Midwinter Masquerade

Seven Stars and Seven Stones and One White Tree.
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Black Lips
Her blue eyes glinted merrily under the shade of the dark mask, yet she did not say out loud that she was just as likely to pull off some prank or other this evening in hopes that she would not be easily identified.

“A dance it is then,” she stated matter-of-factly and let the Fox lead her to the dance floor. Without undue delay, she curtseyed with a flourish in return to his bow, and then made ready to let him lead her.

“Is dancing one of the activities you like, Sir Fox?” Black Lips asked as she lightly position her hand on his shoulder. “Or is it rather something you tend to avoid?”

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As they danced, Meadow found that the Lion preferred more complicated steps though she was not sure whether he simply enjoyed it or was showing off. Whatever the case may be, she was glad she could give a good enough account of herself, even if not without his skilled guiding.

“It is good that people can manage to come far away to enjoy festivities, though I have doubts if that is their only reason for such travel. Suppose there are people both from north and south, not sure about west though,” she said, casting a brief glance around at the gathered visitors. She wondered if there were any Elves present here, except for their own Queen. At least she did not seem to see any who could be the famed Halflings. “I’m from the near vicinity,” she then replied, remembering that the Lion had asked the return question of her.

“Thank you, Sir Lion,” she then said beaming him a smile and thinking to herself with amusement that she had heard enough compliments in one night to last for a year. “A skilled dance partner makes it easier to not mess up the dance steps.”

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@Pele Alarion


Teal shrugged. "I don't think it's so much that, but.. I don't know. I only know he said in letters that his cousin is boring," He spoke quietly, being unsure whether said cousin might actually be somewhere around here. He didn't want to be overheard and perhaps offend someone, after all. "But no, that isn't at all what I think of Gondorians," He assured her with a little laugh. "Did you forget that my mother was one?" He asked, pretty sure he had mentioned that in her presence before. In fact, part of why he had wanted to take a little detouring route on the way to get here, was in the hope that he might get a chance to pass through the town where his mother had come from. Except, he didn't actually know what town she came from, so that made such a goal rather difficult.

As Gilded mentioned not speaking so loudly about the topic, he let out a little laugh. "Yeah... probably not the best idea," He grinned, amused. "I sure wouldn't want anyone here to get offended at us." He added in a low whisper. He smiled as she said she'd not really meant learning to dance right now. "Well," He thought for a moment. "Maybe I'll ask someone at the houses of healing if they know where a person could get some dance lessons." He decided, hoping that might yeild some results that she would be pleased with.

@Pele Alarion

Yellow Orchid

Smiling, she took his arm and let him lead her to the dance floor, while blushing lightly at the suggestion of him bringing a set of his clothes. "No, I don't think that would be necessary," She assured him, unwilling to even try imagining the sort of reaction her uncle might have, if he were to learn that she not only sneaked off to go roam about the Pelennor with a man she just met at the dance, but wore his clothing as well. That would certainly not go over well at all.

"Don't worry," She smiled as she turned to face him once they were on the dance floor. "I have some clothes for traveling." She certainly didn't think she'd be wanting to take a dip in any pools, as cold as it was at this time of year. But she did have some things she could wear that would be fine to get a little dirty, and then she could change once the adventure was over.

@Pele Alarion

The Fox

Smiling at the curtsy that the lady pulled off, and then started their dance. He considered the question, trying to quickly decide how he wanted to answer it. "Well, I wouldn't count it as one of my favorite activities," He grinned, giving her a slow twirl. "But, it can be very enjoyable." He acknowledged. "Clearly, I didn't avoid this one." He added with a wider smile.

"And what about you, lady of darkness?" He asked amusedly. "Do you usually avoid these sort of things, or do you happily attend? I suspect that your guise is meant to be misleading," He added with a little smile. "You don't seem to me like the 'dark and brooding' type of lady." He tilted his head thoughtfully. "In fact, I can't help wondering if you may even be as mischievous as you claim your sister is." He added, having noticed a certain glint of something that he suspected might be mischief in her eyes. Although he didn't know who this lady might be, he had a feeling she might be a rather interesting person to know.

@Pele Alarion

The Lion

Lion was quite pleased to get to dance without having to hinder himself too much. As he enjoyed the time he got to spend with the lady whose identity he didn't know, he was trying to see whether he could tell if she seemed at all interested in him. "Why shouldn't people come solely to enjoy the festivities?" He wondered, then nodded with a little smile as she mentioned herself being from 'the near vicinity'.

As she spoke of his dance skill, he grinned. "Thank you, my lady." He answered, while keeping up the same level of skill as their dance continued. Almost before he knew it, the song was ending. After bringing their dance to its conclusion along with the melody, Sir Lion bowed formally. "My lady." He offered his arm. "May I escort you back to the buffet, or do you have some other destination in mind?"


Green Dragon

He gave a little shrug in reply to her words, but he was smiling. "Well, once in a while I do put this thing to use," He tapped his head briefly and gave a little grin of amusement. "Although I'm afraid that I can't claim it always works perfectly." He joked.

As she made sure to let him know that she didn't make it a habit to send drinks flying through the air, he made an exaggerated expression of surprise, only half of which would be visible, but it was enough. "What?" He exclaimed in a hushed tone. "You're kidding me, right?" He shook his head in mock amazement. "And here I was, thinking it was your signature move or something."

His grin settled into a happy smile then, as she said she was glad that he and his brother were in town. He was really glad to hear that, and hoped that nothing might happen which would change her feelings about that. Not that he intended to do anything, but when it came to his brother... he'd nearly caused them both to miss out on becoming closer friends with her, more than once. So... one never knew.

The double twirl. He paused as she brought that up again, then smiled. "Sure, why not?" he agreed, eager to make her happy if she wanted to do more twirling. "Right, so I start here," He stepped back enough to give her room for her twirl, raising their arms up to twirl her the first time. "Then.." He paused for a brief second before remembering, "this signal," he managed it without too much hesitation, then brought his hands up to 'catch' her as she came out of the second twirl. "How was that?" He asked with a grin.


Pink Wildflower

She looked at him with slight surprise when he mentioned hiding her true identity. "Yes, it does help with that." She agreed, wondering if he might have gathered some sort of knowledge about her, despite how well she believed she had kept her identity concealed. But she'd never seen this fellow before, not even when she had done her milk deliveries, so it seemed very unlikely that he had recognized her. Right?

As he asked whether she might be willing to tell more about herself, she hesitated. What could she actually tell him, without lying, and without revealing too much? "I understand," She assured him, as he mentioned not wanting to speak too much about himself. "Well..." She thought for a moment, then smiled. "I love horses." That was a very true statement. And it easily aligned with the image she was portraying, of being from Rohan. "And I have a dog." What else? She tilted her head as she thought of a question for him. "Do you like animals, Lucion?"



Forget-me-not blinked at other two girls, but made no protest when the one claimed the necklace from her. She smiled. "Ah, so it is yours!" She declared, pleased to have found its owner so quickly and easily! How convenient! She laughed a bit at the way the girl draped it around her mask, but it seemed that she may have had a bit too much to drink.

When the other one unexpectedly hugged her, Forget-me-not was further surprised, and didn't quite know what to do. She stood where she was, a bit baffled and bemused, as the two girls took their leave of her. Shaking her head slightly, she smiled to herself and took a look around at the party, wondering if she might manage to find anyone else to dance with before her father said it was time to go. Spotting a fellow who looked alone, she smiled and set off toward him.



Taking a moment to consider his question with mock seriousness, Blossom slowly gave in to a little grin, and shook her head. "No, I can't say that you do," She agreed. As his hands rested upon her waist, she let hers rest loosely about his shoulders. Her gaze remained happily locked with his, enjoying the warm brown depths of them. His promise was rather enticing, even thrilling to think upon. All ours. She might have blushed, but the room was a bit warm already, and the color of her dress maybe brought out the same color in her face.

Hearing him confess that he often thought of her, well, that made her smile spread a little. More than just thinking about her; unable to stop thinking about her. "Really?" Smiling, she leaned a bit closer to him with a confession of her own; "I do the same thing, about you." As he spun them around a bit faster, she managed to keep up, although she was truthfully looking forward to getting back in her regular clothes and shoes, so she needn't worry about tripping on the long, flowy dress or turning an ankle, or anything like that. "Must be some sort of magic in this place," She commented. "Daydreams seem to be making a habit of coming true this evening.. for mine did, also." She smiled at him, still finding it hard to believe that she had actually found him here, of all places. When she had come close to not coming, because she didn't expect him to be there!

It was not hard to see the relief on his face, mask or no mask, when she spoke of arriving safely. That made her wonder if he knew, perhaps, of more danger along the road than their group had realized they might encounter. As he went into the reasons why he was here, and why he had been away so long, she nodded slightly. Whatever he was about to tell her, it sounded like it might be serious.

But he didn't divulge anything, after all. Perhaps, another time, then. Or, perhaps he felt it would be better not to tell her the details. Instead, she ended up giving a soft laugh as he declared what he meant to safeguard her from. But the thought of coming to miss not having him around? She grinned and shook her head. "No, I think maybe I could use a little excitement," She declared, curious whether she might regret that statement. Lightly clasping her hands together behind his neck, she leaned closer and whispered in his ear, then eased back to look questioningly at him.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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The Gilded
“Well, yes, your mother…” Gilded said in the same quiet tones. “But you have been living in Rohan, and sometimes the habits and thoughts of local people rub on to you, no? At least it did so to me, or perhaps I let it be so in attempts to blend in.”

Unwittingly she drew slightly closer to Teal as if to seek additional assurance and protection regardless of how much she thought she was paving her own way in life rather effectively. And his comments on asking the healers advice on dancing teachers made her laugh softly.

“We are here for quite a while so I bet there will be opportunities to dance, or to learn to do so better, no?” she spoke hopefully.

Red Rooster
“All right then,” Rooster replied and flashed her a merry grin as he set them off in a few simple dance steps. “I doubt we’d go rolling around in one of the possibly found mud baths on purpose, and I’ll try to protect you from landing in one by accident,” he promised, the grin still lighting up his face.

“We do not get winters as cold as they get up north, I guess,” he went on to portray the Pelennor to Orchid. “So usually not much of the cover of snow, though it is exceedingly beautiful when we have it. The grass is not as lush and green though, and trees are bare, but I still deem the place lovely.”

Black Lips
“It is good that you did not avoid this masquerade, Sir Fox,” Black Lips commented, “For it seems that you have enjoyed at least some of it, yes? Might be well worth it even if it is not something you do on a daily basis.” She assumed that perhaps there were people who would either made living by dancing or spent much of their time attending all sorts of social functions.

She than laughed softly when the Fox returned the question to her with some additions. “I figure it’s okay to attend these occasionally, though forests and fields might be more like my natural environment,” she replied, and then tilted her head slightly as she looked at her dance partner when she had turned back after a twirl. “Be it as it may, but my sister is certainly at more liberty to let down her hair and be as mischievous as she likes without that many consequences.”

Her sister was also younger and not laden with that many responsibilities, Black Lips thought to herself, but then again she made herself let go of some of the expectations and relax occasionally even though it could involve certain reputational risks.
“Because… it doesn’t seem worthwhile travelling for long distances just to be here for one night,” Meadow said, and then added, “But perhaps I am wrong in assuming this.”

