The Dwarven Express

All your letters and packages will be delivered in 3 days, or the stamps are on us!
The Dwarven Express has a series of outposts in all corners of Khazad-dûm with sturdy young post-dwarves ready to carry your mail to any destination in our beautiful kingdom. The Dwarven Express is the only way to go fast, cheap, and efficient.
*New!* Thanks to the growth steroids that we have been feeding our badgers, you can now send letters to dwarves and friends abroard, on vacation, or in federal prison. The badgers may live significantly shorter lives, but they will deliver your mail faster and over greater distances!
The Dwarven Express has a series of outposts in all corners of Khazad-dûm with sturdy young post-dwarves ready to carry your mail to any destination in our beautiful kingdom. The Dwarven Express is the only way to go fast, cheap, and efficient.
*New!* Thanks to the growth steroids that we have been feeding our badgers, you can now send letters to dwarves and friends abroard, on vacation, or in federal prison. The badgers may live significantly shorter lives, but they will deliver your mail faster and over greater distances!
*Above the front desk is tacked a list of rules that apply to the Dwarven Express:*
Please do not use the Dwarven Express to send explosives, poisons, or old fruitcakes. It makes life a real bother for the post-dwarves.
All races may use the Dwarven Express to send mail to dwarves/friends.
Only dwarves can receive mail at the Dwarven Express. Sorry, but post-dwarves are not made for long-distance running. Natural sprinters, they are.
Be creative in your messages. Send bills, postcards, holiday and birthday greetings. Offer a get-well wish, send circulars, or use the Dwarven Express to keep in touch.
Try to keep all posts positive. If someone needs a firm reminder, then feel free, but make sure it is not too offensive. After all, there are censors watching everything we write. And I mean everything.
The Dwarven Express is meant to be more fun than a barrel full of oliphaunts. Enjoy yourself.
*Another Notice is tacked just under the rules. It reads:*
Thanks to our team of legal experts, you may no longer sue the Dwarven Express for:
lost, stolen, or damaged mail
looted boxes or packages
gross incompetence or negligence
emotional abuse
poor service
opened and censored mail
Post Offices:
Eriador Mail Service RP
Minas Tirith's Mail ~ The Roquen Express Revived
Riddermark Ærendgewrit—Rohirric Mail
Post Office of the Four Farthings
The Old Mailing Tree
The Mordor Post Office
Lore Post Office
Eriador Mail Service RP
Minas Tirith's Mail ~ The Roquen Express Revived
Riddermark Ærendgewrit—Rohirric Mail
Post Office of the Four Farthings
The Old Mailing Tree
The Mordor Post Office
Lore Post Office
Thank you. We hope you enjoy your dealings with the Dwarven Express and express no complaints or dissatisfaction!
--Dedicated to the Memory of Frito Bandito and Narsilion--
--Dedicated to the Memory of Frito Bandito and Narsilion--