Orlando Bloom returns

"As for myself," said Eomer, "I have little knowledge of these deep matters; but I need it not."
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Chief Counsellor of Gondor
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My first reaction was to groan, but at least it's Oropher? And perhaps Lee Pace can come onboard as Thranduil. He was one of the few positives about The Hobbit movies (imo). I'd have to wrap my head around Bloom playing Thranduil's son and father. :googly:

https://www.theonering.net/torwp/2023/0 ... Bcdw-MHoUc
A Loquacious Loreman.
Tis the season of Sean Bean prequel shows

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I can get behind a plot armor-less Orlando Bloom. So they can use Unfinished Tales characters now? That opens the door for a prequel Aldarion and Erendis series I would love to see. I don't recall one mention of Oropher anywhere at all in the LOTR and its appendices, because back when I was 13, Oropher would've been a very distinct name (like Orodreth, who's existence in the TV series is questionable) and I would've remembered it.

He will have the same fate as the Unfinished Tales Oropher, right?

... right? They can use that fate since they can use his name, after all, right?

I know Celeborn will appear in the second season (most likely), for I much desire to speak with see him. Who's the actor that'll be playing him?

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