Bug Reports

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Ent High Elder
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These are the small moments of levity I am here for :smiley9:
Fangorn Forever

Black Númenórean
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You call it levity, I call it code-induced heart failure

Tomato tomahto
she/her | Esta tierra no es mía, soy de la nocheósfera.

New Soul
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*revives Tara*

Esquire of The Mark
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Are the login cookies still set as non-persistent? The last two or three days I've noticed I've had to log in again any time I've closed my browser.
May the Horse be with you.

Knight of The Mark
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From the beginning, I am constantly logged out. This happens when I am on my laptop, my iPad, or my iPhone. I've learned to live with it, but it sure would be nice if I could stay logged in.

Thanks for everything you are all doing, Admin Team, to keep up with all our issues! :smiley17:

Black Númenórean
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Elvheimdros wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 1:38 pm Are the login cookies still set as non-persistent? The last two or three days I've noticed I've had to log in again any time I've closed my browser.
From what I can see, they should be persistent. Narv may know better or different, though.
Eléowyn wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 2:12 pm From the beginning, I am constantly logged out. This happens when I am on my laptop, my iPad, or my iPhone. I've learned to live with it, but it sure would be nice if I could stay logged in.

Thanks for everything you are all doing, Admin Team, to keep up with all our issues! :smiley17:
@Eléowyn - are you being logged out while in the middle of browsing/posting on the Plaza? We did some investigating on a similar issue and thought we had a fix in place, but if you're still experiencing that, there's probably more we need to look into.
she/her | Esta tierra no es mía, soy de la nocheósfera.

Knight of The Mark
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@Tarawen Thankfully I’ve never been logged out in the middle of posting. But it happens frequently if I am logged in, step away for a few minutes, then come back and refresh a page (without having closed the page in the browser) or navigate to a different page.

Black Númenórean
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@Eléowyn - Got it - thanks for clarifying! We shall investigate.
she/her | Esta tierra no es mía, soy de la nocheósfera.

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Nia wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 1:37 pm When I'm using my work laptop, about 90% of the images people post inside posts seem to appear to me as a little error 'image' icon (including photos I myself have posted). I never have this problem on my personal laptop (both are windows and I use Chrome browser on both), nor on my android phone or tablet. I kinda assume maybe my work laptop simply has privacy or admin setting which is blocking them / the powers that be are telling me (probably quite rightly) to get back to work, but given I just saw someone (@Lirimaer) comment about this happening to them on one of the art threads in CoLP, thought I'd message here just to check.
Okay so I've got an update on this, it's more like 50:50 whether I can see an image or not on this laptop:

Azdiur's picture of the spreadsheet on the previous page - can see this fine
Vorondir's art thread - can see this fine
Li's icon thread - can see this fine
Flies and spiders bug photos - can see this fine

My art page - cannot see images
Eldrith's photos - cannot see images
ATR & SCR icons - cannot see images (except in Lirimaer's quote of Alla)
Ruler icons - can only see the icons when Windy has posted them :smiley9:

I wonder if it depends on the image hosting website or something maybe?

Ent Ancient
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I'm having a similar, but somewhat different experience as Nia. Certain images in threads appear only as the text "Image" for me.
Its happening in Firefox, but when I use Chrome or view on my Android phone, the images all load fine. I turned off my FF Ad-Blocker (Ghostery extension) and all the images load fine.
So, not really a bug with the Plaza itself, just a browser extension issue for me.
Nia, maybe yours is something similar especially since its on your work laptop?

Master Torturer
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Hmm, I cannot see Eldrith's images either, but when I went into the post it didnt look like she has uploaded them first?
This is the url: https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/ ... e=5EE915A5

And when I click that link it says url signature expired


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@Lailyn thanks, that's helpful to know. I was fairly certain it must be some sort of browser extension/ work laptop issue, given I do see everything fine on my personal laptop.

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My guess with Eldrith's images is that it was a temporary URL that has now expired, as like Winddy I can't view those images even when opening the URLs directly.

For the rest, the common denominator looks to be imgbb -- none of the can threads in @Nia's list use imgbb, and all of the cannot threads do use imgbb, with the exception of Eldrith's which has another explanation as mentioned. So from that I would agree wtih @Lailyn that for some of you, either Firefox or some browser extension is blocking cross-site links to imgbb. Not much we can do about that unfortunately, other than start recommending people use other sites like imgur or some such. I'm not totally certain this is the explanation, but it seems likely to me.

