[UPDATE] Election Season 2024!!!!!!

Important messages from and for the administrators.
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Elven Enchanter
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We have our results: I’ll do a proper announcement tonight! All parties have been informed.

Thank you once again for your involvement, support and patience.


You should all now have your ballots if you requested one. If you did not request one you may still request one by email. Please vote by 27 May for your vote to be counted! Thank you to all who have voted already.

It is not dawn: sorry!

I have now set up the voting system and will begin emailing out links to vote for all who have requested a ballot. Voting will remain open for two weeks. Please contact me in here or by emailing lotrplazavotes at gmail if you requested a ballot and didn’t receive one by 14 May. Good luck everyone and thank you once again

Hi all! Thanks for your involvement and patience so far.

We now have our nominees: thank you to everyone who submitted nominations and for everyone who agreed to stand. For those nominees who preferred not to stand this time around, our heartfelt thanks to you too.

We have a really great group of nominees, all of whom I think are more than capable of the role, and I invite all nominees to introduce themselves in a post below. I will copy and paste these into this top post in due course.

please do fill in the form at the bottom if you want a voting ballot and put in NA for nominees

Thank you!


Our Nominees

@Rivvy Elf
@Dungeon Delver (Frost)
@Pele Alarion

Arnyn wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 6:49 pm Somehow I feel like anything I say will be wrong, haha. But err I'll give it a go anyways. I prefer to stay low key and let things run themselves, given we're a small community and things mostly run smoothly. I do enjoy giving tribute and seeing members enjoying themselves whether it's through sharing what they've created, having a healthy debate or engaging in roleplay. I don't enjoy playing plaza police, so I try to do as little of that as I can, but will intervene when push comes to shove (or something like that?).

I've gone back and forth about accepting a possible nomination for another term throughout the past few months, but in the end decided I would recommit if the vote reflects your wish for me to do so. You should 100% judge me on my adminship for the past year because I wouldn't intend to do anything differently.

So have at it :)
Rivvy Elf wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:13 am I’ll be honest here. I’ll accept the nomination and here are a list of cons and pros of me as an admin.


my creative focus currently is on the manuscript I’m writing, so don’t expect me to come up with innovative new threads.

As an admin, I automatically restrict myself from posting a lot since I see adminship as best representing the site as a whole, not just myself. I have polarizing and sometimes controversial views and I don’t want there to be an inherent feeling that I’m using a position of power as added weight to my views.

I don’t mind playing plaza police.

I believe in the laissez faire style of admining


I am proficient in a lot of the technical aspects of admining (tributing, etc)

This admining term I was more of a behind the scenes type of admin.

I believe in unanimous and consensus decision-making among administrators, so I’m fine with compromise and acquiescence.

I don’t mind playing plaza police.

I believe in the laissez faire style of admining
Dungeon Delver wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 4:24 pm You might know me as the guy with 800 different usernames or you might know me as the overwrought, lurid writer who can't not write a morally grey character to save his life. I've been back and forth about adminship and whether or not I should give it a go, but in true Plaza style, why not leave it up to you? At this juncture, no one really needs an introduction. I'm cool (not really), chill (no, really), and eccentric (probably too much). Do you think any of these qualities deserve even the smallest amount of authority and control?
Pele Alarion wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 8:04 am I am not sure if there is anything new I can say. Just that I'll try to do my best if you, folks, deem that I should have that opportunity. :wink:

Thank you, nominees, for your introductions! I am now going to have a go wrestling the concordet form into place, whilst you guys consider the intros and ask any further questions you wish of the nominees or me or Narv or whatever. Please again do ask for a ballot form if you haven’t already and I’ll be back in about a week with more updates! Look to me at the east on the dawn of,.. 12 May

please find below the Form to fill in: filling in this form will ensure you have a voting ballot once we open voting.

it will also allow you to nominate members for adminship. Please do feel free to self nominate! Numbers of nominations will not count and everyone is eligible, except Narv, due to being Narv.

I will not be standing for election this time round and as such am taking on the role of Election Administrator instead! Feel free to ask any questions to this email address spelled out to avoid bots, lotrplazavotes @ gmail dot com, which the other admins do not have access to. General questions about adminship can go to the standard admin email, or posted below.

Thank you all and especially to my fellow admins @Arnyn and @Rivvy Elf who have been delightful to work with, @Narv for being the troll overlord of my dreams and @Lail for being patient with my efforts to get into the election account…
cave anserem

New Soul
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Done, I sent in my nominations. :tongue:
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Elven Enchanter
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Thanks everyone who’s sent in nominations so far!

