How to save a Plaza thread as a PDF document – a poorly illustrated guide
For the purpose of making screenshots to make this guide look more pretty and less WTF-y I have used Chrome on a computer that runs Windows. In principle, everything should be the same or similar for every browser and OS.
Hello dear reader and welcome to the wonderful world of saving web content as a pdf page! The first thing you want to do is select a thread you want to save and a page of that thread you want to save if the thread has more than one page. For illustration, I have used the Northern Fiefdoms thread in Gondor.
As you can see from the screenshot above I have opened the 1st page of The Northern Fiefdoms thread and now you’ll need to move your mouse to the little wrench (marked with a gold star on the screenshot). You click the little triangle and a dropdown list appears.
Select "Print view" from the options available (gold star on the screenshot) and the entire selected page of the thread will be prepared as if you are actually going to send it to a real live printer to print on actual paper! (Please don’t, think of the trees!)
In Chrome the “File” option is located in the upper right corner (the 3 vertical dots marked with a gold star in the screenshot). In Firefox you have it in the upper left corner and in the upper right corner. Wherever your “File” option is located click on and select Print it or press CTRL + P. Both options will open a print preview window.
From the "Destination" options choose "Save as PDF" if it’s not automatically selected (the first gold star in the screenshot). Under "More settings" (second gold star in the screenshot) you can play around with margins, paper size, pages per sheet, headers, footers etc. Once you have adjusted everything to your satisfaction click Save (last gold star on the bottom) and save your nice PDF thread wherever you want to.