Ivornith, Iuldir, and Iorissel (Rissy)

Ivornith got started on clearing the table after breakfast. "I'll be leaving quite soon, actually," Ivornith answered Afarfin, hurrying to get the dishes cleaned up, but Cali took over. "I've got this, don't worry about it." She told her. "At least you don't have to deal with that..ogre today." Cali smiled faintly, using Fyre's name for the woman. She worked on washing the dishes.
"Yes, that's a relief." Ivornith smiled slightly and got her basket of things together, then paused. "What is our plan for today?" She asked, uncertain. "Am I supposed to introduce you to Lord Eglathor?" She asked Afarfin. "Or should I pretend that I have not met you?"

Rissy watched Fuin for a moment, then ran to her room and grabbed a hairbrush and brought to her. "Here. Will this help?" She asked with a smile.

"Are you going to be leaving today?" Iuldir asked Fuin, a bit saddened at the thought of her leaving. It had been fun having her around, and it was nice that Cali and him had been able to do a lot more work with her there to help.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Afarfin nodded. "I think him finding out you know me would probably not help our plan in terms of convincing him I am a snobbish elven Lord - especially since I wouldn't be ready to go for a while which would be unfair to you to make you that late to work." Fuin stood behind him still finger brushing his hair when Rissy ran to her room and brought back a hair brush the elven woman couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you very much Rissy yes it most certainly will help." She said and took it and began brushing his hair. Soon she was plucking small locks up from his smooth mane and weaving them together twisting them and knotting them leaving him with a circlet woven of his own hair , as she worked she looked at Iuldir, "Yes I'm afraid so I do need to go back to Minas Tirith, but I will come back and visit." She said softly as she pulled the leather tie from her own hair that she'd been wearing for days and tied it off before twisting and knotting more of Afarfins hair about it so that it looked as if his hair was held in place by the magic of the elves or some nonsense like that that those that did not deal with elves often might believe. She took a moment to enjoy her handy work and smiled approvingly and walked around. looking at him his face seemed so young compared to what she remembered most days. She reached out and slid a finger down his right cheek down to his jawline just looking at him before giving him a smile. "Now m'lord you need your prissy robes, Rissy is it all right if we borrow your room to get him all dressed up?" She asked looking at the little girl as she reached up and pulled the fancy robes that had been hanging to dry near the fire.

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@I Said What I Said

Calithilidis (Cali), Ivornith, Iuldir, and Iorissel (Rissy)

Ivornith nodded, as her thoughts on the matter were confirmed. "I was thinking the same, but I wanted to be sure. Well then, I shall be off, and I look forward to seeing you. If you need a guide, Iuldir certainly knows the way." She smiled slightly. "And he also knows not to be seen around there, so he can come straight back home once he's showed you the way to the correct house." She said this last part with a Look at Iuldir, telling him he would not be getting into any sort of trouble along the way.
"Yes, ma'am." He fidgeted, keeping his gaze down.
With that, Ivornith bid them all a good day and then set off toward work, glad it was finally done raining.

Rissy grinned, pleased to have been able to help, watching curiously while Fuin fixed Afarfin's hair. Then, when asked if they could use her room, she nodded, but suddenly remembered her dolls and ran to her room ahead of them and came out with her two dolls. "They can't stay while he's changing. He's a boy." She explained, hugging the dolls close, and ran off to sit in a corner to play with the dolls.
"Come here, Rissy," Cali said, a little amused. "We need to get your hair brushed too."
"Noo," She pouted. "I want her to do it." She pointed at Fuin, having watched, greatly impressed as she did fancy stuff with Afarfin's hair.
Cali paused. "I think Fuin is busy. But maybe when she's not busy, if you ask her very nicely, she may agree to do it."

Saffyre (Fyre)

Hidden behind the side of the barn, Fyre watched Ivornith leave. She waited until she was out of sight, then darted across the yard to where the cart had been left, and looked it over again. After helping Iuldir with feeding the horse, she had taken a few minutes to examine the cart to figure out the best place to hide. Now, in the daylight, it was easier to see. Hoping she could go undiscovered at least long enough to get too far to take her back, she climbed into a hollow place beneath the seat. She tucked her bag of stuff down under her head to act as a pillow, and pulled the seat down so as to hide her. Now, hopefully, she wouldn't have to wait too long before they were ready to go back to Minas Tirith, and she'd finally be going someplace new and fun, without the Ogre around to yell at her. She couldn't wait to see what Minas Tirith would be like, and hoped very much she wouldn't be discovered.
Last edited by Rillewen on Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Fuin gave a wave to Ivornith and bid her farewell, for she would not be there still when the woman of Gondor returned home that night and smiled thanking Rissy though it took everything she had in order to not laugh at the young girl not letting her dolls see Afarfin change and tried her best to give a solomn knowing nod before going and helping Afarfin dress up and look all proper taking a cloth so she could wipe his face and make sure his face and neck and fingers were clean. Men were in Fuins opinion often little more than children with more freedoms as there were less people willing to tell them what to do. He did look handsome though as he straightened his belt about his waist. He looked like an elven lord of old, which would surely help them in their current attempt with Caeleb. After all how many elven lords were left now? Very very few and those that were did not spend much time in Dol Amroth or Gondor for that matter.