The form will remain open so that you can continue to send in emails for the sake of receiving a voting ballot. Just put in N/A for the nominees section, or put in whatever you like really but it won’t be counted :lol: I just need your email.

I’m in the process of reaching out to the nominees to find out if they would like to run: please be patient with us as people consider!

Thanks all
cave anserem

Khazad Elder
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I sent in my nominations and N/A. :)
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Elven Enchanter
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Thank you all! I have now received responses from all of the nominees. I will shortly invite all nominees who have agreed to stand to post their introduction posts in here, and update the top post, so people have a chance to read about them and then I will set up the voting. You still have time to submit a request for a ballot so please do email in if you would like to vote!
cave anserem

Elven Enchanter
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@Arnyn @Rivvy Elf @Dungeon Delver @Pele Alarion please go ahead and post your intros and I’ll put them into top post. I’ll let you have about a week to do this but please feel free to discuss if this isn’t doable for any reason. Love you all thank you
cave anserem

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You might know me as the guy with 800 different usernames or you might know me as the overwrought, lurid writer who can't not write a morally grey character to save his life. I've been back and forth about adminship and whether or not I should give it a go, but in true Plaza style, why not leave it up to you? At this juncture, no one really needs an introduction. I'm cool (not really), chill (no, really), and eccentric (probably too much). Do you think any of these qualities deserve even the smallest amount of authority and control?
"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood..."

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Somehow I feel like anything I say will be wrong, haha. But err I'll give it a go anyways. I prefer to stay low key and let things run themselves, given we're a small community and things mostly run smoothly. I do enjoy giving tribute and seeing members enjoying themselves whether it's through sharing what they've created, having a healthy debate or engaging in roleplay. I don't enjoy playing plaza police, so I try to do as little of that as I can, but will intervene when push comes to shove (or something like that?).

I've gone back and forth about accepting a possible nomination for another term throughout the past few months, but in the end decided I would recommit if the vote reflects your wish for me to do so. You should 100% judge me on my adminship for the past year because I wouldn't intend to do anything differently.

So have at it :)
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength

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I am not sure if there is anything new I can say. Just that I'll try to do my best if you, folks, deem that I should have that opportunity. :wink:

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I’ll be honest here. I’ll accept the nomination and here are a list of cons and pros of me as an admin.


my creative focus currently is on the manuscript I’m writing, so don’t expect me to come up with innovative new threads.

As an admin, I automatically restrict myself from posting a lot since I see adminship as best representing the site as a whole, not just myself. I have polarizing and sometimes controversial views and I don’t want there to be an inherent feeling that I’m using a position of power as added weight to my views.

I don’t mind playing plaza police.

I believe in the laissez faire style of admining


I am proficient in a lot of the technical aspects of admining (tributing, etc)

This admining term I was more of a behind the scenes type of admin.

I believe in unanimous and consensus decision-making among administrators, so I’m fine with compromise and acquiescence.

I don’t mind playing plaza police.

I believe in the laissez faire style of admining

Khazad Elder
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*gazes upon all the shining nominees*
Thank you for stepping up - I appreciate your time and efforts. :headbang:
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Esquire of The Mark
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What is the elected role exactly? I see three of you may already be Admins (says Admin on profile picture). So is this to be King of the Admins? Or a specific Admin position? I want to vote but I don't know what I'm voting for. :rofl: :facepalm: :brickwall:
And whither then? I cannot say...

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Hey @Melahny_oftheWoods @ the 3 admin positions are opened up to everyone about every half a year. Ideally we would have more people wanting to run for admin, so you could vote in a whole new admin team if you didn’t like our style for the past 6 months. But cannot force someone to be available or want to devote time to be an admin ^^ so 2 out of the 3 current admins decided to accept a nomination again + 2 nominated members accepted a nomination. So now you can choose your 3 next admins out of that group!
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength

New Soul
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I filed in my nominations, but I wonder if anyone has seen them? :confused:
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Elven Enchanter
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@Aikári Salmarinian Yes, your nominations were received- thank you very much. I note that I have only listed as candidates people who accepted their nominations.
cave anserem

Esquire of The Mark
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@ArnynGreat, thank you for explaining! When do we vote?
And whither then? I cannot say...

