The Adamanta Chubb Librarian

Growing food and eating it occupied most of their time.
Guardian of the Golden Wood
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@Saranna, please do not worry about my dragon tendencies. Tis true that I would eat Allis the donkey as quick as any Dwarf riding her, not to mention all of your library visitors, were I hungry. But the unfortunate fact of the matter is that my last meal (one egg), while nourishing as lembas, was possibly not quite in harmony with my digestive system. To speak plainly, I have a bad bout of food poisoning. I suffer dreadfully, if you must know. All sorts of gurgles and burbles sound continual protests from within the under-regions encircling my dragon belly button, and these gurgles keep me awake at night, as does the funny feeling in my gut. So I have absolutely no desire to eat anyone for quite a while, thank you though for the suggestion.

Possibly the initial bug was aggravated by delivery and hatching of the dragon egg - which I don't mind telling you, was quite an effort and gave me some weird and unsatisfiable food cravings.

So don't worry about food, but if there is some Dwarvish tea brewing I am always partial to that. Actually, I find it medicinal - it helps with my digestion. Some honey with the tea would be nice, too. But don't worry about English breakfasts or anything like that - the very thought of a plate of bacon and eggs makes me feel a tad queasy, if you must know.

On other matters: today we got admin link-up to the main Shire postal service, which seems to suggest that we are not about to be evicted, yet. So I say let's gather our rose buds while we may, by which I mean post while the sun shines, or something like that.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Newborn of Imladris
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@Chrysophylax Dives I am sorry to hear of your digestive indisposition - are all dragons prone to this affliction? If so, perhaps when you have recovered you could author, by amenuensis if necessary, a brief work to be included in the library section, 'Dragons: their moods, habits and history.' I think we have no works specifically about the health needs of Dragons, since many humans, elves, dwarves and Lorepersons are heavily fixated upon the terrors of Dragons; teeth, claws, and flaming breath. Some peoples will insist on stereotyping others - tsssk!

Please come to tea as soon as you like, I will ensure that the Hills prepare a brew to your liking in our largest teapot. Just say friend and enter - we will help you to coil around the shelves.
Remembering halfir by learning something new each day

Newborn of Imladris
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PS; alternatively, should the weather be clement, feel free to coil auround the outside of the tower as best suits you.
Remembering halfir by learning something new each day

Guardian of the Golden Wood
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Saranna wrote: Thu Apr 18, 2024 2:18 pm Please come to tea as soon as you like, I will ensure that the Hills prepare a brew to your liking in our largest teapot. Just say friend and enter - we will help you to coil around the shelves.
Dear Saranna, many thanks for the invitation to tea. I will come at once. Don't worry about the tea for the moment - if it does not seem rude, I will coil around the shelves and have a nap before partaking of any beverages. But inside, definitely inside - I feel a storm coming.

Still, on second thoughts, do please put the kettle on.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Newborn of Imladris
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@Chrysophylax Dives
The kettle is already on and the Hills in a state of excitement at the thought of a real live dragon curling around the library shelves. The two very smallest Hills, however, did whisper to me anxiously to ask if I were quite sure that the dragon would not want any small Hills to eat with his tea.
I sent them off to make honeycakes - a mountain of honeycakes - in hope that these might divert your appetite if tempted by a nibble of small Hill.
Personally I look forward to your arrival, but must until then concentrate on the large number of library users who are milling about in turmoil in the main reading room, trying to decide whether to stay and gaze upon Dragonly Magnificence or run away screaming before you arrive.
Fairbairn says I must be proper mazed to be inviting dragons to tea - he's never heard the like of it in all his days.
Remembering halfir by learning something new each day

Guardian of the Golden Wood
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Joined: Sun May 17, 2020 7:54 pm
It was cold. It was raining. But the dragon had reached Elostirion; or at least the lowest step of the (surprisingly long) exterior staircase leading to the front door. Home was but one staircase away. It was a long climb up to the door, about one third of the way up the outside of the tower. The steps were slippery and there was no railing to hold.

The dragon knew it was the end when out of the constant blackness of the night the thunder boomed. In the moments before the lightening struck, the last half year flashed before his eyes, and deep in his heart he felt remorse for Tree. The best lack all conviction, while the worst are tourists.

The God-mode was initiated, an invisible hand hurled down a bolt of lightening, and the dragon - on the final step - was zapped.

He shouted and fell and rolled off the staircase into the blackness, bumped his head on the last stone stair, and remembered nothing more.

OOC: This post dedicated to all the little god-moders.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

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