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Master Torturer
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@Fenrir welcome to the site! :D

Points: 202 
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Thanks @Winddancer ! It's great to be back here.

High Lord of Imladris
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Okay so Reddit sent me here, and honestly I saw @Sil Denafil l and Narv first as admins and went hmmm yup joining.

I have now stayed away until 5 am.... because I am THE dumb.... because I needed to explore, and post, and do stuff... and I have tattoo and piercing appointments I need to function for tomorrow. (oops)
So now I'm going to bed, but I have to say, this is truly amazing, and it feels very very much like it did when I first joined the plaza in ahhh what? 2002? 2003? I honestly don't remember anymore.

I look forward to watching it grow, and if it should ever need a server I own my own shared server atm (because I own my own business and I am the Founder of a convention locally now) that is pretty solid and would be quite happy to donate space on it should it (and honestly it better) outgrow the super beta stage as was mentioned by @Narv
Sereg a Dîn

Elven Enchanter
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:grin: Hi @Fuin Elda!
cave anserem

Healer of Imladris
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Woo-oaaaah @Fuin Elda! Now there's a name I know. Welcome aboard! :grin:
Top-class Canine Alter Ego Associate of Aerlinn Mordagnir

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Glad you like it Fuin :smile: I tried to go for 'its 2004, but it works on your phone' as my guiding philosophy

Thanks for the server offer - we're on a hosting plan that's working pretty well for us now after some early hiccups so the plan is to just stick with that for the foreseeable - the most important thing we can ask of people right now honestly is to post and have fun and post some more. So, welcome!

High Lord of Imladris
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@Sil Denafil @Aerlinn @Narv Thanks for the welcome! (Also I am a bit miffed that I looked up the plaza 6 months ago and not 5 - I'd have made it here sooner)

Also Narv the 2004 but works on your phone is fantastic... but not... HONESTLY I can access the Plaza in bed now this is LAYING WASTE to my current 6 hours of sleep that I allot myself and I don't know if I can get back into the 36 hour per day bubble that I swear I use to live in when I use to be on old plaza. I want to do ALL THE THINGS! :smiley17:
Sereg a Dîn

Hobbit Child
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A middle-aged hobbit lady with a giant foam mushie hat pokes her salt and pepper grey curls into the room. While her first thought is to seek and destroy whatever passes for a buffet table, she hits pause in amazement at the familiar names scattered about. So many hobbits, elvsies, dwarves, riders, rangers, and even minions that were once as well known to her as her beloved cat and barely there house. Sighing with a relief she hardly knew she needed, she sinks into a chair that's as well padded as her hobbit derriere, and hopes that she is welcome here. After all, she thinks, Fuin Elda marked the path on her favorite map, in red, as it should be. Now where are those elderberry muffins?

Black Númenórean
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BB!! Welcome back!! :bounce: *offers a tray of elderberry muffins*
Evil is a lifestyle | she/her

Knight of The Mark
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*offers up some elderberry muffins*

Welcome, @Blackrose Bugg! I was wondering if you would turn up. It’s good to see you. :smile:

Edit: I type too slow. Beat to the punch with the muffins. Well, mine were a little dry anyway. How about a cup of tea?

Hobbit Child
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It's treasure to see you both as well. I happily accept the tea, and the muffins, and pokes at the flame rising about her head. That thing will set my mushie hat ablaze. Hopefully I will soon rejoin the ranks of the piped and smoked! But what fun, anyway! :winkkiss:

Edit - got rid of the open flame - NOW I feel like meself again!

Black Númenórean
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Welcome back, @Blackrose Bugg!
she/her | Esta tierra no es mía, soy de la nocheósfera.

High Lord of Imladris
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YEAH! I am so very very happy @Blackrose Bugg that you made it. I know there are many here that were hoping beyond me that you and (eventually Hoth if that old dog would ever wake up!) would make it here. I was certain it would absolutely happen (mostly because I would just keep poking until it did being the annoying elf I am)

I have some lemon poppyseed short bread cakes and some hot chocolate.
Sereg a Dîn

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@Blackrose Bugg! Hi! Good to see you! (PS @Fuin Elda thank you for continuing to poke and being an annoying elf)
they/them/actual hobbit in search of a merrier world

Elven Enchanter
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@Blackrose Bugg You made it! Glad to see you found your way back to the craziness that is the Plaza. Fuin probably already told you, but we have a discord.

Here's the link! https://discord.gg/Ncbe6C

It'll expire after about 24 hours, but someone else can post a new one if needed.

(PS, I used to be a Lorien elf, so if you don't recognise the icon, that's why)

Warrior of Imladris
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Beebs! I have often wondered if you'd return to this smaller, gentler version of the plaza. How wonderful to see you!

