@Pele Alarion
Teal shrugged. "I don't think it's so much that, but.. I don't know. I only know he said in letters that his cousin is boring," He spoke quietly, being unsure whether said cousin might actually be somewhere around here. He didn't want to be overheard and perhaps offend someone, after all. "But no, that isn't at all what I think of Gondorians," He assured her with a little laugh. "Did you forget that my mother was one?" He asked, pretty sure he had mentioned that in her presence before. In fact, part of why he had wanted to take a little detouring route on the way to get here, was in the hope that he might get a chance to pass through the town where his mother had come from. Except, he didn't actually know what town she came from, so that made such a goal rather difficult.
As Gilded mentioned not speaking so loudly about the topic, he let out a little laugh. "Yeah... probably not the best idea," He grinned, amused. "I sure wouldn't want anyone here to get offended at us." He added in a low whisper. He smiled as she said she'd not really meant learning to dance right now. "Well," He thought for a moment. "Maybe I'll ask someone at the houses of healing if they know where a person could get some dance lessons." He decided, hoping that might yeild some results that she would be pleased with.
@Pele Alarion
Smiling, she took his arm and let him lead her to the dance floor, while blushing lightly at the suggestion of him bringing a set of his clothes. "No, I don't think that would be necessary," She assured him, unwilling to even try imagining the sort of reaction her uncle might have, if he were to learn that she not only sneaked off to go roam about the Pelennor with a man she just met at the dance, but wore his clothing as well. That would certainly not go over well at all.
"Don't worry," She smiled as she turned to face him once they were on the dance floor. "I have some clothes for traveling." She certainly didn't think she'd be wanting to take a dip in any pools, as cold as it was at this time of year. But she did have some things she could wear that would be fine to get a little dirty, and then she could change once the adventure was over.
@Pele Alarion
The Fox
Smiling at the curtsy that the lady pulled off, and then started their dance. He considered the question, trying to quickly decide how he wanted to answer it. "Well, I wouldn't count it as one of my favorite activities," He grinned, giving her a slow twirl. "But, it can be very enjoyable." He acknowledged. "Clearly, I didn't avoid this one." He added with a wider smile.
"And what about you, lady of darkness?" He asked amusedly. "Do you usually avoid these sort of things, or do you happily attend? I suspect that your guise is meant to be misleading," He added with a little smile. "You don't seem to me like the 'dark and brooding' type of lady." He tilted his head thoughtfully. "In fact, I can't help wondering if you may even be as mischievous as you claim your sister is." He added, having noticed a certain glint of something that he suspected might be mischief in her eyes. Although he didn't know who this lady might be, he had a feeling she might be a rather interesting person to know.
@Pele Alarion
The Lion
Lion was quite pleased to get to dance without having to hinder himself too much. As he enjoyed the time he got to spend with the lady whose identity he didn't know, he was trying to see whether he could tell if she seemed at all interested in him. "Why shouldn't people come solely to enjoy the festivities?" He wondered, then nodded with a little smile as she mentioned herself being from 'the near vicinity'.
As she spoke of his dance skill, he grinned. "Thank you, my lady." He answered, while keeping up the same level of skill as their dance continued. Almost before he knew it, the song was ending. After bringing their dance to its conclusion along with the melody, Sir Lion bowed formally. "My lady." He offered his arm. "May I escort you back to the buffet, or do you have some other destination in mind?"
Green Dragon
He gave a little shrug in reply to her words, but he was smiling. "Well, once in a while I do put this thing to use," He tapped his head briefly and gave a little grin of amusement. "Although I'm afraid that I can't claim it always works perfectly." He joked.
As she made sure to let him know that she didn't make it a habit to send drinks flying through the air, he made an exaggerated expression of surprise, only half of which would be visible, but it was enough. "What?" He exclaimed in a hushed tone. "You're kidding me, right?" He shook his head in mock amazement. "And here I was, thinking it was your signature move or something."
