War Of The Dwarves And The Orcs - Early Morning Scrimmage

And of old it was not darksome, but full of light and splendour, as is still remembered in our songs.
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High Lord of Imladris
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The dwarf still wasn't fighting back which was good for the crow as she pecked mercilessly at the back of the stout creatures legs. Well stout compared to the last orc Rhafna had killed, she was most certainly much larger than the inky feathered bird was. The crebain was doing her best though to bring the dwarf down closer to her own size by taking the creatures knees out, if she could cripple it that would be a fantastic step however there was still a fair bit of armor that she had to get through and this dwarf seemed to be mighty tough.

Rhafna 55(+1)
Kali 27 (-1)

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As her knife stabbed and sliced, Velm felt like one of those men she had seen butcher pigs. Blood was everywhere, and her eyes were red with it. This orc would not be getting up again. But suddenly, she heard a hoarse cry and was knocked off the bleed orc by a rough claw in the shape of a fist. Falling roughly to the ground, Velm was alert enough to look up and see another orc (Borgakh) snarling over the dying orc. Velm did not know this orc's intentions, whether she protected the other orc or wished to eat it. She did know that this orc would be the next one to feel the bite of her axe if she had her way, for the knock and the innate hatred.

Velm 35 (+1)
Agrob 1 (-1)

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Another hard peck at the back of the dwarfs knees. The crow hopping along near the ground flapping her wings occasionally so that she could get up just high enough to jab her sharp gory beak into the unprotected bit of the dwarfs legs. Eventually she was certain the dwarf would go down and not get back up again, but she was fighting a long hard battle with this one and she knew it.

Rhafna 56(+1)
Kali 26 (-1)

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The dwarf was bloodied now compared to how this battle had started, so was Rhafna but at this point it mostly wasn't her own blood, though a few of her feathers were worse for wear or missing entirely having been shot off in close calls by arrows and the like. She let out a happy little caw and struck violently once more at the back of the dwarfs left knee hoping to bring her down, though if the crow was honest with herself she knew that it would be much longer before the dwarf went down.

Rhafna 57(+1)
Kali 25 (-1)

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Up, down -- Kali struggled increasingly to keep eyes on the horrible creature. Now it was behind, now beside, now above again. 'Get back here!'

No -- this wasn't working. Kali struggled to recenter, to pause, to breath amidst the blood and the sweat and the chaos of the fight. A little breathing room, if only there was a little breathing room. But -- no. This would end in tragedy, it was clear. Though perhaps it needn't end just yet. Duck, dodge, breath, breath. Count the rhythm. In, out -- there! A single stroke which, at the very least, staved off the end and put a little more blood in those damnable feathers.

Rhafna 56 (-1)
Kali 26 (+1)
In the deeps of Time, amidst the Innumerable Stars

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The miserable dwarf finally fought back. It was bound to happen that it would wake up from battle shock and manage to take a swing for her. She nearly lost a few feathers which did stop her next attack but that was the worst of the offence against her and her beautiful black plumage. She hopped back and flapped her wings changing tactics now that the dwarf was swinging again flying up into the air not wanting to get stepped on by it's nasty shod feet.

Rhafna 57(+1)
Kali 25 (-1)

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She was the swifter of the two in combat it seemed as she flew about the crows target no longer the back of the knees of the dwarf that would be too low of a swoop. Instead she was back swooping and scaping her beak at the spot on the back of the dwarfs neck this time, perhaps the next time she'd aim for the hairy creatures face especially if they weren't swinging anymore once more paralyzed perhaps by fear once more at their inevitable demise.

Rhafna 58(+1)
Kali 24 (-1)

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Another dive down from on high this time she spread her wings at the last instant and struck out at the dwarfs face with her clawed feet raking at soft flesh and juicy eyes. She glanced about as she flapped her powerful wings and was once again aloft to avoid as much revenge for her actions against the dwarf. She was certain someone would put up a fight eventually.

Rhafna 59(+1)
Kali 23 (-1)

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Another swift dive and powerful peck with her beak and Rhafna was in the air again, the dwarf that shew as steadily wearing down was certainly looking far worse for wear. Something that endlessly pleased the sleek black bird as she continue to work on ending this miserable dwarfs life. Indeed she was feeling better than ever despite the one recent attempt upon her by the doomed dwarf that was more likely done out of reflexes as it was out of her actually consciously defending herself. Animals. They did that when they got pecked and weren't QUITE dead yet. Not that it bothered her that much.

