Would it be possible to tag these lore threads with like [Game] or (Game) at the beginning or end of the thread name?
Tantalizing Trivia Quiz
Change My Mind
I think it's pretty clear from the first one that it's a game but probably not the second one. Also in the name of adding some more clarity around thread types in lore I think this could be useful.
Feedback & Feature Requests
How about i teach you? :D So if it is your thread you can edit the title any time you like. All you do is go to edit and then in the Headline/Subject bar you change it :D Though of course if it is too difficult ie on phone and whatnot, lemme know and I will gladly help <3
Oh snap I didn't realize you could edit your own thread titles!
No worries at all! :D
wow i didn't know that either, good call windy
I feel like less of an unobservant dunce now that @Narv also failed to notice you could edit your own thread titles 

Now that we have a new admin team in place I thought I could make a "small" request. Whenever any of the admins have a bit of spare time could you make a sort of basic how-to guide thingy on certain functions on the Plaza? AKA what does this button do and what other neat things can you do, like edit the title of a thread or did you know you could not only centre your text but move it to the right?
I know this is basic stuff and (if we need it) in theory we all know it or have stumbled our way to knowing it, but sometimes we (well I) forget about it and then it's a struggle bus to remember and it would be nice to have a reminder if it's possible and doesn't cause anyone additional issues? Thanks in advance! 
Look this text is centred
Always be on the right side
Code: Select all
[center]Look this text is centred[/center]
[right]Always be on the right side[/right]

Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant

Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant

We do have this thread here: https://lotrfanaticsplaza.com/forum/vie ... ?f=8&t=739 Anyone is welcome to add to that if they would like for others to know how certain things are done :)
Oooooh, OK so I can make a list of handy-dandy tips/tricks/functions that I randomly stumbled upon and just post it there? Cool, cool. I shall go forth and make a list then.
Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant

Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant

Sure! :D That is what the thread is for, so feel free to fill it :D
I was glancing over the ranks list and I noticed a discrepancy in several of the Gondor ranks, where the titles actually given to people don't line up with those on the main Kingdoms and Ranks page. Guard of (the) Citadel, Captain of (the) Tower, Warden of (the) Keys, and High Warden of (the) Tower are all listed with the definite article on the linked page, but are missing it if you look at the Change Ranks page (or posts by any Gondor members who currently hold those ranks). To the best of my memory, they all had the definite article on the OG Plaza. I don't know if anyone else cares but I thought it might be worth resolving the inconsistency one way or another, assuming/hoping it's not time-intensive to change.
Loremistress Emerita | she/her
Hey, what do you expect from a troll :P @Narv I cant see where to edit the kingdom ranks, unless @Silky Gooseness does?
I feel like trying to edit kingdom ranks on a phone might not be the bestest plan if I remember right...Unless Sil has gotten a computer again that she's using
That would be some god-tier patience for doing things in the back end of a site

Sereg a Dîn
sometimes I feel like you guys elected me just to test the limits of what’s possible via mobile
i can edit the page, but I take it your preference @Eldy Dunami would be for the ranks to be edited rather than the pages to achieve consistency given that was the historically accurate position?
i can edit the page, but I take it your preference @Eldy Dunami would be for the ranks to be edited rather than the pages to achieve consistency given that was the historically accurate position?
cave anserem

Erm yes. Also you honk soSilky Gooseness wrote: ↑Thu Mar 17, 2022 7:14 pm sometimes I feel like you guys elected me just to test the limits of what’s possible via mobile

Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant

Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant

I noticed this as well @Eldy Dunami I had assumed perhaps it was an attempt to shorten the names to better fit on the page but there are some longer ones which don't get shortened. I too would prefer to have the definite article as well.
God tier patienceSilky Gooseness wrote: ↑Thu Mar 17, 2022 7:14 pm sometimes I feel like you guys elected me just to test the limits of what’s possible via mobile
i can edit the page, but I take it your preference @Eldy Dunami would be for the ranks to be edited rather than the pages to achieve consistency given that was the historically accurate position?

Sereg a Dîn
Well, I did mean if sil could SEE where it could be done, not to DO it on mobile :P
Yeah, I think it would be better for the ranks to be edited to have the definite article, since as you note that's how it used to be.Silky Gooseness wrote: ↑Thu Mar 17, 2022 7:14 pmsometimes I feel like you guys elected me just to test the limits of what’s possible via mobile
i can edit the page, but I take it your preference @Eldy Dunami would be for the ranks to be edited rather than the pages to achieve consistency given that was the historically accurate position?
Thank you for braving the mobile admin interface!
Loremistress Emerita | she/her

