Important messages from and for the administrators.
Istari Sage
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Thanks for the tribs lately :) It will be fun seeing if people are interested in a somewhat silly debate game!
NPF edit: You are very welcome! Keep on being awesome and carry on, ranger! 
Istari Sage
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I may have gotten double tribbed by the way I have two notifications and I think my points jumped up another 10.
NPF edit: It's February, the month of carnival, love and the generous spreading of shiny things around.
And since you're gracing all of us with your creativity it's only fair the NPF gives something back as a thank you for being an awesome member.
Istari Sage
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Ok yeah I know this is a triple post.
this post has officially raised the bar already
and provided a smile. Requesting admin take a read.
NPF edit: Balrog wings for Elenhir!
New Soul
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Romeran wrote: ↑Fri Feb 11, 2022 6:41 amRequesting admin take a read.
Dear reader,
I died.
Fool of a Took, admin

Sorry, the urge was stronger than me.

Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant

Cave Troll
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Hey! This is where lowly minions come along and request tribute points for the great and the good from the even greater and possibly gooder? Yes?
If so could I request some points for @Romeran please? I know you gave him some up there just a few posts ago. I'm asking if you could give a bit more please specifically for contributions to a moribund lore?
(But hold one back for me please, a tax on his signature.)
NPF edit: Sure thing! Loving all the new posts :D
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.
Istari Sage
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Awh thanks
@Chrysophylax Dives for the request and thanks NPF for the points
Also where's the fun without an at least slightly controversial quotation as a signature. But Gödel rained on Bretrand Russell's parade with his incompleteness theorems anyway

Ent Ancient
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Did the lovely @Sil get tribbed for her recent HoK efforts?
Master Torturer
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The NPF is on holiday so I am taking over until they return..
Anyways, sil did indeed get given some when it was announced, but piled a bit more on top as I know she has been awfully busy and she still did it, much love to her <3
High Lord of Imladris
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I'd love to request some grub for both @Boromir88 and @Androthelm for excellent and informative posts in lore and media?
WD edit: Done!
Elven Enchanter
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Chief Counsellor of Gondor
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Thank you @Fuin Elda and the WD :D
A Loquacious Loreman.
he/him Tis the season of Sean Bean prequel shows
Loremaster of the Herd
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Thanks so much @Fuin Elda!
In the deeps of Time, amidst the Innumerable Stars
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Why, such generosity definitely makes hoarding easy,

Master Torturer
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Yea there really is no way of being the ninja point fairy when you are the only one :P
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Unless Narv does it? Haha...
Master Torturer
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Lol, no. He is too busy with new job and figuring the elections out :)
High Warden of Tower
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Thankyou for the recent sparkles, lovely ninja points fairy/ies.

All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost
The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not touched by the frost.
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Many, many thanks for the recent trib from the trib ninja!
"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood..."
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I was waiting for that continuation forever! <3
Black Númenórean
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Istari Sage
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@Moriel and
@Winddancer I’m not sure why I decided to subject myself to turning the story into verse but when I started it there was no way I wasn’t going to finish
WD edit: Welcome! A wizzie, eh?
Master Torturer
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Thank you for the pleasant surprise this morning, Ninja Point Fairy!
NPF edit: Welcome! And thanks for your contributions :)
Loremistress Emerita | she/her
High Lord of Imladris
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Thanks for the lovely points!
NPF edit: Thanks for the new thread!
Khazad Elder
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The world was fair in Durin's Day
High Lord of Imladris
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Could I please get some shinies tossed @Chrysophylax Dives I've been enjoying my discussion with him in Lore immensely.
Edit: Tossed!
Cave Troll
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Fuin Elda wrote: ↑Tue Mar 08, 2022 8:13 am
Could I please get some shinies tossed @Chrysophylax Dives I've been enjoying my discussion with him in Lore immensely.
I spent all day thinking on Goldberry and concluded I probably got things a bit wrong. But I'm giving it another day to think on before returning!
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.
High Lord of Imladris
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Chrysophylax Dives wrote: ↑Wed Mar 09, 2022 7:54 am
Fuin Elda wrote: ↑Tue Mar 08, 2022 8:13 am
Could I please get some shinies tossed @Chrysophylax Dives I've been enjoying my discussion with him in Lore immensely.
I spent all day thinking on Goldberry and concluded I probably got things a bit wrong. But I'm giving it another day to think on before returning!
I clearly was also sort of thinking about it as well since I came up with Luthien to give Tolkein some more credit.
Istari Sage
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I'd like to request some trib for two recent and interesting essays in Lore:
this one on proper names by
@Chrysophylax Dives and
this one on Dorwinion by
@Eldy Dunami
Edit: Done!
Master Torturer
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Thank you very much, NPF and @Romeran! I'm glad people have read it.
Loremistress Emerita | she/her
Cave Troll
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Ditto on that last post. And while I am here, could i please request some tribute for Drifa for some amazing riddles that have burned, boiled, and baked my brain most wonderfully? (I refer to Riddles in the Dark thread in the Shire.)
Edit: Of course!
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.
High Lord of Imladris
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Many thanks for the Tribute!