Rhafna 60(+1)
Kali 22 (-1)

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Flap. Spin. Fold. Dive. Strike. The last one was the most important part of it really, the rest was just just the steps it took to get to there one needed to do them to be safe as it were but one also needed to strike consistently in order to kill ones enemies. She was stuck at the dwarfs face this time knowing that she needed to kill this dwarf quickly, she'd spent so much time on them already.

Rhafna 61(+1)
Kali 21 (-1)

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Once more, Velm watched the life bleed from an orc's eyes. But only briefly. The orc who had knocked her down still stood protectively near the dying orc. This tall dirty creature would be next to feel Velm's wrath. Wiping her axe, she readied herself for the next battle. She hoped upon hope that the orc would not begin to eat her fallen comrade.

Velm 36 (+1)
Agrob 0 (-1) ELIMINATED

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1. Fali (female) 20
2. Nara (female) ELIMINATED
3. Velm (female) 36
4. Gili (female) ELIMINATED
5. Ridra (female)
6. Kali (female) 21
7. Donlad (male) 11
8. Dunabar (male)
9. Tomu (male) ELIMINATED
10. Giman (male)
11. Liggin (male) ELIMINATED
12. Thorut (male) ELIMINATED

13. Hurz (female) ELIMINATED
14. Snak (female) ELIMINATED
15. Ghak (female) ELIMINATED
16. Borgakh (female) ELIMINATED
17. Agrob (female) ELIMINATED
18. Bumrash (female) ELIMINATED
19. Golag (male) ELIMINATED
20. Sog (male) ELIMINATED
21. Ughash (male)
22. Buugug (male) ELIMINATED
23. Dumag (male) ELIMINATED
24. Bolrag (male) 24

25. Wulfr (male Warg) ELIMINATED
26. Rhafna (female Crebian) 61
27. Tawaro (female Elf) ELIMINATED
28. lhand (male Eagle) ELIMINATED
29. Círer (male Elf) ELIMINATED
30. Urgi (female Bear) ELIMINATED

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Last edited by Drifa on Mon Dec 06, 2021 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Movement on the field, she twisted her neck midair to look upon who was fighting and if she had cause to be alarmed like a boot, or stone or arrow shooting in her direction. For now there was no need for concern as her fellow crebian went to feast upon the newly fallen something that had not happened for some time. And would probably not happen again for a while longer as she swooped down to strike her prefered dwarven target. She struck viciously and was back in the air almost as soon as she had.

Rhafna 62(+1)
Kali 20 (-1)

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To Velm's horror, the protective orc who stood over the dead one took out her knife, licked it and began to cut up her fallen comrade. Still unsure what the orc was going to do and not about to wait to witness the orc start shovelling raw orc flesh into her mouth, Velm raised her axe and aimed. Her aim was straight and true and knocked the tall orc off its feet, the piece of dead orc meat flying through the air like some featherless bird.

Velm 37 (+1)
Borgakh 6 (-1)

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Indeed the one dwarf seemed to be active on the battle field again. That was probably for the best as Rhafna continued to fight - if one could even call it that- against the dwarf she had chosen to take down really wasn't putting up much of a fight perhaps a realization of doom had come upon them and they'd accepted their fate? Hard to tell She caught sight of something flying as she bored down on the dwarf and realized it was a bit of orc flesh sent aloft by a well placed swing by the other combatant on the field.

Rhafna 63(+1)
Kali 19 (-1)

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The bird was still attacking the dwarves, Velm could see from the corner of her eye. But she had no time to deal with the creature now. For now, she had to rid the world of a crazed orc. The bedevilled orc had gotten to her feet after Velm's axe hit it and was on the other dead orc again, this time biting out chunks of flesh.
Velm, trying not to retch, ran forward and booted the orc in the head with her heavy boot. She would put an end to this flesh-eating orc if she had to be sick while doing so.

