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Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 3:22 am
by Rillewen

Headquarters office
Morning of Sept 3rd

When asked about the note, Aggie realized she had not yet shown it to the lieutenant. "Oh.. sorry, here it is." She drew it from her pocket and offered the folded paper. Watching the woman for any sort of reaction was about like watching a statue, so Aggie had no idea whether it meant anything to her. At the question whether she had anywhere to stay, Aggie paused. "Uh.. well I haven't really thought that far in advance." She realized. "I don't even know how long I might have to wait..." It occurred to her that this could take longer than she had first hoped. Would they be back home by the afternoon? Or could this take overnight?

Aggie nodded slightly in agreement that Duinion probably had reasons. That much was evident. She just couldn't imagine what they might be, herself. Then, she was a little caught off guard when Arnyn asked what other messages she had been asked to deliver. She blinked and took a second to gather her thoughts. "Oh.. Addhor and Domanol," She began. "They were just down the street, in Addhor's shop.. he said to just say that Eryn was missing and he was going to search for her, and maybe they could check around town a bit. And a similar message for Unalmis, but he said.. whatever you do, do not let Unalmis or Domanol know about.. that." She motioned to the sketch in Arnyn's hand. "He only said those two." She frowned slightly, finding that puzzling. "Why not Addhor, too?"

Taking a breath, she went on, "Anyway, he also asked me to check on Dessy.. that's Domanol’s daughter.. and not to say anything to alarm her too much. Just that we wanted to know if she'd seen Eryn or had any ideas where she could be." She took a sip of her water, trying to think. She felt like she was maybe jumbling things a little. "Dessy and Eryn are friends," She added, to clarify. "She lives up here on the sixth. So, Domanol walked me up here, and then she offered to watch Daevion while I came here to speak with you. He - that is Domanol - is looking for Unalmis right now." She explained. "Oh, and I've checked at the houses of healing, and let them know she is missing.. she was supposed to come for training today."

(Info about Ercassie's characters' doings were established through discord chat)

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 3:11 pm
by Arnyn
@Rillewen (and an FYI for @Karis Ziranphel )
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters, dawn on September 8th

"The woods at the grounds?" she repeated, surprised. She hadn't been sure what to expect, but this had not been it. Yet she could find little fault with it. It was close. It was also walled, so it provided an added sense of security for someone camping alone. "Around the grassier patch by the stream, I assume," she guessed, thinking that's probably the sight she would have chosen if she was going to camp there. Less rocks to push into your back at night, a dense canopy to help shield you from the wind and easy access to water.

"Let me know if that changes," she told him. "So I don't end up the fool if I do come out sometime."

Arnyn smiled, then. "You did well today, Taras. I will see you tomorrow."

Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters, morning of September 3rd

While Aggie spoke, Arnyn got up from her chair again and took out her writing supplies and several pieces of paper. While she listened, she nodded every once in a while and let out small words of encouragement to Aggie to show she was still listening. Meanwhile, she wrote three short notes, signing all of them with her rank and name.

"Thank you, Aggie," she finally said to Duinion's matter-of-fact sister, giving her a reassuring smile. "For all we know this whole thing could be sorted before dinner, yes?" She squeezed Aggie's shoulder lightly and handed her one of the notes. "On the off chance it is not," she said, although she was entirely unsure of the odds any which way, "you have my permission to enter the barracks and find Lieutenant Brian. HIs office is on the ground floor, in the entrance hall. It is not hard to find. This note says I am giving you and your family permission to stay in one of the empty houses for married rangers on the Men Thalad Cirbann. Lieutenant Brian can take care of the rest." Arnyn held up the note. "That includes bringing evening and morning meals to the house if need be. You just tell him how many you need." This wasn't a time for Aggie and her husband to worry about things like that.
"From what you are telling me, and from what I know about Duinion, your family's safety would be foremost on his mind. If Cailon and the children are still at the farm, I am sure Duinion will have instructed them to come here to find you, as well. He'd need to go back to the farm to start tracing back Eryn's steps anyway," she explained, looking Aggie in the eyes, with her expression composed and confident. "Go back to Dessy. That's probably where Cailon would come looking for you, right?" she checked questioningly, more to find out whether her words had registered with Aggie than because she expected there was a chance Aggie would say no.

The Lieutenant's mind then went to the next order of business. Domanol and Unalmis, and then Addhor, would search the city if they listened to Duinion's suggestion. And since they wouldn't know about the note, that is probably what they would do. Hopefully. Unalmis was perhaps a wild card. And Arnyn was unsure about the northern ranger's disposition, for she did not know him at all. But it would make sense for the three of them to follow Duinion's wishes, wouldn't it?
Then that was handled. Domanol would find Unalmis, and between Domanol and Addhor being with Unalmis and none of them knowing about the jackal's picture, they should be safe without additional measures.

Then there was the matter of Duinion and Kaylin's safety. They would have gone back to the farm to start from there. Arnyn was sure of it. It was what she would have done herself. It was what she was going to do, now. "Come, Aggie," she said gently but firmly. While Aggie got up from the chair, Arnyn attached her sword to her belt and grabbed her hooded cloak. With two more written notes in hand, Arnyn led Aggie out of the office and locked the door behind her. Looking out at the main hall of headquarters, she saw a few rangers by the bulletin board. Arnyn gestured toward Aggie to give her a moment, and then approached the rangers. She spoke to four of them, handing two of them a note.

One ranger would try and find Thûllir at his and Kaylin's house. Thûllir and Kaylin's leave had already begun, Arnyn knew - for she had approved it of course. And she wasn't sure if Kaylin had been able to get a message to her husband. It was simply good form. The note would tell him briefly of Eryn's disappearance and Kaylin's decision to accompany Duinion. It would also tell Thûllir that Kaylin and Duinion would be getting back-up, just in case it should prove necessary. If Thûllir wasn't at the house, the ranger had been instructed to leave it someplace Thûllir would find it right away upon his return.

A second ranger would deliver a note to one of the most reliable rangers she knew who happened to be on kitchen duty today. The note said the ranger delivering the note would take the other's shift, and that the veteran ranger was to come to HQ and take Arnyn's place for the time being. She wouldn't bother normally, but the whole Relic situation had given her a new outlook on things. If this should all prove to be a distraction and the Umbarians were planning some kind of hit on the Sixth, Arnyn was confident that the veteran ranger could hold down the fort as well as Arnyn could. There had been multiple options of course, multiple seasoned rangers to choose from, but the ranger in question was the only one whom Arnyn knew was so nearby at present. He could take over almost instantly. Her note to him would detail his orders, and also told him to cancel the orders for the remaining two rangers.

Those two rangers followed Arnyn back to Aggie. "Aggie, will you be alright from here?" Arnyn asked her. "I am taking Vorondil and Sarina with me. We'll be going to the Pelennor as well. Just in case your brother needs some reinforcements," she explained with a soft smile. "Alright?"

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 9:15 pm
by Rillewen

Headquarters office
Morning of Sept 3rd

The note that Arnyn handed her was a surprise. Aggie looked at it, then at her as she explained that it was to give her family a temporary place to stay. She had certainly not expected that, and she was somewhat speechless for a moment as Arnyn went on to explain her reasoning, that Duinion would want her and the family to be safe. Indeed that was important to him, though she still worried about the rest of her family...

The next words from Arnyn helped her relax slightly. Yes, of course Duinion would have sent them to join her here. "Thank you," She said in relief, glad to have some of her worries put to rest, although she still didn't know what was going on exactly.

Then she hesitated, as she realized that Cailon wouldn't know where to find her, unless Duinion had told him specifically? She had no idea. "I'm sure we'll find each other," she decided after a little hesitation. Though she would need to go back to Dessy and get Daevion, she remembered. She certainly didn't intend to leave Dessy babysitting indefinitely, and Duinion had probably intended for Aggie to keep the boy close to her.

With all of that settled, Aggie thanked Arnyn again as she was led out of the office. She waited, watching curiously until she came back with two other rangers that Aggie didn't know, and nodded when she asked if she would be alright from here. "Yes, thank you so much." She paused, wondering if she had told the lieutenant about the horse. "Buttercup came running up to the front gate, in case that helps any. I put her in the pasture." She suspected Duinion would have followed the horse's tracks, so it seemed likely that Arnyn would need to do the same to catch up to him.

Once all of that was settled, Aggie set out to return to the mortician's home. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she wondered whether anyone at the orphanage should be informed that Daevion was with her, but she didn't want to go down through the levels again, and she especially didn't want to deal with that orphanage woman again. She also wasn't sure if she was in the best state of mind to figure this out, so decided she might ask for another opinion when she got back to Dessy and her husband.

On the way, she was relieved to see Cailon coming through the gates, carrying Della while Berion clung to his side. Catching their attention, Aggie waited for him to join her and then the family went together the rest of the way.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 10:23 pm
by Pele Alarion
@Arnyn , @Karis Ziranphel
Headquarters - Secured Cell - Beginning of August

Shamara seemed to sulk in the shadows which still did not give her much cover from the relentless questions and eyes of the two Gondorians. In her mind, the questions still put her between a rock and a hard place, and she was not sure how answering those would help her exactly. After all there were no solid promises made. And yet... even though she could see clear sternness towards her now and again, there did not seem to be anything that would signify hate or desire for revenge against her personally.

"Other agents?" she eventually spoke again, supposing that it would perhaps benefit her more than silence. "I hope you did not just arrest me and let slip of the guy who I was with?" Shamara glanced towards Arnyn, and then looked back to Karis. "Arkadhur, or at least one of his names. Working for Halsads. Not someone you'd want running around here freely." She held it against the man that he had all but thrown her into the hands of Gondorians, and even more so that he had tried to feed her a cookie which would surely have torn her to pieces on the inside. "I doubt that other slavers have their people here in the city, though possibly they might have elsewhere, in places less protected and open to raids."

The Umbarian had moved closer to the bars again as she spoke, and once more studied the two women, her brown eyes more thoughtful than anything else.

"You have a map of Umbar available?" she posed questions of her own. "Or only of the wider region? A map might help... I could comment on it, though I have been away a while now too and some things might have changed." Even as she spoke Shamara wondered how many red lines she had already stepped over in this one conversation, and if there would ever be a way for her to live safely anywhere, no matter how many assurances she received. It even seemed that the safest would be to remain in this prison forever - else be hated by both Gondorians and her own people.

"Are you seriously considering going there?" she then asked again. "Even if I gave you all the details I knew... I should not be speaking bad of my own people, but - that'd be like stepping into a snake pit. You want revenge that bad?"

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 7:57 am
by Karis Ziranphel

Karis Ziranphel
Headquarters - Secured Cell
Beginning of August

The silence drew out for a few moments of quiet before Shamara broke it to speak…about Arkadhur. Ziran’s interest pricked, but she only tilted her head slightly in interest. Only the one was named, but it was an interesting identification to her. She suspected that Arnyn knew more of the man and his situation, but she wasn’t aware of his disposition at the moment. ‘Hmm.” She murmured to encourage continued sharing.

Ziran watched Shamara as she drew closer to the bars with a thoughtful expression. Perhaps they were getting somewhere? She straightened slightly further with a languid motion when Shamara posed her question about maps and then continued to inquire about their motives and plans once more. Ziran glanced at Arnyn briefly before speaking, but she didn’t want to lose the connection, tenuous as it was. “It may be a possibility, but if it is, revenge is not the motivation. Eliminating or neutralizing a threat to the kingdom and the people that the King has sworn to protect…that is more of a consideration. If the King asks, we will go, no matter the danger, as that is our oath.” She paused for a beat before continuing. “I don’t have the maps on me at the moment, but we do have them for both the surrounding area and the city itself. They can be retrieved at a later time for you to fill in, and we would appreciate you doing so.”

Circling back to Shamara’s first statement, Ziran linked her fingers around her knee and continued quietly. “Thank you for confirming Arkadhur as an agent of the Halsads. We had our suspicions, and he was arrested alongside you, if you recall. Yet we had little proof to hold him in the same manner, which is why he does not occupy a cell next to you. We do require some strong degree of certainty for that. What you say makes sense regarding other houses, but if you think of anyone else, please speak to one of us.” She wasn’t sure what Arnyn might say on the matter, but it seemed at least her interest in routes might be satisfied.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:06 am
by Arnyn
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters, morning of September 3rd
She watched Aggie carefully while the woman nodded, confirmed she would be alright from here and then thanked her. Arnyn smiled, especially after the addditional information about Buttercup - Eryn's horse. "You're welcome, Aggie. Thank you for telling me." While Duinion's sister was making her way out of Headquarters, Arnyn, Vorondil and Sarina headed for the armoury.

