You have a point, I'll give you that

Important messages from and for the administrators.
Cave Troll
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Fairy! A once in a lifetime offer: 5000 points for the Dwarf, we drop the Lore/Riddles top spot issue, and you get exclusive residence in a house built just for you to the west of Undertowers.

Fairy, these opportunities don't come around twice, not even in an Elvish liftetime. Do you owe it to yourself?

Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Newborn of Imladris
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OK, I missed the point there medear. I really do wonder whether we need points at all. BUt just now I prefer to think about the Westmarch, and I hope my resonse to that is more on the point when you read it. :)
Remembering halfir by learning something new each day

Cave Troll
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@Saranna. @Drifa. I have lost the Fairy. You two are much better at this old-fashioned plaza joy and gratitude thing. Do you think that you Drifa might smooch up to the Fairy a little while you Saranna repeat the request for mythical points for the Dwarf (but in that plaza smoochy way that I cannot register)? Do please also call on others who have that fairy-touch. Surely, the more joy and gratitude we can direct at the Fairy the more chance we have of the Fairy as a neighbour in Undertowers.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Cave Troll
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My dear @NPF, Unfortunately I have to dash off to the Brandywine Gate where we are expecting a most important new arrival in the Shire, who we will escort from east to west and on all the way to our home under the Tower Hills, just east of the house that we built for you. So I leave you to discuss the riddle-points award and the move to the Westmarch with some more capable friends. In the meanwhile, may I offer you a glimpse of two views from the new house that awaits you? Do feel free to direct any questions about the house to Dwarf or Librarian.

As I was saying, I have to go and meet the chef who used to work at the Prancing Pony, the one who does the amazing surprise breakfasts. I don't know what the Prancing Pony fare is going to taste like tomorrow, because - after some delicate negotiations - we have poached their top cook, who just yesterday in Bree signed up to work at Fairbairn's open house under the three Elf-towers. Breakfast will soon be a short walk from the house of the Fairy - but I have to dash, the others can speak on my behalf.


NPF edit: I must admit, I got a bit scared earlier with the unusual demands and requests. :embarrassed: But those fields look so lovely! I am truly tempted to at least come and visit, if nothing else... Surprise breakfasts are the best kind, too...
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Khazad Elder
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Hi @Saranna - Don't be fooled. Underneath Tree and Hill lies a crafty, cunning, sly dragon. Let him do his grovelling - old-fashioned plaza joy and gratitude thing. Blah! The nerve, calling us old fashion.

NPF edit: Ooh, a pet! :grin:
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Cave Troll
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@NFP, a new offer.

Hill, Hill, & Hill is prepared to close at 35 points to @Drifa for the Chubb-Baggins riddle, if you take up your abode in the house in the Westmarch.

What do you say?

NPF: I can give Drifa 2!
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Cave Troll
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Off the record, would you consider a straight swap of Fairy for Dwarf? Then the Westmarch could have the Fairy we have always wanted and the plaza would have the NPD, the NuPlaza Dwarf who hands out the points with an old-fashioned smile.

NPF edit: But I like handing out sparkly points! Please don't try and take this away from me!
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

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@Hill and @NPF: While this whole exchange has been truly entertaining, I'm going to have to ask you both to stop interfering with the true purpose of the thread:
Point requests may be made, and either granted or denied.

However entertaining, please refrain from haggling (as I saw the NPF was starting to engage in just now!) as well as offering meals and real estate. Either of you may make a thread for such purposes in OOME, of course. :nod: Much love from your Ranger Admin.

NPF edit: Since the post below this one has disappeared (by decision of its own author), I will reiterate in this post: Drifa has been in fact awarded some sprinkles for her extraordinary contribution to the riddle thread. :thumbs:
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength

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*meanders by belatedly* Thankee for the sparkles! :grin:

Cave Troll
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Hello, nuplaza points fairy? Could I please request some points for @Dungeon Delver, for The Red Silt specifically, but in general for providing some really good reads on the plaza (appreciated all the more after a long absence)?
Thank you.

NPF edit: Your will has been done!
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

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Many thanks to the NFP and @Chrysophylax Dives for the recognition. It's been quite enjoyable dipping my toes in with the extra time I've found myself with
"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood..."

Cave Troll
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Two words, two punctuation marks. Specifically, one word, a comma, a second word, a period. I spend my life dealing with the written word and I value very highly a masterful deployment of the letters and other marks of the English language.

Could I possibly request some points for @Arnyn for a post that was in Lore but is no longer? From what I have read elsewhere, this was not the kind of post that she enjoys making, and I appreciate that. But what I really appreciate is the style.
No iron spike can pierce the human heart as icily as a period placed in just the right place.
Isaac Babel
NPF edit: Alas, I cannot sprinkle my fairydust onto an admin. In fact, I am bound not to. Yet this Fairy knows your words will mean much more to the one you seek to credit than the points would.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Cave Troll
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Wow. Dear NFP, you have just lit my imagination, all over again. The question that you raise is what would happen if fairy-points are sprinkled on an admin? And the answer that enters into my mind to that question is, well it might be like putting salt on a slug, the fairy-dust would be like acid, burning holes in the flesh. Like the Goblins and Wargs when Gandalf throws down burning pine cones in The Hobbit. And if that is so, the real question is why do plaza admins have a similar relationship to fairy-dust as do vampires to crucifixes and garlic?

Give it a month or so and I might have a new prison-diary story. In the meanwhile, I guess my words will have to serve instead of the fairy points. So:

Go, Arnyn!

Edit (non-red). Given everything, I wish to state in black and white that I would never dream of actually sprinkling fairy dust on an admin! That would obviously be an abominable crime. So whatever experiments are conducted, in Mordor or elsewhere, will only be performed on non-administrative volunteers.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Cave Troll
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Hello NPF? May I make a formal request for points for this Abyssal Sonnet #3 please? Made the hairs on my arms all stand on end.

NPF edit: Some points formally sent by a pigeon mail.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

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