Velm 38 (+1)
Borgakh 5 (-1)

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The orc got a sound bite of flesh in its mouth as it flew to the ground from the force of Velm's heavy boot hitting it. This fight would most likely be hand-to-hand combat, for her axe was lying out of reach, and Velm just wanted to put an end to the creature. As she raised a boot for another kick, the orc began to crawl towards the dead orc she had been eating. Velm landed a hard blow to the side of the creature. As the orc sprawled on the ground, not wishing to touch the orc with orc flesh on it with her hands, she changed her mind and retrieved her axe.

Velm 39 (+1)
Borgakh 4 (-1)

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Ohhh the other dwarf was in a flurry it seemed! Rhafna turned and regarded them for a moment there was plenty of work left on this other dwarf thought that had tormented her for far too long earlier. With that she swooped down pecking harshly at the face of the dwarf trying to get an eyeball but missing and getting a tuft of hair. Disgusting. But still made the dwarf scream so clearly also effective.

Rhafna 64(+1)
Kali 18 (-1)

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Up and down went Velm's axe. She did not pity the orc that received her blows. A bird with black wings was pecking the life out of her kin. The glen was awash in blood and guts. Up and down went her axe. The air was cold; winter was fast approaching. She longed for her worn hearthstone and the warmth of her fire; and the sound of dwarven laughter. Up and down went her axe.

Velm 40 (+1)
Borgakh 3 (-1)

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Rhafna's wings seemed to beat in time with the dwarfs axe, a strange dance it made a drum and a gorey ballerina. Both covered in blood and guts both continuing on knowing full well that there was little else that one could do on the battle field but to just keep going in time...or face the consequences. Which tended to be death.

Rhafna 65(+1)
Kali 17 (-1)

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The battlefield seemed eerily quiet except for the occasional; thump, cry, gasp and wing flap. Velm rested her arm. The orc, pretty much chopped to bits, still had some life left as she watched its chest move slowly up and down. Soon, it would stop moving, for no creature could live through the butchery that Velm had inflicted.
Wiping sweat from her brow, Velm rose and looked over the valley up towards her Mountain home. She felt a longing so intense it hurt. Angry at this sudden emotion, she kicked the dying orc, mumbling under her breath.
'Mahal damn you and all your race!'

Velm 41 (+1)
Borgakh 2 (-1)

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No time to rest. Not for a bird like her. One always had to be wary... Or at the very least aware of where ones enemies were though normally she would be able to call all her kin to her aid they were busy feasting. Not something she begrudged them after all she was the biggest of the flock and it was good for them to eat up and it was rare for a bird like herself to actually involve themselves in the active battle yet here she was.

Rhafna 66(+1)
Kali 16 (-1)

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It was time to find another orc to kill. The one on the ground was history. Velm gave the butchered orc another kick and looked up towards the Mountain. The longing for normality was still beating a hard drum within her chest. If a foe got in her way, well, it was their bad luck. She would be showing no mercy. And of course, there was still the winged demon to consider; consider ways of destroying it.

Velm 42 (+1)
Borgakh 1 (-1)

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Velm left the orc to die. She was done with it. Making her way up the valley, she could see a good amount of dwarves and a few orcs. This was good indeed. And there, by a knoll, she saw the Crebian diving at Kali.
'If only the ravens had joined the foray,' thought Velm as she surveyed the skies. But not one had been seen, just a brave eagle that had been killed. Spotting a bow on the ground, she walked towards it. A cruel black shafted arrow lay beside it, black as a raven feather. It would do. Picking up the bow and arrow, she notched it, aiming it at the crazed bird, and let loose.

Velm 43 (+1)
Rhafna 65 (-1)

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Nope this was not going to stand Rhafna was not going to allow this smelly dwarf to get away with attempting to wound her and especailly not with a black fletched arrow. That was rude beyond words and so she circled with an angry croak her eye fixed on the newly offending dwarf for but a moment before she swooped down a feathery void of fury. Her beak sharp and an ill reminder to keep ones hands to themselves as she attempted to take a finger off the dwarf

Rhafna 66(+1)
Velm 42 (-1)

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Bolrag was still alive. But things had turned for the worst, and most of the troop of orcs he had set out with lay dead. He had to be careful now, or he would be Crebian fodder, one Crebian in particular; the one that was doing in the dwarves.
And so, he made a messy horseshoe-shaped wall of dead bodies around himself. He gathered as many arrows as he could find without being detected by the beardlings (who were becoming too engrossed with killing the bird) or the feathered one. He then hid behind his barricade of corpses and began shooting at the bird. He would never leave the field without that bird racing him down and pecking his life out of him. He would bide his time and see how many dwarves it would kill first.