Armoury, morning of September 3rd

Upon arrival, they found a closed door and a note pinned to the board on the door. Frowing, Arnyn yanked it off its little pin. Cali had left it. Arnyn's eyebrows went up minutely. Oh, that's right. It was Unalmis who's on duty with the smithy today. Resisting the urge to sigh, the Lieutenant pulled out her key and opened the armoury back up. So Unalmis' uncle had already been here. At least Cali had had the presence of mind to go with Unalmis, even if Domanol had not. "Sarina," she told the female ranger. The dark-haired woman reasily stepped behind her. "Go back to the main hall. Find another ranger and bring them back here. Fast."

While Sarina left, Arnyn and Vorondil outfitted themselves with some protective gear. Arnyn also took a bow and quiver with her, and seeing as Vorondil hadn't brought any weapons with him to headquarters, he fully outfitted himself. By the time Sarina returned, Arnyn had sought out some leathers for her and Vorondil had chosen weapons that reqembled Sarina's primary and secondary weapons the most.

While Sarina prepared, Arnyn handed her key to the armoury to the ranger who'd just joined them. She gave him brief and firm instructions on locking the armoury back up and then waiting for the veteran ranger who would be covering for Arnyn at Headquarters. To tell him the armoury was closed and that this key would serve him in case he needed quick and unexpected access. When the instructions were understood and the three of them were ready, Arnyn led them out of the building. Towards the stables. They would need to make good time to catch up.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:08 pm
by Arnyn
@Pele Alarion @Karis Ziranphel
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters - Secured Cell, beginning of August

Her expression remained unphased when Shamara clearly had trouble believing they would be so bold as to venture into Umbar.

At this point, there was no 'plan' as such - Arnyn had not yet taken this to Pele, she had not yet taken this to the King - beyond her own beliefs at what should be done. IF, of course, they could obtain enough information so it would not certainly prove a suicide mission. The last thing Arnyn wanted was to have any mission simply cause more death and no results.
Of course, since there was not yet any official plan, it was a bit of a risk asking these questions with Karis present. The plans were, as of yet, premature. But Ziran had always been a more private individual, very aware of what should and should not be shared with people. Arnyn trusted her not to speak of this to others, unless she was bidden to by the command.

A ghost of a smile appeared on the Lieutenant's lips as Karis took over. Theoretical. It was true. But Arnyn was hopeful they would come to fruition, given enough time and the right additional information. The right alliances. The right conditions.

The smile remained when it was so casually mentioned that Shamara need not worry about being their sole source of information. It was also true - but in a way this also made things more dangerous, more challenging for Shamara. If the Rangers had more than one source, and Shamara fed them lies... she would be playing a dangerous game indeed. Arnyn let the emotionless smile on her face grow just a little.

And then Karis inquired about known agents operating in Gondor, rather than from Umbar. Oh yes. Arnyn had some questions about him for Shamara, as well. And - wonder above wonder - Shamara dove right in. It was the easy choice for her, of course. If they had another source, Shamara was playing it pretty safe in assuming they already knew that Arkadhur was an agent. She wouldn't exactly be feeding them anything new. Yet. Arnyn's smile faded and her eyes narrowed when she stated her doubt

Still. Shamara once more moved closer to the bars. And offered. To comment on a map. Interesting.

Karis' response made Arnyn's gaze flick over to her fellow ranger. The Lieutenant nodded when it was said that the information Shamara could provide about the routes would be appreciated. "I will return with them," Arnyn stated. It was a promise just as much as it was a demand. "Another time. You can pinpoint the locations with the most snakes, as well," Arnyn added levelly.

"In what ways have you been in contact with this Arkadhur, Shamara?" Arnyn asked, pulling her long braid forward over her shoulders, her fingers running up and down the hair. "In what way did you two meet? What kind of man does he seem like, to you?"

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 9:41 pm
by Pele Alarion
@Arnyn , @Karis Ziranphel
Headquarters - Secured Cell - Beginning of August

Even when both Gondorians confirmed that the plans were not 'real' and urgent yet, Shamara suspected that those were in works, and sooner or later the Rangers would set out for Umbar. Yet, the reasoning behind it was foreign to the woman, and she shook her head slightly as she thought of the measure of loyalty and commitment it took to fight for... other people, unknown simple folk. She could understand commitment to the King, but not much else. If anything, she was devoted only to herself, and she would not be willing to be bound to fighting for people she cared nothing for.

That. And... Shamara's dark eyes looked at Karis inquisitively. Appreciate her? Thank her? Since when did people interrogating do that to the ones they questioned? Sure, there had been certain threats, and the Lieutenant appeared to be rather cold and stern at times. Yet... neither of them had laid a finger on Shamara to get the information out of her. The Umbarian bit on her lower lip a bit, as she stood and studied the two women on the other side of the bars. Why had she shared anything with them in the first place? Had she been weak enough to fall for their kindness? Though it did surely feel strangely comforting to be treated so humanely even when she had been locked up.

"I will give you what details I can if you do come with the maps," she eventually confirmed, though she felt that she was heading further and further in the direction which would surely bring her into danger at the end.

A slightly evil glint appeared in Shamara's eyes and a small grin passed over her lips briefly when she heard that Arkadhur had been arrested as well - she had not quite been sure.

"I don't want to be in contact with anyone related to Halsads in any way," she grumbled quietly in response to Arnyn's questions. "It was he that pointed me out to Keket as the one to get him in touch with Relic. We had never been in touch before, even though apparently knowing of each others existence at least something."

Shamara's right hand reached for the nearest bar, and she loosely wrapped her fingers against it.

"I don't know I can really figure him out. That's the reason you found us the way we were..." her brown eyes looked at Arnyn from under her lashes. "I hoped to figure out why he was after me. The dang fella apparently meant to murder me for reasons unknown to me - he was trying to feed me a cookie with sharp things in it."

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:18 pm
by Arnyn
@Pele Alarion @Karis Ziranphel
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters - Secured Cell, beginning of August

"Murder you?" Arnyn raised her eyebrows minutely. "So then... the next logical question becomes what he thought you would tell us if we got our hands on you alive. Why he was after you has two layers at the least. Because one of our people asked him to track you, so there you have some part of the 'why'. But they most definitely did not ask him to kill you, so that part is missing. That was either all his own device - if he thought your information would cast him in unflattering lighting. Or someone else's, in which case I would suspect, it was Keket's."

Arnyn's eyes trailed around the space, finally returning to Shamara. "Thoughts?"

"I will also refrase my earlier question. Other than him pointing you out to Keket as a gateway to Relic - what other dealings have you had with him? What could you possibly know about him or Keket that either might want to keep from us so desperately?"

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 8:20 pm
by Pele Alarion
@Arnyn , @Karis Ziranphel
Headquarters - Secured Cell - Beginning of August

Shamara did not answer the additional questions right away and studied Arnyn for a few moments wondering how to go about this. The thought that the man had been working both for Keket and the Rangers was completely new to her, and she thought it strange that he would do so, but then again who knew what the man was really up to. Also, she could not just make things up to have Arkadhur look bad and herself better, could she? They would surely test the information and catch her in lies.

"The man is an enigma to me; he comes and goes rather secretly, and I don't know much else that he has likely spent quite a bit of time in Gondor building connections, snatching people or some other business of his own," she eventually admitted. "I don't know what he thinks I know, but I cannot think of much else to tell you than what I have already said. A proper nest of crazies, those Halsads. The temple, raids on Gondor, slaves."

Shamara did not break eye contact as she added: "I haven't had anything to do with him between that time when he made me talk to Keket and the time you caught us, so I... am not sure what exactly he was trying to achieve. Just that... him working for Keket AND for Rangers... doesn't really seem something that can be combined. I definitely wouldn't trust him."

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:46 am
by Arnyn
@Pele Alarion @Karis Ziranphel
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters - Secured Cell, beginning of August

Shamara didn't seem like she could give them much about Arkadhur, the Lieutenant mused. She was still trying to figure that man out and there were too many question marks and not enough answers so far. Arnyn felt like there were important bits of information that she was missing. She suspected certain things already, but even so... it all felt like too much conjecture still.

"He made you? How did Arkadhur make you talk to Keket?" Arnyn asked almost casually. "You seem to have a mind of your own. Relic inspired fear among your people. As her.. respresentative... agent... servant..." She spoke the words as if testing Shamara's reaction to see what the Umbarian prisoner thought the best term was, herself. "... surely you could not be forced easily?"

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 3:20 pm
by Pele Alarion
@Arnyn , @Karis Ziranphel
Headquarters - Secured Cell - Beginning of August

"I would have probably avoided being involved," Shamara said after a moment of hesitation and frowned in displeasure at remembering that particular unpleasant situation. "But..." She sighed and let her fingers run down the bar she had been holding on to until her hand rested at her side. "We were in a pub, and he sat with Keket. Apparently they were discussing, and unfortunately I was around for him to spot. Keket threw his knife at me. Well, at my table."

She glanced at Karis as if looking for encouragement, and then at Arnyn. "I might have been Relic's, but it would have been dangerous to ignore Keket when he could have stuck that knife in me rather than the table. I feared Relic more, but I also did not want to die right there exactly. You know?"

"I'm not sure Arkadhur would be up to much violence himself," she mused then. "Perhaps he would, but he's kind of subtle..."

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 9:02 pm
by Arnyn
@Pele Alarion @Karis Ziranphel
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters - Secured Cell, beginning of August

Keket and Arkadhur. Sitting together in a pub. Talking. Discussing.

"I understand the wish for survival," Arnyn allowed. She had it too - for those she fought alongside with and for those she was trying to keep safe. "It would not have been smart to dismiss a man like Keket. And you seem like a smart woman." The Lieutenant slanted her head. "What does a smart woman think of the fact that a hateful man like Keket took a lackey, or servant, or whatever you wish to call him - like Arkadhur, to a pub? To talk?"

Her eyes narrowed slightly, wondering. "Would Relic have ever taken you to some pub, simply to discuss a matter?"

Arnyn still couldn't shake the feeling that Keket and Arkadhur were much too familiar for what she imagined the Umbarian master-servant relationship was generally like.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 8:17 pm
by Pele Alarion
@Karis Ziranphel , @Arnyn
Headquarters - Secured Cell - Beginning of August

A minute lowering of her chin indicated that Shamara appreciated understanding, at least the Gondorians seemingly could see a bit of her reasoning. But then a laugh escaped her when she imagined herself and Relic enjoying a friendly chat at some pub, though she quickly tried to compose herself.

"I am not even sure we ever visit a pub for a simple relaxation in Umbar," she explained, her dark eyes still glinting with merriment. "Perhaps some can afford it, but usually it is still related to business in one way or another. I did meet Relic in a pub once, in Harlond. But only to receive dressing-down for being lazy in accomplishing the task... Almost got my hand cut off for disobedience."

studied Arnyn's face curiously trying to guess why the woman was so focused on the link between Keket and Arkadhur; in her mind it did not seem that important. She could not just plainly ask her what the Lieutenant was trying to figure out, could she now?

"I have always considered Arkadhur as one of them Halsads, if not the family, at least very closely tied," she then said. "Though I don't really know his background or where he has come from, and I suspect he would not tell me if I asked. Not sure they could be called friends though." Shamara looked down for a while thoughtfully, and then lifted her gaze again. "Keket did stick his knife in Arkadhur's leg, though..." She shrugged. "Who knows, perhaps that is his way of showing affection."

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:41 pm
by Arnyn
@Pele Alarion @Karis Ziranphel
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters - Secured Cell, beginning of August

Her eyes narrowed when Shamara said she'd always considered Arkadhur as one of he Halsads. And that if he wasn't family, she figured he was at least closely tied to them. That lined up with her theory that Arkadhur was one of them. But it didn't seem like Shamara would be able to tell her anything for sure in this regard.

"He stuck his knife into his leg," Arnyn repeated, mildly surprised. She almost huffed out a short 'ha!' at Shamara's last sentence. "Perhaps," she said, disguising the amusement that bubbled up ever so briefly before being locked behind a wall of professionalism once more. "I've heard of men punching each other in camaraderie. A madman like Keket might as well be using a knife, I suppose." The Lieutenant's fingers traced the hilt of the sword at her hip. "If you have no idea what information you might have that either Arkadhur or Keket - or both - would not want you to share... I suggest that, instead, you tell us how your conversation in that pub went."

One set of brown eyes met another. The Lieutenant was waiting. The only words she had use for now, were those Shamara would offer in reply.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:13 pm
by Pele Alarion
@Arnyn , @Karis Ziranphel
Headquarters - Secured Cell - Beginning of August

A small smile played on Shamara's face when it seemed to her that her statement had caused a little bit of amusement for the stern Lieutenant, even if it was barely visible and only for a moment. There was no opportunity for the prisoner to begin feeling relief that perhaps the interrogation was coming to an end, when Arnyn requested the account of the actual conversation. Shamara blinked and then slowly shifted her gaze to Arnyn's hand on the sword hilt and back to her face.

