Hey, everyone!
Your friendly neighbourhood admins would like to recognize three members for the level of amazing they add to our little corner of the web:
@Silky Gooseness
For her long-standing service as admin and inexhaustible good will

Chosen by the members
For her contributions to the plaza

Chosen by the members
For her contributions to the plaza

Enjoy your icons!! They are well deserved!
xxx @Rivvy Elf , @Pele Alarion and @Arnyn
Your friendly neighbourhood admins would like to recognize three members for the level of amazing they add to our little corner of the web:
@Silky Gooseness
For her long-standing service as admin and inexhaustible good will

Chosen by the members
For her contributions to the plaza

Chosen by the members
For her contributions to the plaza

Enjoy your icons!! They are well deserved!
xxx @Rivvy Elf , @Pele Alarion and @Arnyn