@Arnyn, @Rivvy Elf, @Pele Alarion,
Dear (new) admins,
Please believe me that I am very much hoping for a smooth ride with the three of you. I did appreciate the reply from Arnyn on the post office thread (I still need to read it carefully). It is quite true that I was only asking to be a pain in the neck, for old time's sake. But I now turn over a new leaf.*
I do (honestly) have a real admin question. What do people think of an OOC thread for Lore? I did set up Undertowers partly for that purpose, but it is a tad cumbersome. If we had a stuck OOC thread then there might be some meta coordination of threads. For example, if there was such a thread I would now inquire about how others might wish to see the development of the Nodens material in relation to Middle-earth.
Thank you!
* Any feud between myself and Arnyn will be conducted outside her admin role. Said feud may be resolved at any point by means of the pinkie shake and broigez formula, which she knows. I can do no more.
Lore OOC
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.
An Out-of-character lore thread implies that posters in lore adopt a different persona when posting in lore. Most people don't adopt a different character when doing so. Out-of-character threads are typically used for roleplay as a sort of backstage area.
In the old plaza there used to be Plaza Houses, where potentially such a coordination thread could work. But I think Gondolin would be the best place for a meta-coordination of threads.
This is all my opinion.
In the old plaza there used to be Plaza Houses, where potentially such a coordination thread could work. But I think Gondolin would be the best place for a meta-coordination of threads.
This is all my opinion.
@Chrysophylax Dives Aww shucks. If you were only asking to be a pain, then you missed your mark entirely
Also, I'm not sure I do know? I'm well versed in the pinkie shake but completely unfamiliar with the broigez formula. I invite you to elaborate.

Also, I'm not sure I do know? I'm well versed in the pinkie shake but completely unfamiliar with the broigez formula. I invite you to elaborate.
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength
@Rivvy Elf. Thank you. The OOC might stand for something else (Occasional oddball chat, for example). But if you are offering Gondolin then I may as well carry on at Undertowers.
@Arnyn. We need an officiator, I suggest Rivvy. Then we do a virtual pinky shake and each post the following formula: Shoilem shoilem le'olam, broigus broigus af'pa'am. The pinkys go up and down 8 times, 4 before and 4 after the comma, with le and af getting the 3rd and 7th respectively. The meaning is: 'Peace, peace forever, feud and anger never'. In theory the formula may also be reversed, with thumbs instead of pinkys and war declared forever and peace never, but in practice this formula is never ever uttered - and for obvious reasons (one does not formally agree to get into feud, only out of one). I hope this is clear. Feel free to ask any questions. If you wish to proceed do let me know, and point me to an appropriate thread. Yours professionally, Chrys Dives.
@Arnyn. We need an officiator, I suggest Rivvy. Then we do a virtual pinky shake and each post the following formula: Shoilem shoilem le'olam, broigus broigus af'pa'am. The pinkys go up and down 8 times, 4 before and 4 after the comma, with le and af getting the 3rd and 7th respectively. The meaning is: 'Peace, peace forever, feud and anger never'. In theory the formula may also be reversed, with thumbs instead of pinkys and war declared forever and peace never, but in practice this formula is never ever uttered - and for obvious reasons (one does not formally agree to get into feud, only out of one). I hope this is clear. Feel free to ask any questions. If you wish to proceed do let me know, and point me to an appropriate thread. Yours professionally, Chrys Dives.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.
I'm not an admin and I know people got told off for replying to admin messages threads on the OP but this isn't the OP so here goes
what about not an OOC thread but a more general Lore forum discussion/organization thread not dissimilar to the Cottage Creatives Corner? Something like a Lore hut...or a Lore Library? or something more creative and Middle-earthy than what my brain is coming up with right now. To be honest, I'd never look for such a thread in Gondolin and it would annoy me that I had to open a second forum to discuss content in/about a completely different forum.
what about not an OOC thread but a more general Lore forum discussion/organization thread not dissimilar to the Cottage Creatives Corner? Something like a Lore hut...or a Lore Library? or something more creative and Middle-earthy than what my brain is coming up with right now. To be honest, I'd never look for such a thread in Gondolin and it would annoy me that I had to open a second forum to discuss content in/about a completely different forum.
Chrys and Lail, that seems like sth worth exploring. Lail I think that's probably part of what Chrys had in mind too (?). A place to coordinate or for someone to ask a question or check if there is interest for this or that.
Give us a little (or a lot of, depending on what feels like a little or a lot to you) time to discuss.
So the three of us are all on the same page.
@Chrysophylax Dives I wouldn't make a new thread for it. Can we tie the pinky shake into one of your existing threads? What do you think?
Give us a little (or a lot of, depending on what feels like a little or a lot to you) time to discuss.

@Chrysophylax Dives I wouldn't make a new thread for it. Can we tie the pinky shake into one of your existing threads? What do you think?
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength
:) Look for me in a few days on the Adamanta Chubb Librarian thread, or thereabouts.
On Lore. Priya and myself have a foundational disagreement, or at least I think so. Hopefully I am an older and wiser plaza member than even a few weeks ago. And Priya is certainly very well-mannered and polite. But could I request some gentle nudges if my own language ever oversteps the bounds of civility and courtesy (no butter here, I am afraid)? I absolutely do not wish to walk into any more feuds, at least not for a while.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.