Years had passed since the conversation, yet it was etched in her memory quite clearly, and now the Umbarian was weighing in her mind what could really fit the description of information she had learned then that would fit what Arnyn was seemingly after. Surely, giving away anything about the Umbarian dealings was already bad enough, and she was sure she'd be cut to pieces if anyone found out that she'd been talking.

"It was a short conversation," she eventually spoke, "Mostly Arkadhur made it clear that he knew who I was and what I had done, at first. And..."

Shamara paused as if trying to decide if she should share an impression which the Ranger Lieutenant might find interesting. "Well. To be fair, he spoke with a lot of authority, and sometimes I thought that the power he tried to demonstrate was almost equal to Keket's, and the other did not exactly challenge it. Perhaps, except for that knife," she said, digging the hole for herself deeper, should she ever happen to run into Keket or Arkadhur again. "Apparently, he has a whole wealth of information on people."

"It was clear that Keket held a deep grudge against some Dol Amrothian; now, someone of the two families of Lond Col, who at the time served in Minas Tirith. Not really sure which one they meant. So they wanted to know if I knew anything of him... or her? And since I didn't - if I would find the person for them," Shamara spoke hesitantly, searching Arnyn's face for clues if it meant anything to her. "They said: comply or be killed. I tried to tell them I only worked for Relic..."

Trying to look a little bit guilty, the Umbarian lowered her gaze and said: "And then they figured they could learn the information from Pele, and tasked me with making sure that contacts were made between Keket and Relic for that purpose. I really could not reject the task, see? I wanted to live."

Licking her lips slightly, she glanced again at Arnyn and then at Karis. "There wasn't much more to that conversation. If this helps?"

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 10:55 am
by Arnyn
@Pele Alarion @Karis Ziranphel
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters - Secured Cell, beginning of August

Arnyn remained silent for a long time. The only hint to the inner workings of her mind, the ever so slight frown around her eyebrows, the mild narrowing of her eyes.

Arkadhur was not a fighter. Everyone had confirmed that. His power was in information and manipulation. Everyone agreed on that, too. It was therefore no surprise that he knew all about Shamara. Who she was, whom she worked for - what she did for Relic. A very useful person for one such as Keket, indeed.

To hear of Keket's grudge against a Dol Amrothian from Lond Col who'd served at Minas Tirith, was also no surprise. To call it a grudge was phrasing it mildly. Arnyn had literally been told that Keket hated everyone, but that he loathed Abrazimir Dimaethor.
No, the actions of Keket , at least, all seemed rather clear to the Lieutenant. He despised Abrazimir - ever since Unalmis' rescue, most likely. Pharak would need someone to blame, after all. And Unalmis had been carried away on Keket's ship. Those events did not seem like a stretch to connect. Perhaps there were more reasons for Keket's loathing of the Swan Knight - but every bit of Arnyn's information pointed to him, all the same.
She could therefore rather safely assume that Abrazimir was the person whom Keket wanted to find. But this could not only be about information, as Shamara seemed to imply. For both Keket and Arkadhur would know very well of Abrazimir's whereabouts. Finding him - in that respect - was unnecessary. Keket knew where to find Abrazimir. How to get his hands ... or knives... on him, however...

The Lieutenant swallowed in the silence of the space.

But then Shamara was making it sounds like they were mostly looking for information, and that they could get it from Pele instead. Of course, any and all additional information on an enemy was worth exploring. Arnyn knew the value of information quite well. And while Pele could only provide information and not deliver Abrazimir onto Keket's doorstep... If Keket were to manage a cooperation or alliance of sorts with Relic... Arnyn's eyes narrowed further. Perhaps the torturer had hoped for the slaver to agree on bringing him Abrazimir. If Keket could deliver her a few desires of her own. Or Keket had perhaps only been hoping to secure Relic's permission in using her resources, such as Shamara, to obtain Abrazimir. He would not be an easy individual to abscond. Neither was Pele, and Relic had apparently managed the feat. Keket likely had rekindled hopes that he could use that to get to the Swan Knight.

There was no need for further questioning, then, on that front.

"Shamara..." She finally spoke as she moved to lean against the bars of the cell. "Your countryman wants to see you dead. That much is beyond contention. At the midsummer celebration, he tried to end your life. You know this. You told us. This can only be because you know something he would not have you tell us. And we also know that it is important to him to such a degree, that he was quite willing to mutilate himself - at least temporarily - after being encarcerated by us. So he himself could not be made to talk. The means he used were dangerous. That tells me Arkadhur was willing to risk his own life to keep this secret. A secret that you must know."

She let that settle for a moment.

"As for you... You are clearly not speaking as plainly as you could be."

Arnyn slowly slid a finger along one of the bars.

"So then. What was Arkadhur saying, right when and before Keket stabbed his knife into the man's leg?" Rather than showing affection, it seemed more likely that it had been a way for Keket to silence Arkadhur before he went and said too much. Or to convey, rather, that Keket thought Arkadhur had already said too much. And that he was expressly forbidden from saying any more.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:58 pm
by Pele Alarion
@Arnyn , @Karis Ziranphel
Headquarters - Secured Cell - Beginning of August

Shamara was used to adjusting to any circumstances and find her way through, but somehow this whole questioning unnerved her, and the long silence only made it worse. She kept observing Arnyn looking for signs that she would finally be satisfied and call off any further questioning. The Umbarian had also long learned to recognise those who held power and would not suffer others to rise up against it; and she had learned to be subservient when needed. She recognised that Arnyn had power, yet hers seemed not like that of an Umbarian overlord; while it did seem to demand submission and obedience, it seemed to be more... authoritative... in a way that caused Shamara to want to do her best. Yes, there was still fear - of the sword, of being locked up forever, of being killed should she fall short of expectations. And yet she somehow had found herself more willing to speak than she had imagined possible in these circumstances.

But it seemed her hopes of having satisfied the Lieutenant's curiosity were not justified. When the Lieutenant came close to her yet again and still pressed for more, Shamara could not hold back a frustrated sigh. She was growing exasperated by trying to guess what Arnyn really wanted to hear from her and not being able to come up with the right answer.

"I have not hidden things from you," she grumbled softly, while her posture and lowered eyes spoke of submissiveness. "I do not remember anything in particular that would stand out in that conversation. Arkadhur warned me to inform Relic so that they would not come upon her unprepared, Keket said he would not forget the meeting, and... me, probably. Then Arkadhur asked if it was over and stood... sat down and received a knife," she went over the even in her mind and out loud yet again.

"It has been years, Lieutenant, do you expect me to remember every single word?" she asked accusingly and then shrugged. "I simply took the knife matter as a reminder that Arkadhur should remember his place, you know? But why would he pursue me just for that, as if I really cared for their internal squabbles?"

Wearily she pressed her forehead against the bars, as she continued to process the matters out loud: "If it was indeed his doing to drag me out of dungeons, why did he set me up to be caught again? And try to kill me... Could it be only for that one situation which I didn't make much of? And... he did harm himself to avoid speaking, he did? Why would he even do that?"

Shamara straightened and looked at Arnyn expectantly as if the woman could answer her own questions and Shamara's, and then she asked tentatively:

"Wait... he wouldn't be trying to set himself up as a rival for lordship in Umbar, would he?"

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 10:08 pm
by Arnyn
@Pele Alarion @Karis Ziranphel
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters - Secured Cell, beginning of August

Maybe she should throw Shamara a bone. "You are asking intelligent questions, Shamara," the Lieutenant complimented the Umbarian. "The question of why Arkadhur broke you out of your cell, or arranged to have you broken out at least, simply to have you arrested once again months later... it is a question I have been asking myself for quite a while. And if Arkadhur simply wanted you dead - then why would he not have killed you in the months between your break-out and your latest arrest? He trailed you for half a year, give or take," Arnyn shared with the prisoner, locking eyes with the Umbarian to show her she was trying to engage in serious conversation, rather than an interrogation.

"If you were just another loose end, he could have gotten rid of you. Even if he is not much of a fighter. I am sure a cunning man such as him might have found a way, don't you think?" She tapped the bar again, thoughtfully, as her eyes trailed away. "There are those who tell me he may have been looking to make a deal with Gondor, to give you up in exchange for some kind of exoneration."

The Lieutenant returned her attention to Shamara. "Or... your escape was never meant with the final purpose of actually procuring your escape. Lately I have come to believe, Shamara, that your escape was meant to serve as no more than a distraction. A means to an end that had nothing to do with you. And everything to do with some other goal of Arkadhur's. For it would not reflect well on the Tower Guard to lose their grip on a prisoner such as yourself, after all. An Umbarian just as whily as Arkadhur, finally detained. An Umbarian involved in people snatching. The Guards would be busy indeed, looking for a prisoner such as yourself. On the day before the Autumn Fair, no less. When all sorts of people are coming and going."

"Do you know anything of the two men who helped procure your release from Gondorian dungeons your first go-round? For one of them was found dead, not much later. The other... has eluded us, so far."

Returning to Shamara's claim that she was not hiding anything, Arnyn assessed the prisoner's expression. Not intentionally, perhaps. "You're right. I do not expect you to remember every word said between you, Arkadhur and Keket," she allowed. "Yet it is interesting to me that those two squabbled, as you call it." The Lieutenant narrowed her eyes again. "If Arkadhur stood, thinking the meeting over, but then sat back down again - one would assume at some signal from Keket - then Keket was not done." Arnyn waited a moment, to see what Shamara might have to say to this. "Do you happen to remember if anything worthwhile was said after Keket treated Arkadhur to his knife?"

The Lieutenant raised her hand slightly. "Perhaps you are right, and the torturer did not like how Arkadhur was cloaking himself with all the power in this three-way conversation. Perhaps Keket wanted to keep him in check." The suggestion came so musingly from the Lieutenant's lips, it was almost casual.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 7:47 am
by Rillewen

Trainee Trastion Leithor
September 10th - Dawn
Day 3 of new training regime

It was the third morning of this torture. While he kept telling himself that it was going to pay off someday, that thought didn't help his muscles feel any better today. Yesterday was bad enough, and while the stuff Duinion gave him had helped a little bit, his muscles still felt like they were ripped to pieces. And he still had to go through today's training. While he was grateful to Duinion for waking him early enough so he could get to his training with the lieutenant on time, he was very reluctant to actually get up and started to the city. But he did, anyway. Duinion was nice enough to help him get into his gear, since Trastion's arms were still so stiff and sore he could hardly move. He had no idea how he was going to pick up his sword, let alone go through all those pushups and all the other workouts that were expected.

The armor felt as if it had gained about twenty pounds overnight. He didn't even want to stand up, let alone walk. And yet, as he set out from the dairy farm, he groaned as he made himself start into a run. Every movement was painful. His arms hurt, his abs hurt, his legs hurt, even muscles he'd never thought about were in pain. He forced himself to keep going anyway. Even though it was taking him twice as long.

By the time he managed to get to the sixth, he was feeling really bad about how late he was for the training session. Arnyn was going to be upset. He was sure of it. He tried though; he really did. He just couldn't get his legs to move any faster. His ability to do the things the lieutenant said to do had gotten worse with each passing day, as he pushed himself to the limit, and beyond. He had no idea how he was going to get through today's lesson, but he'd try. At the moment, 'running' seemed like the absolute hardest thing he could be asked to do. But he knew it would get worse when the actual training began. So much worse.

He wasn't quite out of breath by the time he got to the training area behind the armory, because he hadn't been quite capable of running so hard or fast as to get out of breath. But his legs felt as if tiny knives were shredding every inch of muscles, and every step was difficult. He arrived at last, feeling just as late as the first day, only this time he knew he was late. The sun was already coming up and he figured that she was probably at least halfway through the workout routine. Or, at least, she would be, if she wasn't waiting on him to arrive.

Arriving at the training area, he was inwardly cringing at the thought of being scolded for being so late, but he really couldn't do much about it. If he'd known how long it would take him to get through the levels, he might have asked Duinion to wake him about an hour earlier, but there had been no way of knowing. He'd just have to hope she would have a bit of understanding, because he really couldn't move much faster than this right now.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 3:02 pm
by Arnyn
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters, Training area behind the armoury
Morning of September 10th - day 3 of Trastion's new training

Arnyn was staring at her hands. They were firmly planted on the ground while the rest of her body was up in the air, her feet slightly apart. Breathing out slowly, with control, she lowered each leg the opposite way until she was in a split handstand. The Lieutenant therefore heard Trastion's arrival before she saw him. He didn't speak right away, and neither did she. Instead, she maintained her position for as long as she'd intended to, before moving her legs back into a normal standing position; the back leg first, then the front.

She straightened. Wiping her brow with her right sleeve, she gave Trastion a thoughtful look. "You're here," she told him. Or was she asking? It was hard to tell. Dark brown eyes glanced up at the sky, before returning to her trainee. "Why?" she inquired. That one was indubitably a question as she moved for her canteen off to the side of the small training area.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 7:08 am
by Rillewen

Trainee Trastion Leithor
September 10th - Dawn
Day 3 of new training regime

Stopping short as he arrived, at last, at the training spot behind the armory, Trastion stared in bafflement. The lieutenant was upside down. Using her hands instead of legs. She surely didn't expect him to attempt that, right? He could barely stand on his legs, let alone his hands. He was certain his arms would not support him in such an endeavor, and as far as doing the splits... there was no way that was happening. Sure, he would give it his best attempt if she asked it of him, but he already had a very good suspicion of how that would turn out.

Despite all of that, and despite his absolute exhaustion (already, and the day hadn't even properly begun yet!) Trastion was extremely impressed that Arnyn was actually capable of doing such a thing. If he hadn't seen it being done, it was not the sort of thing he would've ever thought about anyone doing. Especially not on purpose.

When she stood upright again, and looked at him, he was preparing to apologize for being so late when she asked him.. why he was there. He blinked, briefly confused by the question. Why would she ask that? Why wouldn't he be here? He knew she couldn't have forgotten the last two days... so had something changed that he should have known about? Then with a sinking feeling, he wondered if that was her way of preparing to tell him that she was cancelling this training. Because he was late, perhaps? For a few seconds, he was at a loss for words, as many thoughts flashed through his mind.

Moving a few slow, painful steps nearer, he struggled not to wince, but the stiffness of his movements would be evident. "For.. training." He answered at last, a bit slowly with a hint of confusion in his tone as he tried to gauge by her expression whether she was upset at him, or disappointed or anything of the sort. "I tried to get here on time, lieutenant, I really did." He insisted, suddenly anxious that she had decided he wasn't trying hard enough, or thinking he wasn't taking this seriously, or whatever. He couldn't help being late! He wanted her to know that. "Duinion woke me up in plenty of time, and I started as early as I could.. I just couldn't move very well, and it took me a lot longer than I thought it would. Hard as I tried to run, I just couldn't hardly move, and I'm really sorry, I won't be late again. I promise."

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 12:32 pm
by Arnyn
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters, Training area behind the armoury
Morning of September 10th - day 3 of Trastion's new training

Slowly drinking her water, she eyed Trastion from the corners of her eyes. He seemed so confused... and then disappointed? He had come for training anyway, despite her telling him he could have the day off. Was he that committed? Or was he simply a sucker for punishment? His muscles must be killing him! Stoppering the canteen again, she assessed him with a light frown as he started to explain he'd really given it his all to be on time, but that he simply hadn't managed.

"Well, I appreciate the promise that you will be on time... and I appreciate you coming in today," she began slowly, the slower cadence of her voice the only possible sign of her surprise at Trastion's presence. "But it is as you say. You can hardly move. Taras... you were a good sport about it yesterday - never once complaining - but I could tell you were in pain then. And the second day after a challenging workout is always the worst. That's today." Arnyn removed the tie from her hair and ran a hand through it. "You need to allow yourself a break. More than that, I'm ordering you to take a break. If you train today, you could seriously injure yourself. That could set us back for months."

"I'm trying to build you up, not break you down." She assessed him carefully. "How bad is it?"

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 5:59 am
by Rillewen

Trainee Trastion Leithor
September 10th - Dawn
Day 3 of new training regime

Trastion stared in confusion at the lieutenant. It slowly occurred to him that she did not seem to have expected him at all. And not just because he was so late. She acted as if she was surprised to see him. But that didn't make sense. She'd said nothing to indicate that he didn't need to come today, and he thought he might have even said 'see you tomorrow' when he left, yesterday, although he could be wrong about that. He slowly nodded as she spoke about how he was having difficulty moving, and just blinked as she went on to mention that he needed a break. A break would be amazing, of course, but it was very unexpected. And not only that, but she was ordering him to take a break?!

The expression on his face remained a mixture of confusion and surprise. "Wait, so... you mean I didn't have to come up here today?" He asked with a note of incredulity in his tone, checking that he was hearing her right. But if that was the case, then why didn't she tell him that yesterday? It would have been great to be able to actually sleep for a while longer. "But.." He stopped himself from asking why she didn't tell him that before. "I just thought.. I mean, you said we would train daily." He pointed out, trying to clarify the reason for his confusion.

As she asked how bad it was, he hesitated. He didn't really want to launch into complaints about how sore and stiff his arms and legs and torso were, however true it was. "About like you'd expect," He answered after a moment. He didn't even attempt a shrug for fear it would be painful. "Duinion gave me some sort of stuff to rub on that sorta helped." He added, though he didn't mention how he had still had to have Duinion help him get his gear on this morning.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:31 am
by Arnyn
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters, Training area behind the armoury
Morning of September 10th - day 3 of Trastion's new training

When he asked so incredulously whether that meant he hadn't needed to come up to the Sixth today, Arnyn wanted to both frown and widen her eyes - because of course he hadn't needed to come, but obviously he hadn't realized that he hadn't needed to. The two urges for rather diverging expressions rendered her expression neutral. "Well, no," she answered calmly. When he said he thought the training was a daily appointment, she slanted her head. "Well, yes." Had she not told him he could take a break today? She thought she had. Arnyn didn't explicitly remember how the conversation had gone, and she finally did frown lightly as she tried.

Really. The misunderstanding was almost comical.

The reply to her question of how bad it was, made her frown disappear in favour of an approving smile. Lack of complaints could mean a lot of things. An unwillingness to look weak. Pride. She had no qualms with those - in moderation, at least. But it could also be a sign of persistence. And that is something Trastion would need in spades if he was going to be her apprentice. Yet she also had a thing about answering questions clearly. Arnyn casually raised her arm, stretching it out to the side at shoulder height, horizontal with the ground. "Lift your arm like this."

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 11:54 am
by Rillewen

Trainee Trastion Leithor
September 10th - Dawn
Day 3 of new training regime

Upon hearing that he had not needed to come up here today, he felt something bordering on dismay. He could have slept later! He could have not tortured his legs by trying to run up here. He hadn't had to stress about getting here on time.(AGAIN!) And he wouldn't have had to get up so early when he was already exhausted. He could have had a more leisurely breakfast. And not had to put on all this armor and stuff. And did he mention he could have slept longer?

He was confused though. How did this happen? Had he somehow missed it when Arnyn told him? Because she acted as if she were surprised he didn't know, and now he was trying to recall if he had somehow not heard her say it. Because he was sure that if she'd said it, and he heard her, he would NOT have forgotten that. He would have been so glad to know he could rest a bit and take a day off, there's no way he would have let himself forget!

When she asked him to hold out his arm, Trastion blinked at her in slight confusion, wondering if she was going to have him do some sort of training anyway. Unsure quite what she had in mind, he complied.. at least, as well as he was able. It took some effort not to grimace at the pain that such a simple motion caused him, and he realized now, of course, that she was doing the same thing that she had done when she asked him to swing her sword, when he had the concussion. Making him demonstrate his condition, since he was reluctant to tell her. The weight of his armor made it all the more difficult to manage the raised arm, and while he didn't actually look to see how high he managed to get his arm, he knew it wasn't as high as she'd said, and he could feel it shaking from the effort before he finally dropped it back to his side, unable to keep that up another second.

He cleared his throat a little awkwardly, dropping his gaze as he felt a little disappointed in his lack of ability to do as she'd said. He'd thought August's training schedule was intense, but so far, September had barely begun, and after only two days of this new training routine, it made August look like child's play. Still, the fact she had said she was ordering him to take a break today was very hopeful. Though, of course, she had only said a break from training. He hoped there wasn't a catch to the day off thing. What if he had other things he had to do? How would he even manage if he could hardly lift his arms? He hesitated slightly, then looked up at her. "Do I uh... have any other duties today, or can I.. take a whole day's break?" He wondered quietly, hoping with all his might that there was nothing else for him to do for the entire day.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 1:33 pm
by Arnyn
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters, Training area behind the armoury
Morning of September 10th - day 3 of Trastion's new training

When she saw the results of his arm lift, Arnyn nodded. "You most definitely need a day off," she told Trastion. "No other duties for you today. But one piece of advice for my apprentice." A faint smile. "Do not make the mistake of sitting or lying around most of the day. It will feel good until you start moving again - then it will feel worse. Much worse. Go for regular, easy walks during the day. Stretch. If you do these things, tomorrow will be better."

The Lieutenant took another drink from her water, then gave Trastion a thoughtful look. "I think I will give you tomorrow off from our daily training, as well. Instead of running up the circles, run around the dairy farm a few times to loosen up those legs muscles. They will need it. I signed you up for wall duty tomorrow, with the guard. That is a lot of walking," she said, the wink not actually there but almost audible in her words. "I will see you bright and early the day after tomorrow. And I think even earlier than usual. I'm of a mind to run down to the Pelennor. We can come back up together. So you can wait for me at the farm."

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 2:09 am
by Rillewen

Trainee Trastion Leithor
September 10th - Dawn
Day 3 of new training regime

Trastion was beyond relieved to hear that he had no duties for the day. Before he could get too celebratory in his mind, however, she instructed him to do some walking and stretching throughout the day. That was similar to what Duinion had said last night, he recalled. "Yes, lieutenant." He agreed with a nod. He was definitely going to be getting some more sleep, but he'd do the walking and stretching after.

Hearing that he would have tomorrow off from training as well, his eyes widened slightly in surprise, but and he wasn't entirely sure how to respond at first. But when she mentioned that he was signed up for wall duty with the guards, he was surprised in a different way. He’d not known the rangers did that sort of thing, and wondered if the guards were short handed or something. But he nodded slowly, trying not to let on how surprising he found that task.

So, the day after tomorrow. He nodded, and smiled faintly. "Alright. I'll see you then." He agreed, thinking it might be good to tell Duinion that she would be coming by, to run with him. "And, thank you," He added, grateful that she was giving him time to recover. He hoped he would be better able to do things by the time he got back to the training.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:34 pm
by Arnyn
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen

Headquarters, Training area behind the armoury
(Very early) Morning of September 10th - day 3 of Trastion's new training

"See you then," she repeated back to him with a smile. When he thanked her, she didn't really feel like she had done anything out of the ordinary, but she still nodded her recognition. "Feel free to have some water," she told him, thinking he might be thirsty after his sort-of run up here. The Lieutenant turned, intending to go wash up in the barracks and then return to headquarters, clean and ready for the day.

"And Taras," she said, looking to the side over her shoulder. "I like your commitment. Keep it up."
Headquarters, Command Office
(Later) Morning of September 10th

Every so often, she did this. She pulled up all of her notes. All of the plans. All of the gathered information. It needed to be committed to memory. Like basic arithmatics. Like language. If they were going to do this, she needed to be able to make connections and decisions at the snap of her fingers. If Pele might at some point ask for her input, Arnyn would have to be able to deliver. She had been the one to push for this. She had advocated for the mission. To Pele. To Elessar. That weight lay heavy on her shoulders.

Both the Captain and the King had called it dangerous and high-risk. They were correct, of course. Those who would come, would be risking their lives. It was, in that respect, no different from any other ranger mission. What was different, however, was that the mission would not be an order. Everyone who would agree to come, would not have been able to even agree to such a dangerous mission if Arnyn hadn't brought it to the table and hadn't pushed for it. Also, there were no guarantees that this mission would produce any sort of lasting change. Even if the mission should prove successful, the results would be uncertain at best.

Uncertain at best. And casualties on their side would be inevitable. Arnyn’s fingers spasmed on one of the pieces of paper. There was simply no way that they were going to take over a pirate ship as well as sail into the port and city of Umbar - and not lose a single soul to the assault. This had been true of many missions, of course - especially before the Ring was destroyed and the War was ended. But Arnyn had never before asked for such a mission. She had never before suggested such a mission. She had never before campaigned for such a mission.

This time, she had.

"Everyone can carry their burden, however, heavy, until nightfall," the Lieutenant reminded herself with a deadpan whisper.

Dark brown eyes flicked over her own handwriting. Line after line after line. She had learned much. The routes were clear. So were the main objectives. However... there were still so many questions, not in the least about some of the people involved in all this. Theories and suspicions, yes - but not facts.

For example. Who was Arkadhur? Arnyn had gone over this in her mind many times. How he fit in with the Halsads was one question. A mere lackey? That just hadn't seemed right to her, not since she’d heard of the way Arkadhur had ‘told’ Keket to ‘break’ Unalmis. Who gave such a strong suggestion, almost an order, as a lackey, to their boss? In a setting like Umbar, where saying the wrong thing could earn you a knife in the leg? Speaking to a vile, sadistic torturer who hated everyone? While Arkadhur very clearly did not have a death wish. The man wanted to live.
And apparently, Keket had listened. He had broken Unalmis’ shoulder. Arnyn frowned. There was more than simply Arkadhur’s apparent familiarity with Keket that bothered her about that particular exchange.

Break him.

Such harsh words.