Elven Enchanter
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I use imgbb for pictures and Chrome for all internet related browsing and haven't had trouble seeing images.
Artanis / Éomund / Brandor / Zarâm

Master Torturer
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Can you not set your adblocker to allow imgbb?

The @Eldrith one is weird though, wonder if it is like that for everyone as there are comments in the thread, wonder if they can still see them?

Knight of The Mark
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For reference: I was able to see @Eldrith’s pictures as recently as earlier this week, but today I cannot.

Ent Ancient
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Its all good I can just turn my Ad-blocker off on the Plaza and the images work. In case anyone else runs into that, something to try. :smiley22:

Weirdly, I have never been able to see Eldrith's pictures when I looked at the thread.

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@Azdiur I just pulled in some fixes Tarawen made for CSS imports that seem to make the page loading a lot better from what I can tell -- how are things looking to you? I still have to get rid of those dead asset links but hope to have that dealt with soon.

Black Númenórean
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Fascinating about imgbb, thanks all for such detailed reports of what is going on. For what it's worth - might be a browser-specific thing? I can see Eldrith's photos in Chrome but cannot in Firefox.
she/her | Esta tierra no es mía, soy de la nocheósfera.

Master Torturer
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This is very minor, but I'm seeing a slight spacing issue for in the display of four digit point totals (Google Chrome on macOS; also occurs on Chrome for Android when I force the page to display the desktop version).


This does not appear to affect four digit post totals...


...and I'm not able to replicate the issue in Safari (macOS).
Loremistress Emerita | she/her

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I like to think it's politely leaving room for a comma.

Black Númenórean
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@Eldy Dunami this is a setting in points formatting, I believe, and Toast has unwittingly been the experimental guinea pig to show us how those look. Let me see if I can get rid of the lil space.
she/her | Esta tierra no es mía, soy de la nocheósfera.

Black Númenórean
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@Eldy Dunami - I unfortunately must report that this is the best option we've got for separating thousands values (the points system is a separate extension from the base forum software, which is why it looks different from post counts), so the awkward space stands.

EDIT: Also, Moriel has alerted me to the fact that the lil space only seems to show up on Chrome - just tried it on Firefox and Safari and it is not visible there. So I guess we Chrome users will have to suffer the presence of that tiny space :(
she/her | Esta tierra no es mía, soy de la nocheósfera.

Master Torturer
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Yeah, I found the same thing when I tried using Safari. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Thank you for looking into this!
Loremistress Emerita | she/her

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I just found this in my ancient plaza stuff hard drive and thought it was apropos. Bugfixing on Plaza has never been easy....


@Finduilas Faelivrin I deeply relate to your experience in this :smiley15:

Master Torturer
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Tarawen wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 11:37 pm @Eldy Dunami - I unfortunately must report that this is the best option we've got for separating thousands values (the points system is a separate extension from the base forum software, which is why it looks different from post counts), so the awkward space stands.

EDIT: Also, Moriel has alerted me to the fact that the lil space only seems to show up on Chrome - just tried it on Firefox and Safari and it is not visible there. So I guess we Chrome users will have to suffer the presence of that tiny space :(
I see the space and I am on FF :P

Black Númenórean
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I'm really not sure why the HTML special character for a narrow no-break space shows up differently in different browsers for different people (or the same browser but different people/perhaps different operating systems?). There are lots of things about encoding and such that I don't fully understand that may be at play here

For what it's worth, I'm on a Mac and don't see it in Firefox but do see what Eldy posted above when using Chrome. Here's what I see in Firefox:


That said, it's a little odd looking but not harmful - so in lieu of replacing it with something more intrusive, I'd vote for leaving it as is.
she/her | Esta tierra no es mía, soy de la nocheósfera.

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@Eléowyn sorry for the delay and for offering a very cliche suggestion, but.. could you try deleting your browser cookies if you haven't yet? There should be a button on the bottom of this (and every) page that says "Delete Cookies", which should clear only the cookies for this site so you don't get logged out of other sites. That will ensure you get the latest, up-to-date cookie settings - they've changed since the first days of the site's existence what with the host change and so on, so it's possible your browser is still trying to use an old cookie. If you still get logged out all the time after that then we'll have to do some more digging.

Knight of The Mark
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@Narv I had done that previously but was still being logged out. However, somehow magically I have not been logged out now for a couple of days. I thought you had done something to fix it! So let’s just go with that ... Narv works magic. Thanks!

