How-to Thread

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Ent Ancient
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This thread is a guide for some tips and tricks on how-to do different functions around the Plaza. Beginning with:

How To Resize Images courtesy of @Tarawen's custom code first shared here.

Code: Select all

WIDTH is a number in pixels, URL is an image URL same as always

Note though that images cannot be stretched wider than the post content box at a given screen width

I've tested it a bit locally but please let me know if it doesn't work at any point


Code: Select all

gives us this:

Code: Select all

gives us this (aka no guarantees that images stretched beyond their original size will not look like poo)

New Soul
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How to save a Plaza thread as a PDF document – a poorly illustrated guide

For the purpose of making screenshots to make this guide look more pretty and less WTF-y I have used Chrome on a computer that runs Windows. In principle, everything should be the same or similar for every browser and OS.

Hello dear reader and welcome to the wonderful world of saving web content as a pdf page! The first thing you want to do is select a thread you want to save and a page of that thread you want to save if the thread has more than one page. For illustration, I have used the Northern Fiefdoms thread in Gondor.

As you can see from the screenshot above I have opened the 1st page of The Northern Fiefdoms thread and now you’ll need to move your mouse to the little wrench (marked with a gold star on the screenshot). You click the little triangle and a dropdown list appears.

Select "Print view" from the options available (gold star on the screenshot) and the entire selected page of the thread will be prepared as if you are actually going to send it to a real live printer to print on actual paper! (Please don’t, think of the trees!)

In Chrome the “File” option is located in the upper right corner (the 3 vertical dots marked with a gold star in the screenshot). In Firefox you have it in the upper left corner and in the upper right corner. Wherever your “File” option is located click on and select Print it or press CTRL + P. Both options will open a print preview window.

From the "Destination" options choose "Save as PDF" if it’s not automatically selected (the first gold star in the screenshot). Under "More settings" (second gold star in the screenshot) you can play around with margins, paper size, pages per sheet, headers, footers etc. Once you have adjusted everything to your satisfaction click Save (last gold star on the bottom) and save your nice PDF thread wherever you want to.
Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant

Black Númenórean
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(Re)Introducing . . . Tables!

Howdy folks! I've added an extension to the board that will allow us to insert tables into posts.

Like BBCode itself, the extension generates some clunky code, but the end result is a working table with a shaded header row, like this:

This Is Cool
Wow so nifty
Oh my organization
Many columns and rows

How to Use the Tables

Once you click on the new table button when composing a post, you'll see a bunch of pre-configured options for number of columns and rows. Select the table size you want, and it'll spit a bunch of BBCode into the post box.

The extension provides some guidelines for how to use the code it produces, but I've written some Plaza-specific ones here since there are a few things about these tables that we won't end up using. Take a look at the screenshots and key below, give it a try when you've got a need for tables, and let us know if you have any questions! :party:

  • Replace the automatically-generated "Title" and "Text"s with your own content. You can include text, links, and images inside of table cells, and existing formatting tags (like bold, italic, strikethrough, etc.) will work as usual.
  • 1 - The number in [table=45,null] specifies the width of the table as a % of the displayed post box. The max value is 98%. Note that this % is relative to browser size and that the rendered tables don't look great on mobile.
  • 2 - The null in [table=45,null] is where you specify how you want the table to float relative to the text. Options: null, tright, tleft, tcenter. The default is null. Examples below:
    • null
    • tright
    • tleft
    • tcenter
  • 3 - Specifies text alignment in the header row. Options: textleft, textright, tcenter
  • 4 - Specifies column width (as a % of the table). Each [th=33,null]Title[/th] line is equivalent to one column. While they need not be uniform, column width values must total 100.
  • 5 - Leave this second value for th tags as null.
  • 6 - [tr=bg1] or [tr=bg2] are for styling, but we don't use them for anything. Leave these values as they are.
  • 7 - You can specify the text alignment for individual cells by replacing the null in [td=null,1]. Options: null (default), textleft, textright, textcenter.
  • 8 - These values specify how many columns a given cell will take up. The default and most common use case will be 1. In most situations, you'll want to leave these as-is.
she/her | Esta tierra no es mía, soy de la nocheósfera.

Black Númenórean
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How to Change Your Username

:party: As announced in the Halloween thread, all members can now change their names! :party:
Name changes are free! Just remember, your new name must be between 3-20 characters and abide by all Plaza rules.

1. Go to the User Control Panel
2. Click on the "Profile" tab
3. On the left bar, click "Edit account settings"
4. Enter your new username in the "Username" field
5. Enter your password in the "Current password" field (you don't need to fill out the "Email address" or the other password fields unless you'd like to change your email and/or password, too)
5. Click "Submit"

she/her | Esta tierra no es mía, soy de la nocheósfera.

Khazad Elder
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Can someone please, for this dwarf elder, post a guide or example as to how one quotes a person and the little arrow pointing up appears in the quote? :googly:

Like this example:
Winddancer wrote: ↑Mon Jan 31, 2022 6:11 pm
Lie guess: 3 just cause thats Naiths favourite team..

The world was fair in Durin's Day

Master Torturer
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Drifa wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 3:19 pm Can someone please, for this dwarf elder, post a guide or example as to how one quotes a person and the little arrow pointing up appears in the quote? :googly:

Like this example:
Winddancer wrote: ↑Mon Jan 31, 2022 6:11 pm
Lie guess: 3 just cause thats Naiths favourite team..

Pretty sure you just select quote in the drop down, lets see..

yea, you just select quote. There is a lil triangle under the timestamp, press that and then select quote :)

Khazad Elder
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Thanks, Windy! Got it!
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Master Torturer
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Glad I could help! :D

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