Important messages from and for the administrators.
Elven Enchanter
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You have your new admins!
Dear everyone,
Please congratulate your wonderful new admin team, all returnees:
@Rivvy Elf and
@Pele Alarion: I have every faith they will do a great job for their term. Thank you to everyone who nominated, accepted, voted and participated! (And to
@Narv best of trolls. He can lift a bus, you know.) It was a close one which speaks to the calibre of all our candidates. Once again apologies for how drawn out this process turned out to be and many thanks for your patience! We will be sorting icons and powers out soon (thankfully, a short job for two of the candidates in question) and I will be handing the reins over shortly after that. Looking forward to participating responsibility free as a member again!
Thank you once again and congrats!
Cave Troll
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@Arnyn, @Rivvy Elf, @Pele Alarion - I am happy to be the first to congratulate you and to thank you in advance for all your hard work.
@Silky Gooseness, just before you vanish your admin hat may I, as a member of the plaza, inquire if you are certain of the count? It did seem that the machinery was difficult to manage, and there were likely a few gollum spots. May I ask you, officially, in your capacity as admin, to verify the vote please?
Thank you all!
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.
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Congrats to thees, most gentle folk! I pray your terms be quiet and dull, full of tribute requests and inane coding questions.
P.S. - I pray for the return of cHa0s Go()()se
"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood..."
High Warden of Tower
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A very warm congratulations to the fantastic three -
@Rivvy Elf, and
@Pele Alarion.

I have seen what each of you have done before, I know you're going to make a fantastic team all together, and I am optimistic about what such a collective will bring to the management of this site going forward.
@Silky Gooseness I am honestly so very sorry to see you step down. Although I hope i am not out of place by saying that I can not blame you.

I hope that you enjoy more joy and peace in the days to come, you certainly deserve that. Thank you for all that you have done to bring the site this far. Especially all the time and effort you have put into running the voting process. Greatest goose ever.

All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost
The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not touched by the frost.
Counsellor of Gondor
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Congratulations those elected! Thank you sil for all of your time and effort this past year, including facilitating the elections process.
Ziranphel of the Green Hills ~ Thûllir Bregedŷr of Ithilien
Elven Enchanter
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Thanks everyone!
The concordet method is an excellent one - any issues were mostly caused by me failing to be able to log in to my account
We don’t release the precise breakdowns for voter and candidate confidentiality but I received 14 votes all of which were properly counted and verified. I did not view the votes until all of them were cast. I did not vote. I am certain of the results.
New Soul
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Congrats all three of you! Nicely done and good luck for the term!
Silky: Thanks for everything! Enjoy the forever membership of our community in delight and fun!
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Ent Ancient
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whoo congratulations to you three and I hope the term goes well.

Sil - thank you and lots of love!

New Soul
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My best wishes to the team!
Look forward to getting to know all of you better!!!
Khazad Elder
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Congrats, you guys! Thanks for stepping in!
Thank you,
@The Good Hunter, for stepping up!!
Thank you for everything, Sil!
Thanks, Narv, for being so strong!

The world was fair in Durin's Day
New Soul
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its amazing and very pleasing
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I'm with the spambot on this one - amazing and very pleasing everyone! Thanks @Silky Gooseness for being the goat of plaza jr admins, and as always, any future unretirement will be as welcomed as this current retirement is grudgingly accepted.
@Arnyn and @Rivvy Elf and @Pele Alarion, thank you so much for continuing the thankless (other than this thread) work of adminnery - you're all pros at this by now so I can just say go do your thing and I'm around (eventually) if you need anything!
Big thanks also to the nominees as a whole and all the voters for keeping the wheels of internet democracy churning and sil for a flawless execution of the plaza election recipe - ya nailed it
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@Drifa and
@Narv - don't you dare thank me!

you both know very well that I'm the Frenzied Flame ending
"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood..."
Black Númenórean
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Congrats to those elected, and thank you for being willing to take on the job for another term! May it be uneventful except for just the right amount of fun shenanigans 
Thank you Sil for running a splendid election, now come back to the retirement home you're late for bingo

Evil is a lifestyle | she/her
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Thank you, people, for trusting me with the important buttons - I can't promise not to push them and cause havoc in some of your posts...

Though I guess
@Narv might send all his troll powers after me if it was too much havoc. Or not.
@Silky Gooseness 
So used to seeing you as a part of the team that it seems strange otherwise! Thanks for being you, after all you will still be that, right?
@Arnyn ,
@Rivvy Elf Let's go and have a party with pizza, honey cake, or whatever. Work after.

- Points: 5 580
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Thanks for the confidence, to those who cast their votes my way! And to those who didn't, maybe you'll get lucky next time LOL.
Sil is a peach, other than a goose. I know Narv loves her for taking the election process off his hands, as Lail did before her. *milennial heart sign*
Rivvy and Pele, looking forward to working together!
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength