Springtime Fishing on the Bruinen

The fair valley of Rivendell, upon whose house the stars of heaven most brightly shone.
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Springtime On The Bruinen

It is a bright and clear morning - tra la la lally, here down in the valley! On the shore of the Bruinen lie several swift, light boats, and all you need to go on a fishing trip. Choose your spot - drop anchor in the middle, sail up to the rivers edge at a spot that pleases you, or simply settle by the riverbank!

All are welcome: you can treat this as a free RP, or you can try catching fish for fun and points will be awarded by me, the GM! There will be RP prompts which you can choose to follow or not.

Usual rules apply!
cave anserem

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Harthrien had never gone fishing before, though she did like fish in a well-cooked dish; so she decided to venture out regardless of her lack of fishing skills. For a few moments she stood in the cover of nearby trees and observed the boats with all the equipment; while she could handle a boat, she looked around to see if there was anyone who could instruct her on the use of fishing tools. It seemed that no one was at sight though, so the elleth flicked back a strand of her dark long hair and ventured out towards water. Jumping around on one foot, she took off her supple leather boots, gathered up the skirts of her green dress and dipped her toes in the water.

"Oooooh!" she could not hold back the first reaction deeming the touch of the river rather cold. She stood still until her feet seemed to accept the temperature of the water, and then ventured nearer to the boats at the leisurely pace, splashing up the shallow water occasionally to create tiny rainbows when the sunlight reflected in the drops.

Now, if only she figured out the fishing thing.

Ent Ancient
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Snoring, Kiki stretched out in a warm, sunny grass spot beside the Bruinen. Fish flew out of the river and straight into her mouth for eating. Pink fish, blue fish, yellowfish and oh, that was a mouse. In her dreams, anyway. (Kiki is a cat, you see, case that wasn't clear. She has four paws and whiskers, a pink button nose, and very, VERY sharp teeth and claws. Why do they call them canine teeth? they should probably call them feline teeth. duh.).

Just as she was gnawing on a particularly scrumptious and juicy fishie, a startling human sound woke her. Tail lashing, she rolled over, yawned, and arched her back to stretch. Blinking vibrant green eyes, she watched the human (Harthrien) splash in the shallows in the water. Which was wet. And cold. And home to yummy fishes...

Kiki raised her head and stayed put to keep an eye on things. Perhaps she could steal a fish or win a treat by endearing herself to a human by being her cutest self...

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Humming to herself, Harthrien rummaged through the equipment in the boat, and then picked out a fishing rod. At least she was smart enough to figure out that the fish were supposed to catch on the hook, but surely the hook needed some sort of a bait. Climbing into the boat she looked around for a bit and then remembered she had a half-eaten lembas in her pocket. Picking a corner off of it she rolled up a small ball which she put on the hook and then tossed it into the water towards the middle of the river.

She continued to hum, basking in the sun and paying little attention to fishing. Then she noticed a cat, looking towards her no less.

"Kitty, kitty!" she called.

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The water is stirring as some trout are swimming by! One of them is nosing curiously at the lembas - but will you be able to draw it in with a playful cat to distract you?
cave anserem

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"Oh, the fish! Look!" Harthrien exclaimed, when she spotted the trout; however, she was not sure the cat would understand her words or assist her in any way. The elleth looked down at the fish for a while torn between simply watching it and trying to catch it. Eventually she moved the bait a tiny bit to see what the trout would do.

Ent Ancient
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"Kitty, kitty!" the person called.

Kiki's ear barely twitched. meh? She turned her head away, pointedly ignoring the call to come. A cat does not answer to a call like that. Not without treats or brushes or fishies to nom or fun toys to hunt.

You'll have to do better than that, human (or elf or dwarf- or simply Not Cat- they're all the same to a kitty)!

Splash, splatter, churn, bubble, said the water.

Catch us, eat us, said the fish, their scales glimmering with enticing flavor.

"Mrrrrrow?" Kiki leaped up, tail in the air, and bounded toward Harthrien. "Mrrrow?" She arched closer to butt her head on the fisher-person and licked hungry lips...

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"Ah, so you did come!" Harthrien said contentedly when she felt the kitty softly rubbing her head against her.

And yet the fish were not that easily enticed. The elleth did her best to move the bait just as if it was alive to see if any fish would find it interesting. Suddenly she felt a tug on the fishing line, strong enough to make her take a step forward.

"Oh, oh!" she exclaimed, doing her best to pull the fish towards the bank. "It is one strong trout, I tell you, kitty!"

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GM Prompt

Harthrien feels a bite on the line and tugs… despite the distracting kitty! But as you haul in the line, it’s not a fish at all. Instead, it’s an old boot! But it’s strangely heavy… what’s that you’ve found inside??
cave anserem

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It took a long time to get the catch out, and it almost felt as if it was dragging along the floor of the river. Perhaps it was not a trout but a huge catfish? Those did live in rivers, or at least very likely - as much as Harthrien knew of fish.

As her catch unexpectedly gave way, Harthrien fell backwards, her bottom luckily hitting the soft grass and not a collection of hard rocks. But it was not a fish that landed in her lap - there was an old boot.

"Ufff," she murmured in disappointment, and then glanced at the cat. "It seems that we did not succeed much." However, Harthrien found the boot interesting, and she turned it upside down to shake out a lot of silt, some rounded rocks from the riverbed, and some sort of a pouch. Curious, she undid it and found a collection of gold coins that shone and reflected the light of the sun. "I wonder where have these come from," she said, lifting one coin up to explore it in more detail.

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