The dance seemed to end soon enough, and she was not sure whether she was happy with it since dancing had been interesting with the Lion. But she was also not sure whether she had liked dancing with him or the other gentleman, Sunbeam – as she called him in her thoughts, better. Then again, it might not matter.

“Perhaps the bar would do, Sir,” she replied taking his arm when they had ended the dance. “Such hearty moving across the whole dance floor is a thirsty business.”

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@Pele Alarion


"True." He agreed with a little shrug, concerning picking up the habits of those you're around the most. "But I have always tried to be at least somewhat familiar with Gondor and its ways and language. I always liked to think it made me closer to my mother, somehow. Although.. I don't know much about the differences between the different fiefdoms that exist, here."

He found himself smiling slightly more as she moved closer to him, and while he kept his hand at a polite and proper placement at her back, he held her as close to him as she was comfortable being, and smiled to hear her laugh. "Yes, we'll have as many opportunities for dancing as you want." He promised, hoping he would be able to learn a little more so he could give her a better dancing experience. "We should.. maybe plan on something. In a day or two, maybe? If you like, I mean. I'm not sure yet what my schedule is for the houses of healing, but I should have some free time in the evening. I'll check to see what time I get done for the day." He smiled at her.

@Pele Alarion

Yellow Orchid

She laughed softly at the idea of purposely rolling around in a mud hole. "No, I'm sure I would not." She agreed, shaking her head slightly while smiling. "Though, I cannot speak for you, since I do not know you that well, sir Rooster." She wondered if he was the sort of fellow who would do something like that, if he were on his own and had no lady around to discourage him from such things. "I would greatly appreciate your protection from any mud holes and such, thank you." She added with a light teasing tone in her voice.

"Ah, I wouldn't know much about the winters up in the very north," She said thoughtfully. "Though, in Rohan they can get a bit cooler, yes." She remembered that. She remembered being cold, and how sometimes there was little to eat. "It is certainly lovely, here." She agreed with his last statement wholeheartedly.

"I heard someone say that it was snowing, tonight." She mentioned, glancing briefly in the direction of the door. "I hope it won't get much colder." She hadn't quite anticipated it getting that cold, although with them being on the fifth level, it would be cooler than in the lower levels, she remembered.

@Pele Alarion

The Fox

"You think so?" He asked with a little smile as he lady said it was good that he hadn't avoided the masquerade. As she added that he'd apparently enjoyed it, he nodded with a little smile. "Indeed, I have enjoyed it. Some parts more than others." He agreed. He was probably going to be leaving as soon as he'd finished dancing with her, but at least he had enjoyed most of the evening, up until he began to suspect who lady Swan might be. No, he pushed that thought to the back of his mind so it wouldn't trouble his thoughts.. at least not now. He was trying to distract himself from those thoughts, after all.

Hearing that the lady preferred forests and fields, he smiled. "Oh?" He stopped himself from mentioning that he felt the same way. Maybe he should pretend to be less enthused about forests and fields, despite his disguise for the evening. "Well, I hope you don't mind me saying, but I would not have guessed it, from your appearance this evening." He told her with a little amusement. "But I suppose that is the point of disguising ones self at a masquerade, right? Assuming one's goal is to throw people off from guessing so you are." He added with a little shrug. "So, is that why you've chosen this dark appearance? Or is my guess far from the mark?" He wondered, curious about her disguise. He wasn't sure if he'd ever seen anyone dress like that before.

@Pele Alarion

The Lion

Lion shrugged slightly at the thought of someone traveling so far just for a dance. "I suppose that depends on how much someone enjoys dancing. Or, perhaps, some may have obligations to attend such events." He pointed out. Sure, he had other reasons for coming to Minas Tirith, but the dance was high on the list of reasons. "A dance seems just as good a reason to travel a long way as any other."

As she requested that he escort her to the bar, he gave a nod and led her off of the dance floor and to an open section of the bar. "I agree, very thirsty work, it is. A drink would certainly be welcome. What would you like, my lady? I am thinking of a glass of wine for myself." He would make the request for both of their drinks and then offer a toast with her, once they had their drinks in hand. "To a most joyful evening, with much more enjoyment to come." He smiled slightly at her before sipping his wine.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

High Warden of Tower
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The Bearded Night Sky Courtier - 2
Departing, with Lady Blossom

Well, who could blame you at that ?” the man laughed, as his fetching dance partner confessed to also thinking about him. “The constant concern of what I might try next .. of course you must ever be upon your toes. Thankfully you are very agile,” he awarded the compliment with an approving nod, as the woman kept pace, no matter what less than ordered turn he took them into.

And then her subtle whisper laid soft unto his ear saw the Courtier’s smile widen ever more so with each word that Lady Blossom shared. Proving she was no more like to shirk away from excitement than he. Well, certainly she would not have put up with him for so long as she had, if that were not the case.

Can not wait a moment longer, can you ?” He teased. And then released one hand, raising high the other so that a twirl was encouraged beneath it’s arch to finish with a flair. “I knew there was good reason I love you,” he admitted, dropping into a bow. “Come then, before the magic of this night is done,” he declared with not the slightest indication of regret to bid farewell to the pretentious party. “I will not have you left unsatisfied.

A cursory glance about the room led him to observe his nephew, sharing clear want to retire with their cousin, and the Starlit Lady herself. From the outset they had each promised a dance this evening to the lady who had headed their entourage. But having since bourne witness to the lady’s husband’s griping, back at the beginning of the event, the bearded man had no real inclination now to press the matter for his ‘turn’. Not when the lady was clearly happy where she was, and certainly not now that he was already more happy than he had ever expected to be, with a dance partner he had no wish to forsake either. And it did not look as though his brother was any closer to neglecting his own close associate. Oh there were going to be questions in the morning ! But there was no more chance that he would interrupt his sibling now, than he would hope to share a carriage crowded with relations. There was only one soul he wished to be pressed up against tonight ..

Having already entirely forgotten the strange woman he had resolved earlier to keep an eye on, he gestured for Blossom, the one who’d stole all focus from him since, .. to lead the way. A gentleman might have at least asked whether she ought inform the escort who had brought her there, so that Dragon might not worry now for her safety. But somehow the thought of revealing their intention did not seem like it would help to convince anyone of the lady’s safety.

The plan had been his initial idea of course, but it was her encouragement thenafter which saw it come to be; that saw them leave, now, while most of the remaining were still utterly entranced by the striking demonstration of the King and Queen. Clever girl indeed. For all of the fancy garb which swathed the two of them, neither shining shoe nor clinging costume could halt their gleeful escape from this spectacular event. Toward the next ...
All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost
The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not touched by the frost.

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The Fairy

The Fairy grinned. "The more you put it to use, the better it will work," she joked back. More seriously, she added: "No one can claim that, you know."

When the Dragon exaggerated his surprise and said something about throwing drinks being a signature move, she tilted her head back a little for a moment instead of rolling her eyes - since he wouldn't see the latter. "Whatever, Gladhron," she said in reply to his teasing - not annoyed, but thinking it was funnier if she responded like this than if she didn't say anything at all or if she just shrugged it off.

The double twirl went rather well. When he caught her in his arms after the second twirl, she nodded with a pleased smile, fuelled by the grin on his face. "You are getting the hang of it," she told him, giving his shoulder a light squeeze. "All you have to do is get rid of that little thoughtful pause in between," she added more quietly, leaning forward a little as if sharing a secret, before straightening again. "You'll get there after a few more tries, I'd think. It also might be easier with someone who is a little shorter?" she suddenly wondered. They were about the same height, after all, with the shoes Kaylin had insisted she wore.

"So, now you've had them on your mask for a bit," she went on, slanting her head a little in curiosity, "what do you think about those little eye veils?"


Thinking of horses more as a means of transportation, he wasn't sure if he should comment on the horses bit. Sure, he liked them well enough - but love? Not really. He preferred to look for common ground with this enchanting young lady... rather than focus on what set them apart. So, instead, he replied to what she'd said about a dog.

"I love dogs," he replied honestly. "I got into several arguments with my parents, back in Calembel, when I was younger, because they did not want one while I did," he admitted, smiling a bit sheepishly. "I realize now that they were right, of course. Our house wasn't suitable for a dog. And having a dog definitely takes up a good chunk of time when you live in a city." Walking him, making sure he'd get enough exercise... "I've thought about getting one now, but my landlord doesn't want his renters having any pets... and honestly I wouldn't be home enough to take care of a dog the way I would want to. It's not like I can take him to work with me, either. Unless the dog was already very, very well behaved, and I managed to convince my boss." Lucion shook his head, clearly a bit sad about it, and tried to shake it off with a little shrug. "One day, though," he promised himself. As he had done so many times before.

"What kind of dog do you have, my lady?"
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength

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The Gilded
“I bet originating from Gondor, if in part, is quite glorious,” Gilded agreed quite readily. “And you probably should learn all you can of it. Think there are great differences between fiefdoms?” She hesitated a while and then added, “I am not quite sure I’d want to learn of my roots, though perhaps even there is something good buried beneath all the ill reputation.”

She looked at him hopefully when he offered an option of planning an evening some time soon. “If you can free a moment or two,” she did not oppose the thought. “What do you suggest? Something outdoors or indoors?”

Red Rooster
“You are a lady, no mud for you, nor would I roll around in it willingly,” Rooster confirmed again, and then added after a thoughtful pause, “Unless you asked me to nicely for one weighty reason or another.”

He made sure Orchid could enjoy a spin before he spoke again, on the matter of snow. “Well, I think those few flakes that we get here are super nice, even if there are more than a few at a time. Especially because we do not gat them often,” he said. “Even if it does mean a bit more cold. We should sneak out and see if there really is snow outside. However, I am not sure I wouldn’t get a beating from your uncle if I did take you further away from where he can keep an eye on you.”

Black Lips
“Coming here dressed like a tree would be a bit boring, I suppose,” Black Lips said when the Fox mentioned that her love of forests was not visible. “Unless it was a costume of the White Tree. Come to think of it, maybe it is something to try out one of the next years.” She tilted her head slightly as she looked at the Fox. “Be so good and don’t give this idea away to anyone else, yes?”

She then laughed softly and confessed: “Coming up with stuff is easier when sister has all sorts of ideas. She claimed the colourful one first, so I decided to go with the opposite. Well, at any rate the deed is done.”

“Did you come up easily with the idea for your costume?” she made more small talk in a leisurely manner.
“Perhaps some would come just to dance, perhaps indeed,” Meadow allowed, though she still had trouble imagining that someone would travel for months only to have one evening of dancing, no matter how fancy the location of it might be.

When the Lion led her to the bar, she claimed one of the stools and thoughtfully looked at what other people around. “Hmm, a glass of red wine might not be amiss,” she agreed. Their drinks were provided soon, and she hastened to join the toast. “Yes, to a great evening indeed!”

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@Pele Alarion


"Originating?" He asked with a curious smile. He wasn't sure that was really the right way of putting it, and he had no idea if 'glorious' was really the right word. "I don't know." He smiled. "Maybe, folks over here think it's exciting to think of someone being from Rohan. The grass is greener on the other side, you know, that sorta thing." He shrugged, really unsure whether anyone in Gondor would even feel that way.