"Well I think he shall do the job, and Caelebs father will be all the prouder to have a wheelchair in his house with Afarfin telling him to get it." Fuin said with a smile. Indeed Afarfin looked terribly out of place in the run down house that still had a few buckets about catching the final pinging drips, though at least everything else was very much drying up. She looked at Rissy who was LOOKING at her with absolute intent her hairbrush clutched in her hands and Fuin suddenly felt like she was about to be stalked like some small prey creature.

It didn't take long for her to find out that Rissy wanted Fuin to give her 'pretty hair'. Fuin looked at her and tipped her head back. "Let's start with brushing your hair first, and then we will see about doing the fancy pretty hair. It takes a lot of pulling and twisting to do that to hair, and it might hurt too much for you little one." She said and patted a chair near her. Afarfin watched for a moment before realizing that he'd not tacked up Lisse for Fuin and was feeling bad as the nurse packed up the last of her stuff and was looking at Fuin who seemed to be stalling on leaving for the moment.

"I didn't tack up Lisse..." Afarfin looked out the one window towards the barn and Fuin smiled.

"It's alright love, I know how to tack her up and if you don't need directions from Iuldir, I am quite certain that he will likely be more than willing to help me in brushing and tacking her up so me and my good friend here can get back to Minas Tirith and the sixth circle and the House of Healing. Though at least this time I wouldn't be staggering in half dead." Afarfin narrowed his eyes he still didn't like how nonchalantly she worded that but there was little else he could do.

"I'll head out now, I know well enough where this man is and if I get lost once I'm in Dol Amroth I need only ask a Swan Knight and I'll be pointed in the right direction fast enough." He headed towards Fuin giving her a soft kiss on the neck bidding her to take care of herself and that he would be in Minas Tirith as soon as he could before he slipped out into the early morning light and headed for Dol Amroth proper.

Fuin for her part was still untangling Rissy's hair and she looked at Iuldir. "Do you want to go start brushing up Lisse for me?" She as she finally finished the monumental task of detangling Rissys hair... Now... did she want all the fancy braids still? "So Rissy fancy braids or will we go with something a bit simpler that won't pull as much?" Fuin asked now that she'd had to sit and suffer getting her hair brushed.

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@I Said What I Said

Calithilidis (Cali), Iuldir, and Iorissel (Rissy)

Cali had worked on getting the biggest tangles out of Rissy's hair while they waited for Fuin and Afarfin to come out, but the moment Fuin emerged, she lost her as the girl excitedly took the brush and ran to ask Fuin with a pretty please and big puppydog eyes if she'd do her hair all pretty. Cali watched, struggling not to laugh at the look on Fuin's face as Rissy came up to her. "I guess you asked nicely enough, Rissy." She commented, smiling a bit. To Fuin she added, "I hope you don't mind. She was very intrigued by how you did your husband's hair, I guess. I told her to ask you very nicely."

Rissy tried very hard to sit still while Fuin finished brushing her hair, hugging her dolls as she tried not to squirm too much. Luckily the main tangles were dealt with, and it wasn't too long before Fuin was asking if she still wanted the pretty hairdo. Rissy nodded eagerly, grinning. "Please! Pretty braids!" She bounced a little in excitement until Cali reminded her she'd need to sit still for Fuin to be able to do anything.

Iuldir wasn't sure whether he was disappointed or glad he wasn't needed to show Afarfin where to go.. On the one hand, he'd considered whether he might sneak in to see Caeleb and maybe try to listen in on things.. but then, he might miss saying goodbye to Fuin when she left.. And as it turned out, he was asked to hitch up the horse. "Yes ma'am." He smiled, glad to be able to do something helpful, and hurried out to the barn.

