TRIBUTE is back! So it has been requested by a couple of members that we bring back point tributes. And we thought looong and haaard about it. (Ok, maybe not that long and hard).
So this is the deal and this is how you can earn those coveted points that will make you skyrocket to the top ranks!
Exceptional, one-off posts: 5 -10 points
Exceptional contribution to a thread: 10 points
Running an amazing thread: 10 points
Opening an amazing new activity: 10 points
Winning a game: 10 points
Winning a game as part of a team: 5 points each
Ninja tributes: 5-10 points
Now for the break down:
- Just the winner will be tributed if it is for a game, not the runners up.
- We would like for members to nominate people for posts/threads that deserve tribute, just use this thread. See an exceptional post? Or thread? Say so!
- Winning a game does not mean every single game, like Thief Hunt or a Riddle or Who am I type of games. We are talking about IK competitions, like the Boat race and M. Meduseld, just to name a couple. Though we encourage pleading your case.
- If you run a thread that qualifies to receive tribute for the winners, we expect YOU to tell us in here.
- Ninja tributes. If you suddenly see you have received 5-10 points, but no mentions in this thread, well then you got hit up by the Ninja Point Fairy. NPF for short.
Admins will not be receiving points (just like with HoK), though that does not mean you cannot nominate and give them a shoutout if they win or did an exceptional post.
And finally, the way tribute is done technically with phpbb is quite involved, so please give us time to do it and to go through requests as it will also of course depend on availability of the Admins NPF.
To be a bit more transparent about the tribute:
New titles were added to the tribute points. So now NPF has the option to choose specifically why they are rewarding them. The old options are still there as well, so it can be a mix. But the choice is there to use things such as HoK (your Halls of Knowledge points), Outstanding Post (old and will have a star in said post, formerly a fairy who is now retired), Contest Winner (new), Activity tribute (new and for general activity), TR tribute (New and often given when a new awesome thread is made), TR active tribute (New and given to really active thread runners). Or the NPF can just choose to give Tribute, in which case its likely for general activity or acknowledgement. Keep an eye out though as more could be added :)
It will show in notifications what it is, you can see the full message if you go to notifications and then SEE ALL, it will take you to the overview page :)
Hope that helps clarify that a bit, but feel free to ask if you have any other questions! And always feel free to nominate a post or a person for tribute, the NPF loves scattering those shinies and I am positive people love recieving the recognition :)
Right, having said that, open the gates!
You have a point, I'll give you that
Oh yay! Because I think @Aodh Hammerhelm and @Elarith really deserve some love for running an exceptionally entertaining Tub Race during the Rohan festival. They didn’t just roll dice and give scores. They provided a thoughtfully laid out course and fun (and funny) prompts.
NPF edit: Agreed and done
NPF edit: Agreed and done
I would like to nominate @Taethowen for running Mx Meduseld, which was a lot of work and ended up slightly more chaotic than she bargained for, but was an absolute treat to watch unfolding
Also @Dwarrow Elf for running Hobbit: Insanity--similarly, I know it took a lot of behind the scenes work, but came together beautifully (if absolute mayhem is your definition of beauty), and was so much fun for everyone involved
NPF edit: Agreed and done
Also @Dwarrow Elf for running Hobbit: Insanity--similarly, I know it took a lot of behind the scenes work, but came together beautifully (if absolute mayhem is your definition of beauty), and was so much fun for everyone involved
NPF edit: Agreed and done

Proud member of the Eastmark
Lead Healer, Edoras Infirmary
Shopkeeper, Cwep Ciese
I want to nominate @KingODuckingham for an awesome Tower game. Id nom @Sil but she's shiny enough.
NPF edit: Agreed and done. Buffed Sil's shinyness instead ;)
NPF edit: Agreed and done. Buffed Sil's shinyness instead ;)
Family Stealtharm | Sil's #1 Property | Knowledge of a woman, pride of a dwarf | Khazâd ai-mênu!