The Lieutenant went over what she had gone over so many times by now. Pharak Halsad’s brother had died many years ago, in Lond Col - Unalmis had told her that. And Isys had told him, Unalmis had said. And before Arnyn had heard this from Unalmis during Trevadir’s report, Isys had personally told her that a Salukhatar Halsad had come to Lond Col over thirty years ago - and that Salukhatar had killed Isys' father along with everyone else on his ship.

Break him.

Arnyn frowned. She could not shake the conviction that such a level of familiarity could only have been spoken to family. Either perceived family, or family by blood. But the facts were that Pharak had three sons. Everyone seemed to agree on that. Unalmis, Trevadir, Shamara.

But Pharak had had a brother. A brother who’d died when Isys was a child. Arkadhur had seemed more or less the age as Isys. He would have already been born. He could very well be the son of this Salukhatar. That would make Arkahdur a cousin to Keket. That would explain away the familiarity. This was what Arnyn had come to believe. The more she went over the possibility, the more she thought it had to be true.

Break him.

Yet Arkadhur was only known, at least to Arnyn, to have been familiar in this way with Keket.

Everyone had told her that Arkadhur was Keket’s man. Keket’s agent. Was it possible that the other Halsads did not even know about Arkadhur being a relative? Arnyn’s frown deepened. She had thought about this before, but had never been able to explain the how and why behind this part. The sigh that left her made the dryness of her throat known rather blatantly. Yet the Lieutenant did not move from her chair, nor her desk. The feeling that she was onto something, kept her glued to her seat, her eyes fixed on the many, many notes.
‘Matsu - hates Gondorians. Barely tolerates Devedir Thormaetha.’
‘Keket - hates everyone. Loathes Abrazimir Dimaethor.’
Her right index finger tapped the desk. Keket hated everyone. Arnyn’s expression grew displeased. Not just Gondorians, but everyone. So also Haradrese.. Umbarians… Even his own family, perhaps? She scrunched up her nose. That seemed like a stretch. But could he be enough of a selfish, vile excuse of a man to relish in hiding the knowledge about having a cousin... from his own family? It did not seem like either Trevadir, Unalmis or Shamara would put much past Keket Halsad. In addition to being sadistic and cruel, it might not be that much of a stretch to assume he could also be selfish, petty and conniving...

Even if the whole theory of Arkadhur being Salukhatar’s son was wrong, Arnyn’s gut was convinced that Arkadhur was a Halsad somehow. He was too wrapped up with them. He was given too many liberties. Keket gave Arkadhur the use of his ship - before Abrazimir sunk it. Keket let Arkadhur speak to him in such a way without impunity. Or, at most, a knife in the leg. But not a knife to the throat. Not time in the Chamber of Song.

Keket must know.

Break him…

Arnyn’s eyes suddenly widened as she moved one of the papers with a strange rush. Where were the notes from Trevadir’s report? Where had she written that specific part down? Trevadir had mentioned something… She scanned the notes. Only to realize - she must have skipped over the right line. She started over. Tried to force herself to slow down. But the rushed feeling that had usurped her brain did not allow her the courtesy.

Before she found what she was looking for, she switched papers, to her notes from the meeting with Isys, Duinion and Unalmis. She had written down what she had remembered at a later date. Unalmis had been held in Pharak Halsad’s blood temple, right? Unalmis had seen, or heard, the sailors being… The Lieutenant shook her head, not wanting to conjure up that image. He had been held there, yes? It had been Pharak who had taken him. It would make sense for him to be held in the temple. And Pharak had abducted Unalmis to lure in Domanol, Unalmis' uncle… Frowning eyes returned to Trevadir’s report.

‘Pharak - gets first pick of Devedir’s captives.’

There it was. First pick. Trevadir had said something more, though, Arnyn remembered. He had said Pharak only takes those without damage. Without injury. Without deformity. Eyes still wide, Arnyn leaned back in her chair, her gaze on the notes. She could not tear her eyes away from the words.

Arkadhur… Arkadhur had told Keket to Break him. So he could be sure that Pharak would not use him as an offering in the temple? Had Arkadhur and Keket figured that Pharak would decide to put Unalmis to good use in some other way, if he could not use the young man to ensnare his uncle? Unalmis had told her Arkadhur had said something along the lines that breaking him would ‘spoil their plans’... Pharak and Naluthor’s plans? Had Unalmis’ shoulder injury... saved him from being used as a blood sacrifice? Had Arkadhur contributed to keeping Unalmis ‘safe’... by injuring him? Was having Keket break Unalmis’ shoulder only a precursor to taking the man’s ship and whisking Unalmis away from Umbar?


If Keket was the type of man to intentionally hide a relative from his father… perhaps he would also be the kind of man to take pleasure in thwarting one of his father’s plans. Just because he thought it was fun. Perhaps Keket was the man who simply enjoyed what he saw as games? If torturing strangers could be a game to him... Playing with his own family might be, as well. Two fingers went up to push against her temple, her elbow perched on the desk.

Arkadhur could have sold the idea of breaking Unalmis to Keket as the action spoiling his father’s and Naluthor’s plans. Perhaps Keket had even thought that, once Pharak realized he had no further use of Unalmis, Pharak might hand Unalmis over to Keket. For additional… recreation. Such things were supposedly what Keket enjoyed, right?

Her thoughts were racing. As for Arkadhur… he might have known already that Unalmis had a relation to Isys. With all of his knowledge, his history in the circles of Dol Amrothian society. If Arkadhur was.. interested.. in Isys - as Arnyn suspected - then perhaps he might have wanted to play his part in making sure Unalmis did not end up on the blood temple’s altar. He had played along with the lady knight several times in the past years, had he not?
It would not be strange to believe that, once it became clear he would not be able to garner goodwill with the Lady Arzubel by saving any of her sailors, his making sure that Unalmis did not suffer a torturous end on the temple’s altar was his only remaining option at the time to try and convince Isys - and possibly others, such as Abrazimir - that his heart wasn’t all black.

Arkadhur seemed to want to find some balance between Keket and key people in Gondor. Isys and Abrazimir were both Swan Knights. Good people to have in your corner. Although that idea didn’t coincide with Keket’s desire to extract whatever vengeance he thought he needed on Abrazimir.

What game was Arkadhur playing? With Isys? With Abrazimir? With all of them?

Her eyes opened again to stare at the ceiling. Had Salukhatar been the older or the younger brother? Was Arkadhur paving his own way? Trying to make sure that, if Gondor managed to get a foothold in Umbar during his lifetime, he would be the best candidate among the lot of the Halsads to take leadership over their position of power…

Or... or even and... perhaps Arkadhur was torn between the life he knew and the chance at an entirely different life. Perhaps... just perhaps... Arkadhur's goals and ideas were simply mercurial. Perhaps sometimes people like Isys tempted him with a life that seemed better. And perhaps, for a time, he believed he could lead such a life. Turn things around. Before being confronted with something from his past that dragged him right back - to his old life. Wouldn't that be just the thing, in this world that was so much more broken than it should be? Arnyn let her head fall back, closing her eyes.

Am I in way over my head, here?

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 5:45 pm
by Pele Alarion
@Arnyn , @Karis Ziranphel
Headquarters - Secured Cell - Beginning of August

Shamara eyed Arnyn suspiciously when the woman complimented her. Usually people said good things only when they wanted something, but Lieutenant did not really need compliments for that purpose, did she? After all she was asking questions and making demands without beating around the bush.

"Ah. He'd been after me that long? I was not aware... Perhaps my retracing my steps messed up his plans somehow, but I... I simply followed my own desires and a some sort of sense that I should return," the Umbarian thought out loud. "I did realise he did not get me out of dungeons for charitable reasons, of course. And figured Relic would not have contacted him if she wanted someone to get me out. So... I don't know."

Shamara looked at Arnyn, her dark eyes keen. "Wait. Exchange me for what?" she asked, realising that the Rangers were not here only to question her and were not opposed to a two-way communication. "Has he requested something already? And..." she paused in thought and added: "I also think it would not be beyond him to try and snatch some people himself. Have there been no reports of missing folk? I mean... if he needed distractions - it was not because he needed an escape himself, right?"

Her hand pressed against the bars she considered the other questions asked her. "Well. Suppose the guy you found dead must be the chicken-hearted one. He played the lawyer all right and was quite good at engaging in sparring of wits with me, but as soon as the other came he turned into a proper coward. Beat it around the corner as soon as we were out," she remembered. "The other was one in full livery of guard, weapons, armour... full helmet, so I did not see the face. He carried all the authority of a guard officer, signed the papers and what not. Guessing that either there is a rot in the top layers of the guard or he is someone who has good access to props and is a good actor. Neither of them was Arkadhur, and yet he told me he had gotten me out..."

She wondered idly at the fact that Arkadhur had apparently already built a good base of contacts within the city's power ranks for whatever his future business intentions were. For mere moments she played with an idea that perhaps she should have done similar. Perhaps even Rangers had a similar weakness among their ranks? Or were they not as vulnerable? It would be interesting to figure that out but that kind of fun was way too risky. Besides, she was already in trouble way over her head to attempt anything of the kind. And it was not exactly her kind of game.

"No, Lieutenant, I don't think Keket said anything of importance or anything at all after tickling Arkadhur with the knife," she shook her head, lowering her eyes to hide some of the entertainment from her previous thoughts. "He was quite done with talking with me, so he left."

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 1:08 pm
by Arnyn
@Pele Alarion @Karis Ziranphel
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters - Secured Cell, beginning of August

"For an exoneration of sorts," Arnyn repeated calmly at Shamara's question. "To gain enough goodwill that Gondor might agree to 'ignore' his bad deeds up until now, To have them forgiven, or forgotten if forgiven is impossible. Yet he made no such request, since he swallowed glass to silence himself." The Lieutenant raised an eyebrow. "Do you see why I am so intrigued about whatever it is that he is trying to hide from us?"

At Shamara's description of the guard who helped in her escape, Arnyn's gaze traveled to Karis. Her friend did not even know how the things she knew herself. Most of this probably raised more questions for the Cùner, hence her silence. "How about I stop hounding you down the road of your meeting with Keket and Arkadhur, then. At least for now." She smiled faintly, but the sentiment disappeared all too soon. "Did the guard's voice sound in any way familiar to you? If you were to think of Umbar. Perhaps even the Temple. Have you ever been there?"

"On a different note... Do you have any idea if there are any Umbarians whose plans Keket may want to spoil?" Arnyn added on. "Anyone specific in Umbar he would want to mess with? Any grudges of which you may know?"

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 6:42 pm
by Pele Alarion
@Arnyn , @Karis Ziranphel
Headquarters - Secured Cell - Beginning of August

"Exoneration," Shamara spoke the word slowly and then shook her head in disbelief. "I am still not sure. While he makes it obvious that he's hiding something... It just doesn't really match. I still tend to think he's trying to establish some sort of domain of his own, where he is not ordered about. Perhaps to build up enough power of sorts for a challenge."

The Umbarian's chin dropped slightly in acceptance of the slight change of direction in their talks. It was tedious to repeat the same things over and over, and she did not feel like this was the right time to come up with random things only for the sake of saying something, or to bring more trouble - even if on made up basis - on Arkadhur with whom she was still greatly annoyed.

"No, I don't think I've heard that voice before; the guard. Sounded like proper Gondorian to me," she said after a brief pause to think back on that particular encounter. "I've avoided the Temple like a plague, even when I was just a wee thief. The location might be teeming with riches to snatch, but way too risky. Besides..." She shrugged lightly. "I would not care to slave away on behalf of the Dark Lord. Especially not when he's been reduced to naught. Freaking fanatics... don't really want to cross their path." Her thoughts then traced back to the matter of the guard. "A Gondorian. In the Temple? What would he even do there except for being sacrificed..."

It seemed that Arnyn's questions were endless, and still did not stray far away from the subject of the Halsads - or people related to them. "Eh, he'd probably want the whole Umbar all to himself, but I figure he'd hold himself in check else he'd get no bodies to toy with. Wouldn't put it beyond him to play dirty against his own family though. They whisper that he's the kind of neglected child, might want to prove himself. If he's brewing spite quietly."

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 6:50 pm
by Arnyn
@Pele Alarion @Karis Ziranphel
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters - Secured Cell, beginning of August

"I suppose that is a commonplace enough objective," the Lieutenant mused out loud. "Trying to establish his own domain. Is that not what most people want? The ability to be your own boss. The freedom to make your own decisions. We all look for those things, to a greater or lesser extent. Is that not why you lingered here, instead of returning home when you had the chance?" Arnyn ventured, trying to get a peek into Shamara's mind.

She nodded quietly at the responses she got to the questions about the guard, the temple and Keket. A brief silence fell, where Arnyn was assessing Shamara's expression and posture. When she spoke again, her tone was less strict. Less demanding. A bit more... gentle. "Are you tiring of the conversation already? I would have thought you'd welcome it after being treated to silence for this long. Do you even know how much time has passed, Shamara?"