Pausing along the way, he went over to the cart, listening for a moment, then knocked lightly on the side where it looked like the only place a person would be able to hide. "Fyre?" He whispered. "You there?"
"Hush, I'm hiding." She whispered back, startled.
"Just checking. They'll be leaving soon." He let her know. "So just keep quiet, and it should work."
"Alright. Thanks."
With that, Iuldir hurried off to the barn to get the horse and begin getting her ready to return to the city with Fuin, the nurse, and their stowaway.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Fuin gave Cali a smile and shook her head, I don't mind at all. And honestly I swear fancy hair is what elves did to keep from getting too bored in the first age." She kept to herself the other option they seemed to take up was fighting and killing each other but that hardly seemed appropriate to the conversation especially with Rissy about. Rissy continued to ask for pretty braids even once her hair was all untangled and Fuin set the brush aside and started plucking out locks of hair similar to how she had done for her husband though Rissys hair was thinner and far softer since she was a child which made it a little more difficult but Fuin managed. Slowly the braids came in first the left side that she did with a serpentine pattern undulating up and down from her temple to the back of her head. and then the right with the same pattern so that they met in the back leaving a lot of her hair trailing down. Fuin then joined the two parts together fishtailing them together in a tight pattern so that the braid would stay even if it lost the hair tie that eventually went into as she finally got about 6 inches down from where the two sides had met.

"Cali, do you have a bit of leather or a string unfortunately mines gone of to Dol Amroth." Fuin said with a laugh. Soon the hair was tied up and Rissy was looking absolutely pleased that she had fancy elf hair. The nurse for her part was sitting looking at Fuin not entirely believing that she was going to go back to Minas Tirith and the House of Healing willingly but she'd promised Afarfin she would and she was if nothing else an elf of her word. "I'm going to go and help Iuldir finish taking up Lisse and then we will be on our way." At this the nurse nodded her small bundle of clothing under her arm as Fuin headed out the door. In the barn she found Iuldir had finishe brushing Lisse down and was trying and having a bit of a hard time with the heavy weight of the tack thanks to his arms still being a bit sore even though he'd had a much lighter day yesterday than he had the day before.

"So Iuldir what are you going to practice while I'm away so that I can see it next time I'm in the area?" Fuin asked, as she absolutely did plan on returning eventually to check on his progress and to legitimize his skills as a blacksmith while Cali was still being secretive. At this point he could easily make nails and the likes like that as well as a few other small items, like knives and forks that would be highly useful and give the family a bit of money that wouldn't be questioned as to who had made them even if Cali did the vast majority of them. As she asked this she hefted up the collar over Lisse's neck, who had been tossing her head thinking she might get some more brushing or maybe some more hay from the boy making his job even more difficult. With Fuin she behaved and was rewarded with a scratch behind her ear as she got Iuldir to help finish laying the strapping on the horse there were chains on each side of her that would attach to the wagon poles and those were clipped up so that they would not be in her way when she was walking out to the cart itself.

Soon the three were headed for the cart and Fuin was fastening the hitch to the harness and Lisse let out a snort her ears swiveling towards the cart, as if sensing something was up and gave a snort. Fuin at first assumed that it was just she didn't really want to travel again so soon especially since the last part of the journey had been in the rain. Once she was finished she gave the pale horse a gentle pat on her flank and headed into get the nurse and say her final farewells to Cali as she picked up the nurses bundle of supplies so that she could toss it into the compartment under the seat where it would be the driest after the rain.

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@I Said What I Said

Calithilidis (Cali), Iuldir, and Iorissel (Rissy)

Cali watched with a small smile as Rissy's hair was braided. There were a couple of times that it seemed Rissy was struggling to sit still, but she mostly did rather well with sitting still for Fuin. Only a few times when her hair was pulled a bit, she said Ouch, but that was all. Upon being asked to get something to tie the hair ends with, Cali hurried to her room and retrieved one she used sometimes, and soon Rissy's hair was finished. Once she was freed from the hair styling chair, she jumped around a little in excitement. Cali laughed lightly, and got a small mirror to let her see how it looked.
"It's pretty!" Rissy cheered, grinning.
"Yes, it is, now you need someplace fancy to go and show it off," Cali smiled.
Rissy giggled, then held her doll out toward Fuin. "Can you-"
"No Rissy," Cali cut her off, shaking her head in amusement. "She is not going to do your doll's hair too. She spent quite a while doing yours.. and what do you say?"
Rissy paused, then turned to Fuin. "Thank you!" With that she ran off to pretend she was going to some fancy ball or something, talking to her dolls as if they were fellow guests at said ball.

Out in the barn, Iuldir was sort of taking his time with the horse, and apologized to her that he did not have an apple or anything to give her. Glancing up as Fuin came to help, he realized maybe he took a bit too long, but he was a bit disappointed for Fuin to have to leave. "Do you think you might see my grandma when you go back to Minas Tirith? She's a nurse.. I told you, remember? If you do see her, will you tell her I said hello?" He asked with a smile as they headed outside to hitch up the horse to the cart. "If you're still in Minas Tirith when I go there to visit her, then I'll be sure and visit you." He added with a smile.

