Wow. Dear NFP, you have just lit my imagination, all over again. The question that you raise is what would happen if fairy-points
are sprinkled on an admin? And the answer that enters into my mind to that question is, well it might be like putting salt on a slug, the fairy-dust would be like acid, burning holes in the flesh. Like the Goblins and Wargs when Gandalf throws down burning pine cones in
The Hobbit. And if that is so, the real question is
why do plaza admins have a similar relationship to fairy-dust as do vampires to crucifixes and garlic?
Give it a month or so and I might have a new prison-diary story. In the meanwhile, I guess my words will have to serve instead of the fairy points. So:
Go, Arnyn!
Edit (non-red). Given everything, I wish to state in black and white that I would never dream of actually sprinkling fairy dust on an admin! That would obviously be an abominable crime. So whatever
experiments are conducted, in Mordor or elsewhere, will only be performed on non-administrative volunteers.