I think everyone involved in the Rohan-Minion mischief ought to get some tribute for all they've managed to achieve and organize. @Allafyrefleorhtlig, @Taethowen, and @Thalionwen Hunigfolm for being threadrunners in their own right while still contributing massively to the chaos, and @Dimcairien Luiniel, @Dwarrow Elf, @Gwai, and @Shivased (if I forgot anyone that isn't already an adminion please make sure they get their rewards as well) for contributing to an amazing story that has been huge amounts of fun to participate in.
NPF edit: Agreed and done and added you as well Frost as you were in it too.
NPF edit: Agreed and done and added you as well Frost as you were in it too.
"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood..."
Would like to nominate @Durien for running five fabulous rounds of high-speed trivia - including at least one that required getting up at 4am (that is dedication to thread-running if ever I heard it!) 
NPF edit: Agreed and done

NPF edit: Agreed and done
She/her. Almarëa - Rivendell / Jaena - Lone Lands (T.A.) and Gondor (F.A.) / Layna - Mordor
I'd like to nominate the Mx Meduseld winners! More shininess for @Sil, as well as @Elarith, @Allafyrefleorhtlig and @Burnt Toast. And HM to @Veowyn for the amazing Hat's Deep post, and @Lailorn for being an amazing player who was nice to even the guy wrapped in bandages with a flesh eating disease.
And of course @Taethowen for being an absolutely fantastic co-judge who did most of the work, although Thali mentioned her already. But lots of kudos, Taeth! It wouldn't have been so amazing without you! 
NPF edit: Done, though 2nd and 3rd winners got 5 each and added you as well Gwai for running the thread too. Buffed Sil again..

NPF edit: Done, though 2nd and 3rd winners got 5 each and added you as well Gwai for running the thread too. Buffed Sil again..
Admin team and @Eléowyn,
Thanks for the shinies and nom x
Could you send Tub Race Medalists list to Admins, I'm stuck at work :(
PS: A few shinies for impromptu singing round might be good too?
Thanks for the shinies and nom x
Could you send Tub Race Medalists list to Admins, I'm stuck at work :(
PS: A few shinies for impromptu singing round might be good too?
My sequins feel extra buffed, thanks for your love
cave anserem

Oh thank you very much! 
Tub race medalists were:
@Queen Nerwen @Balfur in first place
@Calimir @Durien in second place
@Lirimaer @Dimcairien Luiniel in third place
@Elvheimdros @Amhran in fourth
And our sinkers - @Gwai @Shivased @KingODuckingham @Thalionwen Hunigfolm
If someone could sprinkle a few points their way that’d be lovely. Thanks!
NPF edit: Sprinkled some on the 2 winners. As per the top post, only winners, not participants. If you want to renominate for exceptional contributions/posts, go for it!

Tub race medalists were:
@Queen Nerwen @Balfur in first place
@Calimir @Durien in second place
@Lirimaer @Dimcairien Luiniel in third place
@Elvheimdros @Amhran in fourth
And our sinkers - @Gwai @Shivased @KingODuckingham @Thalionwen Hunigfolm
If someone could sprinkle a few points their way that’d be lovely. Thanks!
NPF edit: Sprinkled some on the 2 winners. As per the top post, only winners, not participants. If you want to renominate for exceptional contributions/posts, go for it!
I don't suppose we could offer a few points to the winner of the Summer Festival's Scavenger Hunt, too? It was @Queen Nerwen, who managed to visit NINE of the Riddermarket shops over the course of the competition!
NPF edit: Done
NPF edit: Done

