You have a point, I'll give you that

Important messages from and for the administrators.
Ent Ancient
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aw thank you kindly Cassie and npf! :heart: :smooch:

Steward of Gondor
Points: 7 334 
Posts: 3534
Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2021 10:12 pm
Hello! I would like to request some sprinkles to be bestowed upon Isolde for this excellent post haha. A very intricate, nefarious plot going here, and that post was very well written lol.

NPF edit: Sure thing! Nefarious is good..
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

Child of Gondor
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Thank you for the points! Such a pleasant surprise.
It was fun to write although I did wince when I cracked poor Trastion on the head. Lol
Thank you too @Rillewen
Isolde Alarion/Rohan~Nelladel Alarion/Gondor~Mourgan Alarion/Gondor ~ Dahak/ Umbar ~ Relic RIP

Steward of Gondor
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Haha, so did I, Isolde. But it was well written! And he'll get over it. 😅
And we both appreciate the fact that he was left alive lol
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

Master Torturer
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:heart: NPF
Loremistress Emerita | she/her

Child of Gondor
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Thank you for the points. 😊

NPF edit: :heart:
Isolde Alarion/Rohan~Nelladel Alarion/Gondor~Mourgan Alarion/Gondor ~ Dahak/ Umbar ~ Relic RIP

Points: 272 
Posts: 248
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 2:18 pm
Thanks to the kind Mod who sprinkled some lovely pointsies on me yesterday! :headbang:

NPF edit: :heart:
Not all who wander are lost...except that guy. He's DEFINITELY lost.- JRR Tolkien, probably

Khazad Elder
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Thank you! :smooch:

NPF edit: :heart:
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Ent Ancient
Points: 2 726 
Posts: 1856
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Might I request this post gets tribbed? ... 334#p59334

First off, I absolutely love this character and second, the author has done a wonderful job of being creative and detailed and writing suspenseful scenes for this little break-in. :heartthrob:

NPF edit: Well, sneaky sneaky... Done!

Steward of Gondor
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Posts: 3534
Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2021 10:12 pm
Haha, thank you so much
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

Points: 1 588 
Posts: 1071
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 2:40 am
Thank you for the points and the star, NPF!

NPF edit: NPF's pleasure. In the end it wasn't the girdle, but the entertaining dialogue and fighting scenes that did it!

Points: 1 588 
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On behalf of Tata, thank you for the points and star, NPF!

Points: 3 962 
Posts: 2611
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*swoops by* Ohhhh, dear NPF, I think this post is intriguing enough to sprinkle some shinies on @Ercassie ! Don't you think so? :grin:

NPF edit: :nod:

High Warden of Tower
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Thank you kindly. :embarrassed: I am glad that you enjoyed it @Pele Alarion :smooch:
All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost
The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not touched by the frost.

Points: 3 962 
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Also, a kind request for the well earned pointses for @Rivvy Elf for winning with a great story! Thankee!

NPF edit: sprinkles have been sprinkled!

Points: 1 588 
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@Pele Alarion Thank you so much! I'm glad y'all read it!

Points: 5 580 
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It was lovely.

Khazad Elder
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Can Lirimaer's entry in the art competition here -> NuPlaza's Third Art Competition - Winter - VOTE - have some candy please? Thank you!

NPF edit: candy distributed and a few sweets for you, too! :winkkiss:

Child of Gondor
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Thank you for the shinies :)
Isolde Alarion/Rohan~Nelladel Alarion/Gondor~Mourgan Alarion/Gondor ~ Dahak/ Umbar ~ Relic RIP

Khazad Elder
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Thank you! :smooch:

Crafts Master
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HUm Hum.............I have a doubt : how many points I get for drinking a lot of beers, sleeping 20 hours a day, saty unclean for 30 days and more, ....and for shouting all days before entering the Plaza forums threads ? :)

Points: 6 125 
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Joined: Mon May 18, 2020 11:02 am
Many thanks for the recent tribute.
"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood..."

Points: 1 588 
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I forgot to give thanks for the tribute on June 10th, haha! I hope whatever thread you found awesome still is awesome :D

NPF edit: sure is! it was for your thoughtful Gondolin feedback thread.

Points: 1 588 
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Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 2:40 am
Thanks for the tribby points!

Steward of Gondor
Points: 7 334 
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Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2021 10:12 pm
I think this hilarious post deserves some points :rofl:

NPF edit: seventeen nestled boxes of points have been awarded :lol:
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

Points: 3 962 
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Yes, yes, it does. I agree!

High Warden of Tower
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:lol: Crazy, but thank you very much. :smooch:

I'd absolutely recommend a certain Sailing drama RP by @Rillewen, in the 'Far Reaches' thread, but I see that the sprinkle fairy has already found it. :headbang: That one is definitely worth a read though, for anyone else who hasn't seen it yet. :thumbs: Loving it.
All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost
The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not touched by the frost.