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 7:34 am
by Ercassie
The Search for Eryn

Unalmis Raxëlilta, Ranger. At the Armoury. Interrupted by Domanol.
With Cali. Morning of Sept 3rd.

The morning’s trek across to the armoury had by now become routine. Unalmis may have initially allowed Cali to believe he’d been ‘assigned’ to helping her out twice a week, as a punishment, and it was clear she had at least at first viewed it as an unexplained punishment for her rather than him. But he rather suspected that she soon remembered quite how much she enjoyed ‘teaching’ him better. The prowess in her art that she could demonstrate, too, to his ever growing respect, had clearly been rebuilding the Smith’s confidence, as much as giving him practice in obeying orders. Iole had insisted that whenever he broke a piece of crockery at his sisters’ home, that he must volunteer to complete one of the tasks for customers at her/Isys’s shop. Strangely enough when it came to doing chores for those customers, Nal had broken nothing. And so Iole believed they had improved on his behaviour. Mostly because it was easier than trying to wonder why he would otherwise not have been so diligent and careful since the beginning. Were his old friends simply a bad influence ?

Nevertheless, the young Ranger and the Smith worked well enough together at the Armoury, so that helping Cali was soon one of Nal’s favourite duties. The unspoken acceptance that the time spent in such an environment, together, recalled Ryndir unto both their memories, .. well, that was entirely a bonus.

This particular morning, Unalmis entered the Armoury more rested than he usually appeared. Not only because the mind-blowing revelations of days past had left him in such all night long conversations .. that he had found his bed last night, far too exhausted to not sleep. But the unexpected activities of the day before had proven something of an exorcism for the soul. He was engaged for the initial portion of their day in telling Cali quite how Lieutenant Arnyn had let them break down a wall, and then instigated a food fight .. and wondering if his friend would even believe such a tale .. all the while that the Smith spent reminding him to break down the charcoal and haul in enough salt water for the slack tub. But for all that he did share with Cali, regarding ‘recent events’, the return of his Uncle was not mentioned. Partly because he was still processing that personally, and also partly because Unalmis knew Cali would yell at him how this proved he should have listened to Trevadir the year before. Knowing Cali, he ought not be surprised if the Smith ordered him to run out all the way to Belfalas and throw himself at the Musician’s feet there and then. So really, not bringing it up was a sure way to keep their work, their day here, on track. An ambition which went entirely out of the window once Domanol himself turned up in person, as though he posed their first customer of the day.

We’ve a need for you,” the elder man declared, stepping up to a wordless reaction from his nephew, and sent eyes instead then toward Cali. “Can you tell the Smith he’s got a family emergency ?” he asked of her.

She is the Smith,Nal recovered his voice and somehow managed to refrain from crossing his arms. “How did you even know I was here ?” he wanted to know, and hoped that he sounded far more casual about this unexpected visit than he felt in truth.

You must have told me you’d be here today,Domanol shrugged, unfazed by the hint of confusion and unwilling to admit he’d committed certain peoples’ schedules to memory. “Nice to meet you, Miss .. Smith ..” He rubbed a hand against one thigh, as though to clean it – as though his clothes had any chance at all of being cleaner than his hand - and held it out, approaching the young woman, and effectively changing the subject.

Wait .. what emergency ?” the younger Ranger frowned. He should not have been surprised of course. His Uncle had been home two days … Well alright, no. That was not accurate. But still. He’d been ‘returned’ to them for not long. And already .. it was hard to believe that his kinsman was simply the harbinger of ill news. He usually had more of a hand in it, if experience counted for anything. “Is .. ?

Aggie is even this moment speaking to your Lieutenant,Domanol released his gaze from the young woman and resumed converse with his kinsman. “She knows I’ve come for you. Have you seen Eryn this morning ? Last night .. ?"

Caught somewhere between shock and umbrage, Unalmis exchanged a glance of his own with Cali. “Cali is Eryn’s cousin. Or .. something,” he gave due warning, or tried to, before losing himself in the technicality of relations. “I haven’t seen her since we took leave of the Pelennor yesterday,” he admitted, handing the wire brush from one of his hands to the other, awkwardly. The question, of whether Eryn was alright, perched on the cusp of his tongue, too afraid of the answer to stand as a question aloud. There was something about his Uncle’s urgency which suggested this was more than simply covering for his friend, if she’d snuck out into Ithilien or something again.

Nobody else has either,Dom offered the worst explanation so far. “We’re still trying to work it out. Eryn didn’t come home last night. She’s still missing. Dui is … well .. we need to help him find her.” The man’s face told the story which words would fall short in attempting.

‘Missing’ .. The word escaped Unalmis without sound, his lips spelling out the surprise and the shock which the news had rendered. “Have you tried Dessy’s ?” he wondered next, and this time aloud.

And the Houses of Healing, yes,Domanol turned where he stood and performed a small tour of the room without ever really moving. “You’ve no idea where she might .. ?

Kaylin might know,” was Nal’s next thought. Recalling the secret that Eryn had shared with him, about her sneaking out into Ithilien with the Hyandaner.

Kaylin is gone with Dui, looking for her,” the older man shook his head. “Sorry, we haven't been introduced. I'm Domanol, estranged Uncle on parole,” he offered his hand again toward Cali and this time a little more in the way of introduction. He’d forgotten before, and his Nephew did not seem able to master such errands of etiquette at the moment. “His,” he clarified, a moment later, with a head tilt in the young man’s direction.

Hattie can find her,Nal ventured, already running through a list of potential assets at their disposal. Ignoring the Smith’s any reaction to his Uncle’s identity. “We’ve been training her. She knows Eryn’s scent and .."

Eryn had Hattie with her,” the Ranger of the North corrected him, before that line of thought was allowed to branch further into a plan. “Dog never came back yet either.

Nal turned away from either of those present and absorbed the news. His mind was literally reeling, and he wasn’t sure he could bring himself to seek Cali’s expression, not when she might have gone straight to the same concern that he had. That the last time somebody that they knew had gone ‘missing’ .. it had not been good, to say the very least. Furthermore, he could not think of anybody else that Eryn might have gone off with. Except that he could not help thinking that both Arkadhur and ‘Rip’ were each unaccounted for at the moment. There was also ‘Captain Ass’ .. but then, he would know nothing of Eryn .. surely. Hopefully. No more than either of the other two had cause to. Paranoia slowed down, thoughts shifted through the most obvious options.

Cali,” Unalmis put the brush down on the anvil’s horn, and did not react when it instantly unbalanced and fell to the floor. “I’ll make up duty later. Double time, whatever. The Lieutenant already knows so ..” he did not need to indicate the messenger at hand, to point out that he sort of probably had permission from his acting Commander. Domanol, having gained what he had come here for, was already moving toward the door, ready to leave.

That man, Hattie’s former owner,Nal shared, almost conspiratorially, as the two men prepared to leave together. “He tried to drown her, and was not pleased when we took her home with us instead. Noone’s seen him since Beren cussed him out and he didn’t show up for the trial. Maybe he came across them ? Eryn might be hiding, to keep Hattie safe. Or ..

Hearing even the imagined protest of the Smith behind him, the Ranger turned back to include Cali in his supposings .. “or .. I bet she .. ran afoul of Lieutenant Brian,” he proposed all of a sudden. Anything rather than let Cali’s mind go to where his already was. No need for her to know where they would look. No need for her to get into peril .. again .. A third time might not be the charm at all. Iole had made him swear to keep a better care of their 'sister'. “He was in some of a temper, yesterday,” the young man remembered, which made it easier to commit to his alibi, figuring that nobody in their right mind would seek Lieutenant Brian if they could avoid it. And the Armoury of course .. Cali would not want to abandon her responsibilities. Not after spending every waking moment that she had these days lecturing him on such a thing. “The Barracks Master hates them both ... If she came up here, to walk us home after the .. group training .. and she had Hattie .. he ..well, he might have seen her at the least. Said something. He’d certainly remember. We’d best find him ..It’s fine. I’ll be back soon, it will all be … fine.

The last word did not seem to be in proper conclusion, or at all confident. Domanol took his eyes on a tour from his nephew, to the female Smith, as though he was not sure which he was less inclined to believe. “I’m heading back to Dessy’s,” he let his Nephew know. “Meet me there when you’ve checked with this Brian. Or .. do you need backup ?” He was of course, proposing himself into this invitation, for he did not know Cali and could not have suspected she would insist on going along herself.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 6:13 am
by Rillewen
(Just a solo post in response to the previous one)

Cali with Unalmis
Morning of Sept 3rd.

One moment, they were laughing and joking about something. The next, a stranger threw the whole day into chaos. Cali had been preparing to light up the forge when the man entered. Though he may have seen her before, she had never before seen him. Was he a ranger? She certainly didn't know all of them, though some had come to be more familiar than others, as some came frequently for this reason or that. But as it turned out, this man was not seeking anything at the armory, except for her helper. She glanced at Nal, then at the stranger. At first, it sounded like ranger business. Something urgent to pull Nal away? But then, the comment about a family emergency made her all the more concerned. She looked again at her friend, then back at the stranger, who had just asked her to give a message to the smith.

She had just opened her mouth to inform him that she actually is the smith, when the same message emerged.. in Nal's voice. She merely gave a small nod in confirmation, and absently reached to take the hand that was offered, and ought to have given her name at that point, to correct him from 'miss smith', but she was far more concerned by the thought of a family emergency to care about such things at the moment. The fact that they were not truly related did not mean she cared any less for Nal and his family, after all. He was her 'brother' as far as she was concerned. Had something happened to his father? She knew what it was like to lose a father.. and she wouldn't wish that on Nal. Especially now that they were finally becoming closer than they had been when Nal was growing up.

Instead, the news that was dropped upon them was even more shocking. Eryn! Missing? Cali caught her breath and looked at Nal, a little wide-eyed. She had become friendly with Eryn, but she knew that Nal was far closer with her. "Cousin, niece, something like that, whatever." She added vaguely, not really sure exactly what the technical relation would be for her eldest brother's niece, but cousin worked well enough. She made a waving motion as if to dismiss the matter, and shook her head in answer to the question. "I've not seen her for a while," She added her own answer, and set down the tinderbox she had been about to use. Missing. She swallowed, recalling her and Iole's own ordeal, nearly a year ago. She also remembered that the ship which had been meant to bear Arkadhur away to face a trial in Belfalas.. had vanished. Could it be..? She didn't want to think of that.. but what other ideas were there? There was no reason why he should target Eryn, right? Unless.. what if he was going after people that were close to Nal? She hadn't forgotten how the man had seemed to be targeting their specific group.. first Iole, then Cali.. then he'd turned up with Ryn's dagger.. and before that he had been involved in Nal's unfortunate misadventures years ago.

Her gaze remained focused on Nal for a moment, wondering what was going on in his mind upon hearing all of this, then returned to the stranger as he listed the various places that had already been searched for the missing girl. She was hastily trying to think of any other possible places that Eryn might be, but she didn't really know her as well as Nal.

Before she could delve too deeply into her own ideas of what could have happened to Eryn, the stranger suddenly informed her... wait, what?! Nal's uncle? Brown eyes widened in surprise to hear this, as her mouth popped open slightly. Turning to Nal, she found herself speechless for a few seconds, before taking the offered hand again. "Cali.." She answered, somewhat shocked by this unexpected news. After all these years.. he was suddenly here? And Nal had known, and didn't say anything... and, and... Trev! Poor Trev, after all Nal had said to him..

But this wasn't the time to think of Trev. Eryn was the focus, now. Cali's frown deepened as the news got worse and worse. Hattie was with her.. they were both missing? As her friend turned away, Cali bit her lip and tentatively reached out, considering putting a hand on his shoulder, but then she wasn't sure if he would welcome such a gesture at this time, and held back.

The next moment, she blinked as Nal spoke as if he was taking leave of her, that he was about to take off. Obviously, he was going to go search for her, that didn't even need to be said. But, wait, he surely didn't think she was going to stay here? There was no way she was going to stand around trying to work while a friend was missing, possibly in danger! Besides which, she thought it best if Nal wasn't by himself, since she didn't know whether his uncle intended to stick with him or branch of on his own. "Hold on a minute!" Cali protested as they headed for the door together. Picking up one of the hammers, she hung it in her belt. That would be less awkward to wield than a skillet, she figured, if she should need it. And the guards would surely not take away such a tool from a smith.

While her friend was proposing the ludicrous idea that Lt Brian might have a hand in this, Cali rolled her eyes and swiftly searched for a scrap of paper on which to scribble a note. "You'd better not accuse the lieutenant of anything," She warned Nal, partly because she thought a tiny bit of teasing might ease a little of the anxiety and panic that must be racing through his mind at the moment, but also because.. well, she really wasn't sure if that might be what he was thinking. Thankfully, he followed up the idea with a much more reasonable one; that perhaps the Lieutenant had seen Eryn and could possibly be of assistance.

