[AMAZON TV SPOILERS] Why isn't a Certain Intriguing Monarch not in Power in Rings of Power?

"As for myself," said Eomer, "I have little knowledge of these deep matters; but I need it not."
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... so, after looking at the old threads on Tolkien and women I decided to research the Ruling Queens of Numenor. There were three of them. One of them was a person who focused on music and dancing rather than ruling, the second was Tar-Ancalimë (she deserves a show. So much drama!) and finally we have the Numenor ruler who was in power not only during the forging of the actual Rings of Power, the beginning of the Sauron-Elves Wars, and a major defeat of Sauron near the end of said war:

Tar-Telperiën, who ruled for 175 years and lived for 411 years, who was unwed/heirless and also apparently did not give up her throne until she was dying (Numenorean monarchs typically step down a few years before their death).

This. Is. Money. I can smell the profit from over 7000 miles away. Why did they not use this monarch for the first season and then use Ar-Pharazon as a foil for the later seasons?

EDIT: This would be like if they had King James I be King of England instead of Queen Elizabeth I (also unwed) during the Spanish Armada in history flicks

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The succinct (to the point of being boring) answer is that the showrunners decided early on that they didn't want timeskips, so they had the forging of the Rings of Power occur contemporaneously with the lives of the characters who get the lion's share of attention in the Akallabêth. They significantly beefed up Tar-Míriel's role compared to her book counterpart, allowing her to wield political power, albeit while needing to keep her Elf-friend sympathies quiet and pander to the King's Men. Show!Míriel arguably shares some of Tar-Telperiën's DNA, for example since (spoilers for later episodes in season 1) she sends a naval expedition to Middle-earth. It's a far cry from the great fleet Tar-Telperiën sent to intervene in the War of the Elves and Sauron—assuming one puts stock in the version where it was her and not Tar-Minastir who did so—but I suspect that's due more to the show's broader difficulty depicting scale than anything they meant to say about Míriel's character.
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@Eldy Dunami ...I actually wrote out an entire rant trying to hypothesize that they created the mithril plot point elven decay storyline before that timeskip decision as a way to justify no timeskips. But then I was like... eh. I'll just write my own Rings of Power Fanfiction (eventually) using only the same books that they are allowed to use (presumably LOTR, the appendices, and nothing else).

Thanks for the response. If I was in charge of the show I'd lay off the people would didn't want timeskips, because if I have a large budget and a ton of demand from actors, then if I can think of a way to effectively use timeskips to enhance the story in 2 minutes 10 seconds, I can find and pay people who can make it better.

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