At the question about what he'd be practicing, he paused to think on that. "I'm not sure. Maybe some knives? Aunt Cali was having me make those, before we got started on the wheel chair project. So I guess I'll do that." He shrugged. Seeing her about to put the nurse's luggage in the compartment where Fyre was hiding, his eyes widened slightly and he jumped forward. "I'll get that!" He offered, as if to be helpful, though of course, actually he was hoping to keep Fyre from being discovered, and hoped that Fuin would let him put the bag away so he could do so without Fuin seeing the girl. "My mother taught me to be a gentleman, after all." he added, trying to explain why he was so intent on doing it for her.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Fuin smile glad that Cali got her out of braiding the dolls hair. She probably would have been there most of the day if she had to do the little girls dolls. Fuin had counted at least two of them, possibly three, she'd been more focused on the black smithing the last while than she had on the little girls toys. Iuldir for his part when she got outside was a sweet heart and very helpful with Lisse, and reminded her about his grandmother, which if she was truthful she'd forgotten about. She did promise to say hello to her and she had no doubt that she would be seeing him again. As they were hitching Lisse he said he'd be working on knives maybe

That was something that would be good for him to practice. "Ohh I hope you'll be able to show me proper hardening techniques the next time I come back then!" She said as she took the bundle from the Nurse and was about to open the bench when Iuldir jumped up to help her. Fuin for her part looked confused her hand already on the bench. "No it's alrig--" She opened the seat up and stopped her lips pressing together as she stared down at Fyre the girl that had been there the day before.

"Attempting to escape the ogre?" Fuin asked looking mildly unimpressed. She knew most of her family was already not able to come to Dol Amroth because of their past, the last thing that she needed was some noble woman having decided that she had kidnapped her granddaughter even if Fyre was certain that she wouldn't care. Two or three days and she would Fuin had no doubt of that.

"You should probably get out now." Fuin said motioning to Fyre holding a hand out to her and looked at Iuldir, figuring he was in on it. "I don't need the ogre chasing after me thinking I kidnapped you in two or three days when she actually misses you." She pulled Fyre up. "If you want to leave tell her and then do it, don't get other people in trouble because you want to escape without telling her you're leaving the only thing you'll do is get the people you travel with in trouble."

Fuin stepped out of the way so that she could get out of the cart, "Tell her you're leaving and then leave." Once Fyre was clear of the seat Fuin put the nurses bundle in there and shut the seat again and motioned for the nurse to come and sit so that they could get on their way.

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@I Said What I Said

Calithilidis (Cali), Iuldir, Iorissel (Rissy) and Saffyre (Fyre)

Iuldir cringed slightly to himself as he watched Fuin discover the stowaway, and felt bad for having failed at helping keep her from being caught. He'd tried, but there was only so much a person could do. "I'm sorry," He spoke up quietly, to Fuin. "It was my idea, I.. suggested she could go along with you to Minas Tirith..." He admitted, not wanting Fyre to have to take all the blame for it.

Fyre sighed, reluctantly climbing out of her hiding place, and frowned as she hopped to the ground. "Tell her? Ha. I'm pretty sure that would defeat the whole point of running away, you know." She pointed out, rolling her eyes at the idea of announcing she was leaving. "Anyway, I left a note." She shrugged, folding her arms sulkily. "She wouldn't have come after you, really, she'd probably be glad I was gone, and even if she did try to find me, I put in my note that I was hiding away on a ship, so that woulda thrown her off track."

"I figured she could stay with my friend Toby, and then she wouldn't have to put up with the Ogre anymore." Iuldir shrugged, glancing apologetically to Fyre, feeling bad their plan had failed.

It took Cali a few minutes to get Rissy to come out, so she missed the whole ordeal. She came out after a few minutes, with Rissy in tow, and was surprised to see Fyre had returned. She caught the last part of what Iuldir said, and frowned a bit in confusion, but was a bit suspicious. "What have you been up to now, Iuldir?" She frowned, glancing around at all those gathered.
Last edited by Rillewen on Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Fuin frowned at Iuldir as well stating it was his idea, but mostly at Fyre "I'm glad you left a note, but my family came on a ship, if you don't think that eventually they'd start searching ships you're mistaken, and that would endanger my family even more than if they were coming after me." Fuin said coolly. She hadn't admitted that half of her family were pirates and that they were generally not even allowed in Gondorian waters unless they were flying her flag, and she wasn't about to not with Fyre about, she was far too unpredictable to tell anything to.

"And if she wouldn't care tell her and walk away and don't come back. For someone that is certain that their grandmother doesn't care and wouldn't come looking you took an awful lot of precautions to make sure she didn't find you." It was then that Cali and Rissy came out and she caught Iuldirs comment about not wanting to put up with the ogre any more and that she could stay with a friend.