However, as she spoke of her own roots, he felt a bit bad for the topic having come up, and nodded with understanding at what she said. Yes, her people certainly got a poor reputation.. at least, among the Rohirrim. He somewhat doubted she would feel that way if she had grown up among them, but he didn't mention that. As for whether there was any good under all that.. he couldn't really say. He also couldn't help recalling his own prior experiences with them, and decided perhaps it would be best not to say anything at all in regard to that topic. Therefore, he was glad to switch topics.

"Oh, I don't know. What would you prefer?" He asked. "Perhaps... we could meet and have dinner? Or, maybe go walking around the city. Or, take our horses out for a ride." He listed a few thoughts. "I'm sure there's plenty of things to do around the city, but I haven't really explored enough to find out what that would be."

@Pele Alarion

Yellow Orchid

She gave a small smile as he said she was a lady. "Thank you," She said softly, thinking however, about how she had once been before she lived with her uncle. Perhaps, if she wore her traveling clothes, a little mud would not be a problem. Not that she'd deliberately go looking for any, nor step into it if she could help it, but she also wasn't at all like her cousin, and she wouldn't mind too much if they happened to get a bit dirty while exploring.

As he spun her around, her smile grew a little with enjoyment before coming back to face him. "I know what you mean," She said, about the snowflakes. "We don't get much snow where I live, but we do occasionally get a little. And it's nice to see, when it does snow." When he suggested sneaking outside to look and see if it was snowing, she bit her lip lightly in hesitation before shaking her head just a little. "I don't think my uncle would beat you, but I also don't think he would like it.." She told him apologetically. "And, I also think this may be the last dance I will be able to have, this evening." She added, looking past his shoulder at where she could see her uncle waiting to speak to.. either her, or her cousin. Perhaps both. "I think he may be ready to go," She explained with a little sigh.

@Pele Alarion

The Fox

He laughed a little. "I don't know, a tree might be rather interesting. Suppose you'd had a dress that looked like bark, with green frilly things to be leafy branches, and you could've put a bird nest in your hair and maybe even had a fake bird for it... then you could use a slab of bark with holes in it, for a mask.." He grinned teasingly as he made the suggestion. And it seemed she also thought again about whether that would be boring, and decided to save the idea for another time. With a little laugh, he nodded his agreement. "I'll never speak a word of it." He assured her.

"Ahh, so you chose this to be opposite of your sister?" He realized. "Well, that makes sense." He stepped away just enough to twirl her before replying to her question back to him. "I had some trouble deciding, actually," he admitted. "I wasn't sure if anyone else would be dressing like an animal or if I'd be out of place, but then my sister had an idea that made the costume better, so I went with it."

@Pele Alarion

The Lion

While he had an ulterior motive (or two) for having come to the dance, the rest of his family had none, and so it was not hard for him to believe that anyone would travel a few days to attend an event of this caliber, especially knowing that it was hosted by the king and queen. Of course, he could not speak for anyone else, and he didn't see much point in saying so. Instead, he smiled as she joined his toast. "It has been lovely dancing with you, lady Meadow." He assured her. "I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening." He said in parting. After a small bow to the lady, he left her to enjoy her drink as he set off to find someone else to dance with.


Green Dragon

He couldn't help a little laugh at her joke. "True, I suppose I ought to put it to use a little more often, then." He agreed, joking as well. But he smiled when she added that no one could claim their heads worked perfectly all the time. "Right again, as usual." He acknowledged, smiling at her as he was reminded of the way she always seemed to have something kind to say.

As she told him he was getting the hang of the double twirl, his smile widened a little. Yes.. the pause. He would have to work on that, for sure. "So, is that your way of telling me you want to try the twirl thing again a few more times?" He asked teasingly as she said he'd get it after a few more. But when she suggested he try it with someone a bit shorter, he resisted the urge to shake his head in refusal. "I don't know," He answered with a little shrug. "I mean, if I practice with you, then it'll just make sure that I'm plenty good at it, if I ever end up trying it out with a shorter lady?" He suggested, trying to be tactful about his answer.

Then, she asked about the eye veils. "Hm, I don't know," He answered thoughtfully with a little shrug. "I mean, it's definitely strange, but you sorta get used to it, after a while. Then again, the whole mask in general limits my peripheral vision, but.." He shrugged. "It's not so bad." He decided with a smile.


Pink Wildflower

She smiled in relief to hear that he loved dogs. That was good. The thought of someone not liking dogs would have reminded her a bit too much of a very unpleasant man she had encountered before. But to hear that he had never been allowed to have a dog made her smile fade in sympathy. "That's too bad." She replied. His reasons for not getting a dog now.. well, it sounded a whole lot like the reason 'her' dog had come to live with her, instead of with her real owner.

"I certainly hope you can get a chance, some day." She said, sincerely hoping he would get to know the joys of having a dog. When he asked about her dog, she refrained from giving a laugh, or from making a joking comment about the kind of dog being a 'tornado' or something of the sort. "She's a terrier," She answered with a pleasant little smile. "Of a breed that is meant for killing rats, I believe. She is still learning obedience, but she's very young, still." She explained. "She's a wonderful dog, and I wouldn't trade her for anything."



A light laugh slipped out as he declared she must always be upon her toes. "I think that would be highly uncomfortable." She declared, although she smiled at his compliment to her agility. "Well, I have to be, to keep up with you," She lightly teased.

As it became evident that he was in favor of her suggestion, she wondered if they would both end up in trouble by the time the night drew to a close. Hopefully nothing serious, but she had only his assurance to calm her concerns about that. It would be rather embarrassing, and difficult to set a good example for her nieces, if she were to end up arrested the very second night she'd arrived in the city, after all!

A smile spread on her face as she completed a twirl, and heard his words as she came back to facing him. "I've missed you." She informed him quietly. In fact, she had nearly forgotten the excitement that he brought into her life every time he was around. It seemed that this time would be no different, even if it was in an entirely different place! "And I couldn't let it be said that you made an idle promise," She couldn't resist a little tease back at him, grinning as he said he couldn't leave her unsatisfied.

She would have suggested that he should lead the way, but since he motioned for her to do so, she instead linked her arm with his so that they walked together, with neither leading nor following. As they moved toward the door to retrieve their cloaks before stepping into the snow-dusted world beyond, she paused briefly at the same time that he did, to take a last glance around at the spectacular ballroom. It was then that she caught a glimpse of her dragon friend, dancing with her newer acquaintance, Lady Fairy. And as she watched, he gave her not one, but two twirls in a row! Blossom blinked in surprise at that, recalling how he could not quite figure out how to manage even one twirl, when they'd tried practicing together. It seemed he'd managed to learn from someone, and she would be asking about that later. But for now, she was only interested in this next adventure.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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The Fairy

She grinned when he jokingly agreed he should use his head more often. But it faded a second later, he said 'right again, as usual', and she wasn't sure whether he was still joking around and teasing her back, or whether he was actually, possibly, saying it as a genuine compliment. Thinking on it, the latter simply couldn't be true. People, especially men, hated saying things like that about anyone. And when they did, it was usually accompanied with an eye roll or something similar. Wasn't it? The Fairy blinked, realizing the mesh over his eyes was less interesting now. And that thought made her smile a little at the irony.

Tilting her head, the Fairy shrugged. "Practice makes perfect, doesn't it?" she bounced the question right back. His thoughts on practicing with her or a shorter lady, had her nodding thoughtfully. "That's true. I cannot argue with that logic," she added, with a hint of satisfaction in her tone. Whether she was pleased he was immediately using that head of his or that he wasn't about to ditch her, was unclear, however.

She smiled at his conclusion about the mesh veils. "I hardly notice it anymore when I'm not thinking about it," she told him. "Honestly though, I think I'll be glad when I take the whole mask thing off - veils or not. Come on. Let's try that twirl a few more times. Before I am absolutely done having this thing plastered to my face," she laughed quietly.
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
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The Gilded
“Perhaps… if the grass was properly watered or flowers planted in it… it would look just fine on the same side,” Gilded wondered, a smile touching her lips. It might make life easier not to always yearn for something others had, and she didn’t, especially if there was nothing to be done about it.

“Dinner, walks and horse riding all sound good,” she told Teal, and she honestly would not mind any of those activities. “Is there also something worth seeing at the Houses of Healing? I am no healer, but I have heard it is magnificent in its own right.” She paused, laughed gently, and added: “That is, aside from bothering patients in their rooms or looking at endless stacks of medicines.”

Red Rooster
He did not press the option to go look at some snow any further, especially when she said this might be the last dance.

“Then, must make this dance count if you are off soon,” he said, and carefully guided Orchid into another spin. “For who knows if we will ever get another chance for a dance, considering we do not exactly live next door. I would certainly place a high value if there ever came an opportunity to take you for a spin again.”

Rooster was quiet for a few moments, and then said: “But at least we might yet meet tomorrow. Hopefully. Also, where would you like for me to escort you, my lady Orchid? Right before your uncle’s nose?”

Black Lips
While Black Lips listened to the detailed description of the tree costume Sir Fox provided, and a grin spread on her face.

“Oh, this is so excellent!” she exclaimed, “You describe it so wonderfully, Sir Fox, that I am very tempted to test this out as soon as possible. That would definitely make me look like a proper tree.”

She gave a slight nod when he asked about her choice of the dark costume to contrast her sister’s. “I think she would be way too cheerful for anything dark, so I thought I’ll do my best to do justice to this dark and demure outfit,” she said.

“Seems like there are quite a few animal costumes around here,” Black Lips commented on his choice. “So I think yours fits in quite well, no?”
“Enjoy the dances, Sir Lion,” the Meadow said rather sincerely, and then looked after him a moment as he left, taking a couple sips of the wine. She turned so as to be able to observe the people dancing, and sought out her sister among them with quiet satisfaction. It was good to see her out among people doing something fun for a change, not just all the work and care stuff.

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Lady in Red

While the musicians were excellent, she wasn't exactly of a mind to stay in that spot forever. She was, of course, not only watching them. Her attention was also on a young fox, who was dancing with a darkly dressed lady. When he would leave, it might be wise to follow. See where he goes. Where he lives.

She'd been watching him closely, yet subtly. Trying to note the way he walked, the way he held his shoulders. The way he moved his head, his hands. Any and every mannerism that might enable her to pinpoint him in different clothes, with different hair, without the mask. Anything other than those steely blue eyes, his age and his height.
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
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@Pele Alarion


He gave a little laugh at her words. "True, I suppose. If only more people were as wise as you are." He smiled at her. "I've known people who were jealous of someone else for having what they didn't, while the person they were jealous of were jealous in return, of what the other had." He shrugged. "People aren't always logical, you know?"

He was pleased that she seemed agreeable to his suggestions for spending time together, later. He would have to find out where would be suitable, and within his price budget, to take her out to eat. But, as she asked about the houses of healing, he smiled. "Ah, yes! There are gardens to explore, you'd like those." He told her, remembering to keep his voice down a bit. "I'm sure we could take a walk during my lunch break, and I can show you around the garden paths and look out over the wall. You can see for miles and miles from there, you know. Someone said it's about six hundred feet up the mountain, and the level above that, where the king lives, is seven hundred. I wonder if this mountain is as high as the one where Grandma lives?" He wondered, trying to decide if he could tell by the feel of the air, but it just didn't feel the same. Perhaps, because the climate was different.

