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Here's some hopefully useful info to give everyone an idea of what the heck this is and why freaking Narv of all people is running it.

Is this actually The Plaza?

That's a deep question. The original Plaza encountered some very serious technical difficulties and has been offline for more than 2 years. During the past year, updates on its status have stopped altogether. Then 3 things happened around the same time: 1) I learned a tiny amount of PHP for a database course I was in, 2) I got 6 weeks of free time due to a job change, and 3) Youtube started playing the FOTR soundtrack and I got nostalgic one night. From there I got a bit carried away and.. well here we are.

You didn't need all that backstory but this is the important thing: This is a hobby project that got out of hand, so please don't expect much right now. I'm neither a web developer nor a forum guy nor have I ever put "leadership skills" on my resume. The site could break, I could bork the database when I change hosts (in fact I did that once already) - you get the idea. So go have fun, keep it light, and we'll take this thing one week at a time.

Final note on this front: I did receive very generous permission from Protoguy to use his artwork on the site. So any thanks for the look of the site should go to him - 90% of the nostalgic kick I'm hoping to induce is straight from those sweet sweet icons.

Who are the Rulers / Admins? Can I volunteer?

Since the site is very much in beta-mode and virtually everyone here will be coming from the Facebook group, I don't anticipate a lot of moderation needs right now. Sil and Uruva were 2 people that I asked to help me test this thing last week (their primary qualifications were that I could remember their real names and find them on Facebook) - they also have admin powers too at the moment. None of us intend to do much in the way of guiding what happens here beyond enforcing basic terms of service stuff (watching for shady links, bots, harassment, that kind of nonsense).

With that said - IF this proves to be something people actually use for more than a 2-week nostalgia-fest, then I'll definitely be looking at doing a more formal administration setup, potentially similar to the old Plaza (presumably with fewer admins, since this is a much smaller site). I'll be honest with you - I'm starting a new job in June and will see my time/will to devote to this project drop like a stone when that time comes. So I WILL be very grateful for help with all that stuff if we end up with some significant activity, but for now let's just see where things go. In the meantime, if you want to start a thread / army / lava snake racing league, go for it. Rulers are asleep, go nuts.

Who's paying for it?

We are runnin on the Bank of Narv right now. During this testing phase, everything's on an AWS server that I pay for by the minute, but can take down any time and stop paying. That costs about $14 USD per month if I run it all the time. If we have sustained interest and things don't break beyond repair, my hope is to move it to a long-term shared hosting setup that should be maybe half that. I don't mind footing the bill for now since we're in SUPER BETA MODE as I keep mentioning and I'm offering no guarantees about the site sticking around. If & when it looks like this thing has some legs, we can talk about fundraising for the long-term hosting costs.

Where's KD / Lorien / Fangorn / Isengard / The Children of Hurin Forum, you monster

ugh I hate adding forums it takes forever to set up. But if there are forums people want to get back, make a post about it and we'll see if it's popular. But my philosophy is definitely less forums => more people in the same forums => more plaza fun time magic.

thank you for coming to my website

i don't know how to center align text

Black Númenórean
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I literally paused on my way up a mountain to join this site you cretin.

Thanks Narv, this is great!

New Soul
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Narv, if we want to request certain forums and see if the suggestions become popular for creation, should we make a thread concerning it in OOME? Right now I have few in consideration like Lindon (for folks wanting to play Elves living by the sea and the Dwarves dwelling in the mountains), the Lone Lands (for the Rangers of the North). Though I could make specific threads for those in Imladris in the meanwhile in addition to exclusive Imladris activities.

Hobbit Child
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Thanks Narv for working on this! :D

Elven Enchanter
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Narv, thanks for getting this up. I'm excited to see where this will go. I second Aig's question about how we should go about figuring out what sort of threads people want.

Wise Ent
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Pretty cool, bro ;)

Councillor of Imladris
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You did it Narv! You saved the Plaza! :D

Now bring back our emoticon library, dammit.

