Following consideration after seeing how the Roleplaying Code of Conduct and TR Helpdesk have been received/implemented, some member feedback, and a few concerns about post content, we have decided to revise the CoC. As always, our goal is to foster an environment that allows for maximum creative freedom, while still providing a safe and happy place for everyone to play. While at first glance this may seem like a large number of additions, none of them are new rules. These changes were made in order to include some additional guidance and resources, and to ensure it's clear what everyone - members, threadrunners, and the admin team - are responsible for when it comes to the RP CoC. The revisions also aim to clarify the fact that the RP CoC does constitute enforceable rules, and to formally incorporate the sections of the TR Helpdesk concerning thread rules, enforcement of thread rules and the use of Content/Trigger Warnings into the RP CoC. We also recognize that it may have been unclear that the guidance for TRs regarding thread rules in the TR Helpdesk should be considered enforceable rules, and hope to alleviate this confusion. Please read these updates carefully and familiarize yourself with the revised RP Code of Conduct. By participating in RP on the Plaza we are all agreeing to adhere to this code and (in the case of TRs and the admins) to enforce it. Please don't hesitate to reach out to the admin team if you have any questions, feedback, or concerns!
NB: Following the hosting incident on 28 August 2021 and subsequent data loss since March 27th, every effort has been made by the admin team to restore the updated Roleplaying Code of Conduct and TR Helpdesk to their states as of 3 July 2021. While some minor phrasing changes may have occurred in the intro/outro of these threads, we were fortunate to have saved copies of the content, which remains unchanged.
Roleplaying Code of Conduct
1. No Godmoding Without Consent
In this instance, the term godmoding is used to refer to: one player taking control of another player's character(s), and directly or by implication stating that they did or thought anything not sanctioned or already previously stated by that player. This can cover a wide range of circumstances, and we will not attempt to list them all here. Suffice to say, if a character doesn't belong to you, do not make any attempt to control it in any way, say it is or was somewhere its owner hasn't stated, or that it in the past did something its owner hasn't stated. This does not apply to, for instance, your character speculating/accusing/etc. on something another player's character may have said/done/etc., only to one player attempting to state definitively that another player's character definitely (did/said/etc.) something.
The above all refers to godmoding without consent. Sometimes godmoding can be extremely useful in order to move a story along, or just to make interactions easier. Many times, players grant each other consent between certain characters, or in certain situations, to freely engage in minor godmoding. Some situations are resolved through major godmoding, and so long as consent is given beforehand, this is fine! Sometimes GMs must engage in godmoding in order to move their thread along, and sometimes a TR may reserve the right to godmode in their thread. As long as this is stated in the OP of a thread/RP, so that players are informed before participating, this is fine!
The admin team will not be searching the plaza for instances of godmoding. If we see something that appears to be godmoding, we will assume it has been discussed and consent given. If you have been godmoded without your consent, your first recourse should be to talk to the player who did the godmoding.
2. Respect Threadrunners
Without TRs, there would be no threads to play in! A huge amount of effort goes into creating threads, and keeping them running smoothly. It is incumbent upon players participating in a thread to follow the rules set out by the TR, and not to take over/divert a thread from its intended purpose, or interfere with what others are doing without consent. If you have an idea for what you want to do in a thread, but think it may be disruptive, please ask the TR first. Life happens for TRs too, and it may occur that someone disappears while their thread is still running. If a thread seems to have reached its conclusion, or has reached such a length that a new thread seems to be warranted, you must make a good faith effort to contact the original TR before taking over the thread or creating a replacement. If your attempt to contact the TR goes unanswered for over a week, you may proceed with changes/a new thread (if using all or part of the original TR's OP, you must give credit), but you may not close someone's else's thread without their direct permission. Should the TR return within a month, it is their prerogative to reverse changes you may have made to their thread, or reopen it, at their discretion.
3. Respect Other Players
Behind the screens and distance between us, we are all human. Enormous amounts of time and effort go into creating and playing the characters we bring to life on the Plaza, and it is each person's right to decide what they want to do with their characters and their time. If you have an idea for a specific/detailed/lengthy plot to RP with another person, talk to them first rather than just diving in! If everyone is on the same page beforehand about what they're getting into, no one is stuck either disappointed, or trying to extricate themselves from an unwanted situation. Likewise, if someone tells you they no longer want to be involved in a plot/RP/situation/etc., respect their decision. There are many reasons to exit a plot, and anyone has the right to remove their character(s) from a situation they no longer want to participate in for any reason. Be kind to each other, communicate, and strive to foster creativity and joy.
Can I Play A Canon Character?