@Pele Alarion

Yellow Orchid

She smiled as he guided her through a spin, and was still smiling as she came back around to face him. "I suppose you're right." She agreed, although she was surprised by his words about placing high value on a chance to dance with her again. "Do you enjoy dancing so much, sir Rooster?" She asked curiously, a little amused because she had not really thought he seemed like the sort who went out of his way to go to a setting with dancing. Yet, it would be nice to have another opportunity to dance with him. Perhaps, at some point during that tour of the Pelennor, something like that could come up. Although she wasn't going to count on that happening, nor would she suggest it, herself.

After a moment, she nodded when he mentioned that they might meet tomorrow. "Hopefully." She smiled. In her head, she kept thinking of it as a definite thing, but she knew there was still a possible chance that something might prevent her. Her cousin might get in the way, or her uncle might not even let them go shopping unaccompanied, or who knows what else might go wrong.

When he asked whether to escort her to her uncle, Orchid paused to think about that. "Perhaps... to the dessert table, please?" She suggested, instead. That would give her the opportunity to grab one last little sweet before going to find her uncle, herself. He might be waiting to speak to her cousin instead of her, anyway.

@Pele Alarion

The Fox

Grinning, he was glad that she found his suggestion about the tree costume to be so interesting. "Glad I could help." He told her with a smile. "Do you think anyone you know would recognize you, dressed up like that?" He wondered, amused at the thought of the lady wearing a birds' nest in her hair. "I've heard rumors that there are, off beyond Rohan, actual walking, talking trees, who fiercely defend the regular trees. But I've never actually seen any, myself." He added, thinking that might be rather alarming... being in the timber business as his family was.

He smiled at the mention of there being other animals, and nodded. "Yes, I was glad to see other animals roaming around," he grinned. "I worried for a moment, this being such a fancy setting and all, they might not allow animals inside." He joked. It seemed the song was nearly over, he noticed, and gave the lady one last twirl before the music came to an end, then bowed politely. "I hope you have enjoyed the evening, ma'am?" He asked with a smile. "Despite your "gloomy" outward appearance?"


The Lion

After making a few circles around the room, he spotted her. Standing off to the side. The lovely woman in red, who had caught his eye multiple times throughout the evening. And to his amazement, for once, she was not already dancing with someone. In fact, no one else was around her. He could hardly believe it. A smile pulled at his mouth as he redirected his steps so that they took him straight toward her.

He had wanted to ask her to dance since he first caught sight of her walking in, at the beginning of the evening. But of course, that had not been possible. He had later wanted to ask her to dance when he actually had a chance to speak to her, later in the evening. But now, there was no reason why he could not. Also, he had recognized her earlier, when he spoke with her. Would she recognize him again, now that he had changed masks? He wondered.

"My lady." He stopped near her with a smile. "I hope you are having a wonderful evening?"


Green Dragon

Her comment about practice made him grin. "True!" he agreed. He was pleased that she seemed to accept his excuse to keep dancing with her, under the guise of 'logic'. And he was also a bit glad that she couldn't read the relief in his eyes, when she agreed to continue dancing with him. Although he was smiling, so maybe she would still be able to tell that he was glad. And maybe he didn't mind her knowing that, at least.

As the topic shifted to the veils, he let out a little laugh of amusement. "Same. You know, when I first got here, I couldn't seem to get this thing to feel comfortable on my face," He motioned briefly toward the mask before replacing his hand at her back. "I guess I've gotten used to it, but I'll still be really glad to get it off." He paused. "Of course, then, it'll probably feel weird without it, for a while." He realized, then shrugged. "Oh well."

As she asked to practice the twirl a few more times, he grinned. "Of course, my lady." He agreed, in a half-joking tone as if he were her servant, but only to be silly. He went through it in his head quickly while he waited for what felt like the right moment in the dance steps, before beginning the first twirl. Then, as she came around, he signaled her into the second twirl and immediately tried to make sure he was ready to catch her as she came out of the second twirl, hoping he'd gotten the timing right.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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Lady in Red

The voice sounded familiar. She turned toward it, however, to see a mask and costume that was entirely unfamiliar. The lady in Red tilted her head. "Good evening, sir," she said politely, her voice laced with its usual honey. "It has been a wonderful evening so far, yes," she agreed pleasantly, still trying to place the man in front of her, but not succeeding. He looked fit. Who did he remind her of? She knew that smile, didn't she?

"I hope you have been enjoying it as much as I have?"

The Fairy

"I'd say we could take the masks off now, but a mask was required, and no one else is taking them off," she mused, casting her gaze around them. "So it will just have to wait until we leave, I guess." She nodded when he said it might feel weird without it, for a while. "It won't take long, though." She'd been to a masquerade before. "No more than a few minutes."

Her smile grew a little at his grin and at his verbal response. She was doing this to help him, and he was pretending like he was doing her a favor. But since she figured they both knew that, there was no need to point it out. As he twirled her, once and then the second time - no pause, no hesitation - her smile grew into a grin. One she was still wearing when she fluidly returned her hand to his and he caught her the right way. "Nailed it!" she complimented him. "If you like dancing so much, I can tell you a few places around the city where dancing in the evening is more of a regular thing," she told him. With her brother's interest in it, she'd learned the location of several such establishments. "It's more casual than this, obviously," she added, "and plenty of people show up there without partners too, hoping to dance with others and just have a good time. If you and golden boy from earlier got along so well, you could even go together, looking for ladies to dance with. He seemed to be the dancing type, too."
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
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The Lion

He smiled at the lady, somehow a bit pleased to note the way she tilted her head as if puzzled. So, his change of costume had fooled even her? That was good. She had seemed like a very observant woman, and she had been first to recognize him, earlier. Now, it seemed she was puzzled. At least, for the moment.

"That's excellent to hear." He replied, glad she had enjoyed the evening, thus far. He gave a little laugh when she asked if he had enjoyed it as much. "I have only recently begun to enjoy it, actually. So, you've had much more time to enjoy it, than I have. However... perhaps, if I spend enough time with a lovely lady, that can be amended?" He smiled. "A dance, perhaps, my lady?" He asked, offering his hand. Still wearing the same gloves he'd had before, although that hardly distinguished him from anyone else, as the gloves were simple white gloves like anyone might acquire.


Green Dragon

"I'll have to take your word for that," He answered, bringing one hand briefly to touch the side of his mask, almost as if simply talking about them had reminded him that it felt weird against his face. He could hardly wait to get it off. But, if keeping it on meant a little more time to dance with her, then he would endure it.

As he managed to get her through the double twirl without hesitating, at last, he grinned happily at her celebration. "Yes!" he quietly celebrated his own success. However, remembering that she couldn't see his eyes now, he allowed himself a little eyeroll when she suggested that he go to some places to practice dancing... with strangers? He had to think about how to reply to that, as he didn't quite feel free to tell her that he didn't want to dance with anyone else... only her. "Casual is nice," He smiled, thinking for a moment as he looked at where her eyes would be, if he could see them. And tried to imagine that he was looking into her lovely brown eyes. The idea of going to some dancing place with his new guy friend didn't really seem all that appealing, but he didn't say so.

"Or... perhaps, if you have a chance, you could join me at one of those places?" He suggested a bit tentatively. "I mean... so you could teach me more things, right? I doubt very many ladies would go to such a place hoping to dance, and be fine with having to teach their partner how." he pointed out, trying to use logic to convince her. Since she seemed to like that so well... and he was rather accustomed to that sort of thing, thanks to his brother.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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Lady in Red

Dang it. She knew that smile and that voice. She was absolutely sure of it. It was as if the answer lay upon the tip of her tongue, as if it were right there, and yet... it eluded her. So she analysed every word he said, trying to parse it for anything that might give her additional clues.

When he asked her for a dance, her lips curved in a pleased smile. "I accept," she told him, placing her ungloved right hand into his own, white-gloved hand. On their way to the dance floor, which was not far given their previous position near the musicians, she was still trying to figure out who he was. Or at the very least - whom he reminded her of?
Her gloved hand ended up on his shoulder as they stepped into the dance, and her brown eyes curiously assessed his. The colour, the look. The line of his jaw. His mouth.

Then she gave a little, wicked smile. "We know each other. My Lord."

The Fairy

The Dragon's suggestion that she could go with him to one of the taverns or pubs where dancing was a common thing at some point in the evening, was unexpected. When he asked her if she could then teach him some things, and explained his reasoning, she tilted her head thoughtfully. Well. She supposed she could understand that he wouldn't want to bother strangers with teaching him more about dancing. However, those places hardly required any of the patrons to have much in the way of flashy moves or technique. Then again, he didn't know that. "Most people who go there, don't really know how to dance according to 'the rules'," she said with a pensive smile. "No one will bat an eye if you stick to what you know," she reassured him. "But if you'd like a friend to go with you who is more used to the ins and outs, so you're more comfortable, I can do that. At the very least I will be able to prove to you it doesn't matter much whether you know what you know, or what I know." He'd see the truth of it after one visit, she knew.

"My brother usually drags me to one of those places this time of year, anyway," she told him. "To end up dancing with half the women there once he sees I've found someone else to talk to or dance with," she added with a laugh. "If you'd agree to go then, your presence would definitely make things a lot easier on me." Her smile grew a little. "Do we have a deal?"
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength

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The Lion

Sir Lion was quite pleased when the lady accepted his invitation to dance. As they walked out to the dance floor together, he couldn't help but smile in a very pleased way. Something about the way she was glancing at him made him all the more inwardly pleased, as he felt sure that she had yet to figure out who he was. And he felt that was a good thing. That meant his disguise worked quite well, right?

At last, however, she did seem to realize. He could tell in the way her smile changed, not to mention her words as she commented 'we know each other'. His smile changed to a little grin. "Indeed?" He feigned ignorance, leading her through a twirl. "Perhaps we do." He admitted, trying not to smirk too much as he brought her back to the previous position, and drew her just a bit closer. "I have been hoping for a chance to dance with you all evening, my lady." He mentioned quietly, so that only she could hear him.


Green Dragon

He practically held his breath as he waited to find out whether she would think it was a good idea, or refuse. Perhaps she didn't want to go dancing with him. Perhaps she would try and suggest that he find another lady to dance with. He didn't mind dancing with others just for the fun of it, but the one that he really wanted to dance with... was her.

As she tried to explain that other people wouldn't be expecting 'fancy moves', he had to make himself stay silent. That wasn't the point! He wanted to exclaim, but he merely shrugged one shoulder in reply, and let her finish. Aha, an opportunity! Now, he had to force himself not to grin in triumph as she suggested an idea. "That sounds perfect." He agreed, nodding, in reply to the idea of going along with her at a time when her brother wanted to 'drag' her out dancing. "You'll have to let me know when." he added, smiling. Mentally, he was celebrating the fact that she had agreed to go dancing with him sometime. Of course... that also meant that he was going to have to try and learn a bit more between now and then, if he hoped to impress her a little more. How could he manage that?

He tried not to worry about that, just yet. "How often does your brother do that sort of thing, anyway?" he asked, hoping to at least slightly shift the topic away from the fact that he wanted to take her out sometime.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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Lady in Red

The little grin took away the last sliver of doubt she'd had, and she had a pleased little smile playing about her lips as he twirled her around. Rather expertly, too. And that pleased her even more. Yet what else could she have expected from one such as him? He had been trained, doubtlessly, in the art that was dancing. To showcase his skills at social functions just like these.