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*hides the points away in a secret stash*

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Many, many thanks for the recent bout of trib I've gotten!

"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood..."
Khazad Elder
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*bows low sweeping off hood* Thanks!
The world was fair in Durin's Day
Cave Troll
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some extra special lovely tribute please please please - for @Boromir88 for two fantastic posts on What is 'lore'!!
Edit: Done!
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.
Chief Counsellor of Gondor
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Thank you
@Chrysophylax Dives and the admins!

A Loquacious Loreman.
he/him Tis the season of Sean Bean prequel shows
Master Torturer
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Thank you again, Ninja Point Fairy!
Loremistress Emerita | she/her
Ent Ancient
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thank you very much, npf

Child of Gondor
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Thank you for the extra pointies, they’ll sit nicely upon my shelf with my other pointies.
Isolde Alarion/Rohan~Nelladel Alarion/Gondor~Mourgan Alarion/Gondor ~ Dahak/ Umbar ~ Relic RIP
Knight of The Mark
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Thank you for the extra pointses.
Rohirrim at heart, always.
They're all true. Especially the lies.
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Oh, dear NPF, I've finally find my way in here because... I've been captivated by this unfolding story -
Could you please sprinkle some shinies on
@Arnyn and
@Karis Ziranphel ?
NPF edit: Consider it done!
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Aww, sweet Pele. :D And accommodating ninja point fairy. Thank you both!
Arnyn ~ Honor & Valor
Kaylin ~ Joy & Strength
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Hmm thank you! Glad you are enjoying the reading almost as much as the writing.
Ziranphel of the Green Hills ~ Thûllir Bregedŷr of Ithilien
Black Númenórean
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NPF, could you please drop some sparkles on @Csevet Aisava for an absolutely hysterical first post? 
NPF edit: Of course!

Evil is a lifestyle | she/her
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I have enough posts in Lore that I'm not sure which one got credited, or if the points were for a single post at all, but I'm much obliged to the NPF again! 
Loremistress Emerita | she/her
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If you open your notification page, it should tell you specifically what you got it for :D Unless it was for awesome post, then you will have to go search for the heart :P
Master Torturer
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Winddancer wrote: ↑Wed Apr 13, 2022 8:32 pmIf you open your notification page, it should tell you specifically what you got it for :D Unless it was for awesome post, then you will have to go search for the heart :P
It just mentioned Lore, not a particular thread, but I can go hunting for a new gold star or heart later, when I have more time.
Loremistress Emerita | she/her
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Ah that one, that is just for your overall contributions as it can be SO hard nailing down what classifies as a good lore post. Partly cause one of NPFs alter egos knows nada about da lore :P
Istari Sage
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A couple of weeks ago a totally anonymous admin tribbed
this post of yours
@Eldy Dunami but I assume that's not the trib you're referring to