After some internal messing about, we are pretty sure this is a job for @Narv as it involves some coding bits that I can’t access even with my super high tech iPhone, never mind like, an actual desktop. I know, it’s hard for me to believe as well.
cave anserem

definite articles, more like definitely redundant articles
but yes that is 100% me not knowing how to type, so I'll fix it sometime soonish. It'll involve reinitializing our phpbb extension after I fix it so I have to be a little bit careful with that (anything that touches the database requires some caution), so I'll put it on the list for next time I have time to do it up proper. Thanks for the heads up @Eldy Dunami
but yes that is 100% me not knowing how to type, so I'll fix it sometime soonish. It'll involve reinitializing our phpbb extension after I fix it so I have to be a little bit careful with that (anything that touches the database requires some caution), so I'll put it on the list for next time I have time to do it up proper. Thanks for the heads up @Eldy Dunami
Can I request, while we're talking about articles and such, to be known as "The" Balrog, when I arrive there?
"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood..."
Thank you, @Narv and Admins!

Last edited by Eldy Dunami on Thu Mar 17, 2022 8:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Loremistress Emerita | she/her
What about Sil's Balrog?Innlandshjarte wrote: ↑Thu Mar 17, 2022 8:23 pm Can I request, while we're talking about articles and such, to be known as "The" Balrog, when I arrive there?
There needs to be a lore thread about Arien and her connection to the Balrogs
"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood..."
in the interest of fairness I shall hereby add 'The' to all grammatically defensible locations in all rank titles. "The Child of The Mark", "The Chef", "Cave The Troll", etc.
The Faramir, etc, for ATRs
I will accept this compromise
"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood..."
Arien is the "Maiden of the Sun" and the sun is hot and kinda looks like fire, the Balrogs are demon spirits of shadow and fire and are also hot (
) therefore Arien and Balrogs are connected. Q.E.D.

"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood..."
Sil has a Balrog?
(nice theory, kinda implies that Arien has a brother who won’t come out of the basement or get a real job like driving the chariot of the Sun)
(nice theory, kinda implies that Arien has a brother who won’t come out of the basement or get a real job like driving the chariot of the Sun)
cave anserem

I'm a little sad that we have Magic Wizard and CounSILlor of Imladris instead of Arien and Emo Balrog. I would make an icon for that. But also very much loving the siliness of the new Admin ranks.
Sereg a Dîn
We had similar silly placeholder names/ranks between becoming admins and commissioning our shiny new icons from Peeg the first time around
Pretty sure Sil just put that same one back on 

Evil is a lifestyle | she/her
Yep, what she said. They are picking their icons and will reveal their true selves soon :)
So I was looking at the link thread in color which states whoever takes over things can start new threads do things as they like I am in charge of the nuplaza atrs, admin and Halloween threads now officially so those can all move immediately back to the COLP please as it was discovered there was no discussion on why they were moved to the military which was meant for lore than it was meant to be an icon databank which is more art based than lore based. in the original purpose of the area and seems to have been a unilateral move by a former admin to change it to a plaza archive rather than an area for quotes as was voted by the members of the plaza originally as it was beginning to over run the lore forum where it was originally made.
The link hub in color does state whoever is in charge can do what they want make new threads etc. But @Lirimaer @Li. @Burnt Toast and @Dimcairien Luiniel may as well have a week or so on here unless someone can get a hold of them on discord I do not have a way of getting a hold of them
The link hub in color does state whoever is in charge can do what they want make new threads etc. But @Lirimaer @Li. @Burnt Toast and @Dimcairien Luiniel may as well have a week or so on here unless someone can get a hold of them on discord I do not have a way of getting a hold of them
Sereg a Dîn
The links were initially moved because Nulibrary says this in the description:
A place to store the history of the Plaza and gather information and quotes about Tolkien's books (my emphasis).
It was intended that all threads that have "historical" value go there and not it being just quote threads. We will have a chat about it and get back to you :)
A place to store the history of the Plaza and gather information and quotes about Tolkien's books (my emphasis).
It was intended that all threads that have "historical" value go there and not it being just quote threads. We will have a chat about it and get back to you :)
By the way, just want to add that no single admin decided to move the threads. This was back when we were 4 and all 4 of us discussed it, I was just the one to physically move them. Just thought I would clear that up :)
Fuin, considering your previous post makes it clear who you're targeting with your comment about unilateral action

Please do me the courtesy of some basic fact checking before the next time you decide to accuse me of something