He pulled her just a fraction closer to him. He was clearly still interested in her. Even if she had not yet delivered the prize he was after. Or at least - she had not yet delivered one of the things he was after. The evening just kept getting better and better.

"Such a silver tongue," she purred at him, moving her gloved hand to the base of the back of his neck. "Is that what you tell all the ladies, whilst looking for a bit of fun, my Lord?"

The Fairy

"I will let you know," she promised. "Probably somewhere in the next week and a half or so. Because after that, I figure my brother is going back home." That was his usual method of operations, anyway. A week or two, three at the most, around midwinter. And then he would return to Ithilien.

At the Dragon's question, the Fairy had to think a moment. "Go dancing? Usually, every chance he gets when he is in the city. Other than the evenings he spends with me. But he only insists on taking me out to one of these places one night, every time he visits," she told the Dragon. "I usually end up having a good time, so I do not mind. But my brother is a different creature. He could befriend new people every night of the week without having to put in any effort at all. It simply comes naturally to him. I do admire that about him," the Fairy admitted. "I really like meeting new people, too, but it does require some... energy, I might say? My brother does not really understand that, so he doesn't think twice about pulling strangers into our conversation or mingling with other people every time we go somewhere. It just takes more out of me, and I do not always have the energy to spend, if that makes sense at all. If he wouldn't pull strangers into our conversation every time or if he wouldn't leave me to my own devices for a large portion of the evening, I would agree to join him to go out more often." To someone like the Dragon, it would probably be more difficult to understand. She still smiled at him, however. "You are more like my brother, I would say. You make friends just as easily, don't you?"
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
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The Lion

Sir Lion shook his head. "Not at all, I assure you." he answered with a smile. Whether it was true or not, was anyone's guess. As she rested her hand at the back of his neck, he let his hand move a bit lower down her back, though not to the point it would seem scandalous to anyone who may observe them. "I am finally able to enjoy the evening." He figured, since she had been speaking with a certain young lady, earlier, that she must be aware that the other members of his family had all left the dance, by now.

"Did you happen to learn anything, by the way?" He asked, after leading her through a dance sequence that was beyond basic skill level. "Whilst talking with the young lady in the woodland attire?" he added in a mutter, to clarify what he meant.


Green Dragon

Dragon nodded, pleased that she was favorable to the idea of going somewhere to dance... with him. While she may not think of it like a date, it was a step in the right direction, right? He was trying to be optimistic about it, anyway. Even if her brother would be along, it sounded as if he wouldn't really hang around them much, anyway.

He listened as she spoke about her brother, and if she could have seen his eyes through the mask, she would have seen them gleaming with amusement. All she could see, however, was the little smile lingering on his face as she spoke about her brother, and his habits of pulling random strangers into conversations. At last, as she asked him about himself being similar, he let out a little laugh and nodded. "Yes... to be honest, a couple of times there, I was tempted to ask you if you were still talking about your brother, or me." He admitted with a grin. "My brother is always annoyed about it," he added with an eyeroll that she would not be able to see. "But that's how we met you, so it can't be a bad habit. Right? At least, not all bad..." He shrugged, still smiling.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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Lady in Red

The Lady in Red smirked. She remembered the first time they had encountered one another, when he had been so surprised by her advances, so cautious. But already so eager. The way he spoke made it clear that he had found his family, who had been present earlier, to be a dead weight. Dragging him down. That was not particularly attractive to her. To her, family was important. Even if she did not have any. Family was to be cherished. Particularly since she did not have any, save for the warped relation she had to the Hand.

But she knew that this man whom she was dancing with now had saved her from death. Even though it would have been a clean one, it would still have been the end. And she was nowhere ready for the end.
This man, while he seemed to have little appreciation for his family, did have some degree of appreciation for her. And that appreciation allowed her to breathe. To dance. To live.

"I will make sure that you enjoy it," she told him, smiling as if they were in cahoots. Which they were, of course.

Her reply to his question came easily. "She only knows that your son is here." Red's lip curled a little. "She has little liking for him, I'm afraid. She said her other brother is away. And, what you might find interesting, my Lord, is that she claims he promised her he would return when he could. And when I asked her if they were in touch at all... she avoided to answer entirely." Red slanted her head. "Which I take to mean she may indeed have heard from him. She clearly misses him." What would the Lion make of all this?

The Fairy

She laughed quietly when he said it had sounded like she'd been talking about him. "It does not annoy me. It just takes more energy than it would simply going out with my brother," she shrugged lightly. The Fairy couldn't help but think, though, that if the Dragon was exactly the same as her brother in this regard, that he was not the best person to keep her company. "At least with two of you there, I should spend less time by myself." Probably still plenty of time talking to strangers, but hopefully at least either her brother or the Dragon would still be part of that conversation, and that would be alright. It was just one evening, not three in a row or anything.

"I don't suppose you will be able to convince your brother to come," she said, grinning and almost unable not to laugh at the idea. "It wouldn't require fancy attire, which might help. But honestly he probably wouldn't like it much."
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
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The Lion

With a smile, he continued to lead her around the floor, quite content to enjoy the dance with her. It was fun to be able to dance with whomever he wanted, without worrying about what a certain lady might have to say to him, or having to be careful of what their daughter might see or hear. She had enjoyed the dance for a while, and now she was off enjoying time with her friend, which gave him a chance to properly enjoy the dance, now.

He listened as the lady replied to his inquiry, and gave a little nod in reply to what she was able to tell him. Yes, he knew that his son and daughter did not care for each other much. It was not really much concern to him, as long as they didn't carry on some argument in public or something. He was also well aware of the fact that she missed her other half-brother. As she mentioned the
bit about how the other had promised to return, he tilted his head thoughtfully. "Hmm."

He led her through a twirl before responding more. "There is a bit more information which I've learned, since we last spoke," He muttered. "But, this is not really the best place to speak about it." He had not forgotten what she had said, earlier, while the young lady was there. She'd hinted at meeting him, had she not? So, perhaps after this dance, she might agree to slip out for a private chat.


Green Dragon

"Oh, good." He let out an exaggerated sigh of relief, grinning. "I was worried for a moment, you might find me annoying." He definitely didn't want her to find him annoying. However, he took note of what she was saying about what she did find annoying, about her brother and going out with him. He would try his best not to do the same. But, while he might chat with someone else, he couldn't imagine taking his attention away from her for too long, not if they were practically on an unofficial date!

As she mentioned his brother, he let out a little laugh along with her. "I really doubt it," He answered a little skeptically. "But, I can ask. I really thought he might be willing to come to this, since everyone would be wearing masks and he could be all... mysterious and unknown. But he really didn't want anything to do with it." He shrugged, not quite understanding that. "It's like he thinks he's allergic to having a good time." He shook his head, half in amusement to show he was making a joke, and half in disappointment because it really did sadden him that his brother was like that. "But, I'm sure we'll find something to do together while we're here, that he would enjoy." He mentioned.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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Lady in Red

He was a smooth dancer, she would admit. "It is not?" she questioned, a little amused. "I do not believe anyone can overhear us, sir," she countered. When she had offered to meet him elsewhere, she had assumed he would leave alongside his family - and not return. She had not thought he would actually come back to the dance alone. On the other hand, she remembered all too well he was the only reason she still drew breath.

"You dance well, my lord. Do you intend to return a third time, I wonder, to enjoy more of it?" She paused to consider something. "The only thing that is stopping me from slipping out with you whenever you like, is that I have my eye on a possible target, here. I would not wish to lose him, and thus lose the lead. The evening is drawing to an end, after all," she noted. "And if I miss his departure, it might be difficult to find him again, given the disguise."

"No matter how much I would like to speak - and such," she emphasized, "- with you in private... Following this lead can only be done this evening," she said, making sure to sound regretful. "So I am afraid that, if you cannot tell me now, it may have to wait until tomorrow." She leaned in toward his ear. "When we, hopefully, might have plenty of time?"

The Fairy

"We'll see, I suppose," she teased when he expressed mock concern at her finding him annoying. "You're not annoying now," she added, grinning.

She sobered a little at what he said about Gwestion. The Dragon must know why his brother did not let himself enjoy much, right? She tried to remember if Gladhron had ever let on that he knew about that. But he must? She had figured it out after a while, and had not even spent two months with them. Gladhron was his brother and had been with him the whole time since their sister's disappearance.

"We might find something," she agreed, "If he allows himself to enjoy it," she said carefully, closely watching what she could of her friend's expression as they danced.
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength

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The Lion

He smiled slightly as she mentioned that no one would likely overhear them. "Well, it isn't exactly something I can tell you," He explained. "There is something I brought along with me, which you will want to see." He had not brought it with him when he'd returned, partly because it would have been a bit difficult to dance while carrying it under his jacket, but also because he wanted to ensure a chance to meet with her, later.

Her compliment to his dancing made him smile. "As are you, my lady." He returned the compliment, then shook his head as she asked if he intended to return a third time. "No," He smiled slightly. "I have no plans to return after the next time I leave," He answered in a murmur, hoping he would not be leaving alone. As she spoke of a target, and why she couldn't slip out with him, he didn't quite catch it because he was a little distracted by her proximity, still thinking it was too bad that she wouldn't be stepping out with him. But he had to smile a bit at the way she added, 'and such'.

He found it even harder to focus on anything else, when she leaned in to speak quietly in his ear about 'tomorrow' and having 'plenty of time'. Therefore, it took him a couple of seconds to register that she had said something about a target and a lead. He blinked and took another couple of seconds to think on that. Was she talking about his target? Did she have other cases going on, he wondered? He slowly drew his head back a little to look at her. "Do you mean..?" He paused, surprised. "Here?" He took a slow look around, then gave a quizzical look, or at least what she could see of his face. "Are you sure? Because... I find it highly doubtful that he would come to anything like this, of his own accord." He said, before guiding her through a twirl. He couldn't help feeling extremely doubtful about that. He leaned a little closer after the twirl had ended. "See, he uh.. never wanted to come to this sort of thing... We had to drag him to dances and things, and he protested every bit of the way." He said, in explanation for why he was so skeptical.


Green Dragon

"Ha, let's hope I can manage not to change that." He smiled as he danced with her, feeling quite content to remain like that for as long as she was happy to. While he knew the evening would have to end sometime, he hoped that this moment could go on for a while longer.

When she mentioned finding something that Gwestion might enjoy, he barely kept from snorting. "He'd probably request an entire day spent playing chess. Or going out to the woods for another lesson in tracking. Or a training session in sword or something." He paused. "Or, archery." He took her through a slow single twirl and smiled slightly. "I wonder how he would compare to some of the people around here," He mentioned, curious about that. "Any thoughts about it?" He asked, guessing she would have an idea about the various skill levels of the people around this area.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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Lady in Red

She regarded him thoughtfully when he said it was something he wanted to show her, not tell her. The twirl made her smile, and Red hummed after he leaned in to speak, before stepping in just another tiny bit closer, angling her head to talk close to his neck. "People change, my Lord. Especially when they are still young. And here, he may leave when he wishes, instead of being forced to stay as long as his family requires it of him. The lead is worthwhile, in my opinion. For, while I am as of yet by no means certain, there is one young man here whose age, height and eyes match the description you have given me." She paused, her breath warm against his skin.