"Nal! Wait for me," She called, unwittingly sounding just like she used to as a child, when the boys would plan to do something fun and didn't invite her along. Finishing a hastily scrawled note, she stuck it on the door, locked it, and hurried to catch up with Nal, as his uncle seemed prepared to split up. "You aren't leaving me behind." She declared, as if this was unthinkable. "As you said, Eryn's practically my cousin, or something like that, and she's my friend too." Just because she didn't see Eryn as much as Nal did, nor was she as close with her as he was, didn't mean she didn't consider the younger girl to be a friend.

"We'll stick together," She assured Domanol, since she wasn't planning to let her 'brother' out of her sight. That way, Domanol could search elsewhere, and they could cover more areas. Not in the state of mind Nal must be in, at the moment, she certainly wasn't going to leave him to search by himself. She could only imagine how panicked he must be feeling. "We'll find her, Nal," She spoke gently, trying to assure him, as they started off together. "Maybe she.. went off to camp somewhere, and forgot to tell anyone?" She tried to offer some possible explanation that didn't involve danger and kidnapping. "Or she might've.. could she have gotten lost, maybe? Out in the Pelennor? Is there anywhere you know of where she might have gone? We could check places like that, maybe." She suggested a few possibilities while she and Nal walked together. "We'd better stop in and let Iole know about it too, and Sorrel. She could help, right?"

And so, together the two friends set off to search everywhere they could think of, until further news reached them about the matter.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:06 am
by Pele Alarion
@Arnyn , @Karis Ziranphel
Headquarters - Secured Cell - Beginning of August

"Yes... Yes, there is definitely that. A boss of self," Shamara said thoughtfully, her eyes reflecting some of the longing she was only vaguely aware of and yet instinctually reached for it whenever she could. "There's the sense of more room here to be, to breathe more freely. Though I know I am hated here, so still..." She paused to consider further words for a while, and then continued: "But I would think Arkadhur would not only want to have full reign over himself, but he would seek to dominate others. I would be surprised if it was not so. In Umbar, you either dominate others or become subject to them."

She looked to Arnyn then, as if in fear that she would be returned to silence immediately should she respond wrongly. "It is not that I am tired of company, Lieutenant, it is very welcome indeed," she sought to extend assurances. "Just that you ask difficult questions to which I do not have all the answers even if I wanted to give them, and I feel... frustrated."

Shamara's hand motioned to the wall where she had tried to mark the passing of days with her fingernails. "It feels like months, though I am not really sure how much time has passed," she explained. "I tried to count days at first, but gave up after the fifth when I figured there's no way out really."

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 1:41 pm
by Arnyn
@Pele Alarion @Karis Ziranphel
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters - Secured Cell, beginning of August

"Hated by some," Arnyn acknowledged, though she did not offer what others might think or feel about one such as Shamara. The Lieutenant looked directly at Shamara when the woman said that, in Umbar, you either dominated others or were dominated by them in turn. "That is not the way," Arnyn said, and while she spoke quietly, the conviction in her words rang loud and clear. "Do you see that, Shamara? Do you see that such a life is void of all meaning? And not simply for the ones who are dominated. But for those who do the dominating, as well."

Upon Shamara's assurances she was not tired of the company, Arnyn nodded slowly. "There you have a glimpse of my own frustration, most likely." Arnyn assessed Shamara for a while. "It has been one month," she finally said, feeling like it was only fair to offer some answers of her own. Even to an Umbarian prisoner who had been involved in human trafficking. Even to one who'd been involved in the trafficking of one of her very best friends. "One month since we have brought you here."

The Lieutenant resisted a sigh, though she did draw in a slow, deep breath. "We are done here for today, I believe." Her eyes flicked to Karis in silent command. So was the Cúner. Arnyn half-turned into the direction of the stairway. "Shamara. As I have come to understand things - in Umbar, you would have either been tortured or executed," she stated non-committally. "Some gratitide for the mercy of the King and his Rangers would not be entirely out of place." The Lieutenant approached the stairs, not looking back over her shoulder. "Do not worry. I will return soon. For more conversation." With maps.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 7:55 pm
by Karis Ziranphel

Karis Ziranphel
Headquarters - Secured Cell
Beginning of August

As Arnyn took up the reins of the conversation again to direct it according to her interests, Ziran slowly sat back against the wall to watch and listen. Crossing one leg over the other casually, she linked her fingers over her knee and kept a slightly curious but calm expression on her face as names both familiar and unfamiliar came and went. She did not let memories of Umbar intrude, as there would be time enough to consider those later, and carefully prod at them to see if anything rose to the surface in light of these conversations. Her focus was on Shamara and the play of responses, feigned and natural, that came and went as the woman reacted to Arnyn’s questioning. Some seemed genuine, but many appeared calculated, and Ziran knew she would not be recommending placing great trust in this woman any time soon, no matter how helpful she ended up being.

Her gaze sharpened at the mention of the guards who helped her escape and the apparent corruption at a high enough level to be able to escape detection. It had occurred when she was home in the Green Hills, and she had only heard incomplete accounts, even at the meeting months ago when it was revealed that Shamara had escaped. Ziran almost smiled as Arnyn circled back once more to this Keket to worry at that bone for another scrap, yet merely flicked a glance to her before settling it on Shamara once more.

One month. It likely seemed an eternity to Shamara after having several months of captivity previously, but she was being treated well despite the solitude. Her cell was clean, and there was even some light that filtered in through air vents as well as that slit in the wall. No torture. No beatings. Luxurious time without the anticipation of pain. There was no sympathy to be found in the quiet lines of Ziran’s face when the woman spoke of it feeling like months.

Arnyn’s look of demand when she mentioned that they were done for the day was met by a slight nod from Ziran. She had nothing further to add, and it was best to let the thoughts settle. Unfolding her limbs, she rose silently and then picked up the empty tray with its utensils that made a quiet scrape as they shifted along the surface. Pausing by the bars she added quietly in parting after Arnyn’s final comment. “She isn’t wrong, you know. I too was a guest of Umbar for a while long ago and know well the differences. Until next time, Shamara.” Turning away, she made her way up the steps in turn.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 10:35 am
by Arnyn
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters, Command Office - Early October

The letter from the Captain of the Guard at Linhir was unexpected. Arnyn was frowning as she opened it, unsure what to expect. Receiving correspondence from another city's Captain was usually about... Her brown eyes skimmed through the lines. Yes. Trouble.

Her eyes widened when she read that it was Thûllir who had written this message - this one to her, and another to Pele. That was good. Then the Captain would be informed as well. Arnyn sighed heavily as she leaned back into her chair.
So Thûllir and Kaylin would be moving ahead to get the lay of the land and inspect what was going on. Concern nipped at the Lieutenant, but she firmly shut it down, telling herself those two would know what they were doing. And given their experience and relationship, they should be able to work together seemlessly. Trust that they will be safe, she told herself.

After reading the letter one more time, Arnyn rose from her seat and started cleaning up the office and getting her things together. She needed to send a message to the King. Call a small group of Rangers together to deal with this problem. Make sure that everything here would be handled well in her absence.

Because she was definitely going.

The Lieutenant verified who was available, and also looked at balancing out skills and not making the group too large or too small. Among others, she summoned Mourgan and Trastion, to report to her at headquarters the next day - after breakfast. (This also meant that Trastion's early morning training session had been cancelled.) Mourgan was disciplined and strong, and it would be Trastion's first mission away from the city. Both had the bow as their secondary weapon, which would prove useful considering the size of the bandit group. Arnyn couldn't imagine force not being necessary... but there was little use in speculation.

The first order of business was to make the required arrangements, and to actually set out for Linhir and then the trail. Thûllir's letter had asked for them to make haste and join him and his wife. Then based on what Thûllir and Kaylin had learned, the Rangers could come up with the right approach.

[[OOC: @Isolde Alarion @Rillewen @Pele Alarion & ofc @Romeran if he wishes to join in
Other rangers are also welcome of course, but I think most others were bowing out this time :)

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 10:03 am
by Pele Alarion
@Arnyn , @Karis Ziranphel
Headquarters - Secured Cell - Beginning of August

Shamara gave a puzzled look to Arnyn when she spoke of the Umbarian way of life having no meaning. Did life have any meaning at all beyond the obvious? The confidence in Arnyn's voice seemed to suggest that the woman thought there was. Yet Shamara had never thought there was much more to it than simple survival and having fun whenever it was available - that's just the way things were, were they not? Was she supposed to look for more than that? And what if there was nothing else to be found? Currently she doubted that she would arrive at some satisfactory findings even if she was locked up for years with nothing else to do but think.

"A month," she then repeated quietly. It had not been that long then, and for a moment she considered taking up the counting of days again, but then again she might run out of space on the wall to mark the passing of time. Besides, it made little sense for all days were the same here, with the exception of this conversation.

"Yes... yes," Shamara murmured. She was very glad indeed that imprisonment was different here, but did it actually come up to gratitude? And did gratitude mean a bribe? She really had nothing on her that she could give as means of thanks. "There really is a difference," she admitted and offered Karis a small smile. She did not think they had met in Umbar, or that she had seen her or heard anything before. Perhaps Ziran had been there at the time when she was still roaming the streets as a petty thief.

She stood at the bars for a while longer, looking at the stairs even after the two Rangers were gone. At least she now had something to look forward to, even if they asked difficult questions. They were still good company and treated her quite well. And the days would not be all so lonesome.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 9:01 pm
by Arnyn
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters, Training area behind the armoury - Around dawn, September 12th
With Trainee Trastion Leithor

As Trastion had requested, she had set a steady pace for their run across the Pelennor and up as many as six circles of the City. Arnyn had allowed a break for them both at the Great Gate, so she could take the time to speak to the guardsmen on duty as their lungs and legs prepared for the most challenging and uphill part of their run.

The Lieutenant had kept a careful eye on Trastion, adapting her pace according to his tells (or the ones she could pick up on). Once they'd passed the Sixth Gate, she'd slowed to a walk. "Best to walk it off before we start on sword forms," she'd told her trainee with a smile.

Once they'd arrived at the training area, she took him through all the forms they'd covered before. Arnyn was demanding but encouraging as they practiced together, constantly seeking the balance between pushing Trastion's boundaries enough so he would learn and improve as fast as possible, and yet not taking it so far that he would become discouraged. She also spent some more attention on a certain move she'd shown him many months ago, which he had found so interesting. To her satsfaction, when he tried it now, it was almost fluid enough that it would work in an actual fight.

"Repetition is key," she instructed Trastion. "This all needs to become muscle memory. You cannot think about it. You simply do it. Your body needs to know what it right. Your arm and shoulder needs to know the angle, your muscles need to know the speed, the force, your feet need to know their steps, your core needs to know its balance."

Several times during the drills, she surprised Trastion with a combination of sword and hand-to-hand. Figuring it would be a good way to keep a curious and eager young man like Trastion interested in what knowledge she had to offer. Once the surprise had worn off, she showed him how to do it himself. And she worked him hard.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2024 11:40 am
by Rillewen

Trainee Trastion Leithor
Headquarters, Training area behind the armoury - September 12th, around Dawn

He was very grateful for the slow and measured pace, so he wasn't pushed too hard. So, while he was out of breath by the time they made it up to the sixth, he wasn't absolutely exhausted already. Nor was he in too much pain. A little, but not so much that he couldn't cope. And he was grateful that she let him walk the rest of the way to the training area.

As they went through training, he definitely noticed the difference in doing the workout first, or not doing it first. It was noticeably easier to train, without having worn out every muscle in his body, first. He would make sure to do the workout.. later. For now, every bit of his effort and energy was going into the current training session. Expecting sword only, he was somewhat surprised when she caught him off guard with some other techniques. He certainly hadn't expected that! But it was interesting, and while trying to figure out how to defend from such things, he also tried to catch how she had pulled it off. Therefore, he was pleased when she then showed him how to do it himself.

By the time they were wrapping up, he was very tired and hot and thirsty, but also very pleased with how much he had learned today. It was great to add new things to what he knew how to do. And practicing daily made it much easier to remember the things that he was learning.. made it easier to do the repetitions that she had spoken about. Yet, despite however enjoyable the training might be, he was quite weary by the time they would come to an end for the day, and glad to have the session called to an end.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2024 1:05 pm
by Arnyn
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen
Headquarters, Training area behind the armoury - Around dawn, September 12th
With Trainee Trastion Leithor

"When you're fighting an enemy, an enemy who wants to kill you, you are not duelling," she told Trastion as she took him through the last form of the day. "And while I always consider myself bound to honour - and if you're going to be learning from me like this I expect you to do the same - when you are using a sword in battle you are not prohibited from drawing a dagger with your off hand if it can give you an edge." She was forcing him to step back, which was part of the response she was trying to teach him - in a moment he would counter as she'd shown him. "Also you are definitely not prohibited from using your legs, arms and legs. Most of all -," she smiled as she suddenly stepped put a foot behind his and pushing him back mercilessly with her arm so he could do nothing but stumble over it. "- your head. You always need to use your head. That is your primary weapon, really. The sword can, at the most, take second place."

