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Fox in the Henhouse - Spring Fest Game

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 8:23 am
by Fuin Elda

The eggs of Rohan are in danger! It appears that there is a fox in the hen houses of the Mark this spring!

This is a mafia style game, hopefully we have enough people to play (5 people is the normal minimum) if not I will create some NPCs and we will figure out how to do this with less players cause I can do that!

Chicks - Villagers
Hen - Healer/Inspector
Fox - Mafia

Nights will last a minimum of 48 hours
The Hen will have a choice to inspect or heal once per night
The Fox will be able to kill one person per night

When morning breaks EVERYONE except the 'dead' tries to figure who the fox is and get them removed from the hen house.

Day will also last a minimum of 48 hours.

The Villagers win if they get rid of the fox or the fox wins if he gets it down to them and one other player.

Please RP yourself coming into the hen house to sign up.
You may RP multiple posts at night and during the day but please remember you only may vote ONCE during the day.
Must be willing to be contacted via Discord, Telegram or email for roll assignments and secret actions at night.