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Aig & Dimcairien: The feedback / feature request thread might be a good place to start those discussions: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=26. My own 2 cents is that at least for a while I doubt we'll have the membership to support too many new forums, but I wonder if some sort of catch-all "Other Places in Middle-Earth" kinda forum would work (assuming it had a catchier name than that...)?

Ears (??): :o

Luthien: workin on it

Points: 131 
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You're amazing!!!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍

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oh and Sil and Uruva. Those names are gonna give me nightmares of they're in charge. Ssssaaaavveeee meeeeeeeeeee

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And unlike Narv, I completely plan to abuse my adminstrative powers.

New Soul
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This is amazing Narv!

Elven Enchanter
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Uruva, if I recall correctly, you were the Witch King at some point, so I think that qualifies you to abuse admin powers. ;)

Black Númenórean
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Not Ears (if you were talking to me), just Moriel, though I will take the compliment :D

Newborn of Lothlorien
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Well done Narv. Feels like we've come home. It's been a long time since I was a waxy little candle.

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Dimcairien wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 5:09 am Uruva, if I recall correctly, you were the Witch King at some point, so I think that qualifies you to abuse admin powers. ;)
Didn't you have a minion character at one point? Maybe even were in Mordor?

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@Moriel ya I know you! I have suspicions about a certain candle up there tho..

@everyone else thanks and hope you all enjoy your time here, be it a one time nostalgia tour or a big ol deep dive


thin ice

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I can't reminisce with a maybe former subject of mine?

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as if I could create that dope ascii art in three minutes or less

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Oooh, this is amazing!!!!

Sage of Khazad-dûm
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Well this is exciting <3

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Apropos of nothing in particular, but I think it bears saying by someone who isn't the painfully nice guy who put this all together that this is all very new and a lot is still being figured out. The Plaza in 2002 looked, functioned, and had a very different tone from the Plaza in 2010, which in turn was very different from the Plaza in 2018 (while there was one). That was many years and many different people. This thing is brand new so be kind to Narv! (and everyone has, just trying to be proactive)

Crafts Master
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Hello everybody

Well it has been many years since I wandered these forums. Even more since I was a new little candle. I do remember Narv and Uruva and Queen Nerwen. Just seeing the icons has made me all misty eyed. I do agree with the main sentiment of "less is more". I do feel very strongly that we all need to gt behind Narv so that we can bring the plaza into the 2020s. Bravo sir! Has anyone advertised this on the other plaza fb page where other old members visit.

Esquire of The Mark
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Omg this is amazing, nadduve nostalgia hit, thanks Narv! Sooo good to see all these familiar names! Actually welling up a bit here...

Healer of Imladris
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Waaaaaaaaaaaah, I can't believe this! Nostalgia is nearly dripping out of my ears. Amazing, Narv!

I'll post more in a couple hours when I have my computer instead of this dinky phone. Great to see so many familiar names and ICONS.

Galadhrim Bowmaster
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*Squeals* in excitement. So happy to have my old home back especially in these challenging times *Proceeds to dance in the corner throwing glitter as celebration*.

Esquire of The Mark
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*massive. No idea what nadduve means. Also, I'm guessing no edit function, or am I just a bit blind?

New Soul
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There's an edit function, Fairy! I've been using it often since I registered.

Welcome back, Linny!!! Missed you, sis.

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Ya hopefully everyone should have a little pencil on the right side of their posts for editing if necessary!

Elven Enchanter
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Fairy, if you are on mobile, the sidebar does not appear until you tilt your screen to enlarge the page. It’s a little pencil button on the top right.

Crikey, I had forgotten how FOO Rochindil was.

Esquire of The Mark
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Aah thanks Sil, that explains it!

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Ah of course, more mobile weirdness. I swear by 2003 standards the mobile site is good....

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Thank you Narv! This is beautiful.

Great to see some familiar names/faces here. I have gone by the names Scary and Dwimmerlaik over the years. I find forums very tricky on mobile and I don't have a computer these days, so I can't promise too much. But if I'm not posting much I'll certainly be here reading it all! :mrgreen:

New Soul
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Nice work Narv. I like what you've done with the place.