Proud member of the Eastmark
Lead Healer, Edoras Infirmary
Shopkeeper, Cwep Ciese
@Thalionwen Hunigfolm Yeah, that sounds like her...
Also, Mods:Is this the reason I got a notification saying : "Your points were adjusted. Moderator: "HoK 5: Halls of knowledge" because I cannot see a hall of knowledge 5?
Also, Mods:Is this the reason I got a notification saying : "Your points were adjusted. Moderator: "HoK 5: Halls of knowledge" because I cannot see a hall of knowledge 5?
Some think to be strong is to be hard like stone. Others know to be strong is to endure like stone.
Haha Balfur, likely a mistake. Like I said in the top post, it aint easy!!
I'd like to nominate all the threadrunners and people that helped make the Summer Festival amazing. They would be:
@Elarith and @Aodh Hammerhelm - Bathtub Race
and @Taethowen and @Gwai - Miss/Mr Meduseld
@Eldrith and @Amadhrill - General RP thread
@Thalionwen Hunigfolm and @Aethelu - Scavenger Hunt
@Allafyrefleorhtlig - Campian Tournament
I think I got everyone, and I'll bring forth Badger Chase winners for tribute when it is done tomorrow!
NPF edit: Bathtub already done, M. Meduseld already done, General RP done, Scavenger Hunt done, Campain done
@Elarith and @Aodh Hammerhelm - Bathtub Race
and @Taethowen and @Gwai - Miss/Mr Meduseld
@Eldrith and @Amadhrill - General RP thread
@Thalionwen Hunigfolm and @Aethelu - Scavenger Hunt
@Allafyrefleorhtlig - Campian Tournament
I think I got everyone, and I'll bring forth Badger Chase winners for tribute when it is done tomorrow!
NPF edit: Bathtub already done, M. Meduseld already done, General RP done, Scavenger Hunt done, Campain done
@Balfur The 5th Hall of Knowledge operates on a plane of reality far beyond mere Tolkien trivia and online quiz formats, and if you have received HoK 5 tribute then we can conclude that the strange forces that govern the Fifth Hall (which long ago escaped the bonds of any semblance of control by myself, Sil or Mojo) have decided that you have indeed gained that knowledge, in some way probably unknowable in our feeble mortal understanding. Congratulations! Or possibly it's what Winddy said. It's unclear.
@Narv I am pretty sure this is a conondrum from which we shall never uncover the truth. Thanks for your answer anyway, it helped settle a restless mind. A dwarf may rest now. He will not, but he may. Of course, he will go on a quest to discover the fifth hall of knowledge, for he has heard it whisper that the only knowledge worth attaining is to found there...
@Winddancer Makes sense. Still, was getting worried. I might also have fredegared a quiz though.
@Winddancer Makes sense. Still, was getting worried. I might also have fredegared a quiz though.
Some think to be strong is to be hard like stone. Others know to be strong is to endure like stone.
Well, if it is a forewarning, best get studying then!
As TR for Life in the Mark -- I'd like to request points for Aodh, Eleowyn, Taeth, Frostbite, for keeping the thread going and quality posts that I enjoyed reading etc. There were a couple more but I forgot who. Whoops
NPF edit: Done
NPF edit: Done
In War We Know Willpower, In Peace We Know Love~
Aw thank you Gwai.
And thanks for helping the run the contest! What a whirlwind.
I'd like to nominate @Aigronding Mordagnir for his extensive efforts to coordinate Ages of Arda. I am certain it must be a lot of work to do so and I know it is a labour of love, but think some tribute would be well-deserved. I don't participate myself (though was once nearly recruited), but I admire all those who do and I pop by to read up!
NPF edit: Done NPF second edit: Scattered a few more to some of the other participants in there as well

I'd like to nominate @Aigronding Mordagnir for his extensive efforts to coordinate Ages of Arda. I am certain it must be a lot of work to do so and I know it is a labour of love, but think some tribute would be well-deserved. I don't participate myself (though was once nearly recruited), but I admire all those who do and I pop by to read up!
NPF edit: Done NPF second edit: Scattered a few more to some of the other participants in there as well
Thank you, @Rowena Ellenweorc for the nomination and @Winddancer for the shinies.
And thanks to @Aodh Hammerhelm for being the most amazing RP partner.

I’d like to put in for consideration, @Arnyn, who not only was a large part of conceiving the new Rangers RPG in Gondor for us to play in but has, since that initial outset/excitement kept so many of us actually going there for over a month so far with prompts, assistance and general GM-ness. Gondor wouldn’t be the same without the Rangers and thanks to her hard work, we have all been enjoying a most engaging Ranger adventure.
NPF edit: done
NPF edit: done
All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost
The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not touched by the frost.
The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not touched by the frost.
Thankee-sais, sais-all. Shinies much appreciated.
Can I take this opportunity to mention in special dispatches @Amhran and @Wamba_the_Fool for their colourful contributions to the Fields & Forest thread?
NPF edit: You can and done
Thanks for the points, but I don't think I deserved the points, I only participated and didn't take any responsibility for itShivased wrote: ↑Sat Jul 11, 2020 8:57 pm I'd like to nominate all the threadrunners and people that helped make the Summer Festival amazing. They would be:
@Elarith and @Aodh Hammerhelm - Bathtub Race
and @Taethowen and @Gwai - Miss/Mr Meduseld
@Eldrith and @Amadhrill - General RP thread
@Thalionwen Hunigfolm and @Aethelu - Scavenger Hunt
@Allafyrefleorhtlig - Campian Tournament
I think I got everyone, and I'll bring forth Badger Chase winners for tribute when it is done tomorrow!
NPF edit: Bathtub already done, M. Meduseld already done, General RP done, Scavenger Hunt done, Campain done

Hælend of Meduseld
Points are given for good posts too ;)
@ NPF --- Thankee!
- he hath not forgotten
the face of his fathers -