"Most importantly... he was pretending to drink. While he was in reality not drinking at all." Her lips grazed his skin. "That seems worth pursuing, to me. Wouldn't you say? Show me what you wish to show me, tomorrow. Carve out what time you may. I will make it worth your while," she promised, smiling against his neck.

The Fairy

Amused by the idea of a full day of chess, she laughed briefly. "I was hoping we could find something all three of us would enjoy," she said, shaking her head with a little grin on his lips. "As far as I remember, chess is not one of those things. Unless you have some sleep shortage to catch up on - as I recall it'd be perfect for that," she teased.

Her smile grew a little dubious when he brought up ranger skills. Gladhron had not seemed to pick up on what she had hinted at. Was that intentional? Did he really not know? Or did he simply not wish to talk about it, without his brother there? She had no particular desire to analyse his brother with him behind that brother's back, either, but... now she could not help but wonder. Did he know?

"I'm not sure any of those things counts as things he would enjoy," she told the Dragon. "The impression I got, back then, was that he wanted to learn more - not so much because he enjoyed it but more in order to become better." She lowered her gaze. "I could be way off. Or maybe something has changed over the years," she added more quietly, deciding to drop it if the Dragon would not ask any more. Practicing such things were all more like a means to an end, if she had gauged Gwestion well.

Anyway. She would answer the Dragon's question, instead. "Well, he already was a very good archer when we travelled together," she started her analysis. "Did he improve even more, over the past few years?" she inquired, lifting her gaze again, even if she could no longer see his eyes. Regardless of the answer, though... "He is probably on par or better than most of the civilians who shoot," she gave him her opinion. "The King's Rangers here would prove a challenge, however," she smiled faintly. "Especially those who specialize in the bow."
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
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The Lion

She did make a lot of sense, he realized. As she explained why she felt it was a good lead, he nodded slowly. "You are the expert," He acknowledged, giving a little smile to her. "If you think it is worthwhile, then it must be." Hearing that the young man had been pretending to drink, well.. that was quite interesting.

"Perhaps," He murmured, as he happily held her close during their dance, "if you were to point him out to me... if I could see his face, perhaps, I could confirm.." He suggested, so softly that she alone could hear it, and only due to their closeness. He had to remind himself that there was a very good reason why they could not meet tonight, and so he struggled not to let himself get too hopeful of that, when her lips brushed his skin. He let his eyes close briefly though, as he enjoyed the feeling.

"Yes," He muttered, after a moment. "Tomorrow." He held back a sigh, trying to bring his focus back to the end goal. Once this matter was dealt with, it wouldn't be much longer before another weight would be lifted from his shoulders, and he would be much freer to do whatever he liked. He just had to endure the waiting for a little while longer.


Green Dragon

As she mentioned that she'd been thinking of something all three of them would enjoy, he tilted his head thoughtfully. "Ah... well, in that case," He then paused to laugh when she mentioned him catching up on sleep if they played chess. "Well," He grinned. "Maybe if you scheduled it for after that sunrise you mentioned?" He joked. "That might work out perfectly." He was mostly joking, however, and began trying to think of ideas for something the three of them could do together that all three would enjoy. "It's too cold for swimming, alas," He smiled regretfully.

As she mentioned the impression she had gotten, concerning his brother wanting to learn more, his grin faded, and he nodded a bit more solemnly. "Yes, I suppose you're right about that." He agreed, holding back a sigh. "But he is also always eager to learn anything new." He shrugged, then paused and gave a little grin. "Except for dancing, apparently."

At the question about his brother's archery skills, he smiled. "He was a bit rusty, when you met us." He informed her. "I'd say... he's as good as I've ever seen him, but it's hard to tell if he's improved," He added thoughtfully. "I mean, we're with each other every day." He shrugged, then listened as she gave her assessment. "I think he would like a challenge, in that regard." He tried to guess, then hesitated as he held her in his arms, rotating gradually around the dance floor. "He and our sister used to challenge each other often, at archery. I was involved a lot too, but.." He trailed off, shrugging. "Anyway, that might be something he would like to do, if possible. Then again," He added, looking thoughtfully at her. "Maybe there are things you can think of that a person can do around this city, which I wouldn't even think of suggesting." He pointed out. "But, anyway.. I'll be thinking about it, and I'll let you know if I think of anything else." He concluded with a little smile.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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Lady in Red

She had to hold back a snort when the Lion suggested she might point out her lead to him. As if she would be dumb enough to do such a thing. The Hand had taught her well that people were generally all too eager to get out of what was left of their payment. The smarter the client, the more they tried to look for loopholes and ways to cut down on the price. If she were to point out her lead, and the Lion would send his own men after the lead-- well, then, the Hand would not have assassinated him. He would not need to complete payment.

"Your desire to be helpful is appreciated, but everyone is masked, my Lord," she reminded him in a soft tone of voice, instead of doing something stupid such as ask him if he thought her an imbecile. "Leave it to me," she suggested in return. "But until then... and until we meet tomorrow... if you would indulge me... Dance with me a while longer? You lead so naturally," she complimented, to distract from her refusal to point out the young man she wished to follow. In fact, she thought it best to add another distraction, still. "And I like the way we move together." She angled her head, to look into his eyes. "I hope you do, as well?"

The Fairy

"Yes - far too cold for swimming," she was quick to agree. "And even if it weren't, if I remember it right, you had to... let's say 'carry' your brother into the water," she said with a grin. "Do you even think he would readily agree to that again?" The Dragon would know his brother best, and it was a genuine question.

Interested in the fact that the Dragon claimed his brother had been rusty with his bow when she had met them, the Fairy tilted her head. "Really?" she wondered quietly out loud, letting that sink in, and thinking about how he might enjoy testing his skills against some of the rangers with bows as their primary weapon. Her hand brushed at the Dragon's shoulder when he mentioned their sister. A silent gesture of empathy, or measured comfort that was being offered.

"There is much to do," she confirmed. "Some things are free, others cost money. I have no idea what kind of typical things here your brother might enjoy. You make for an easier person to think activities up for," she added with a smile. The Dragon was so outgoing, and curious, after all. "But the typical things, I suppose... would be to go sightseeing. To go shopping," she said, her tone making it clear the latter was not exactly her all time favorite activity. "To see a show. We have a good deal of talented dancers, singers and musicians in the White City. There is always someone, or some company, that is performing something. To go out to eat, or drink, or dance, or play bar games. To visit the great library." She smiled again. "I could invite both of you to come see my house," she continued. "It's too bad it is winter. Better weather would have opened up more options, such as a proper tour out on the Pelennor. But I could show you around Harlond and the docks, maybe." She shrugged. "The ships are always impressive to look at. Though Harlond has a decidedly different atmosphere from Minas Tirith, even if it is so closeby. It is still a port," she said, as if that should explain everything.

The current song was drawing to an end, and the Fairy nodded when the Dragon said he'd think on it. The musicians' timing could hardly have been better. "Okay. You think about it, and you can let me know, later." When the music slowed and stopped, so did she. "On that note, and however much fun this is," she told him, "I think it is already well past time for me to go home and turn in for the night." Even if she had the day off tomorrow, upon Pele's insistence, she had had a long and busy day, and she was starting to feel it. "Before I fall asleep on the dancefloor," she added with a flash of a grin.
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
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The Lion

The thought that his stepson might actually be here tonight, somewhere in this room, made him cast a slow look around the room while the lady pointed out that everyone was masked. Well... yes, that was a good point, he had to acknowledge. He returned his gaze to her, trying not to focus too much on the possibility that he might actually be close to having an end to this whole matter... so close to obtaining all that he had been seeking for years... it was difficult to not worry about it.

Leave it to her, she said. He returned his gaze to the lovely lady in his arms, and smiled slowly as she asked if he would indulge her in dancing a while longer with her. His smile only grew as she spoke flatteringly of his skills, and how she enjoyed how they moved together. When she went further, to express her hope that he also enjoyed it, he grinned. "Oh, I certainly do, my lady." He assured her.

"That sounds delightful, I would be happy to indulge you." He added. He still wanted to catch a glimpse of this possible lead, for himself. But he was also quite happy to spend the evening dancing with this gorgeous woman. He had sort of hoped that they might be able to slip off together, maybe even to that guesthouse she had spoken of earlier, but he reminded himself that a little sacrifice of his own pleasure would certainly be worthwhile, in the long run. If she really did accomplish that which he had been unable to do, then he could soon be free to do whatever he wished. And so, he led her into another dance as a new song began.


Green Dragon

He grinned in amusement as she reminded him about having had to literally carry his brother into the water, before. "Sometimes he just needs a little nudge," He shrugged innocently as he tried, rather unsuccessfully, to shift his grin into an equally innocent smile. "I think he enjoyed it, though." He added. "Despite his protests."

He gave a little one-shouldered shrug when she replied with a 'really' to his comment about his brother having been rusty. "He'd been injured and stuck indoors for months, when we first met you." He reminded her. "Wasn't 'til spring that he was able to start going outside at all, and Bel didn't have anywhere to let him practice, at first. His hand needed to rebuild strength, all that." He explained. "So, his leg wasn't the only thing still recovering when we met you."

He appreciated the little touch on his shoulder, which he took as an act of comfort, when he spoke of his sister. He smiled softly at her, glad that she understood. And, that he didn't need to keep that matter so secret from her. For the moment, however, he was glad to let the topic shift to what sort of activities could be done in the city. Nodding, the Dragon smiled a bit in amusement when she mentioned how much easier it was to think of activities for him, than his brother. "Big surprise, there." He grinned.

"All of that sounds great." He smiled. "I've only seen a few plays, but I'm not sure how those actors compare with yours, here in the White City." He mentioned. "You remember me telling about my friend Emma... well, her husband is in this group of actors that travels around and puts on plays wherever they go." He informed her. "I've seen them perform, but I'd be really interested in seeing something with another group, just out of curiosity."

As the song faded to an end, he was a bit disappointed to hear her begin talking of leaving. But, he merely gave a little nod and tried not to look too disappointed. It wasn't like the last time she left... when she'd not known whether she might come back or not, and he hadn't had a clue where to even try to find her again. They had made plans to get together again, soon. So, he smiled and gave a slightly dramatized bow to her. "It's been great to see you again. I'm so glad I came, tonight. And that you came, too!" He added, grinning back at her. He paused, then wrapped his arms around her in a gentle, brief hug before releasing her, smiling. "Good night. I'll see you in a couple days."

When she had left him, he let out a little sigh and glanced around. He was still smiling faintly as he wandered over to claim an empty seat along the bar counter, where he parked himself. He had little interest in dancing again, as he wanted her to be the last lady he had danced with. Yet, he had not seen Blossom in a while, and therefore he didn't know if she had already left with that fellow she seemed so interested in, or not. So, for the moment, he was watching the crowd, looking around in case he might spot her, since he wasn't sure if he ought to wait for her to escort her back to the inn. Meanwhile, he sipped on a drink as he spent the rest of his time at the dance, watching the people around him.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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The Fairy

Now she did wonder a bit about Gwestion's archery skills. And also... about both of their sword skills. She had taught them some things, years ago. Would they have practiced it? Would they heave learned more? Progressed more? Had they had any other kind of teacher in the meantime to teach them more? Had they figured things out themselves?