Bolrag 25 (+1)
Rhafna 65 (-1)

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The one thing about being a creature of the sky meant that one could whip about as if there was nothing stopping you (for in truth there really wasn't) when someone else decided to get a bit... well handed wasn't the right word it wasn't his hand that tried to strike her and for some reason he thought a semi circle would be able to stop something the could fly. No wonder the dwarves had almost eliminated the orcs, they were not the brightest with a flap or two of her wings she was perched upon his barricade and gave an angry croak and another few flaps of her wings and took a peak out of him as well.

Rhafna 66(+1)
Bolrag 24(-1)

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Velm was lucky. The bird had dove hard trying to remove a digit from her hand but only drew blood with its cruel beak. As she knelt cradling her hand, she saw a battle-torn Dwarf rush up towards her; blood and mud and grime covering the dwarf's beard and face. It was Donlad. He had come through the worst of the battle with minor injuries, it appeared. Kneeling down beside Velm, he said.
'How do you fare, Velm? My axe and blade are meant for orc necks and stabbing orc guts. But this bird, a bow is all we can use, oi?'
'It is all we can use until the bird is crippled some, I guess. But my hand needs a rest. It is throbbing from the cursed bird's peck.' Velm lifted her hand and showed the other dwarf her injury. She then said.
'But I say we gather as many arrows as we can and when my hand is better both of us can shoot at the Crebian.'
A short time later, arrows gathered, Donlad let loose an arrow directed at the bird.

Donlad 12 (+1)
Rhafna 65 (+1)

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The orc put in his place cowering once more pretending to be dead Rhafna felt another arrow whiz by her and if she could have rolled her wee birdy eyes she would have another one to the list was all she could think. With that she flapped away from the grizzly semicircle of carcasses and caught sight of another dwarf beside the other dwarf it looked like their hand was still stinging they weren't even holding an axe at the moment.

Instead there was another dwarf looking at her with bow in hand. She let out that same warning croak and went chasing after him with the same amount of viciousness as she had the orc. Let him cower and hide beneath bodies until her brethren eat through them both she thought as she rocketed across the field towards him almost as fast as the arrow he'd loosed.

Rhafna 66(+1)
Donlad 11 (-1)

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Giman was a young, small dwarf, small even for a dwarf. He had spent his time cutting at his victims' Achilles heel in the battle. He had to bend over only slightly, and he was in a good range for a quick slice, of course, if a high boot wasn't in the way. Surprisingly, and luckily, a lot of orcs did not wear boots. And Giman was fast. Only once had a large orc almost tumbled on top of him as he grabbed for his wound. Of course, he could not battle hand in hand with the large orcs, being much too small. So when he saw the orc sheltered in a pile of dead bodies, he quickly made his way around him from a distance.
He spotted Velm and Donlad shooting arrows at that wicked bird and quickly made his way towards them. A claw-like hand suddenly grabbed his leg as he ran stealthily towards them. Startled, he fell backwards, the hand releasing him, landing on the seat of his pants. Lying not far from him was an orc so badly sliced up that it was a miracle it had the strength to move, let alone grasp. Giman did not want to waste more time; his kin needed his help. So he got to his feet and kicked the blood-soaked orc, and sped off.
Borgakh cursed once under his breath and died.

Giman 8 (+1)
Borgakh 0 (-1) Eliminated
Last edited by Drifa on Mon Dec 06, 2021 10:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Finally the annoyance was over of the nasty two legged beasts feeling the need to throw things at her. Honestly did they really expect that she wouldn't retaliate? Silly two legs. Their lack of feathers clearly made them less bright than they should be. Perhaps she should feel pity for them, she preened her feathers for a moment gave the last dwarf that had decided to torment her another look as if to say that she was watching him and a croak of a caw and took to the wing.
She had to find that one dwarf she'd been working on for a while... AHHH there they were scratched and pecked half to bits. With that she swooped in and gave the dwarf another solid peck.

