(Invite only)

Xyler & Grandma/Aérlyn
Wyndhorne - late September
Before long, with Hadassa helping with preparation, the stew was nearly ready to be served. Xyler had been working on prepping the flowers for his grandmother, so that they could be drying and ready for using in salves or whatever she wanted to use them in. He finished just about the time she was asking him to please set the table.
"Yes ma'am!" he agreed, hurrying to go grab dishes and silverware. "Melahny should be here soon," He mentioned, hoping that she would, in fact, arrive soon. He set a place for all of them, and was just glancing toward the window to see whether it was dark or not, when Melahny came in from the back door. "Ah, just in time." He smiled.
Aerlyn brought in the pot of stew. "Have a nice walk, dear?" She asked Melahny as she began serving up portions of stew for each of them. "It gets a bit chilly out after dark up here in the mountains.. I should have warned you," She added in concern. "Speaking of,"
Xyler anticipated what she was going to ask and spoke up before she could ask, "I'll chop some wood after supper, don't worry grandma." He hadn't been home in months, and with winter coming on, he would definitely want to make sure that she had plenty of wood to last her through the season. Otherwise, she'd have to go and try to do it herself, and she was too old to be trying to do that sort of thing, in his opinion anyway. He motioned to the table, and smiled at his two friends. "Shall we?" He waited for them to choose their seats, first. Then his grandma, then he would take the last of the four chairs for himself.