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*enters to show appreciation for appreciation shinies* :grin: That's like an incentive not to slack off too much, as well?

NPF: :grin:

High Warden of Tower
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Please can a generous points fairy of an Admin go take a glance at the Riddles in the Dark thread, where @Periantar has just correctly guessed the riddle which @Drifa has had us all stumped on since March 2022 ?! I believe that is some definite cause for celebration/sparklification at such feats ! :headbang:

NPF edit: for sure!

Also, thankyou for the recent sugar sprinkled in my own direction. Do freckle your good selves with something suitably nice for doing such a good job at motivating and encouraging participation throughout the site. :smooch:

NPF edit: :winkkiss:
All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost
The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not touched by the frost.

New Soul
Points: 257 
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Joined: Mon Jul 31, 2023 1:21 pm
:rofl: :rofl: @Ercassie
:rofl: :rofl:

NPF edit: Tribbed you as a contest winner - cause this qualies imo :lol:
I am a multi facited hobbit, for I am a gardener;
a leader, hobbit second regiment of the HDS;
and fireworks meister of TISAPA.

Points: 6 125 
Posts: 3680
Joined: Mon May 18, 2020 11:02 am
Many thanks for the tribute. The pup has been informed of his impending and inevitable skyrocket to internet fame and needless to say he is delighted.
"We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open... Fear the Old Blood..."

Loremaster of Gondor
Points: 259 
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I'm not sure exactly how this works, but thought I would post about a story I read here. That would be the 'Mantle of Shadow' series of posts by @Lail in the 'Lands of Arnor' thread in the Gondorian Kingdom. Definitely deserving of tribute in my book. Here is links to all thirteen parts. Now sure how it would be credited ... exceptional contribution to a thread? No matter, it was a most enjoyable read!
Annalist, Physician, & Historian
of The Black Company of the Dúnedain,
The Free Company of Arnor

Ent Ancient
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@Hanasian - I'm not eligible for tribute since I am an admin, but thank you very much for the appreciation nonetheless. :smooch:

Loremaster of Gondor
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Lail wrote: Wed Sep 20, 2023 11:06 pm @Hanasian - I'm not eligible for tribute since I am an admin, but thank you very much for the appreciation nonetheless. :smooch:
:lol: @Lail, see? I don't know how it works! I tried. :lol:
Annalist, Physician, & Historian
of The Black Company of the Dúnedain,
The Free Company of Arnor

Ent Ancient
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hehe No worries! :winkkiss:

Loremaster of Gondor
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Lail wrote: Wed Sep 20, 2023 11:06 pm @Hanasian - I'm not eligible for tribute since I am an admin, but thank you very much for the appreciation nonetheless. :smooch:
Wait... so now that your admin term is ending, does that mean you can get tribute points? :lol:
Annalist, Physician, & Historian
of The Black Company of the Dúnedain,
The Free Company of Arnor

Ent Ancient
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:lol: you'll have to ask the new team about that :grin:

Ent Ancient
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can someone sprinkle a little at this post - ... 614#p64614 ? it gave me a good chuckle :grin:

NPF Edit: Chansey (done)!

Khazad Elder
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Ah, thanks, Lail!
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Elven Enchanter
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If anyone is wondering why they did a Hall of Knowledge and did not receive any extra points, it is because you already did that Hall in your distant past and received the points at that time :wink:
cave anserem

Ent Ancient
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might @Drifa please be showered with sparklies and treats of her choice for hosting a fun and imaginative game of word sleuth? It seems a lot of work to maintain the board and track the letters and what not plus the RP story as well. I really enjoyed how she had it migrate around various kingdom threads. it was a treat to play even though I dropped off from it a bit!

NPF edit: Sprinkles have been sprunkled

Khazad Elder
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Thanks, Lail and PFs! It was a fun game!
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Khazad Elder
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Can you please reward @Pele Alarion for playing the longest word sleuth match ever and winning by default? Thank you!

NPF: Shinies have been distributed!
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Cave Troll
Points: 4 599 
Posts: 3063
Joined: Sun May 17, 2020 7:54 pm
Hello Plaza people! Does a points fairy really still exist? If so, I would like to begin careful negotiations about the fair (just) attribution of points for one of the riddles asked on one of the riddle threads some while back. Happy to supply further details, but wish to check there is a fairy out there first.
Thank you.

NPF edit: The Points Fairy does not accept returns or complaints. Only gratitude and joy. Thanks!
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Cave Troll
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Please give as you get, NPF. No need to bite.

I come in a state of humble gratitude and boundless joy, and wonder only if you yourself know such endless ecstasy of benevolent loving kindness? Have you too trodden the inside as well as the outside of a riddle? I would not dare to guess.