"As I said. If you really want to leave. My husband is leaving later, he's walking. Put on good shoes and take some food from your ogres house, get rid of that note and walk out. Also don't expect anyone to take you in in Minas Tirith not even... Toby as I doubt he's in charge of the house in the city," Fuin said looking at Iuldir, "you'll need to learn how to work for your keep is my bet, so you may want to start doing things like figuring out how to mop." Fuin said tipping her head back looking down at Fyre for being so willing to take advantage of other people. She wasn't against encouraging children to leave their families if they were bad, her husband most definitely would protect her on the road to Minas Tirith, but sneaking off and risking other peoples safety, or taking advantage of others that would have to feed and shelter her because she didn't want to live in a safe house with a woman that was miserable? No that would not do.

She reached down and pulled the nurse up into the seat beside her and then looked at Cali and Rissy. "Thanks so much for the place to stay, good luck with my husband and that wheelchair, I know he'll come through for that." She didn't mention that she'd told him to also fix their roof but he'd come back and do that without issue she knew that it was just a case of getting the clay which fortunately there was plenty of about.

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@I Said What I Said

Calithilidis (Cali), Iuldir, Iorissel (Rissy) and Saffyre (Fyre)

Cali frowned as she listened. She didn't need to be told what happened; she could guess, and gave Iuldir a stern look as she figured out his part in this little stunt. "You two both ought to know better. Especially you, Iuldir. We'll be talking more about this later," She warned him, letting him know that this was not over. "Maybe your mother will hear about it, too.. we'll see. And Fyre.. I don't know what your grandmother would do about this, but you really could have gotten Fuin and her family into a lot of trouble, I hope you'll think about that before you try something like this again."
If Iuldir could have shrunk into the ground, he might have done just that, and fidgeted as Fuin turned her frown on him. "Sorry." he mumbled, realizing that this was not actually the best plan, though he had intended to help Fyre.

Fyre stood quietly, frowning down at the ground with her arms folded, and appeared to be pouting. She was actually thinking about things, and didn't want to look up at the moment. Her grandmother yelled and scolded, but she never paid any attention, because it meant nothing. But these people were different; just a frown of disapproval and she felt bad for things. It was an unfamiliar feeling that she didn't know how to cope with. "I'll get rid of the note." She said quietly, before hurrying away. The note was made up, but she wanted to get away to think for a little while, and didn't want to be around here right now. So it was a good excuse to leave.

Sighing a little as she turned back to Fuin, Cali waved, putting the matter of the two kids on the back burner for now. "It was wonderful having to stay with us, and thank you for all of the help. I'm sure we would have been working on that project for a few weeks, without your help." She smiled. "I look forward to having you visit again." She added. "I hope you have a safe journey back."
Rissy and Iuldir waved at her as well. "Bye, I'll be practicing the knives and things, so I can show you when you come back." Iuldir added, already trying to think of a few other ideas of things he could make.
Last edited by Rillewen on Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Fuin watched Fyre leave and Iuldir wilt before her gaze if there was one thing that being old had it's perks of it was being able to give children the a look of disappointment, not that Fuin saved it specifically for children, it worked on most adults as well, as well as any elves that were younger than herself. She let out a little sign and nodded her acceptance of Iuldirs apology, and Fyre's mention of going and getting rid of the note. She made sure that the nurse was safely seated and comfortable than took her own seat taking up the reigns in one hand then smiling at Cali and Rissy and giving a wave she clicked her tongue and Lisse started moving pulling the wagon round as Fuin started turning it back towards Pelegar as the roads would be far faster than trying to take a wagon through the wet muck of the grass.

"Thank you and I look forward to seeing you again, hopefully it won't be too long." She said glancing at the nurse who gave a shrug.

"That's up to you." The nurse said and also bid the family a farewell and thanked them for their hospitality and for taking care of their patient and that hopefully she wouldn't have to come and collect her again. Fuin for her part chuckled. She'd warned them that she was leaving and they really hadn't believed her.

"Next time I take it the lot of you will believe me when I say I'm leaving then." She said as the two of them started to head back to Minas Tirith, the small farmstead outside of Dol Amroth shrinking behind them.

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@I Said What I Said

Calithilidis (Cali), Iuldir, Iorissel (Rissy) and Saffyre (Fyre)

Cali, Iuldir, and Rissy waved after Fuin and the nurse as they drove away, until they had gone up over the hill and couldn't be seen anymore by them. Cali turned to the kids then. "Rissy, why don't you go in and play with your dolls. I want to talk to your brother for a minute."
Rissy nodded and ran inside, while Iuldir fidgeted.

After giving her nephew a stern talking to about his latest scheme of mischief, Cali agreed not to mention it to his mother if he promised not to try anything like that anymore, even if he felt it was to help someone. After dealing with that issue, Cali told him he could play for a while as long as he stayed near the house, and then went inside. Most of the leaks had stopped dripping by now, so she got Rissy to help her clear away the buckets and put them away in a closet, where they would be out of sight until the next rain.