Rhafna 67(+1)
Kali 15 (-1)

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A strange lull in the battle a moment of silence as it were broken of course by the wind rushing over her wings and the sudden beat of her flapping wings as she further defaced (she thought it was a good joke as she chortled to herself in her small crow brain) the dwarf as she attempted to slip her beak in past the dwarves helm and deal a bit more damage. She glanced around not trusting this quietness though... Something had to be up. It always was when there was a battle, something dark was waiting to happen and while she was dark and happening to this dwarf she meant something happening to her.

Rhafna 68(+1)
Kali 14 (-1)

@Drifa - Tomu is already eliminated did you mean Giman or Dunabar which are either side of him on the list and would be at an 8 if they attacked the orc?

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It wasn't quite a silence before a storm. No there was still far too much noise for that, the moaning of the dying the strange wet stomp of feet in blood soaked soil... The flap of wings no longer sleek and aerodynamic and well preened for quieter flight. That last one was her fault. well not really one sort of expected blood when one was killing others so she sort of expected it, but she hadn't expected them to bleed nearly so much or to coat her feathers so utterly. Honestly it made it a bit harder to fly and she'd be preening for days to get rid of all their viscera. She gave another strong flap of her wings and struck the dwarf again it was clear to see now that they were weakening.

Rhafna 69(+1)
Kali 13 (-1)

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Velm was glad to see Giman still in good shape, save for a few scapes, cuts, and dirty and grim in his beard. She listens to his report of the hidden orc barricaded in a pile of corpses. Velm wanted her hearth and was sick and tired of the orcs. Her hand had stopped smarting, and she could move her fingers without any discomfort. Nodding to the two dwarves and encouraging them to keep looking for arrows and targeting the bird, she made her way silently towards the orc, surprising him with a kick to the head.

Velm 43 (+1)
Bolrag 23 (-1)

@OHoney Thanks!

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There it was the plunge after the calm. Someone had said something like that once she was sure of it. Not that it really mattered to her but the other dwarves were on the move again as she watched them go after the orc that had attacked her. Probably for the best really saved her having to pick at his dirty tough flesh. Not that dwarves weren't tough or dirty - they were less dirty. Probably more tough. Yes that seemed like the right description of dwarf. She circled again and landed another harsh peck on her dwarf of choice trying to decide which should be next.

Rhafna 70(+1)
Kali 12 (-1)

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The kick to the orcs head must have done some mighty damage for some reason. For the orc, staggered to his feet, with a look of confusion clouding his eyes, toppled over again. He tried to rise several times with the same results. Velm, not caring much, did allow the orc to attempt to get to his feet but ran out of patience the third time and kicked the orc in the guts, bringing it down with a grunt.

Velm 44 (+1)
Bolrag 22 (-1)

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Slowly surely blood was spilling far more easily now.from the dwarf she had been fighting. Indeed soon this particular battle would be over and then she would be off to the next. For now though she flapped her wings hard and flew straight and fast racing past the dwarf slashing her claws at dwarfs face raking it once more.

Rhafna 71(+1)
Kali 11 (-1)

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The first kick to the orc's head did more damage than Velm would have thought. The orc had developed a severe case of vertigo and could not keep his balance, falling every time he moved his head. There was not much fight, and all Velm could do was kick him over once more. Maybe, after a few more kicks, something inside of the orc would explode.

Velm 45 (+1)
Bolrag 21 (-1)

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The dwarf was scrambling trying desperately to escape the seemingly endless attacks by the crow that kept circling. They were on their hands and knees now week from blood loss or terror. Both often had the same effect as Rhafna landed another sharp and painful blow to the back of the dwarf her front and gave harder to attack for the moment as she seemed to search the ground for a hole to go and hide in.

Rhafna 72(+1)
Kali 10 (-1)

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Another kick, and the dizzy orc was down again. Velm had a lot of time to rest; this battle did not take much effort. She looked about her as the downed orc tried to get to his feet again. She would have time to scan the area for any orcs that may be hiding behind a pile of dead bodies like this one was.

Velm 46 (+1)
Bolrag 20 (-1)

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Rhafna was not above rubbing salt in the wound. Not that that saying made any sense to her or how it would apply to what she was about to do but she did know that it would undoubtedly be applied to what she was about to do.

Which was to land on the dwarfs back as she continued to crawl looking for some safe place to hide. There was no place close enough as she struck again. On the back of the neck these wounds were bleeding far worse than the first ones she'd inflicted.

