We have our results: I’ll do a proper announcement tonight! All parties have been informed.
Thank you once again for your involvement, support and patience.
You should all now have your ballots if you requested one. If you did not request one you may still request one by email. Please vote by 27 May for your vote to be counted! Thank you to all who have voted already.
It is not dawn: sorry!
I have now set up the voting system and will begin emailing out links to vote for all who have requested a ballot. Voting will remain open for two weeks. Please contact me in here or by emailing lotrplazavotes at gmail if you requested a ballot and didn’t receive one by 14 May. Good luck everyone and thank you once again
Hi all! Thanks for your involvement and patience so far.
We now have our nominees: thank you to everyone who submitted nominations and for everyone who agreed to stand. For those nominees who preferred not to stand this time around, our heartfelt thanks to you too.
We have a really great group of nominees, all of whom I think are more than capable of the role, and I invite all nominees to introduce themselves in a post below. I will copy and paste these into this top post in due course.
please do fill in the form at the bottom if you want a voting ballot and put in NA for nominees
Thank you!
Our Nominees
@Rivvy Elf
@Dungeon Delver (Frost)
@Pele Alarion
Arnyn wrote: ↑Sun Apr 28, 2024 6:49 pm Somehow I feel like anything I say will be wrong, haha. But err I'll give it a go anyways. I prefer to stay low key and let things run themselves, given we're a small community and things mostly run smoothly. I do enjoy giving tribute and seeing members enjoying themselves whether it's through sharing what they've created, having a healthy debate or engaging in roleplay. I don't enjoy playing plaza police, so I try to do as little of that as I can, but will intervene when push comes to shove (or something like that?).
I've gone back and forth about accepting a possible nomination for another term throughout the past few months, but in the end decided I would recommit if the vote reflects your wish for me to do so. You should 100% judge me on my adminship for the past year because I wouldn't intend to do anything differently.
So have at it :)
Rivvy Elf wrote: ↑Wed May 01, 2024 12:13 am I’ll be honest here. I’ll accept the nomination and here are a list of cons and pros of me as an admin.
my creative focus currently is on the manuscript I’m writing, so don’t expect me to come up with innovative new threads.
As an admin, I automatically restrict myself from posting a lot since I see adminship as best representing the site as a whole, not just myself. I have polarizing and sometimes controversial views and I don’t want there to be an inherent feeling that I’m using a position of power as added weight to my views.
I don’t mind playing plaza police.
I believe in the laissez faire style of admining
I am proficient in a lot of the technical aspects of admining (tributing, etc)
This admining term I was more of a behind the scenes type of admin.
I believe in unanimous and consensus decision-making among administrators, so I’m fine with compromise and acquiescence.
I don’t mind playing plaza police.
I believe in the laissez faire style of admining
Dungeon Delver wrote: ↑Sun Apr 28, 2024 4:24 pm You might know me as the guy with 800 different usernames or you might know me as the overwrought, lurid writer who can't not write a morally grey character to save his life. I've been back and forth about adminship and whether or not I should give it a go, but in true Plaza style, why not leave it up to you? At this juncture, no one really needs an introduction. I'm cool (not really), chill (no, really), and eccentric (probably too much). Do you think any of these qualities deserve even the smallest amount of authority and control?
Pele Alarion wrote: ↑Mon Apr 29, 2024 8:04 am I am not sure if there is anything new I can say. Just that I'll try to do my best if you, folks, deem that I should have that opportunity.![]()
Thank you, nominees, for your introductions! I am now going to have a go wrestling the concordet form into place, whilst you guys consider the intros and ask any further questions you wish of the nominees or me or Narv or whatever. Please again do ask for a ballot form if you haven’t already and I’ll be back in about a week with more updates! Look to me at the east on the dawn of,.. 12 May
please find below the Form to fill in: filling in this form will ensure you have a voting ballot once we open voting.
it will also allow you to nominate members for adminship. Please do feel free to self nominate! Numbers of nominations will not count and everyone is eligible, except Narv, due to being Narv.
I will not be standing for election this time round and as such am taking on the role of Election Administrator instead! Feel free to ask any questions to this email address spelled out to avoid bots, lotrplazavotes @ gmail dot com, which the other admins do not have access to. General questions about adminship can go to the standard admin email, or posted below.
Thank you all and especially to my fellow admins @Arnyn and @Rivvy Elf who have been delightful to work with, @Narv for being the troll overlord of my dreams and @Lail for being patient with my efforts to get into the election account…