OMG, thank you everyone who nominated me for something here. I'm glad to be contributing to fun, mayhem, and hopefully quality stories here on NuPlaza!
I think @Gwai covered all the most important bases for the M. Meduseld competition. I'd also like to nominate a couple more participants for some particularly excellent posts - @Allafyrefleorhtlig as Mx. Shadowfox for their wonderful dramatized story in Round 1 (viewtopic.php?p=14920#p14920), @Burnt Toast for their, erm, hilariously creative charred to ashes outfit in Round 2 (viewtopic.php?p=16090#p16090), and @Elarith
for her wonderfully detailed and illustrated outfit for round 2 as well (viewtopic.php?p=16259#p16259).
And @Sil was excellent through the whole competition, so definitely even more shininess for her!
And thank you for already acknowledging @Gwai for her help running M. Meduseld! I could *not* have done it without her. She thinks she didn't do much, but she really, really did a lot. <3
NFP edit: Done and Sil spiffed up again

I think @Gwai covered all the most important bases for the M. Meduseld competition. I'd also like to nominate a couple more participants for some particularly excellent posts - @Allafyrefleorhtlig as Mx. Shadowfox for their wonderful dramatized story in Round 1 (viewtopic.php?p=14920#p14920), @Burnt Toast for their, erm, hilariously creative charred to ashes outfit in Round 2 (viewtopic.php?p=16090#p16090), and @Elarith
for her wonderfully detailed and illustrated outfit for round 2 as well (viewtopic.php?p=16259#p16259).
And @Sil was excellent through the whole competition, so definitely even more shininess for her!
And thank you for already acknowledging @Gwai for her help running M. Meduseld! I could *not* have done it without her. She thinks she didn't do much, but she really, really did a lot. <3
NFP edit: Done and Sil spiffed up again

Second Marshal of the Mark
Westmark Éored
I just got some trib this morning but I don’t see any corresponding post that nominated me. Could you tell me who I need to thank, please? 

"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood..."
@FrostbiteLailorn wrote: ↑Sun Jul 12, 2020 3:28 am Aw thank you Gwai.And thanks for helping the run the contest! What a whirlwind.
I'd like to nominate @Aigronding Mordagnir for his extensive efforts to coordinate Ages of Arda. I am certain it must be a lot of work to do so and I know it is a labour of love, but think some tribute would be well-deserved. I don't participate myself (though was once nearly recruited), but I admire all those who do and I pop by to read up!
NPF edit: Done NPF second edit: Scattered a few more to some of the other participants in there as well
Oh! Didn't catch that one. Thank you darling!
"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood..."
Thanks to everyone who has tribbed me, I’m very grateful and it honestly means a lot. I’m very touched

Pæthfindian of the Eastmark
Forged in fire, shaped by shadow
@Frostbite you also got Shinies for LitM per my request. ;)
In War We Know Willpower, In Peace We Know Love~

"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood..."
Do the admins want me to go through the co-operative appreciation thread I opened in OOME called This is not the greatest thread in the world. No, this is just a tribute! to see if there are any posts there thanking people for contributions that have not yet been tribbed?
Nah, let em come themselves :P
If no one else mentioned if it can be arranged that @Burnt Toast gets some brownie points for the awesome thing he started with The Bifröst . It's a joy to see and have that topic on the Plaza and some points would be lovely if possible.
NPF edit: Don't see why not :)
NPF edit: Don't see why not :)
Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant

Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant

So. I think this is how I do this? Can I please nominate @Quill for some points, for winning the Rivendell archery tournament?
NPF edit: You can, but do you want to? Kidding, done :P