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Awesome Dwim! Please let me know of any weirdness you encounter on mobile, here or in the bug report thread or wherever. As you say these old school forums are kind of inherently crappy on mobile, but I'd like to make it at least passable if I can.

Thanks Loke, glad you like it.. FYI your name was the first one I saw tonight that made me go woaaaaah in a hushed and awed tone.

Esquire of The Mark
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Narv, even by 2018 standards the mobile site is good! It's been seamless for me so far apart from not realysing the side bar was there.

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Cool Narv. Well I've had a look around and made a couple of mobile posts now and it's all been smooth and definitely passable so far. I am a fan of weirdness but I will report on the weirdness as requested!

Hobbit Child
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I feel like I've gone back in time. This is wonderful. Does this mean I'm in my early 20's again?!! Narv, just wow. Good work.

Hi everyone. It's so lovely to see so many familiar names (and icons).

Healer of Imladris
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Narv - - the mobile site is working well for me too so far! Both the instant reply thing and full reply editor are no problem. In the full editor I can easily see and scroll through past replies below the box where you type. I'm on a Sony Android, for what that's worth.

Aiiiiiiig - - it's been so long it actually felt presumptuous to put Mordagnir in my username! :? But boy it's good to see you!

New Soul
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Narv wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 9:26 am Thanks Loke, glad you like it.. FYI your name was the first one I saw tonight that made me go woaaaaah in a hushed and awed tone.
I'd be lying if I said I hadn't experienced a twinge or two of nostalgia for the old place. In many ways the world - and certainly the internet - was a more innocent, more magical place when I first discovered the plaza, and the community that grew within it remains dear to my heart. Plus you all let me do whatever stupid crap rattled around inside my head ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME.

And then, you know ... politics and people change, and I think maybe I broke my profile on the old Plaza. Either that or I got banned, I'm not entirely sure which. And then it went away completely. And now a version of it is back :) I like that. And I like you for actually pulling it all together. So genuinely, thank you.

Warrior of Imladris
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Narv wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 4:17 am Ears (??): :o
I've arrived. Oh my gosh, I always knew you were awesome, but this proves it beyond doubt! Love it! And you!

I am in AWE! :o :shock: ;)

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Goodness, looks like so many of us were missing this. I think especially with everything going on. Hopefully it'll last and give us all a bit of an escape again!
When I've managed to feed and exercise the spawn I'll be back for a better look. :D

Master Torturer
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Just wanted to pop in and say Thank you Narv! <3

And I love that you want to keep this place small, as I totally agree! <3

New Soul
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I am speechless, nearly! Thank you, Narv! this is just wonderful.

Archer of Lothlorien
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Hello, friends!!

I literally had a dream about this last night. I read something in the Facebook group before I went to bed, and now it has manifested itself!

Elven Enchanter
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Uruva wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 6:14 am
Dimcairien wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 5:09 am Uruva, if I recall correctly, you were the Witch King at some point, so I think that qualifies you to abuse admin powers. ;)
Didn't you have a minion character at one point? Maybe even were in Mordor?
I found a file on my computer from forever ago with the orc name Zâram. Don't remember anything about that character, but I do vaguely recall RPing a bit in the Mordor area.

Child of The Mark
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Felt real weird logging in, haha

Knight of The Mark
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Oh, Narv!
You brought the plaza back!

Over the last couple years I have written countless Cavalry posts and had so many threats dideas, and couldn't do any of it. Having the chance now is amazing! And all the original icons and kingdoms and everything is beyond perfect!

Horse Trainer of The Mark
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Well well well... It seems to be a magical place again!!!! Yaaaay!!!!! And oh my!!! Look at the beautiful faces!!!!!

Also Shiva and I are working to get out some of the old Rohan faves back in place. So keep your eyes open!
Shiv -- partners in crime yes?!!

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This has full on given me the shivers. I also can't believe it's been two years. This really could not have appeared on my facebook feed at a more opportune moment. THANK YOU!!

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