Evil is a lifestyle | she/her
@Fuin Elda
As the NuLibrary description states the purpose of the sub forum is as “A place to store the history of the Plaza and gather information and quotes about Tolkien's books” and the purpose of these threads is in recording the history of these icons (many with dates and who wore the icon), these threads are correctly placed. We are open to a revision in purpose of the lore sub forums if there is a proposal for reorganization but simply moving the threads without changing the aims of the forums is more likely to create confusion than add value.
On a personal note, if you and @Chrysophylax Dives would like to create a proposal for how we might revise the Lore sub-forums/CoLP and their purposes, with the goal to make them better and easier to use, I would be happy to help
As the NuLibrary description states the purpose of the sub forum is as “A place to store the history of the Plaza and gather information and quotes about Tolkien's books” and the purpose of these threads is in recording the history of these icons (many with dates and who wore the icon), these threads are correctly placed. We are open to a revision in purpose of the lore sub forums if there is a proposal for reorganization but simply moving the threads without changing the aims of the forums is more likely to create confusion than add value.
On a personal note, if you and @Chrysophylax Dives would like to create a proposal for how we might revise the Lore sub-forums/CoLP and their purposes, with the goal to make them better and easier to use, I would be happy to help

I am saying that was added 10 days after the fact as it was not was voted on originally honestly I never looked at it's description after day 1 which while I don't have a screen shot did not include that. Sadly with the blip it's unlikely the admin actions back to December of 2020 are available
@Moriel I see that and I must apologize. I am wondering if it was when you guys had switched icons during the new election and my brain stopped there and read no further because I'd swear up and down it was you but clearly it was not.
But it is also very clear that this happened over 10 days after the vote for the where there is absolutely no discussion on the library being used as an archive the admin team made the decision to make that switch and not the members that had voted for a quote bank subforum. Not an archive and quotebank forum
@Moriel I see that and I must apologize. I am wondering if it was when you guys had switched icons during the new election and my brain stopped there and read no further because I'd swear up and down it was you but clearly it was not.
But it is also very clear that this happened over 10 days after the vote for the where there is absolutely no discussion on the library being used as an archive the admin team made the decision to make that switch and not the members that had voted for a quote bank subforum. Not an archive and quotebank forum
Sereg a Dîn
@Fuin Elda for better or worse I have no history so I couldn't tell you what happened. But regardless of what happened, the NuLibrary has the description that it has now so simply moving some of the threads to another location (where it's also not clear that they fit, being largely other people's art and a record of plaza history) without at least revising the descriptions would be confusing.
But with the additional discussion of the "scholars forum" where you had suggested the NuLibrary perhaps it's time to re-consider the purpose of the NuLibrary? As far as I can tell right now it's 4 quote bank threads (pinned), One ARPY archive, One OOC thread, an Icon Workshop and 12 threads labeled Plaza History Project about icons. If we move all the icon threads to CoLP (again not really sure this is where they belong) and revise the forum label to read only "A place to store quotes from Tolkien's books" then the sub-forum becomes only 4 pinned threads, the OOC thread, and an ARPY archive (where does this belong?). I think existence of these plaza-history (including the ARPY archive) threads demonstrate some need to catalog these somewhere and I don't think COLP makes sense as the point is that they are reference/history threads.
Perhaps some proposals and a new vote are in order?
But with the additional discussion of the "scholars forum" where you had suggested the NuLibrary perhaps it's time to re-consider the purpose of the NuLibrary? As far as I can tell right now it's 4 quote bank threads (pinned), One ARPY archive, One OOC thread, an Icon Workshop and 12 threads labeled Plaza History Project about icons. If we move all the icon threads to CoLP (again not really sure this is where they belong) and revise the forum label to read only "A place to store quotes from Tolkien's books" then the sub-forum becomes only 4 pinned threads, the OOC thread, and an ARPY archive (where does this belong?). I think existence of these plaza-history (including the ARPY archive) threads demonstrate some need to catalog these somewhere and I don't think COLP makes sense as the point is that they are reference/history threads.
Perhaps some proposals and a new vote are in order?
@Romeran @Chrysophylax Dives I'm sending Chrys an email so that we can properly discuss our ideas and get them a bit more firmed up before presenting them here or in the Nu,Nulibrary thread.
Sereg a Dîn
@Fuin Elda
please let me know if I can help 

Oops. Inspired by Aiks, I turned my notifications off. Sorry. Will read on next work break.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.
Sorry folks. inappropriate. back to librarianship and ARPYs. I see I am going to have to do some googling as i have no idea what are: ARPYs, OOCs, nor COLPs. But an education is always a good thing and it is in a good cause...
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.
Arpys: viewtopic.php?t=922
OOC: Out of character, so used to talk about the thread you are in without interupting the thread.
CoLP: Cottage of Lost Play, a forum.
OOC: Out of character, so used to talk about the thread you are in without interupting the thread.
CoLP: Cottage of Lost Play, a forum.
Many thanks Winddy! (I tried googling, got as far as 'Colp meaning' and realized this was probably taking me in the wrong direction.)Winddancer wrote: ↑Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:35 am Arpys: viewtopic.php?t=922
OOC: Out of character, so used to talk about the thread you are in without interupting the thread.
CoLP: Cottage of Lost Play, a forum.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.