Rhafna 73(+1)
Kali 9 (-1)

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'Ah, there is one of those foul beings,' Velm mumbled as she kicked the dizzy orc once more for good measure, then drew out her axe and hurried off to where she had spotted another orc. This one appeared to be in good shape. The fight would be more intense and more challenging. With an 'Ai! Oi!' she threw her axe at the orc.

Velm 47 (+1)
Ughash 6 (-1)

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She was keeping an eye on the other dwarf they were wandering about the battlefield. Most of the combatants were down on the orcs side there were only a few of them left. Far more dwarves left. Though she was herself working on reducing their numbers. She was still riding about on the back of the struggling dwarf. They still had more than enough strength for that and to wander around but Rhafna could tell they were getting desperate. A good sign of something that would soon be dead on a battlefield.

Rhafna 74(+1)
Kali 8 (-1)

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She was still riding about on the back of the dwarf so far no one had challenged her there, not even the dwarf herself, probably because she could barely reach her own back so hurting the crow was going to be difficult if anything she might manage to shoo her away... or she might manage to face plant if her balance wasn't very good. Neither would buy her much time. For now though Rhafna saw a shiny buckle and decided that she was going to play with it and see what it did. Several moments later she noticed there was a much bigger hole on the back of the dwarfs neck that wasn't covered anymore as part of her armor slipped away.

Rhafna 75(+1)
Kali 7 (-1)

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Having learned of the trick with the buckle Rhafna went to work quickly on the second shiny buckle that she could see pecking and pulling on it violently until it finally gave way exposing the dwarfs entire neck to the crows vicious beak.

Rhafna 76(+1)
Kali 6 (-1)

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'Thwack!' Velm was cutting down this orc with a flurry of quick hits with her axe. It all seems too easy at this point. The young dwarf thought maybe it had to do with her enemies being half starved and weary. She had a store of dried meat that she nibbled on to keep her nourished. These dumb orcs probably didn't think of such things. They tried to get a bite out of their dead comrades instead.
'Thwack!' went Velm's axe once more.

Velm 48 (+1)
Ughash 5 (-1)
Last edited by Drifa on Mon Dec 13, 2021 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

High Lord of Imladris
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Was it the thwack of Velms axe or the thwack of Rhafnas beak again her foes spine? Rhafna would never know but she did feel the satisfaction of sinking her beak into the neck of the dwarf that had caused her so much grief. Well at least one of them there were so many more. The dwarfs strength was starting to fade finally Rhafna was sure of it.

Rhafna 77(+1)
Kali 5 (-1)

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The orc began to speed away from Velm's axe. She was surprised to see how fast he ran with his body chopped badly. A trail of blood streamed out behind the orc, making the early morning mist tinged pinkishly. Velm thought it was kind of pretty in a way, although still grim and ghastly. The orc stumbled and fell, most likely over a dead body. Coming up short, Velm became aware of the bird pecking away at a very severely injured dwarf not far from the fallen orc. It took a moment for her to recognize Kali, so mangled was her body from the bird's assaults. Tears burst into Velm's eyes, and the butchered orc was forgotten for a moment as she stooped and picked up a stone. She knew it was futile to fight with this bird. It was cruel and, well, insane. It would not give up. Still, just the satisfaction of hitting it made Kali's sacrifice seem worthwhile.
She threw the stone straight at the ugly bird.

Velm 49 (+1)
Rhafna 76 (-1)

High Lord of Imladris
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A stone flew past her indeed it clipped her and Rhafna set her cruel eyes on the one that had sent it. Ah yes. That dwarf. it took her a moment but very quickly Rhafna decided that for the moment, for it would not be long at all, she would let the dwarf that was so foolish be. However her fate was sealed, there would be no mercy for the annoying beast soon enough. With that she looked Velm in the eye cawed loudly and punctured her beak into Kali's neck once more.

Rhafna 77(+1)
Kali 4 (-1)

High Lord of Imladris
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The dwarf was barely moving anymore her recent pecks had done a good amount of damage and she had started to slump down in place with blood pooling but Rhafna could still feel movement and struck again bringing a shudder from the dwarf. Rhafna viewed it as a kindness better to be struck multiple times than to die slowly

Rhafna 78(+1)
Kali 3(-1)

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