When @Narv created the Nuplaza in 2020, he meant it as a nostalgia project, to have fun with and maybe to bring nostalgia and fun to others in was what a challenging and rather strange time.
Nuplaza was swamped with veteran members, and they knew what belonged where, or guessed and made the best of it. It was all very organic and no one felt the need for any rules or guidelines on the matter. It just worked out!
Recent developments and member feedback are starting to show that this might not be the best way forward anymore.
So @Rivvy Elf , @Silky Gooseness and I would like to ask you all, as the member base, what your preferences are at this point.
Would you prefer to have rules (you can call them guidelines, but since they would be enforced, let's be fair and call a pig a pig) on what belongs where?
This would mean that when an admin sees a thread which, according to the rules, fits better in a different forum, they would move it, post about having moved it in the thread according to rule x, and that would be that.
This would also mean that when a member sees a thread which doesn't really belong in place x, and reports it to an admin, that admin would move the thread, post about having moved it in the thread and why, and that would be that.
This would also mean that you're committing to not being bothered by an admin possibly moving your threads.
Then vote 'yes'.
Would you prefer to continue as is, without any set guidelines or rules?
This would mean that if someone else's threads appear in a specific forum and you feel they don't quite belong there, you'd have to just live and let live.
This would also mean that you can be relatively sure your thread will stay where you want it to stay, as long as your thread doesn't break any existing rules.
Then vote 'no".

Edit: The poll will run for one week (so get your vote in before Friday March 22nd)