NPF edit: You can, but do you want to? Kidding, done :P
She/her. Almarëa - Rivendell / Jaena - Lone Lands (T.A.) and Gondor (F.A.) / Layna - Mordor
Ah, thanks for kindly for the points and recognition. It's very lovely to have the ability to request trib again. :)
I'd like to nominate @Rowena Ellenweorc for the thread-runner trib, for all his amazing contributions towards getting the cavalry up and running.
I also want to nominate both @Rowena Ellenweorc and @Nia for their After-party posts. The former because it's one of the first Rowena-family RP posts I have been able to get my head around (the colour helps massively!) and it is hilarious (tight leather pants, nomnomnom). The latter because she was brave enough to be the first to post in a role-play thread despite not having roleplayed for many, many, and I loved it sooooo much!!!!
NPF edit: Sure, done.
I also want to nominate both @Rowena Ellenweorc and @Nia for their After-party posts. The former because it's one of the first Rowena-family RP posts I have been able to get my head around (the colour helps massively!) and it is hilarious (tight leather pants, nomnomnom). The latter because she was brave enough to be the first to post in a role-play thread despite not having roleplayed for many, many, and I loved it sooooo much!!!!
What the heck is a Ninja tribute? ties a work-tie around her head, and starts swinging her 'nunchuks' around too fast for people to realise they are just two sausages connected by string
NPF edit: Sure, done.
Winddancer wrote: ↑Sat Jul 11, 2020 1:36 pm Ninja tributes: 5 points
Now for the break down:
- Ninja tributes. If you suddenly see you have received 5 points, but no mentions in this thread, well then you got hit up by the Ninja Point Fairy. NPF for short.
Last edited by Allacan ob Burzum on Sat Jul 18, 2020 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thank you for the noms @Allafyrefleorhtlig and for the points NPF!!!!!! Also *cough* OOC I'm a he. ;) *cough*
In War We Know Willpower, In Peace We Know Love~
That's really kind @Allafyrefleorhtlig , thank you! (And thanks for providing me with some much needed reassurance immediately after I'd posted

I'd like to nominate Azdiur for the way he has been roleplaying his Ranger in the fight that started a few days ago. He's given me detailed battle roleplay to read, with an unusual main weapon to boot; roleplay that I could follow and visualize in a way that might even spark envy on my part for his skills!
NPF edit: Sounds awesome! Done.
NPF edit: Sounds awesome! Done.
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength
Can I please nominate @Elarith, @Taethowen and @Lailorn for their efforts in scouring the Wayback machines for old threads that will open, and collating them together so everyone can find stuff easily.
For the first time today I was able to view both a post I made during my tenure as King with my shiny icon and everything, and also read a Dragon Room from back when I was First Marshal so I could peruse the roster. It has made my day!
Additionally, now the Campian Champion had been declared, I'd like to ask for trib for the following people:-
For repeatedly hilarious posts @KingODuckingham.
In third place and with an amazing bit of character backstory and role-play to boot: @Eldrith
In second place and engaging with every step of the game enthusiastically; @Elvheimdros
And our honoured Champion: @Arnyn
And if the admins could also please trickle a little something towards some of our most wonderful spectators for their committed involvement and support throughout the game:- @Amadhrill (most spectator posts!) and @Lailorn (really original character idea, I'm sorry no-one engaged).
Also, a special something to @Thalionwen Hunigfolm for allowing me to borrow her PC for story purposes on multiple occasions, and @Pele Alarion for engaging in some crazy, uncharacteristic drama towards the end!
For the first time today I was able to view both a post I made during my tenure as King with my shiny icon and everything, and also read a Dragon Room from back when I was First Marshal so I could peruse the roster. It has made my day!
Additionally, now the Campian Champion had been declared, I'd like to ask for trib for the following people:-
For repeatedly hilarious posts @KingODuckingham.
In third place and with an amazing bit of character backstory and role-play to boot: @Eldrith
In second place and engaging with every step of the game enthusiastically; @Elvheimdros
And our honoured Champion: @Arnyn
And if the admins could also please trickle a little something towards some of our most wonderful spectators for their committed involvement and support throughout the game:- @Amadhrill (most spectator posts!) and @Lailorn (really original character idea, I'm sorry no-one engaged).
Also, a special something to @Thalionwen Hunigfolm for allowing me to borrow her PC for story purposes on multiple occasions, and @Pele Alarion for engaging in some crazy, uncharacteristic drama towards the end!
@Allafyrefleorhtlig The NPF had a flid out and asked that I post this clarification, which will be added to the top post:
We would like tribs to be special, so for now we will just be tribbing the winner if it is a game thread. Apart from that, so that not all get mentioned for exceptional posts we would love it if you could keep it to about 3, but for those exceptional ones we would like a reason why they are exceptional. We want to avoid giving tribute for just participating in a game as playing the game should be reward in itself :) However we do understand that sometimes there are some that just blows us away with something really new/fresh/odd/funny and we do want to reward those that go the extra mile.
Also the main reason for the limitations is the NPF's sanity. PHPbb SUCKS hiney when it comes to tribbing and we dont want the poor fairy dying do we? Quick clap!! (Works for Tinkerbell, shush)
NPF: So far I tribbed the archive divers, cause man that sucks and I rewarded Arnyn for her win. So which 3 would you like tribbed for being exceptional?
We would like tribs to be special, so for now we will just be tribbing the winner if it is a game thread. Apart from that, so that not all get mentioned for exceptional posts we would love it if you could keep it to about 3, but for those exceptional ones we would like a reason why they are exceptional. We want to avoid giving tribute for just participating in a game as playing the game should be reward in itself :) However we do understand that sometimes there are some that just blows us away with something really new/fresh/odd/funny and we do want to reward those that go the extra mile.
Also the main reason for the limitations is the NPF's sanity. PHPbb SUCKS hiney when it comes to tribbing and we dont want the poor fairy dying do we? Quick clap!! (Works for Tinkerbell, shush)
NPF: So far I tribbed the archive divers, cause man that sucks and I rewarded Arnyn for her win. So which 3 would you like tribbed for being exceptional?
Oh, but but but... it’s so hard to choooose! I loved all the competitors and the spectators and want to snuggle them all up in big hugs for making a thread I was having panic attack about running into such a success!!!
But you have a very valid point, soooo for the 3 exceptional people, please trib Veowyn for her amazing original spectator which she continued to bless us with even despite the lack of engagement, Amadhrill for being our most engaged spectator, and Thali for stepping in eagerly on two occasions when I needed assistance to help the story move on.
And thank you for rewarding Arnyn.
I’ll just have to find another way to reward Ducky, Eldrith, Elvh and Pele.
NPF edit: Done <3