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oh, right... yeah, that super smart thing I did to fix it. of course! silly of me to forget. You're, uhhh.. welcome

(but yeah we actually did nada so let us know if the problem comes back and we'll try doing... yada?)

New Soul
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Tarawen wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 10:12 pm @Eldy Dunami this is a setting in points formatting, I believe, and Toast has unwittingly been the experimental guinea pig to show us how those look. Let me see if I can get rid of the lil space.
Classic. The unwitting experiment.

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i just got logged out randomly. the cookie gods are merciless and indiscriminate

Warrior of Imladris
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Were you showered in an avalance of delicious crumbs and chocolate chips? *ponders cookie gods' wrath*
The Wood-elves lingered in the twilight of our Sun and Moon, but loved best the stars.

Black Númenórean
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I just ate a cookie for breakfast and when I went to check Plaza, had been logged out

Not sure if coincidence or angry cookie gods
she/her | Esta tierra no es mía, soy de la nocheósfera.

Chief Counsellor of Gondor
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This is a weird one...it appears my Flies and Spiders has all the bug problems. So, when I look at the post it says "bad baggins." Which I thought I was losing my mind because I could have sworn when I typed the post last night I wrote "bad bugg-ers." So I went to edit it this morning, and in the edit box it says "bad bugg-ers!"

Now I wonder if all the "bugg-ers" words are going to show up after I post it as "baggins." Not sure if it requires much attention to correct, because it's a really amusing bug, just made me think I was losing my mind:



Edit: Oh my, they do! :lol:
Edit 2: Added a hyphen, maybe that will not make me look like a crazy man.
A Loquacious Loreman.
Tis the season of Sean Bean prequel shows

Master Torturer
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Could be the swear filter :P Lets see: buggers

Yep, swear filter :P you dirty bird!

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edit: okay this is a shire ton of fun

Chief Counsellor of Gondor
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hahaha, I had no idea that was considered a swear word. Well, sorry @Winddancer for bringing my filth to the Plaza.

Kudos to whoever designed the swear-filter, every website I've been on just bleeps it with asterisks. I like the filter. Learn something new everyday and makes me want to discover what some of the other swear filters are. :mwahaha:
A Loquacious Loreman.
Tis the season of Sean Bean prequel shows

Master Torturer
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Yea Sil I think had the idea to switch it out for ME words :P And it's an english swear word, but one of the milder ones, use it to tell someone to bugger off :P

Elven Enchanter
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The filters are certainly very entertaining. And I think so far they’re all Hobbit or Shire related. Enjoy your quest to discover more of them.
Artanis / Éomund / Brandor / Zarâm

Esquire of The Mark
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My only fear would be accidentally discovering one that's not filtered, but I suppose that's why the preview exists and it's not like knowledge of indecent language is a forte of mine anyway. :lol:
May the Horse be with you.

Master Torturer
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Good thing we are all over 18 atm :P

Doorwarden of The Mark
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I just naturally think of it as shire-posting now.

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Is it just me or is the Shire back in May 2020?? And what about the rest of the forums?
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Black Númenórean
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All the forums are displaying as expected for me. If this persists, can you post a screenshot of the unusual behavior you’re seeing, @Eamila Bolger?
she/her | Esta tierra no es mía, soy de la nocheósfera.

High Lord of Imladris
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@Eamila Bolger Weird thought (just cause I saw where you questioned this) - is it possible you are looking at the Joined Dates rather than the post date everyone in that thread registered in May.

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It was really weird! It weren't the joined dates, I checked that. And it was only in the Shire, and the posts had times that weren't in sync either.
But it's okay now. Funny bugs has been eaten by Smeagol I guess.
Please state the nature of the medical emergency!

Khazad Elder
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The link posted on Facebook by Narv and the link sent to me by admins to reset my password do not work on my laptop. The links do, though, work on my phone, and I can access the Plaza.
I cannot use my computer to enjoy the Plaza again and must use my tiny phone, which bugs the shire out of me. What could the problem be?

The world was fair in Durin's Day

Black Númenórean
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Hey @Afird Splitax - what do you mean when you say the links don’t work on your computer? Are they refusing to load altogether, or are you able to see the Plaza but just can’t log in? Or maybe something else? Either way, you might want to try clearing the cache/cookies in your browser on your computer, then reloading the Plaza.
she/her | Esta tierra no es mía, soy de la nocheósfera.

Khazad Elder
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Hi @Marceline ! I had to reset my firewall to default settings. All is good! Thanks for your time! :smooch:
The world was fair in Durin's Day

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