Having done all this, Cali sat down and had Rissy practice with her letters, as she'd been so busy working on the wheelchair the last few days that she hadn't taken the time to work with her any on that. As Rissy was using a piece of chalk to draw her letters on a slate, she looked up to show Cali how well she'd drawn her D's, and saw that Cali had dozed off. After a moment of thinking what to do, she laid the slate down beside Cali and then slipped outside to play.

Iuldir, meanwhile, had wandered down to the beach and found Saffyre, staring off at the sea sulkily. He sat down and talked with her for a while. Eventually, they returned to the house and found Rissy running around playing by herself, and Cali still asleep in the house, so they started up a game to keep her occupied, as well as have fun themselves. They changed to a different game whenever Rissy got bored of one, and by the time Afarfin would return, they were in the midst of a game of hide and seek.
Last edited by Rillewen on Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Afarfin could see the small house coming up once more and felt very very happy to see it, Ivornith was at work and it had taken absolutely all of his whiles and wits to get the Lord to agree to the chair, he'd mentioned his wife had used one, that it was state of the art that he knew where he could get one and he could say that it was made by the Mastersmith of the elves of Imladris in one of the oldest established blacksmithing houses in Dol Amroth where he knew the smith personally was teaching the next generation of Gondorian smiths. He'd even put down a down payment of five gold pieces, with another five to come upon delivery of the item by Afarfin in two days, since he had to make it seem like it wasn't already made for the noble lords son. That would hopefully give him enough time to finish repairing the roof as his wife had asked, how he was going to make that many clay shingles to cover it was beyond him.

He could see the children running about well, for a moment before they ducked behind items to hide he couldn't help but smile at the game recognizing it as hide and seek. It looked like Iuldir was the seeker and Fyre and Rissy were hiding from him. He gave Iuldir a wave and headed into the small house to change out of this lordly attire and get to work on the roof. "So the chair is half paid for." He said about to put the five golden coins on the table, but noticed that Cali was asleep. He decided to keep them with him in case the kids decided to play with them, he waited a moment before he he grabbed his clothing and headed into Rissy's room. He changed quickly and decided headed back out deciding it would be best to let Cali sleep, she'd be happy with the payment he was certain, and if he could get Iuldir and Fyre to help him with the roof that would be even better.

He shut the door quietly and looked up at the roof and then went to find Iuldir who was looking for Fyre still, Rissy had been fairly easy to find since she was as young as she was and not quite as good at hide and seek as the older children.

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@I Said What I Said

Iuldir, Iorissel (Rissy) and Saffyre (Fyre)

Iuldir waved back to Afarfin when he saw him returning. He was pretty excited to ask how it went, but before he could run over and ask him, he heard Rissy giggling from behind a bush and decided to go ahead and "find" her. He'd put it off for a while now, trying to give her some time to feel like she was better at hiding than she was, but he couldn't ignore the giggling, and figured maybe that would teach her to not make any noise next time she was hiding.

When Afarfin returned from the house, Iuldir was trying to locate Fyre, but gave up on it and instead, ran over to Afarfin. "What happened? Did Caeleb's father agree to the wheelchair?" He asked eagerly, excited to hear news about it, and not really caring about the game now. "Are we going to bring it to him now? Can I be there when Caeleb sees it? Does he know about it yet, or is it still secret from him?" He asked excitedly, in rapid-fire succession, hardly able to contain his excitement. Fyre came out from her hiding place, listening with interest as well.
Last edited by Rillewen on Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Afarfin smiled seeing Iuldir came running to him Rissy in tow, "He's agreed to purchase it." Afarfin said with a smile. "I had to make it seem like it was being made specifically for his son after he agreed to it, so I will deliver it in two days, no you can't be there when Caeleb sees it. Remember you're not a part of it - that's how he's getting to have this chair, but he does know and he seems fairly excited about it from what I could tell." Afarfin said with a smile still looking up at the roof his arms crossed trying to figure out of removing the rotting wooden shingles would be enough or if there would be a need for wooden beams to be replaced as well. He glanced at Fyre who was there not know what had transpired between Iuldir and her and his wife he gave a small smile. "Your aunt is asleep, do you want to help me with the roof? See how much we can get done before we wake up your Aunt, we'll replace the roof with clay shingles that will last far longer than any cedar shakes ever would - Fuin would kill me if I didn't make sure that the new roof doesn't outlast even you short of hail." Afarfin said with a snort. He looked at the barn, it was done with clay the same way he was planning on doing the house but he doubted there would be enough extra tiles to make it worth the effort of using them especially if any damaged happened to the barn they would be needed there.

"We should probably make sure we have everything we need, before we start pulling the old roof down as we don't want to have the whole house exposed all day and night if we need to bake a bunch of clay tiles." Afarfin said, "Let's see how many extra tiles were left for the barn, and if the form is around for those tiles perhaps we can use the same form." He said, "I feel like that's something you you would have found in your adventuring and looking about."