Saw you in the Balderdash thread and nearly spat out my own elderberry muffin, running to find the place of welcome! :lol:
The Wood-elves lingered in the twilight of our Sun and Moon, but loved best the stars.

Points: 1 509 
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Welcome back @Blackrose Bugg! :clap:

Master Torturer
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Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 11:22 am
Welcome back!

Khazad Elder
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My, seeing your name sure makes this old dwarf smile. Welcome back, Beebs!

Hi Eléowyn! It is good to see you too!
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Chief Counsellor of Gondor
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@Blackrose Bugg! Welcome back, this is a joy. :smile:
A Loquacious Loreman.
Tis the season of Sean Bean prequel shows

Ent Ancient
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Hey welcome back, Beebs!! good to see you!

Istari Steward
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BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEBS ahhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so happy I hope you are well it's good to see you again

New Soul
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WOW Thank you, Narv — it looks great! And thanks to Protoguy as well!!

I am quite surprised the Plaza is back. I heard the news from Pele Alarion just this morning.

Greetings to all long-friends!

Mae Govannen!!!

Ankala Teaweed
fka Ann Kalagon
fka Ann Kalagon, Hyandaner

Mae Govannen, my friends!

Khazad Elder
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Hi Ankala! Welcome back!
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Master Torturer
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Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 11:22 am
Welcome back!! :D

Black Númenórean
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Joined: Sat May 16, 2020 9:29 pm
Welcome back, @Ankala Teaweed!
she/her | Esta tierra no es mía, soy de la nocheósfera.

Black Númenórean
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@Ankala Teaweed!!! Welcome!!! :grin: :smooch: :dance:
Evil is a lifestyle | she/her

Ent Ancient
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Hello Ankala! I remember your name! welcome back I'm glad you found us again!

High Lord of Imladris
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Welcome back it's another face..or name I suppose that I remember

New Soul
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Thank you! It’s awesome to be back!

I’m looking forward to reading all the threads. And making time to sort out being returned to a new candle. HA

I was Ann Kalagon in Gondor on the Plaza from the early years, then moved to the Shire with my current name.
Halfir loved and pushed my name change at the time.
fka Ann Kalagon, Hyandaner

Mae Govannen, my friends!

New Soul
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:smooch: Moriel! (does a dance) 👋🏽👋🏽 Hi All! Drifa, Winddancer, Tarawen, Lailyn, and Fuin Elda! It's great to see all of you again and catch up!

Narv - when the first Plaza opened, there were technical bugs. PG had to finally help me register after 200 fails (some ascii krap idk remember). YOU DID A MIGHTY GOOD THING! :hugs:

I'm slowly making time to read all the lovely threads, all the sweet RP posts.

Again my special thanks to Pele Alarion for herding me over here so gently.
fka Ann Kalagon, Hyandaner

Mae Govannen, my friends!

Child of Gondor
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This is the best thing that could have happened in 2022, thank you. I'm glad the site is back!

Archer of Lothlorien
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I might have already mentioned this elsewhere, but thank you Narv, Protoguy, and all of those who put so much time and effort into restoring a beloved forum to its much needed glory. I feel very fortunate to have been a part of a such a dedicated and loving community.
Characters: Eruedraith [Lorien Elf], Ar-Turic of Khand [Khandese Man], "Amber" Dan [Gondorian Pirate], Hrard Depthcleanser [Khazad Dwarve]

Istari Scholar
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whispered Dumenelion as she stuck her head out from the middle of the shattered brick wall. She looked from right to left and laughed out loud as the wax of a candle dripped down her forehead...
Am I home?
Am I a candle?
She used her staff to burst out of the red bricks, shook the dust from her fiery, red hair...
I am Dume, I need answers...

Warrior of Imladris
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"I am Dume," echoed along long-forgotten pathways, a faint light appeared glowing brighter and brighter. Ripples of quantum energy spiraled out across the world as a wizard was sent thither ... this time, in a rather unconventional way.

One who might once have been Earane Ancalime pointed to the door the redhead had clearly ignored. "I think these were around in your time," she opined. "But it's good to see you, Dume, even if you are covered in masonry."
The Wood-elves lingered in the twilight of our Sun and Moon, but loved best the stars.

Istari Scholar
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* Masonry, masonry!!!...does this Elf expect a squiggly, wiggly handshake*
Shaking brick dust from her illustrious tresses, Dume was more than pleased that that the red dust covered some of the grey making her look more acceptable to the masses...
" Hello, Lirimaer, a dore!!! You may, m'dear."
" Have you seen my hat anywhere? It's a pointy thing..."

Warrior of Imladris
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"A pointy hat? Such things are a little rare in these parts, but you could always check the Mathom House in Hobbiton."

She smiled. "And anyway, your hair is too pretty to be hidden under a hat!"
The Wood-elves lingered in the twilight of our Sun and Moon, but loved best the stars.