Still, the tone of the red ink applied to my post does indicate some defensiveness. May I possibly inquire if the NPF ever rewarded points for a riddle? Even once? But I speak not of discrimination and second-class plaza activities. No! Do not make discord and put words into my mouth. I speak to you, NPF, of opening your heart to the beauty of a well-crafted riddle.

NPF edit: Point Fairies have no long term memories. Alas... I am forced to say: Perhaps. Perhaps not!

There is a first time for everyone, even the NPF. So I beg you to direct your attention to this riddle, given to the plaza by @Drifa on March 22, 2022, and I ask you humbly, please look into your own heart, dear NPF, please ask yourself with honesty and humility, what is true joy and gratitude?

As an opening offer, we at Hill, Hill, & Hill suggest the following:

(1) 5000 points to Drifa for posing the riddle that busted Lore.
(2) An additional 5000 points to Drifa to defray some staggering legal expenses.
(3) Top spot on the plaza home page to be given to 'Riddles in the Dark', with 'Lore' relegated to an obscure corner of the Shire.

NPF edit: These requests are beyond me! :headshake: I am but a fairy! Not a deity!
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Cave Troll
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Dear NPF, this is a fantasy site and we will all support you in your efforts to be all that you wish to be. You may be a fairy, but if you will only believe in yourself - as we, the good Hobbits of Undertowers, believe in you - you could be a divine fairy!

The only limitation is yourself.

As you reflect on your untapped inner potential to bring joy and gratitude to everyone who frequents the plaza and appreciates the wonders of Drifa's riddles, we do hope that this movie clip will help in moving forward our delightful conversation.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Cave Troll
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Just to clarify, dear NPF, while we are happy to negotiate and bend to accomadate your situation whenever possible, as we see it in Undertowers: 1000 points would be a plaza legend, but 5000 = true myth. And we deem the status of this riddle genuinely mythical, at least in plaza terms.

We would of course be happy to debate this last point with any of the plaza admins at your disposal, whose vast experience of riddles is on record in Fangorn.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Cave Troll
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Joined: Sun May 17, 2020 7:54 pm
Dear NPF, I fear we got off to the wrong start and wish now to speak to you heart to heart, as your friend. That is an important word on the plaza, and I am sure you hear it often as the good folk come to you and ask for points for this post or that. Everyone is your friend when you have the candies to hand out. And I guess that the admins also tell you that they are your friends? For sure they do, for it is cheaper than actually paying you anything for all your hard work. But let me ask you, my fairy friend, how often any plaza member has requested that the NPF be awarded some points? When was the last occasion an admin told you to take a day off and they would deal with the points distribition? Friend is an easy word to say, fairy, but do you know what it truly means?

A true friend wishes for their friend to be all that they can. A true friend does not consign a fairy to routine menial plaza drudge work with no hope of advancement. A true friend, my fairy friend, would look you in the eye and tell you that it is a crime to hold back a fairy with so much potential for joy and gratitude.

Fairy, you have so much to give the plaza. We wish only to help you. Fairy, we in Undertowers care about you, not for your bag of points, but because of the heart that we see as you hand out those points. Fairy, we wish to read your posts on the plaza.

We at Hill, Hill & Hill believe in you, NPF. You too have the right to post and be awarded bonus points. We believe that you would be a dab hand at riddles, and possibly a star poster in Lore. We even see a place opening up for you in the Halls of Injustice. You can be so much more than an admin-slave. Don't listen to those cruel masters anymore, they do not care for you as we do.

NPF, make a statement. Go rogue. Give the Dwarf the points, and we promise asylum in Undertowers, our free autonomous no-admin zone on the western edge of the plaza. Join us and be free!

Your choice is simple.

The NPF living with the 3 terrible admins: :flail: :whip: :bearwhip: :hammer: :stab:

The NPF living free in Undertowers: :heartthrob: :encore: :smile: :grin: :smooch: :heart: :winkkiss: :heart:
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Newborn of Imladris
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It's rude of me to break into this long established discussion I realise; and I will therefore accept minus point if that seems right.
I just wanted to mention that here in the NuPlaza the whole question of points has gone almost entirely out of my mind, though I sought them avidly in the original setting. I even took part in fiendish exercises set by halfir in hope of wining more points (I think halfir eventually reached 12,000 points.)
If anyone ever awards me points, I will accept them but without the fiendish outbreaks of gloating laughter that I produced in the past. Kind hearts are more than shiny points.
Remembering halfir by learning something new each day

Cave Troll
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Joined: Sun May 17, 2020 7:54 pm
@Saranna, your post is touching, but may I ask you to look at the fairy who serves us all? Should we not be requesting points - not from but - for this almost perfect fairy?

What you may ask is the gap between an almost perfect points fairy and a perfect points fairy? Why, 'tis all the difference between slavery and freedom, between the fetid air and putrid egg-yolks of Mordor in Discord, on the one hand, and the sea wind of Emyn Beraid and the mead served in the house of Fairbairn the Fat on the other.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

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