It was really late, however, and since the Dragon had told her they were staying in the city for a while, at least, there was no need to worry about not being able to find out later, at some point. She shook her head with a smile when he said all the things she'd put forth as things to do sounded great. Of course he would say that. He seemed to be particularly interested in seeing a play, however. She would remember that.

They let go of each other and he bowed in a way that was clearly meant to amuse. It did. The Fairy grinned. "It has," she agreed with him that it had been great to see each other again. The brief hug did not bother her. To the contrary - she hugged him back with a smile. "Good night," she told him. "You can keep those," she added, amused, pointing at the mesh over her own eyes, reminding him he still had them, too. "Just take the honey off the mask with a wet cloth, later," she reminded him. "Bye. See you at the inn."

On her way to the attendants and the cloak room, she checked on some of her friends. The Fox was still dancing. That made her smile. So was the Snowflake and the Wildflower. And of course, so was the Butterfly. With a little shake of her head, the Fairy picked up her cloak, draped it around herself, pulled up her hood to help brace against the cold, and left the masquerade.
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength

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The Gilded
“You know…” Gilded began and then hesitated a while before entrusting to him quietly, “I might be just slightly envious that things don’t come just as easily to me as it seems to others, I always have to fight my way forward. But hey… it is what it is. At any rate, I know to value whatever I have already achieved.” Her brown eyes smiled at Teal showing no bitterness even though her words had been quite serious.

“Ohhhh… gardens with a view? That would certainly be worth seeing,” she agreed, smiling more broadly. “And isn’t this the same mountain range that we have in the Riddermark? At least I thought we kept going along it all the time…” She remembered having a map stashed somewhere though she had not really studied it as they had taken a different way altogether. “At any rate, the mountains look just as majestic, and it is quite a thought to use it for building a city on it rather than small settlements.”

Red Rooster
“I do not normally go dancing, no,” Rooster explained his view without much embarrassment, and even with a rather sincere smile for her, “But I do greatly enjoy dancing with you, Miss Orchid.”

He was somewhat reluctant to part with her, but apparently the hour was getting late, considering the fact that quite a few people had already left and the dance floor was no longer overly populated.

“All right, dessert table it is then,” he agreed, and at the end of the song bowed with a flourish as if Orchid was a queen. “Thank you for the dance, m’lday. And.. I figure the tables would overflow with good food even if this was the last minute of the evening, so I am sure there will be a plenty of deliciousness to find yet.”

Black Lips
“I figure… If the costume was made perfectly concealing, most would not guess if they do not know me too well to see beyond any disguises,” Black Lips said, the smile lighting up her face regardless the darkness applied to it. “Unless you come to the same masquerade and find your suggested idea impersonated. I doubt those walking trees – ents they are called, I think – would take me for one of their own though if they saw me in that costume.”

She returned a quick curtsey for the bow Fox offered her and said: “Oh, the evening has been quite great, and gloomy is just a disguise which I hope would not be transferred to anything else after this ball is over. Thank you for the dance, Sir Fox, it has surely brought light to the one hiding behind the dark colours this evening.”

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@Pele Alarion


"You know..."

As she took a pause from speaking, Teal waited for a moment to hear whatever she had been going to say. He remained quiet, just waiting, until she decided to continue with her thought. As it turned out, she did admit to a little envy of others, but it was perfectly understandable.

He nodded slowly. "I get that." He told her quietly. He smiled faintly. "I've.. dealt with a similar feeling, myself." He admitted, as well. "Always wondering what my parents were like, you know. They.. or at least, my father, died when I was only a baby. And my mother.. disappeared, not long after." He shrugged slightly. "As you say. It is what it is." He did have a tiny bit of hope that he might somehow find his mother's family and learn something more about her, and about his relatives on her side. Something he'd never had a chance to know anything about. But even if he didn't find out anything, he still intended to enjoy his visit to Minas Tirith as much as he could.

"Yes, it is the same mountain range," He answered with a nod, pleased to move onto a lighter subject. "This one is at the other end, however. It's called Mount Mindolluin, according to the maps I looked at." He smiled. "It is definitely majestic, but I do wonder what inspired someone to build a city on it?" He pondered on that as he guided her through a slow twirl. "Maybe... it was the thought of keeping an eye on the Enemy," He muttered thoughtfully, recalling how easily one could look eastward from the wall and see that land. He wouldn't like to have been around here when all the bad stuff was going on, though.

@Pele Alarion

Yellow Orchid

Smiling slightly at his words, she tried not to blush. "Thank you." She was a bit surprised, with all the pretty girls all around, that he had chosen to dance with her for most of the evening. And that he would compliment her, and say that he enjoyed dancing with her, though he didn't usually dance, that was also nice to hear. "I'm glad that I came, this evening." She told him with a happy smile.

Her smile widened at his overdramatic bow. She curtsied in return, perhaps a bit over dramatically, as well. As he led her to the dessert table, she was smiling. "Thank you, sir Rooster, for dancing with me." She replied, turning to him. "I've had a very nice time, this evening." She meant that sincerely. Until he'd come along, she had been rather bored, and had figured she would nibble on the buffet for the whole evening and wait for her cousin to be finished dancing. Or, she figured her cousin might at some point bring some boy over and push him to ask her to dance, but that wouldn't really be the same.

He was quite right about there still being plenty of delicious food left, and she smiled slightly to see several yummy looking things. After a quick glance around to make sure that neither uncle nor cousin were in hearing distance, she added, "If nothing prevents me, then I shall see you at the main gate, tomorrow afternoon, right?" She checked, remembering the plans to go explore the Pelennor and all that. "Have a good night sir Rooster." She said with a smile before going to select something sweet to nibble on.

@Pele Alarion

The Fox

Fox grinned when she spoke of how she could make the costume idea so that she wouldn't be recognized, and the way her smile lit up her face as she seemed to already be planning her disguise made him quite glad to have been a part of making the lady smile so happily. "You never know," He told her, in regard to the ents recognizing her. "If you do your costume well enough, maybe they would!" He laughed. "But, I don't know how long it might be, before there's another masquerade." He mentioned. "It could be a long time. Either way, I may not be able to come. But, if I did, and I see someone walking around looking like a tree," He grinned. "I'll have a pretty good guess as to where that idea came from." He smirked in amusement.

He was quite happy to hear that she had enjoyed the dance with him so much. "It's been my pleasure, ma'am." He told her with a bow. "I hope the rest of the evening will be just as happy for you." He was surprised, in a good way, to hear that he had brought the lady some joy. "May I escort you back to the buffet table, or would you rather go elsewhere? After escorting her to wherever she chose, he bid her a good evening with another polite bow before moving on.

As he took his leave of the dark lady, the Fox took a look around and let out a little sigh. It was a bit late, and he'd already stayed a little later than he had meant to. He had hoped to get back to the dorm before anyone else, but he wasn't sure how many of his comrades were still here. Anyway, he figured he'd surely danced with enough ladies that it wouldn't seem as if he'd singled out any particular one. He meandered toward the bar to ask for a small glass of fruit infused water, and then stayed there for a moment to sip on it while watching those who were still dancing. While he was ready to leave, he didn't want to leave so soon after dancing with someone that it might draw attention or anything, and he was rather thirsty after all the dancing.


Green Dragon

He grinned when she told him that he could keep the mesh pieces, but more about the reminder to wipe the honey off. Recalling the conversation about ants and making sure to clean the honey off, he nodded to assure her he would remember. "I'll see you then," he agreed, quite glad that they'd already arranged to meet for dinner. He could hardly wait to tell his brother about this, but he wasn't quite ready to go back to the inn, yet. Besides, he had to make sure whether Lady Blossom was still here or not.

He sipped his drink contentedly while he watched the floor, seeking for a glimpse of Lady Blossom. When another came to the bar and took up a spot near him, Dragon nodded to the young man in the fox outfit, and the two ended up chatting briefly while they were both there with their respective drinks, talking about how nice the evening had been, and how nice all the decorations were, and so on.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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Lady in Red

They moved from the first dance into the second, in silent agreement not to part ways just yet, after her earlier question and his earlier confirmation. Red couldn't lie and say it did not feel nice to have this evening. This evening - where men spent attention on her without the drapes being drawn in some bedroom or other. Even if the Lion who was dancing with her now was probably thinking about the latter. It was all she could have with anyone, wasn't it?

Might as well lean into it, then. She leaned in to whisper something to him, making sure it would in fact, be all he could be thinking about. Moreover, she didn't need him too perceptive at the moment. The Fox had stopped dancing, and was now chatting at the bar - with the Dragon (hah). When the Fox left, it would be better if the Lion was not paying too much attention. That way, she'd be able to leave without the Lion realizing who she was following outside. Red smiled knowingly before whispering something else near the Lion's ear.


They had spent a few songs dancing, enjoying quiet conversation, before he had led her back to the food and refreshment tables. He had offered her some water or juice and had poured her drink of choice. And while Lucion sipped from his own water, his eyes fell on a nearby collection of the flowers that decorated the tables. The young man considered something, before picking a small pinkish flower. He put down his glass and turned to the Wildflower. "May I?" he asked with a smile, as he held up the flower with one hand and his head tilted questioningly.
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength

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Pink Wildflower

She could hardly believe how much fun she was having, dancing with this guy. Wildflower had certainly not anticipated that she might meet someone new and end up dancing with him. But it was definitely making the evening turn out much nicer than she had begun to think it was going to.

As they finally stepped off the dance floor, she was smiling and had stopped even thinking about the other fellow. After deciding on a glass of juice, she was sipping on it when he turned to offer her a flower. Her smile widened a bit at this sweet gesture. Yet, the realization that he was asking to put it in her hair made her hesitate. What if he discovered she had a wig on? She blushed faintly, realizing that her hesitation might seem a bit like reluctance, then nodded and hoped she wouldn't regret the choice. "Thank you." She said softly.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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She seemed to hesitate, and for a moment Lucion feared she might not only decline but run away from him all of a sudden. Had the offer been a mistake? Had it been too... cheesy?

But no. She nodded. Thank Yavanna. Carefully, he tucked the flower between the ribbon of her mask and her hair. "There," he said quietly as he was making sure it wouldn't fall out right away. "Almost as lovely as you are. Hopefully that will stay put until you take off your mask."

His eyes found hers, and now it was his turn to hesitate as he tried to work himself up to something. "Miss Wildflower..." Come on, Lucion. Put on your big shoes. He took a breath. "Would you consider meeting me again? In the days to come?"
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength

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Pink Wildflower

"Almost as lovely as you are."

His words, as he completed tucking the flower into the ribbon holding her mask on, made her blush lightly and smile. Did he really, seriously mean that? Or was he just saying it, to be complimentary? She brought a hand up to lightly touch the flower, while looking up at him, trying to gauge the sincerity in his eyes and expression. At least, as well as she could, with him wearing a mask. And it did look as if he was genuine. This made her smile grow a little more.

As he spoke again, addressing her by her masquerade name, she became curious. He hesitated. "Yes?" She answered, trying to encourage him to continue with whatever it was he wanted to say. When he did finally say what was on his mind, she was surprised. She blinked, her lips parting slightly in surprise at the question. "I.." She paused, clearing her throat as she tried to clear her mind as well. Did she want to see him again? This guy had been so nice. He had made her feel so much better after she'd been feeling down and disappointed. And, he was nice. He'd given her no reason to not want to see him again, so.. why not? "I would like that, yes." She finished with a smile.