Master Torturer
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🧙 Welcome back!

Istari Scholar
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Ah, Winddancer...A Wizard never leaves, we just bide our time ...

New Soul
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Dumenelion: Hello! Welcome again! I don't really recall you, but could be we never interacted together. But it is cool to see another old face back once more. :)
Just call me Aiks or Aikári. Notify is off.
Find me stuff in Gondolin.
And let us embark to Valinor!

Istari Scholar
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Thanks a lot Aikari and...I am an old face.
* Turns away from the mirror *

New Soul
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Narv, it has been a LOT more than two years for me, essentially, I was there when the Hobbit Defence Squad was originally formed, or to put it simply, I was the Narv, I was there, 3000 years ago.

Any how, is there any way of rediscovering the details of my original character from the original site (I believe he was also call Periantar)?

Thanks, and thanks for putting this back together.
I am a multi facited hobbit, for I am a gardener;
a leader, hobbit second regiment of the HDS;
and fireworks meister of TISAPA.

Ent Ancient
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hi @Periantar! glad to see you found your way there...and back again! You may try checking out the Wayback Machine for the old Plaza. it can be a bit tedious, having to click on each forum page, then hope a thread works (or not).

When this new Plaza emerged a couple years ago, many members did some archive digging in the Wayback machine and posted working links to this site. If your character was in the Shire, you might try looking at the Undertowers (The Shire Archive)] thread to see if some of your posts are in those old archived threads! good luck!

New Soul
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@Lail Thanks! Can't believe I actually found my character in amongst all those old threads... couldn't open a link on my profile (hardly surprising), but I was able to get a post I'd made and got my post tag from it as seen below (with improved punctuation)...

I'm a multi facited hobbit, for I am a gardener;
a leader, hobbit second regiment of the HDS;
and fireworks meister of TISAPA.
I am a multi facited hobbit, for I am a gardener;
a leader, hobbit second regiment of the HDS;
and fireworks meister of TISAPA.

New Soul
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Hey Periantar, not that I recall you or you may have had another identity in the past, but welcome back! :wink: I dwelled for a long time in Imladris, later a bit in Gondor and moved on to Lothlorien. Now I am not attached to any particular area, don't really roleplay and moreover found in the lore section these days.
Just call me Aiks or Aikári. Notify is off.
Find me stuff in Gondolin.
And let us embark to Valinor!

New Soul
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Joined: Thu Sep 02, 2021 6:24 am
Hmm, is 'Invite Only' the new policy in RP's these days? This makes on me the impression that there is preference with you play or not. I can understand you like to limit the amount of roleplayers in a RP, so it flows. It is something I didn't come across in the past, only with settings as 'five places, sign up'. Confuses me quite. I really like to start in roleplaying again with other people and not on my own alone, with having a normal life once more. But I guess I start on the wrong footing. :shrug:
Just call me Aiks or Aikári. Notify is off.
Find me stuff in Gondolin.
And let us embark to Valinor!

Ent Ancient
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Nope, no changes since the last RP Code of Conduct update in July 2021. If there was, we'd strive to make it widely known.

I suspect since the site has been very quiet, people seem to have been writing smaller stories with just one or two players, perhaps in a planned plot organized between themselves. It looks like you already posted in the RP Request thread which is what I would have recommended. :thumbs:

The RP Code of Conduct states
Behind the screens and distance between us, we are all human. Enormous amounts of time and effort go into creating and playing the characters we bring to life on the Plaza, and it is each person's right to decide what they want to do with their characters and their time. If you have an idea for a specific/detailed/lengthy plot to RP with another person, talk to them first rather than just diving in! If everyone is on the same page beforehand about what they're getting into, no one is stuck either disappointed, or trying to extricate themselves from an unwanted situation. Likewise, if someone tells you they no longer want to be involved in a plot/RP/situation/etc., respect their decision. There are many reasons to exit a plot, and anyone has the right to remove their character(s) from a situation they no longer want to participate in for any reason. Be kind to each other, communicate, and strive to foster creativity and joy.

New Soul
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Joined: Thu Sep 02, 2021 6:24 am
Lailyn: Thanks for your information. I understand the choice. :smooch:
Just call me Aiks or Aikári. Notify is off.
Find me stuff in Gondolin.
And let us embark to Valinor!

Loremaster of Gondor
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Thought I'd give a random shoutout to Narv for getting this Plaza up and running back in 2020. Love the place, but I do wonder who took my bag of coin I had collected for so many years on the old Plaza
Annalist, Physician, & Historian
of The Black Company of the Dúnedain,
The Free Company of Arnor

Elven Enchanter
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Hi @Hanasian! Plaza coins haven’t been implemented on this site and indeed, there is nothing to buy and no battle arena, beloved and janky though it was… how faithfully we collected those credits though :lol:
cave anserem

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