His grin settled into a happy smile then, as she said she was glad that he and his brother were in town. He was really glad to hear that, and hoped that nothing might happen which would change her feelings about that. Not that he intended to do anything, but when it came to his brother... he'd nearly caused them both to miss out on becoming closer friends with her, more than once. So... one never knew.
The double twirl. He paused as she brought that up again, then smiled. "Sure, why not?" he agreed, eager to make her happy if she wanted to do more twirling. "Right, so I start here," He stepped back enough to give her room for her twirl, raising their arms up to twirl her the first time. "Then.." He paused for a brief second before remembering, "this signal," he managed it without too much hesitation, then brought his hands up to 'catch' her as she came out of the second twirl. "How was that?" He asked with a grin.
Pink Wildflower
She looked at him with slight surprise when he mentioned hiding her true identity. "Yes, it does help with that." She agreed, wondering if he might have gathered some sort of knowledge about her, despite how well she believed she had kept her identity concealed. But she'd never seen this fellow before, not even when she had done her milk deliveries, so it seemed very unlikely that he had recognized her. Right?
As he asked whether she might be willing to tell more about herself, she hesitated. What could she actually tell him, without lying, and without revealing too much? "I understand," She assured him, as he mentioned not wanting to speak too much about himself. "Well..." She thought for a moment, then smiled. "I love horses." That was a very true statement. And it easily aligned with the image she was portraying, of being from Rohan. "And I have a dog." What else? She tilted her head as she thought of a question for him. "Do you like animals, Lucion?"
Forget-me-not blinked at other two girls, but made no protest when the one claimed the necklace from her. She smiled. "Ah, so it is yours!" She declared, pleased to have found its owner so quickly and easily! How convenient! She laughed a bit at the way the girl draped it around her mask, but it seemed that she may have had a bit too much to drink.
When the other one unexpectedly hugged her, Forget-me-not was further surprised, and didn't quite know what to do. She stood where she was, a bit baffled and bemused, as the two girls took their leave of her. Shaking her head slightly, she smiled to herself and took a look around at the party, wondering if she might manage to find anyone else to dance with before her father said it was time to go. Spotting a fellow who looked alone, she smiled and set off toward him.
Taking a moment to consider his question with mock seriousness, Blossom slowly gave in to a little grin, and shook her head. "No, I can't say that you do," She agreed. As his hands rested upon her waist, she let hers rest loosely about his shoulders. Her gaze remained happily locked with his, enjoying the warm brown depths of them. His promise was rather enticing, even thrilling to think upon. All ours. She might have blushed, but the room was a bit warm already, and the color of her dress maybe brought out the same color in her face.
Hearing him confess that he often thought of her, well, that made her smile spread a little. More than just thinking about her; unable to
stop thinking about her. "Really?" Smiling, she leaned a bit closer to him with a confession of her own; "I do the same thing, about you." As he spun them around a bit faster, she managed to keep up, although she was truthfully looking forward to getting back in her regular clothes and shoes, so she needn't worry about tripping on the long, flowy dress or turning an ankle, or anything like that. "Must be some sort of magic in this place," She commented. "Daydreams seem to be making a habit of coming true this evening.. for mine did, also." She smiled at him, still finding it hard to believe that she had actually found him here, of all places. When she had come close to not coming, because she didn't expect him to be there!
It was not hard to see the relief on his face, mask or no mask, when she spoke of arriving safely. That made her wonder if he knew, perhaps, of more danger along the road than their group had realized they might encounter. As he went into the reasons why he was here, and why he had been away so long, she nodded slightly. Whatever he was about to tell her, it sounded like it might be serious.
But he didn't divulge anything, after all. Perhaps, another time, then. Or, perhaps he felt it would be better not to tell her the details. Instead, she ended up giving a soft laugh as he declared what he meant to safeguard her from. But the thought of coming to miss not having him around? She grinned and shook her head. "No, I think maybe I could use a little excitement," She declared, curious whether she might regret that statement. Lightly clasping her hands together behind his neck, she leaned closer and whispered in his ear, then eased back to look questioningly at him.