There are no site-wide rules prohibiting you from playing a canon character. Please carefully read the OP of each thread you participate in, to ensure that the threadrunner(s) did not explicitly make any rules: prohibiting canon characters, establishing who will be playing a certain canon character or characters in that thread, or asked people to sign up to play certain canon character(s). All we ask when you are playing a canon character outside of threads with any particular rules about them is that you realize that no one has exclusive claim to that character, and to exercise common sense and communicate with other players if it looks like there may be a conflict or confusion over who is playing who.
Threadrunner Responsibilities
Resolution for Rulebreaking
It is up the the threadrunner to enforce their rules. If someone breaks a rule in your thread, your first action should be to ask them to correct the issue, either by self-editing their post or taking note of the rule in future. If the person does not comply, you may come to the admin team and request we make the edit/remind the person that the TR has set the rule. If the person continues to violate the rule, you as TR have the discretion to eject them from your thread. If you eject someone and that person attempts to return to the thread, you may then come to the admin team and ask that we enforce the ejection.
If you forget to include a rule
If you realize after the fact that you have forgotten to put a rule in your OP- for instance if someone posts with the wrong type of character, or doesn't include a CW, etc., and you realize only after they have posted that you forgot to include that rule, you can of course edit your OP to put in the forgotten rule. However, it is your responsibility to notify the participants of your thread that such a rule now exists, and posts prior to your institution of that rule should not be counted against the poster(s). You can, of course, ask them to edit their post, but only posts made after you notify the thread of the new rule will be considered in violation of that rule.
Once you have decided to change or add a rule and edited your OP, you must make a post in the affected thread stating that the rules have been updated, and the date from which the changes are effective (e.g., 'From this post forward,' or 'on July 6,' etc). This date cannot be earlier than the date/time of your posting the announcement, but you are free to give advance notice of a rule change coming into effect after your posting. This post in the thread is the only required notice, however if there is an OOC thread related to the thread whose rules you are changing/updating, you may want to post a notice there also to ensure maximum awareness.
A note on Content/Trigger Warnings
The use of CW/TW is at the discretion of each individual poster, or at the discretion of a TR choosing to put a CW/TW requirement on their thread. If a TR chooses to instate a CW/TW rule, it is, like any other rule, enforceable by the admins through the above resolution scheme. However, we will not be independently combing the plaza for posts we think require CW/TW. There are so many different opinions on what content needs a warning, and so many of them are personal to each individual, that this would be an impossible task for the admin team. If you are not the TR of a thread and happen across a post you believe should have a CW/TW, your first action should be to speak to the poster or/and TR. Use the 'report' button only if you believe a post violates Plaza rules.
For those unfamiliar with CW/TW: Content Warnings and Trigger Warnings are headings used to warn the reader of potential distressing content that follows. This can include such things as strong violence, sexual content, sexual abuse, physical abuse, self harm, body dysmorphia, suicide, suicidal thoughts/other mental health issues, death, and other sensitive topics. A Content Warning is generally used when the person posting the content wishes to warn others of what is coming, but doesn't feel the content is necessarily likely to be triggering - that is, to cause severe emotional distress in someone who may have past trauma associated with the subject matter, which may include PTSD. A Trigger Warning is generally used when the person posting the content thinks that it is likely to be triggering to someone who has past trauma or/and PTSD associated with the subject matter. As mentioned above, these are fairly subjective and highly personal/individual definitions, and it is up to the poster to decide if they want/need to include a warning, and which type of warning to use. Threadrunners may or may not choose to define what type of warnings should be used for what content in their threads. For further reading on CW/TW, here are some resources that may help. These are not exhaustive or the end-all be-all surrounding CW/TW: Self-Defined's Content Warning Guidelines, University of Michigan, TW Guide tumblr
What is the admin team's role in enforcing the Code of Conduct?
All members participating in roleplay on the Plaza are responsible for abiding by the above tenets and, if running a thread, the threadrunner responsibilities. Where issues related to any of the tenets or threadrunner responsibilities arise, members should always first seek to resolve those issues by communicating with each other. Miscommunication or/and misunderstanding are often the root of such difficulties, and we are confident that in most situations our members will be able to discuss reasonably with each other and sort out their problems. If, however, you are unable to resolve an issue, you may approach the admin team for support, where we may be able to act as mediators, or if necessary, make a decision on a given issue.
As with the General Rules, we aspire to operate on a policy of three strikes, allowing for the growth and change of members who may make mistakes. Each situation will be reviewed and investigated on a case by case basis to determine the intent of the member in question. However, deliberate, intentional, or/and extreme infractions may result in an immediate ban. Continued and deliberate infractions following the three-strikes warnings will also result in a permanent ban. Please note that this three-strikes policy covers all Plaza rules/policies collectively. There are not three separate strikes for the General Rules and RP CoC.
Any member of the admin team is available to you to discuss concerns or receive reports of infractions of these rules, and there is also a reporting form with the option to remain anonymous.
RP Code of Conduct last updated July 3rd 2021