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@Melahny_oftheWoods Sil is making the necessary voting ballot thing and once it is ready, anyone who's asked for a 'voting ballot' will receive a link through email to vote.
You can still fill in the form at the bottom of Sil's opening post in this thread to sign up as an interested voter! So please do if you haven't already! (Sent in nominations won't be applicable anymore, but you can still ask for a voting link xx)
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength

New Soul
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Silky: Thanks I don't remember what if I accepted or not. Probably not.
Just call me Aiks or Aikári. Notify is off.
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Cave Troll
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Arnyn wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 6:49 pm I don't enjoy playing plaza police, so I try to do as little of that as I can, but will intervene when push comes to shove (or something like that?).
Rivvy Elf wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:13 am I don’t mind playing plaza police.
Hope it is not out of order for me to observe, with reference to the past term, that together you two make a good police team. (I'd vote for Arnyn over anyone else policing the riddle threads, though.)
police (n.)
1530s, "the regulation and control of a community" (similar in sense to policy (n.1)); from Middle French police "organized government, civil administration" (late 15c.), from Latin politia "civil administration," from Greek polis "city" (see polis).

Until mid-19c. used in England for "civil administration;" application to "administration of public order, law-enforcement in a community" (1716) is from French (late 17c.), and originally in English referred to France or other foreign nations.
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Cave Troll
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I just voted. So much for all that anarchist posturing.

Good luck to the candidates. Thank you for your willingness to engage in civil service. Despite all the gripes, all of your work is appreciated. (And I'm sure I do not just speak for myself.)
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Esquire of The Mark
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I got an email and it sent me a code. Not sure what to do now?
And whither then? I cannot say...

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@Melahny_oftheWoods The first time you use this voting system, you have to 'activate' your email address. So you have to use the code to activate it with condorcet (the voting site). Once you've done so, you will receive a voting link in your mailbox! xx Hope this helps!

@Chrysophylax Dives the appreciation is appreciated! xx
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength

Esquire of The Mark
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I put the email in, got a code and put the code in, then nothing else happened. Am I supposed to get another email?
And whither then? I cannot say...

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I think so, Melahny. It's been a few years since I went through it myself. But then you should get another mail with a voting link.

Also, Melahny et everyone: Please check your spam/junk folders! My own voting link email was in there. :)
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength

Esquire of The Mark
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Unfortunately I didn't get another email to vote and it's not in the spam.
And whither then? I cannot say...

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A few others have still to receive theirs as well apparently, so I think they are still going out. No panic :)
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength

High Warden of Tower
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Email now received and voted.

Thanks @Silky Gooseness :winkkiss:
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Esquire of The Mark
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Thanks Arnyn, got it figured out and cast my vote. :smile:
And whither then? I cannot say...

Ent Ancient
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@Silky Gooseness many thanks for your wonderful, patient service to our community as an admin. for me, you have been a pillar of the site always looking out for others and always a pleasure to work with as a fellow admin and as a member. thank you for dealing with the headache that is running the election! you are a wonderful star and I wish you much joy and happiness my dear goosey :heartthrob: :heartthrob:

Cave Troll
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@Silky Gooseness, your friends and allies will thank you for your dedicated service to this community, as they should. We are neither friends nor allies, but I would also thank you. As a member of the plaza commenting on my Guide to Stairs a year ago, you called me out of the pediatric intensive care unit in which my heart and mind had been imprisoned for a year. You taught me then that the plaza was a place worth keeping alive, for myself and others. As an admin, you and I have not seen eye to eye. But over time you have revealed such consistency in your (what to me is) wrongness that I have learned to trust you. I am someone who finds it very difficult to trust others, and without that trust I would have been unable to remain in this community this last half year. In my eyes you are 100 per cent pure Goose. That does not make it easy to get along with you, but it is about the highest compliment I could give to anyone.

Lail is right. You are a wonderful star.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Elven Enchanter
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Thank you, everyone! I appreciate all of your kind words and your contributions to this community. I have received a number of votes: I myself cannot see the details until the voting is closed, but do please message me at the Votes email if you’re having trouble getting through!
cave anserem

New Soul
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Hi, the vote has been cast on my side. Sorry for the delay. I had a pretty busy week.

Silky: Thanks for everything and good luck out there. :thumbs:
Just call me Aiks or Aikári. Notify is off.
Find me stuff in Gondolin.
And let us embark to Valinor!

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