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@I Said What I Said

Iuldir, Iorissel (Rissy) and Saffyre (Fyre)

Iuldir was tremendously relieved to hear that Caeleb would be getting the wheelchair, even if he couldn't be around when he first saw it. He cheered happily upon hearing the news that his father had agreed to buy it. Then, remembering that Cali was asleep when Afarfin mentioned it, he spoke a bit quieter as he answered. "Our roof?" He glanced at it in puzzlement, then at Afarfin, his eyes growing wider as it was revealed that the roof was to be fixed. "You're going to fix our roof?!" He asked excitedly, astonished. "Wow!" He grinned, looking at the house's roof and wondering how it'd look once they'd finished.

"A form?" He wondered, having never seen one of those before, unsure what it might look like.
"What's clay tiles?" Rissy wondered, a little confused what was going on but it seemed exciting, or at least her brother was excited, so it must be something exciting.
"It's like what's on the barn roof, Rissy. Like flat slabs of hard clay." He pointed, then ran toward the barn. "I know where there's a bunch of old tools and things!" He called, remembering a bunch of stuff no one ever used. "I bet the thing we need is there!"

Rissy stood looking up at the top of the barn, trying to see what the clay tiles looked like as everyone else went inside. She was much shorter than everyone else though, so it was hard to see the roof very well.

Inside, Saffyre joined Iuldir in one of the old stalls in the back of the barn, digging through a heap of old junk, it looked like. Miscellaneous things, some of which she had no idea what they might be. Some things were obviously tools of some sort, but she only recognized what a few of them might be.
"If it's here, it's got to be in one of these old stalls, I bet. There's nowhere else it could be. There's nothing in the loft except a bunch of hay, and some kittens. And a few of Rissy's toys.." He paused. "Aw. We forgot to make her anymore pieces to her tea set, and now Fuin's gone." He mentioned in disappointment, feeling bad for not having finished the project for his sister. "I guess it'll wait." He shrugged and kept digging.

Rissy ran inside and went to Iuldir, tugging at his sleeve. "Iuldir, take me up to the loft!"
"Not now Rissy, I'm looking for something."
She frowned, folding her arms poutily. "I wanna go to the loft!" She insisted.
"Rissy, I told you I'm busy. You can play with the kitties later, alright? This is more important."
This answer was not satisfactory to Rissy, and she went to Fyre next. "Fyre, take me to the loft?" She asked, sighing.
"I'm helping Iuldir, you'll have to wait a bit." Fyre replied, picking up a strange-looking device, then shrugged and tossed it aside, feeling pretty sure that wasn't what they were looking for.
Rissy frowned and went over to the loft ladder, trying to climb up, but the rungs were too high for her, and she gave up. Instead, she wandered over to Afarfin and tugged on his sleeve, giving him a pleading look. "Please take me up?" She asked, getting frustrated that no one would take her upstairs.

"What do you think a form thing'll look like?" Fyre asked Iuldir, who paused, then also shrugged.
"Afarfin? What would it look like?" He asked. "The form you mentioned? I don't think I've ever seen anything like it, but then I'm not sure.. maybe I have seen it and just didn't know what it was." He pulled a few things out and then spotted something, excitedly pulling out a broken piece of a tile, which possibly was tossed into this junk pile after it became broken. "Can we use this?"
Last edited by Rillewen on Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

Afarfin followed the children, Iuldir was close, the clay tiles weren't flat though they certainly could look like they were from a childs perspective, they were in fact half cylinders, with with other half cylindars under them the opposite direction making it so that any water that did making it down between the shingles would still drain away without leaking. Afarfin for his part wasn't sure that the shingles would be in a stall, he walked past them all fairly quickly looking in, aside from the stall that had housed Lisse. He glanced back frowning whoever had made the barn roof would not have left no spares at all. Though he did not know who had done it he knew well enough how it was done. After all, he had many spare shingles for his own home not that he would likely be the one to replace them. He did not know though. Would Fuin agree to sail in the next one hundred years? If she did then it would be left to the men that took the house over from them when Fuin and himself finally left whenever Mylien and Ruindil passed. That would be the test he knew he was lost in thought when Rissy tugged on his trousers asking him to take her up. He hadn't looked around the loft last night with Fuin it had been dark but the loft had to be bigger than that small area that they were in...

"Hmm?" He caught Fyre and Iuldirs question, "LIke half of a perfectly round log about a foot long from what I can see of the tiles themselves." Afarfin said he glanced at the broken tile and shook his head. "No we need the form, or the replacement tiles, there would be a fair number of them not just one." With that he looked at Rissy and bent down and scooped her up, deciding that he would check the loft even if Iuldir was certain that there was no way they could possibly be up there he knew full well that barns could have hidden rooms tucked away in them depending on how they were built that children might not notice. He got to the top and set her on the loft floor and followed her up looking about trying to see if there was some hidden door way that he'd missed the night before.