She reached out a hand to him. Figuring she had made her point with more than mere words. Once she'd helped get him to his feet, she gave him a pleased nod. "We will call it for today."

Someone clapped from the sidelines. Mildly surprised by the unexpected visitor, Arnyn looked over to the source of the sound. Her surprise grew exponentially as she laid eyes on an all too familiar face. A face wearing a wide grin.

Headquarters, Training area behind the armoury - Around dawn, September 12th

"Geez," the man commented, still leaning against the wall. "Is this how you treat all your rangers?"

Arnyn, having recovering from her surprise by now, grinned back. "Only those with the mettle to learn from me." She gestured toward Trastion. "This is Trastion, a Ranger Trainee I am mentoring." Her eyes then returned to Trastion as she tilted her head toward the other man. "That is Tercen." A brief pause. "My brother."

"Older brother," Tercen announced as he pushed away from the wall and approached Trastion and Arnyn. He was taller than them both, and his hair was the same golden colour as Arnyn's. Longer than that of most men, he'd gathered it together in a low pony tail at the back of his head. He gave Trastion a disarming smile and held out his hand. "A pleasure to meet you."

Arnyn raised an eyebrow. "How did you even get in here?" she asked, meaning the Sixth Circle as well as headquarters.

Tercen shrugged, clearly amused. "That's for me to know and you to wonder at, sweet sister."

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 10:20 am
by Rillewen

Trainee Trastion Leithor
Headquarters, Training area behind the armoury
September 12th, around Dawn

As he was driven back, step by step, Trastion had little time to think of anything else but blocking and parrying her sword as well as he could. But her words reached him, nonetheless. He gave a brief nod as she told him about how fighting enemies was not the same as dueling. He knew that, but he felt no need to inform her of that. His focus was entirely on keeping up what he needed to be doing, and watching for the opening in which he could make the counterattack that she'd shown him before.

The comment about how she expected him to be honor bound, he was mildly surprised she had even felt the need to say it. "Of course," he replied without having to think, before she went on with the rest of her statement. It was interesting, that she'd brought up the use of hands and feet, as he briefly recalled having some doubts about that, that time he'd done some training with Captain Pele and Sir Abrazimir.

Before he quite realized what was happening, he was thrown backward to the ground as she pulled off some sort of tripping maneuver he hadn't expected. Though startled by the sudden move that had him falling backward, he threw both arms out to his sides as he began to fall, rather than behind him, and made sure that he would land on his rear and then the momentum would have him roll onto his back, while his arms spread out to the sides would keep his head from hitting the ground. That was something he'd learned as a child, from his brother. As often as Togg used to try and push him, it had been rather useful to know.

A bit surprised though, that Arnyn had somehow pushed him down like that, he looked up in slight amazement. He actually wasn't sure how she'd done that, but he wanted to know how. Before he could think of asking, however, he was startled by some applause from the side. As he took Arnyn's offered hand and let her help him back up to his feet, Trastion glanced toward the source of the noise, and saw a guy he had never seen around before. He was somewhat puzzled, but saw a grin on Arnyn's face. So, she knew him, anyway.

As Arnyn introduced him, Trastion smiled to hear trainee. It was still a bit of a new title, and a nice upgrade from recruit. As the introduction was flipped around, he was about to say that it was nice to meet Tercen, when the next bit caught him by total surprise. Brother!? He blinked and looked at Arnyn. "Your brother?" He repeated, slightly shocked, but somehow managed to keep himself from asking 'you have a brother?'. He swiftly tried to think back to recall if she had ever mentioned having a brother. Or anything at all about her family.

Older brother, as it turned out. As Tercen made sure to point out. Trastion slowly grinned back as he came over. He took the offered hand in a firm handshake. "Pleased to meet you as well." He replied, then cast his grin toward Arnyn. "No wonder you're so tough.. having brothers will do that, I guess..." he commented, (speaking from his own experience, anyway) with slight amusement before looking back at Tercen. "Did she ever knock you down like that?"

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2024 10:05 am
by Arnyn
Image | Image
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen | Tercen
Headquarters, Training area behind the armoury - Around dawn, September 12th
With Trainee Trastion Leithor

Tercen gave Arnyn a pointed look when the trainee made it clear he'd obviously had no idea she even had a brother. "Am I really that embarrassing?" he asked her with a raised eyebrow, but there was an easy smile on his face still.

Arnyn ignored him and gave Trastion a nod. "Yes, my brother," she laughed briefly. Moving to stand next to Tercen, who was taller than she was, and taller than Trastion as well, she gestured between Tercen and herself. "I think the resemblance is there. No?" And it really was. Their sunlit hair, unusual for Gondorians, as well as certain facial features and their brown eyes. Though it should be noted that Tercen's eyes were of a distinctly much lighter brown than his sister's.

While Arnyn raised a thoughtful eyebrow at Trastion's comment about brothers making you tough, Tercen smiled. The comment obviously pleased him, and the following question made him laugh. "Yeah, it was a real pain when she started getting better than me," he admitted without shame. "But after a brief adjustment period, I really took a liking to having a baby sister who's a total badass." He nudged Arnyn playfully with his arm. "Right, miss big shot?"

Arnyn gave him a poised smile. "If you want to inspect the ground here, you can simply say so," she told him. He took a step back, raising both hands in his defence. "No, no," he grinned. "I'm good."

He turned back to Trastion. "Anyway, I can tell you she really does mean well..."

"Tsk." The brief response was all she had for Tercen before stepping away toward the water skin she had lying in wait by the side of the training area. "Taras," the Lieutenant said, reclaiming her trainee's attention. "The muscle exercises - I recommend doing them before or around noon. So there is enough time between then and tomorrow morning."

Tercen frowned. "He has to come back tomorrow morning, as well?"

Arnyn met her brother's eyes. "Yes."

His frown deepened. "Sis... come on. Isn't that overkill?"

"I'm teaching him the way I fight."

Tercen still didn't seem to believe it. "Even so - you didn't seem to be cutting him any slack whatsoever. If you keep that up for days in a row then wha--" He suddenly fell silent, closing his mouth before his lips parted again and his light brown eyes slowly shifted to Trastion. "You are?" he asked, incredulous, seemingly having found some reason to re-assess the trainee in front of him. He was clearly still speaking to Arnyn, even though he was looking at Trastion. She didn't answer, but that was answer enough. Tercen drew in a slow breath, still clearly not quite believing what he'd just heard. "Well," he muttered. "That's a first."

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:53 am
by Rillewen

Trainee Trastion Leithor
Headquarters, Training area behind the armoury
September 12th, around Dawn

As Arnyn asked whether the resemblance was there, Trastion tilted his head and looked as if he had to really look hard. "Maybe.. just a bit." He answered while holding up his thumb and finger to indicate a tiny amount. He was joking, of course; the resemblance was obvious. He laughed when Tercen declared that he actually liked his little sister being so good. With a little nod, Trastion briefly considered what that might be like. If his sister were exceptional at fighting, even surpassing him... well, he wouldn't have to worry about her needing protecting, that's for sure. Would it feel weird to him, he wondered? Anyway, at the moment, he couldn't help a little grin. "I guess that saves you from a lot of effort, right? Since she can take care of herself, you don't have to do as much big brother-ing... protecting and all that, huh?"

Watching Arnyn threaten to put her big brother on the ground kept the grin on his face. He was, briefly, reminded of how he and his own brother would play around, with a little banter back and forth. It was nice to see others who had a similar relationship, or so it appeared to him.

While he was feeling much better than he had been a couple of days ago, Trastion was still quite sore. He let out a soft groan as he leaned down to pick up his sword from where he'd dropped it when he fell, and straightened slowly. He wasn't sure whether Tercen had picked up on that, but the comment he made about Arnyn 'meaning well', left him feeling as if he must have noticed how sore Trastion was. He glanced toward Arnyn when she spoke to him, and gave a nod when she offered a recommendation for when he should do his workout. "Yes, Lieutenant," He answered, then glanced toward Tercen with mild surprise when he began questioning her about the training being 'overkill'.

His gaze went from Arnyn to her brother, and back, as they spoke to one another. And then the way the latter suddenly cut off his sentence, as he seemed to catch what his sister had said... Trastion almost found it amusing. He quietly cleared his throat, as Tercen said something about Arnyn keeping up his training for days in a row. "Actually," he spoke up, "I just had two days off... in a row." He shrugged, sheathed his sword, and looked curiously back at Tercen. "What?" He asked, noticing how he was looking at him strangely.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 5:08 pm
by Arnyn
Image | Image
Lieutenant Arnyn Dealedwen | Tercen
Headquarters, Training area behind the armoury - Around dawn, September 12th
With Trainee Trastion Leithor

"No, she's always been pretty self-reliant," Tercen told Trastion. "Maybe a little too much," he added, muttering. Arnyn gave him a warning look, though, and he shrugged but still fell silent on the topic. She gave her brother no such look after his comment about 'this being a first', though. So when Trastion gave him that curious look and clearly wanted to know what was going on, Tercen raised his eyebrows briefly and then shook his head.

"I mean. Arnyn has trained plenty of new rangers over the years," he clarified, glancing at his sister, who still wasn't giving him any signals that she didn't want him to explain further. "And obviously she also taught them how to fight and how to do it well. But as I understand it, she never really shared the moves that - you know. Set her apart, I guess?"

"Alright, big brother," Arnyn said gently. "That is enough. Trastion - I will see you tomorrow," she added smoothly, making it clear not only their training session but also any chit-chat was now coming to an end. She touched her fist to her heart and then gestured for Tercen to follow her on her way back into the building.

"Any particular reason for your visit? Or did you just miss me too much?" she asked just before they stepped out of Trastion's earshot.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2024 6:19 am
by Rillewen

Trainee Trastion Leithor
Headquarters, Training area behind the armoury
September 12th, around Dawn

At the possible hint of some sort of interesting story about Arnyn, Trastion couldn't help being a bit curious. But, she quickly gave her brother a look which shut him up. No chance of hearing that, then. Trastion tried not to be too disappointed. Nor was he particularly surprised that she had stopped him from telling anything. She did seem to enjoy being mysterious, he thought with mild amusement.

However, the news that Arnyn had never done this before was a bit of a surprise to Trastion. He blinked in surprise as Tercen explained, but he did not have a chance to make any comment about it. As Arnyn declared that it was enough, he turned back to Arnyn with a nod as he returned the salute. "Right," He smiled and gave a nod to Tercen. "Nice to meet you," He mentioned. "Perhaps I'll see you around, sometime, Tercen."

As they set off together, he took a drink from his waterskin and glanced around to make sure he had everything that he had brought along, then set off down through the levels at a leisurely pace. He had some duties later but he had some time to relax before then, so he decided to visit one of the parks on a lower level while he passed the time.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2024 9:24 am
by Rillewen
@Arnyn @Isolde Alarion

Trainee Trastion Leithor
Headquarters, Command Office - Early October

He was a bit surprised, yesterday, to receive instructions to come to the command office this morning after breakfast, instead of to the training area before, as he had been doing for about a month now. Was Arnyn changing things up again? And why had she extended the instructions to his roommate as well? He was wondering about that, as he made his way quietly into the headquarters building, feeling comfortably full from breakfast, but not too full. He had his armor on, as if he was going to train as he would any other morning, with his sword sheathed at his side.

Approaching the door, he knocked and waited. A fleeting thought crossed his mind, had he done anything recently that might get him in trouble? He couldn't think of anything at all, however, so tried to reassure himself that neither he nor Mourgan were in any sort of trouble. Probably just a new training thing she wanted to do.. she had once mentioned getting Mourgan involved in his training, after all, so maybe she'd decided, now that he'd been training with her one-on-one for a month, it was time to have him train with others, again? It was all he could think of to explain this. But, he'd soon find out.

Re: Rangers: Headquarters & Armoury

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:19 pm
by Isolde Alarion
Ranger Mourgan Alarion
Headquarters, Command Office - Early October

@Arnyn @Rillewen

He wasn't really sure what to think about being summoned to Headquarters especially after breakfast. Must not have been too serious if they got to eat first. So that got him thinking. Had he done something wrong? The only trouble he could think of and that would be remote was the fight that night, but nothing had been said since so he figured that couldn't be it. He couldn't think of anything so he settled with waiting to find out.
No use in overthinking it he reasoned.

From the Mess he made the way at almost a leisure pace to the Headquarters. Just then he saw Trastion knock on the door as he approached. "So, what are we in trouble for now you figure?" He joked with him and came to a stop next to wait for a response to his knocking. No sense in him knocking too. He noted Trastion was wearing his armor, he looked at himself now doubting his clothes of choice which were his normal everyday clothes. "I didn't see we were to suit up for this."