Of course, there were certain things that she realized she ought to warn him about, and yet, she had to think of how much she ought to tell him. Not too much, of course. "Although, I should tell you... I am in disguise this evening, because I did not want to be recognized by a certain friend of mine, who is here this evening." She explained. "So, please, don't be too surprised if I appear different than I do now, the next time you see me." She told him a bit shyly, unsure if that would make much difference to him.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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She was surprised. Surprised? Did she really have no idea of how lovely she was? His hopes fell when she paused and cleared her throat. He thought she was working her self up to a rejection of his offer. Already thinking of how he might respond to that, without embarrassing himself any further, Lucion's eyes lowered to a spot on the floor.
But then... He blinked, looking back up, uncertain wherther he had heard her correctly. Did she just say... she would like to? See him? Again?

A slow smile was curling his lips upward when she emphasized she was in disguise. Well, sure. Weren't they all? His smile grew. "Do you think I might not recognize you?" As if that could ever be the case. But he did not mind indulging her for one bit. "We could wear or bring something specific, so we know who the other is?" He was still elated that she had agreed in the first place! His first time to take a young lady out...
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength

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Pink Wildflower

She felt a bit bad when she noticed him looking downward, as if he anticipated rejection. Her pause must have been misconstrued, then. Thankfully, he brightened up quickly when she agreed to meet him, and that made her smile a bit. And she meant that, too. It would be nice to spend time with him in another setting, another time. This guy had been so nice, and had made her feel better about herself. She was very curious what sort of guy he was, outside of this masquerade evening. In his everyday life. She wanted to get to know him more.

When he asked if she thought he wouldn't recognize her, she smiled with soft amusement playing on her lips. "Perhaps not," She answered quietly, with a hint of teasing. Hopefully not, she added in her thoughts, because if a guy she just met could recognize her after the dance, then that might mean that those who knew her well could recognize her despite her disguise, right? "That sounds like an excellent idea, yes!" She agreed enthusiastically to his suggestion. While she was fairly sure she would recognize him, since he'd stated that he wasn't really disguising himself that much, she did really think he would need more to go on, to recognize her.

After a bit more discussion, they had agreed upping certain tokens by which to recognize each other. Then, it was just a matter of deciding on when and where to meet. "Have you tried the food at the Guesthouse, on the first circle, yet?" She suggested, thinking of a nice, public place that they could meet where there was likely to be plenty of people around. "I've heard it's a good option for dinner." She added, unsure if the place would fit in with the sort of thoughts he had in mind, as far as the type of place he'd been thinking of. But it was a good place to get food, and shouldn't cost too much for either of them.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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"I have!" he readily supplied, glad to be able to answer positively. As if that would benefit him in some way? "I think the Guesthouse is an excellent idea." The prices were not exorbitant, and the food was quite good. He could foot that bill with his apprentice pay. Now... She had suggested the place. He was thus already remiss is his task. "Might you be available two evenings from now, miss?" he asked her politely, though unable to shake the genuine smile from his features. If she were not, he would offer several more options to better suit her convenience.

Meanwhile, it was not lost upon him that she had chosen a very public place. A place in which people were always around. And he approved of that strategy, seeing as she was a young lady. There was wisdom in such caution!
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength

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Pink Wildflower

She smiled, pleased to see how positively he responded to her suggestion of a place. Of course, having never done anything of this sort, she had no idea that he technically ought to have been the one to suggest a place, and therefore she didn't think anything about having done so. When he asked about the date that they ought to meet, she had to pause and think, mentally going over her schedule, and what she had going on. "Hmm, let me think," She murmured under her breath, so he would know that she was not simply 'hesitating', but actually making sure of when she would be available to meet. She had already made some plans with a new friend she'd met here, for tomorrow, and she had some training to attend in the mornings...

Once a suitable day and time had been agreed upon by them both, she smiled happily. "I'm looking forward to it, very much." She informed him, quite sincerely. She really was! She had never expected that she would arrange to meet a young man she hardly knew, for dinner. A date, even! And while she had been trying to make a certain someone realize that she was grown up enough for dates, it was rather exciting to actually be acknowledged as 'old enough to date' by another young man. Even if it wasn't the one she had hoped would ask her out, she hoped it would be fun, anyway.

The Fox

After chatting with the guy at the bar for a few moments, Fox decided it was definitely time that he left. He bid goodbye to the guy, then set his empty water glass down and started moving for the door. Along the way, he paused to speak briefly with miss Foxglove, then continued on his way to the door. The dance had been fun, but he now had a lot to think about, as well as a lot to do.

After retrieving his cloak from the attendants, sir Fox gave another look back at the room, smiling faintly at the memory of getting to dance and speak with his baby sister. It was too bad that he couldn't let her know who he was, but he knew it was for the best. He really wished that he could have had a chance to speak with his mother, but he knew that would have been a mistake. With a little sigh, he turned away and fastened the cloak around his shoulders before slipping out into the snow-dusted night.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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They agreed on a different day, but at least they agreed. Part of him wanted to take his wins and cut his losses right then and there. If he left now, then she could not take it back. Right? But his parents had raised him better than that. They shared another drink, and then another dance. He asked her whether she would be getting home safely. Miss Wildflower assured him that she would be leaviing with one of her friends, which eased Lucion's possible concerns on that front before they could arise. Satisfied that he had played the part of gallant young man well enough this evening, he smiled at her.

"I'm afraid I should take my leave. While many may have the day off tomorrow, I have no such luxury." He would be next to useless tomorrow, if he did not leave now, and he did not wish to disappoint his employer, even if it had been the latter to suggest to Lucion that he should attend the masquerade in the first place. "I will be looking forward to our next meeting, Miss Wildflower. As agreed upon... Enjoy the rest of your evening, and be safe on your way home." He bowed slightly, and made sure not to skip off merrily, but rather to walk to the exit in a composed fashion - one which hopefully would look manly and grown up enough to impress the young lady.

Lady in Red

She'd been trying very hard not to distract the Lion, and she felt at least like she was successful. Even so, she thought it was fortunate that, right after the Fox left, another young man headed for the exit. Even if Sir Lion did see anything, then, at least he would not know which of the two she was about to follow.

Red smoothly disentangled herself from the Lion. "Soon," she promised him as she trailed her hand from his shoulder down his chest, only taking it off him at his belt. With a little smirk, she turned and swayed her way to the attendants, who would provide her with her cloak. After which she would discreetly follow the Fox into the night beyond the doors of the tavern.
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength

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Pink Wildflower

She almost couldn't believe she'd actually arranged a date with this guy. But she was excited! This would be fun. More than once tonight, she had thought that she'd leave the masquerade in great disappointment, but now, thanks to Lucion, she was very happy and looking forward to meeting him again in a few days. She had no idea what her father might say about it, and she decided that she wasn't quite sure she wanted to broach that topic with him just yet. It was weird.. since she usually told him almost everything. But this was one thing she felt a bit strange, talking to her father about. She couldn't really explain why.

But for now, she was quite happy to enjoy another dance with Lucion, and so when he asked again, she agreed without hesitation. When he asked her about whether she had someone to ensure she got home safely, Wildflower took a quick look around the ballroom to make sure that her friend had not forgotten their previous agreement. Upon spotting her, still on the dance floor with someone, Wildflower nodded in answer to Lucion, and assured him that she and a friend would be leaving together, and that he needn't worry about her.

"It's been wonderful dancing with you," She smiled at him as he told her he had to leave now. How late was it, anyway? She realized she'd completely lost track of time, but it must be quite late by now, right? She curtsied in response to his polite bow, smiling as he bid her farewell. "Good night, Lucion. I look forward to seeing you again." She told him, smiling after him as he set off for the door. Then, she sighed happily as she went to sit at the bar for a while, as she waited for her friend to finish her dance, and would eventually leave with her whenever she was ready to go. When that exit did eventually happen, both young ladies would be escorted by the other's date who would see them safely to their door at the end of the evening.

(and this counts as the exit for Wildflower)


The Lion

They had danced for a while, and he was enjoying just being close with this stunningly beautiful woman. He enjoyed getting to show off his more advanced dancing skills, but he also enjoyed being able to hold her close in a slow dance. Knowing that he had to wait another day before they could be together any more closely, however, was a little bit difficult to accept. He wanted to slip off now, and enjoy some private time with her somewhere, but he also reminded himself to be patient. Soon, there would be nothing stopping him from doing anything he wanted, whenever he wanted.

When she pulled away, uttering a single word, 'soon', his mind was wrapped up in that thought already. Soon, yes. He was reluctant to let her slip away from his arms, but he had hardly registered that she had done so, until after she was walking away. His gaze lingered on her back, watching how her hips swayed as she walked, and he fought the desire to follow her. She was.. a bit intoxicating, he thought with a little smile. It took him a moment to shake off the effect she had on his mind, and to realize what her departure meant.

Blinking, he tried to find her again in the crowd, seeking to spot whoever she might be following out, but by the time he'd realized and thought to look, she had already left the ballroom. Letting out a little sigh, his shoulders drooped a little and he wandered over to seek some consolation with a glass of wine that he took off one of the drink tables, then began to wander around the room seeking someone else to dance with, to fill the rest of the evening. For he intended to stay until either the event was wrapping up, or until he had found a lady interested in slipping off with him somewhere more private, whichever happened first.


Green Dragon

When his company vacated the bar, Dragon remained where he was, watching the crowd. He saw some pink dresses swirling around on the dance floor, or milling about the room, but none of them were Blossom. Then, a flash of red caught his eye, and he narrowed his eyes slightly as he saw the red dressed woman, still there. Dancing with some man in a lion's mask. As Dragon watched, she turned and walked away from the man she had been dancing with, who continued to look after her as if disappointed. In fact, watching from here, Dragon thought it looked just like what she'd done to him at the start of the evening. But strangely enough, she didn't merely wander over to find another guy to dance with, this time. Instead, she headed for the exit, immediately after two young men had left, one of which he had just been speaking to.

His eyes returned to the man in the lion's mask, who looked after the woman in red, almost wistfully. Rolling his eyes, Dragon counted in his head, expecting the man to follow. She'd whispered something to him, hadn't she? Probably the same invitation she had given Dragon. The man looked like he wanted to follow her. But he didn't. Very odd. Dragon looked back toward the door, finding it all just a little odd. Granted, it was getting rather late, and he didn't know what was actually said. But it still stuck out as odd, to him. But, he reminded himself, it was also none of his business.

Shrugging to himself, he sighed and propped his elbow on the bar, resting his chin in one hand. It was rather interesting, just watching the other people. Despite the fact that he knew he didn't know anyone, he found himself wondering who that one in that costume might be, and who that other one was, and so on and so forth. Also, he couldn't help but admire some of the creativity of the costumes there. A guy in a hawk mask was dancing with a pretty young lady who was clad in seashells, and he remembered them being on the stage earlier, singing. He spotted a lady Butterfly dancing with a guy in a wolf mask, and a few others he had seen earlier. But no Blossom anywhere. He decided he'd wait for just a few more minutes before leaving.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

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