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@I Said What I Said


The moment he set her down, Rissy ran toward the back part of the barn. Many bales of hay were stacked up high, making it hard for her to get into this part of the loft, and even harder for anyone much bigger than her, but once she had climbed over the hay, she paused and peeked back and see where Afarfin was. "Over here!" She called, excitedly bouncing up and down as she waited. She'd never thought much about the stuff making up the roof, but now that she knew what it was, she was excited to show what she had found while Iuldir and Cali were busy working in the forge, and she was up here playing.

She ran off toward the furthers back area of the loft, glancing back to see if he was following still, and then happily pointed to some stacked up clay 'blocks'... tiles just like they were looking for. Over the last few weeks, or even months, she had spent a great deal of time playing with them, stacking them into towers, or trying to make a little play castle out of them. She had also arranged some of them to be tunnels for the kitties to play around, and had a little 'moat' encircling her little castle.

After showing off her castle, made out of the very tiles they needed for the roof, she ran to where a dusty, hay-covered cloth was draped over a large heap against the back wall. "There's more blocks here!" She pointed, tugging at the heavy cloth tarp. She could only get a corner up, but it revealed a whole, huge stack of them, prepped and ready to be used. All in all, there were almost enough tiles to do the entire roof of the house, along with a few of needed forms. Looking back up at Afarfin, Rissy frowned slightly as she thought of something. "Do you have to take my castle apart?" She was a bit sad at that thought, and hoped maybe they might not need those ones.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Lord of Imladris
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The Outskirts of Dol Amroth
Present Day.
@Purrmonster of Doom

It took him a fair bit of work to get to where Rissy was as he followed, she could crawl through such small areas, and he needed to pull part of the hay stack down so he could get through but what he saw made him let out a whoop of joy. He should be sad as well of course, this was one of the last acts he guessed of Rissy and Iuldirs father, preparing to make their house better before... before he passed, a task that he had never come home to do. "Excellent work Rissy." Afarfin said with a smile looking at all the tiles, there looked like there was almost enough for the entire roof, they would have to pull all the tiles out and count them.

He followed gingerly stepping over tunnels and castles not wanting to break any of them, this would make the task far faster. Indeed there was a good chance that they would be able to actually finish everything tomorrow. He had no doubt from the tiles he could see already that they could do half of the house tonight. He crouched down to look at Rissy in the eyes as she looked sad that her castle would have to be pulled apart.

"Yes little one we will, but it means no more leaking roof in the house." He said with a small smile. "Wont' that be nice? When it rains no more needing to pull out buckets or mop or worry about anything like that, and if we have left overs if you're careful with them you can build a new castle for the kittens." He said softly. "Now lets get Fyre and your brother to help get this out of the loft and down stairs so we can figure out just how many we have." Afarfin said "Go yell for Iuldir and Fyre if they haven't gotten the idea from my little yell of joy at seeing these tiles I will start getting them ready to be carried to to the ladder alright." He said and gently picked up several of the tiles nearest the opening so that there would be a bit more room to maneuver without risking stepping on a clay shingle. Once he had a handful he worked his way out of the larger gap that he'd created.
and looked to see where Iuldir and Fyre was, needing them to know that they needed to be careful with the shingles as dropping them could still break them even though they would survive the rain and many heavy storms with ease.

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@I Said What I Said

Iuldir, Iorissel (Rissy) and Saffyre (Fyre)

Rissy's eyes widened at that thought. "No more raining inside?" She asked, amazed at the thought of that. She grinned and bounced a little. "Yay!" She then hurried back to the ladder. It was much easier now, with most of the hay bales out of the way, and looked down to find them already standing down there, looking up.

Hearing Afarfin's muffled yell, Iuldir and Saffyre came to the bottom of the ladder, wondering what was going on, and if something was wrong or what. Being muffled by all the hay, they couldn't tell much else besides he'd yelled. "Are you alright sir?" Iuldir called up, but it was a few seconds before Rissy came to the ladder.
"It's not gonna rain inside anymore!" She announced happily, pointing back toward where she'd left Afarfin. "C'mon, we need help!" She grinned.

Confused, Iuldir glanced at Fyre, shrugged, then started to climb up when Afarfin came into view, with handfuls of the clay tiles. "You found some!" He was surprised, wondering where in the loft those could have been, as he'd been up there often enough to know that one whole half of the loft was packed with bales of hay, and the other half was where Rissy played. "How many? Is the form thing there too?" he wondered, hoping they might have found that as well.
Last edited by Rillewen on Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."