But you have a very valid point, soooo for the 3 exceptional people, please trib Veowyn for her amazing original spectator which she continued to bless us with even despite the lack of engagement, Amadhrill for being our most engaged spectator, and Thali for stepping in eagerly on two occasions when I needed assistance to help the story move on.
And thank you for rewarding Arnyn.
I’ll just have to find another way to reward Ducky, Eldrith, Elvh and Pele.
NPF edit: Done <3
I think it goes without saying but @Allafyrefleorhtlig deserves a massive trib for her work in the Campian, managing the dice rolls, ordering the combat, interacting with the crowd, it was a Herculean task and she handled all with fire and grace.
NPF edit: Thaaank you! Done. I mean I could just have done it, but we likes the mentions, we wants more mentions of awesome people!
NPF edit: Thaaank you! Done. I mean I could just have done it, but we likes the mentions, we wants more mentions of awesome people!
"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood..."
Thanks for the point!
Also, have @Allafyrefleorhtlig had any extra points for her work with the election in the cavalry of Rohan?
@Winddancer should have some extra shine on her icon for the same election?
Also, I really think that @Rowena Ellenweorc should get a little tribute for starting up the cavalry and stepping down as marshal?
NPF Edit: Alla did get some indeed! I polished Windy's whip, she was happy. And sure thing.
Also, have @Allafyrefleorhtlig had any extra points for her work with the election in the cavalry of Rohan?
@Winddancer should have some extra shine on her icon for the same election?
Also, I really think that @Rowena Ellenweorc should get a little tribute for starting up the cavalry and stepping down as marshal?
NPF Edit: Alla did get some indeed! I polished Windy's whip, she was happy. And sure thing.

Hælend of Meduseld
Thank you to the NPF! I’m not sure what I did to deserve the extra points, but I appreciate it. 
NPF edit: for your beautifully written RP in F&F in Rohan!

NPF edit: for your beautifully written RP in F&F in Rohan!
Thanks NPF for the shinies, much appreciated, thanks to @Eléowyn too for pushing me along

Could we get a bit of tribute for the following people, for above-and-beyond contribution to the Summer Festival?
@KingODuckingham for achieving the title of Festival Fool and being hilarious through all the threads.
@Taethowen and @Frostbite for wonderful romantic stories through several threads.
@Dwarrow Elf for his performance as Aelorco and achieving the title of Most Melodramatic Diva
@Eldrith for her amazing performance in Campian and gaining the title of Kill-stealing Skirt-Wench
NPF edit: Why not :)
@KingODuckingham for achieving the title of Festival Fool and being hilarious through all the threads.
@Taethowen and @Frostbite for wonderful romantic stories through several threads.
@Dwarrow Elf for his performance as Aelorco and achieving the title of Most Melodramatic Diva
@Eldrith for her amazing performance in Campian and gaining the title of Kill-stealing Skirt-Wench
NPF edit: Why not :)